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Pretty much just Aphrodite, Apollo, tea, witchcraft, Taylor Swift, gay cartoons and cats. I'm a gaylor btw so don't get me wrong
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
Trust what your soul tells you.
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
the first is the part of my altar dedicated to Aphrodite and the second is Apollo's, but it is in process. Any toughts?
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
if i was dianna agron i’d wait for 1989 tv to drop, post a throwback thursday pic of my alice in wonderland tattoo and then log out
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
hate cunts who are like "well maybe this piece of art doesn't mean anything" Your desire for simplicity is boring! Bitch!!!!! everything in the whole world means everything 2 me ....
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
she's just like me
i love the way taylor is constantly like oh god how could you love me? i'm a fucking mess. then again, of course you love me, i'm the best. but seriously, please stay with me forever. not that i need to say that, i know you love me, you couldn't stay away from me if you tried. i do wish i could brainwash you into staying by my side though. god you're so OBSESSED WITH ME!!!
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
worshiping Aphrodite is waking up, looking in the mirror and looking like a total princess
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
sometimes i feel like im being disrespectful towards Apollo because i talk more to Aphrodite while damn sure he's my spiritual guide, but i actually love him and respect him a lot and i feel him everytime im acting, drawing or doing anything art related. Sometimes even when just by feeling the sun on my back i remember him, but i just don't say it out loud/have an altar for him or pray to him; so maybe i should just start? I don't know.
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
some of you are miserable because you're mean. like you're just mean to people and things
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
This is useful, but i also have a question. Would it be disrespectful to say blessed be (to someone who has expressed being okay with it) without being a wiccan? Maybe it seems like an obvious question but it's really not to me. I don't think blessing is something inherently religious¿ but i could be just missinformed.
"Blessed be" - do you actually know where it came from?
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"Blessed be" has become quite the catch phrase in 21st century spiritual circles, especially among the modern witch communities. It's practically become the witches' version of "I will pray for you", and quite frankly, it's become more and more annoying for many of us to see it and hear it all the time, everywhere.
The phrase originates from a Wiccan ritual, which is included in some Gardnerian initiation ceremonies. During the rite, the Wiccan High Priest or High Priestess delivers what it known as the Five Fold Kiss, and recites the following words:
Blessed be thy feet, which have brought thee in these ways, Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar, Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be, Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty, Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names of the gods.
Before Gerald Gardner incorporated the phrase into his Book of Shadows, "blessed be" has appeared in other religious texts such as the King James Bible ("blessed be the name of the Lord"), which, I would not be surprised, if it were the inspiration for the phrase "blessed be the fruit" in The Handmaid's Tale.
So, as you can see, for the witches who aren't Wiccan, and for the witches who aren't religious at all, this can be an obnoxious thing that gets thrown at all of us constantly.
I maintain my position that "blessing" people as well as praying for people without their consents and/or against their wishes is an invasive thing to do to begin with.
There are many appropriate phrases to express well wishing that can be used as a greeting or form of regards. Stop saying "blessed be" to everyone. Please.
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
Witchcraft: Herb Protection and Rituals for the Home
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Credit: animamundiherbals
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
Hey! This may be super obvious but, someone told me that being devoted to / worshiping a deity is different than *working* with one, and I've also been told that you shouldn't / would do well to not *work* with two deities that don't get along, does this apply to worship as well? For example could one worship Persephone and Aphrodite at the same time and it be okay so long the practitioner isn't working with them?? Sorry this is so long and maybe an obvious question!! thanks sm for reading<3
I've personally never heard that you shouldn't work with two deities that don't get along, but i also wouldn't consider Aphrodite and Persephone to be two deities that don't get along. I've personally only worked with Persephone a few times, but I feel like i've heard from worshipers of Hers that She and Aphrodite get along well??
Regardless, it doesn't make a difference. You can work with and/or worship any deity at any time. No one will be offended.
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
Taylor had to release red tv to get us all to say fuck you jake but she didnt even have to release speak now tv to get us wanting to hit john mayer with our car
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
Apollo Deity Guide
The Romans knew him as either Apollo or Phoebus, he is the god of the sun, art, and music.
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Who is Apollo?
Apollo was also worshipped as god of healing and medicine as well as prophecy and divination.
Unlike his more introverted twin sister, Apollo kept the company of many beings from deities to mortals.
Parents and Siblings
Zeus is his father, his mother is Leto
Artemis is his only full sibling.
Helen of Troy
The Graces
The Muses
Lovers or Partners
Apollo had lovers of both the male and female variety!
Female Lovers include: Hecuba, Ourea, Arsinoe, Coronis, Creusa, Cyrene, Rhoeo, Evadne, Thero, Dryope and The Muses.
Male Lovers include: Cyparissus, Branchus, Admetus, Adonis, Atymnius, Boreas, Helenus, Hippolytus, Hymenaios, Hyacinth, Lapis, Phorbas
Apollo also had many one-sided loves such as Daphne, Hyrie/Thyrie, and Melia.
He had many children including, Asclepius, Orpheus, Ion, Aristaeus, Amphiaraus, Troilus and Scylla. Look here for a bigger list of Apollo's children and their mothers.
Phoebus Apollo, or just Pheobus
Loxias” (referring to the god’s ambiguous oracles, called loxia)
“Lyceus” (a word that simultaneously evokes light, wolves, and the region of Lycia) (Mythopedia)
Apollo Daphnephoros
He is often conflated with Helios, the personification of the sun.
Holy Days/Festivals
The Pythian Games
The Delia
Celebrated in Athens, The Boedromia, Metageitnia, and Pyanepsia
Thargelia.) - Apollo’s Birthday, the day after Artemis’, would be the 7th day of Thargelion, which is roughly May 25th in the Gregorian calendar.
The Carneia and Hyacinthia were celebrated in Sparta
The Daphnephoria was celebrated every nine years in Thebes
From literature we know that the twins didn’t immediately start out as deities of the moon and sun respectively.
The most important temple dedicated to Apollo is the temple and Oracle at Delphi. The priestess Pythia would listen to and deliver Apollo’s prohocies and words. The story says that Pythia had breathed in vapors that rose from a spring underneath the temple.
Modern Deity Work
Disclaimer - Not all of these are traditional or historic correspondences nor do they need to be. However, any correspondence that can be considered traditional will be marked with a (T).
Tiger’s eye jasper
Laurel (T)
Hyacinth (T)
Palm tree (T)
Larkspur (T)
Marigolds (Calendula)
Swans (T)
Ravens and crows (T)
Deer (T)
Hawks (T)
Lyre/Harp (T)
Curved Bow (T)
The Sun (T)
Plectrum (pick)
Laurel Crown (T)
Any of the items listed above, or iconography of the items
Art of or that reminds you of Apollo (T)
Signs of the Sun
Honey (T)
Baked goods
Fruits and nuts (T)
Sun water
Wine (T)
Olives, olive oil, olive branch (T)
Acts of Devotion
Celebrate the Olympics
Take up a sport
Read hymns of Apollo (T)
Watch and appreciate the sunrise and sunset
Bask in the sunlight (use sunscreen if you plan on doing this for longer than a few minutes!)
Practice divination (T)
Study philosophy, medicine, and pursue knowledge!
Write or read poetry and songs written for Apollo (T)
Keep in mind that these are only some ideas for offerings and correspondences! Items and activities that connect you to her in a more personal way are just as good, and often better, than those you find on the internet. As with any relationship, feel it out, ask questions, and be attentive and receptive!
References and Further Reading
Apollo - Mythopedia
Mythopedia has huge lists on either page for further reading on both Artemis and Apollo.
Apollo - Wikipedia
Apollo - Theoi Project
More Epithets here
Apollo -
Myths of Greece and Rome; Apollo (Phoebus) By Jane Harrison (Via Sacred-Texts)
Fun fact about Coin: I have a tattoo inspired by Apollo, with an arrow going through the roman numeral XIII and a minimalist sun overlaying the middle of the number in honor of my own twin who has the same tattoo but with a moon instead of a sun.
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
You are enough for the gods, they understand, don’t be so hard with yourself 
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
opening your heart to Aphrodite is like:
a sudden burst of self love, you look in the mirror and you see the best version of yourself reflected
a heightened sense of adoration for your partner - i just looked at him and was so overcome by the love i felt that i burst into tears
inescapable yearning for the ocean, the ocean, the ocean
seeing the beauty in even the tiniest of things - have you seen light reflecting from the droplets on a spiders web? that is ethereal.
feeling a little more vivacious in what you do, but also more gentle
realising she's been around you the whole time, you just had to open your eyes
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
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Just in time for Samhain (Vetrnaetr)!
This challenge is meant for you to develop your bond with a chosen deity, or deities. Indeed, you can use it to honor as many deities as you want. You could choose a single deity to devote this challenge to, or you can switch it up as you go and devote certain days to certain deities! Since this challenge’s goal is to improve one’s connection to a deity/deities, it won’t require of you to do any active magical work or elborate ritual. These are all simple actions that can fit into your schedule easily. Enjoy!
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cowboylikeinez · 2 years ago
Voy a experimentar un poco con las opciones que trae tumblr
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