cowledcrusader · 4 years
BRUCE AND CASS BEING SWEET! if you're wanting requests lol,,, I love your art btw,,, so good,,, I'd die if u drew Cass and Bruce like cuddling or sleeping or something
Thank you!!! Bruce gets post Batman Inc mission hugs whenever she comes back! 
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
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Bruce adopting Tim.
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
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Batman and Robin (2011) #40
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
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Have some of Bruce saying actually uplifting Batdad stuff to Damian. We don’t get that too often.
(From Batman & Robin Eternal #22)
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
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this bruce wayne would NEVER hit his kids fuck you dc 
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
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Selina & Bruce by Romy Jones
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
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i actually return to the blog always because of batdad’s relationship with his kids.
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
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Bruce and Jay
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
He’d expected this reaction; the absolute absence of any kind of defensiveness in the other’s voice. Cold and matter of fact; I did what I had to do, and you just have to accept that. It’s the style of leadership that most grates on Hal’s nerves, it’s also one of the reasons he and Bruce continue to butt heads. He gets lectured on responsibility a great deal by the other, but ‘just accept it’ has never really looked like a great way of taking any.
The ironic thing is that Bruce is so caught up in expecting Hal to expect an explanation that it doesn’t seem to have occurred to him that the Green Lantern, of all the League, might have a different perspective on the contingency plans.
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“So why didn’t you?”
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“Why didn’t I stop you when you became Parallax, is that what you’re asking?” Bruce glanced at the Green Lantern with his usual serious expression. He expected that kind of conversation, one that Hal would bring up the Parallax incident. It wasn’t predictable, in fact it was a positive sign -- the man wanted to talk about it, and no matter how many good actions he had done pre and post-Parallax, how many times he had apologized everyone, Hal would still feel guilty.
“I didn’t expect you to have a powerful Fear entity inside you, Hal. My contingency plan was for you and you only.” That showed how much Bruce could commit mistakes as well.
A sigh as he leaned back against his chair, pulling his cowl off in concern. “I’ve failed you and the rest of humanity.”
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
“When you’ve got a minute, we really need to talk”
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“Okay, later. I’m busy now.” His tone was harsh as usual, expected when he was working on his mission’s studies. He didn’t like when someone interrupted him, unless it was urgent. It was a bad habit, something he should work on.
Yes. He should work on his bad behavior.
A pause, and he released the scalpel on the table, trying not to worry so much about the moment. “Okay... what’s going on, Dick?”
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
“I need you to trust me”
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“Don’t I trust you enough?” Perhaps not, but Bruce didn’t want to risk the life of his kids more than they already did. He never wanted them to fight crime, to follow his steps... though they were as stubborn as him. All of them.
Bruce would be out of work for a couple of weeks, at least. He was severely wounded, and he couldn’t even walk. Hell, his vision was blurry. But... did he really want Dick to do his job? “Don’t do anything foolish, Dick.”
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
“i hate to break it to you, but you’re not supposed to do any strenuous physical activity for the next couple weeks, and if i have to personally make sure you don’t every waking hour of the day then i’m fully prepared to do that.”
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“Great.” Bruce turned the lamp on, his eyes squinting slightly at the light. By that time of the night, he would be getting ready to patrol, but it seemed like Dick was determinate to stop him from even trying to leave bed.
“The fever is better, so is the wound in my abdomen. Why are you acting like Alfred, Dick?” As if the young man wouldn’t leave his place to fight crime with a couple of bad wounds or even worse. Anyway, the hypocrisy.
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
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“You don’t even know what I was going to say.” But the gaze behind white lenses doesn’t turn any less pointed, the focus in the Lantern’s gaze undeniable even if his intentions weren’t yet clear– maybe the intention of the inscrutable stare is to give Bruce a taste of his own medicine for once. But that’s not Hal’s usual M.O.; despite the ongoing war of small but petty actions between the detective and the pilot, it’s not his objective either.
For once, in fact, the Lantern is simply considering his words.
“Bruce.” A moment to let the other’s name, and the complete lack of levity in his tone settle. If the Batman’s got any detective instincts after all, Hal’s got his attention now. “The contingency plans.” An infamous moment for the team. One the Lantern knows has yet to be fully smoothed over with some of the other members, perhaps forgiven but not yet forgotten. But there is no accusation in Hal’s voice, simply a directness that cuts straight to the point of what he wishes to speak to the other about. 
“What was your plan for me?”
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“If I tell you about it, it won’t be a contingency plan anymore.” That was the truth. Batman knew well he was the only one in the League who had no powers to confront the rest of his teammates if they went rogue. Not even the most powerful technology could stop Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash... and the Green Lantern. So Bruce had no choice but keep those plans in secret. Clark might understand the reason why Bruce was doing that, but the others? Not so much.
And now Hal was questioning him, and Batman was in no mood to talk about that.
“The problem is, Hal, you can easily crush me with your ring. I don’t have much to fight against you but my own mind. So if you ever go rogue, I’ll have a way to stop you. For the good of humanity.”
They should understand that, for all that the League represented. “Now, Hal, I’m busy. Do you have any more questions?”
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
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Batman Beyond - S1E7: “Shriek” (1999)
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
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I love the grunge, gritty aesthetic of The Batman 2021 trailer. Plus Batman with smudged eyeliner is a LOOK.
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cowledcrusader · 4 years
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she wanted to be an optimist and she knew bruce did too, but they were both people who tended to keep their expectations low, and always expected the worst out of any situation. she hoped tomorrow might be a bit better, and the day after that a bit better, and so on. she nodded, giving his hand a squeeze. ‘ all i brought was a duffel.. you know i pack light. ‘ an encouraging smile, at least. she, for her part, could not wait to see her son.
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“I’ll ask Alfred to help you with clothes and personal items later. For now, I just have one question.” Bruce sighed, cupping her hand with his. “Your father... won’t he get mad at you for leaving? He won’t simply allow his daughter to live with her lover. Especially when you’re willing to abandon the League of Assassins. I don’t think he was happy to see Damian fighting crime by my side instead of getting ready to lead the League.”
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