cowboy-junction · 8 years
*finger guns* you're kinda alive? ?
I'm gonna hit ya with a solid "maybe" Prooobbaabbblllyyyy not gonna stay permanently because of college and work, but i was just checking in to remember the good ol days :'') But goodness gracious I'm so happy to see you're still here! :D
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cowboy-junction · 8 years
When will you come back? ;A;
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cowboy-junction · 8 years
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cowboy-junction · 9 years
Well gosh there pardner I sure as a dead doornail don’ feel alive with all them damn finals ‘n ed-yu-cashun
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cowboy-junction · 9 years
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cowboy-junction · 9 years
omfg i just ordered pizza and as i was about to hang up i said love you out of habit and the guy said it back and after a whole minute of dead silence he just tells me that he hopes that i’m not expecting a discount on the pizza just cause we confessed our undying love for each other! oMFG!
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cowboy-junction · 9 years
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Here it is! My steven universe parody~ :>
It may be a bit wonky and a bit too fast but it’s alright with me. Animated it on photoshop (for the first time actually) but I drew the 56 frames in firealpaca.
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cowboy-junction · 9 years
Ginny: There are no perps on Cowboy Junction. It’s perfectly safe here.
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cowboy-junction · 9 years
Rusty’s face contorted until it formed an expression of pure shock and terror. This girl seemed to know what she was talking about, and... Did she say potions?!
“I-I... uh... I just remembered... I have to go do that, uh, thing... Like, right now, immediately. Um, yeah.” No way was he staying here! Not with that wizard-witch lady! He’d rather bury himself in centipedes than become one of her next experiments, or whatever. 
Rusty scowled. “I can handle anything, girlie. When’s the last time you blew off a rattlesnake’s head with one shot? Never? Didn’t think so.” How dare she try to figure out his personality so quickly! If she was gonna try to pick the cowboy’s brains, that’s too bad! Rusty’s brains are unpickable!
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cowboy-junction · 9 years
Yeah, sweetheart, got it right here! And every other valuable thing I could ravage from your kitchen, too!
Rule number one of the Wild West: Never trust a cowboy! Ha! *vamooses the hell outta there*
It was you!
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You were in my kitchen!
What were you doing there?!?! Stealing?!!? Because WHAT CAN YOU STEAL IN A KITCHEN?!?
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cowboy-junction · 9 years
“Oh ho ho, so I’m right! You are working for someone else!” Despite the threatening glares from Brandi, Rusty smiled slyly. “Lemme tell ya something. True criminals work for themselves, or get a handful of pawns, like you, to use up doing their dirty work. Come talk to me again when you’ve decided to do something really illegal.”
“Hey! Don’t interrupt me! …what number was I on? Oh, never mind.” Rusty was inwardly cursing himself on not getting a better education.
“Lookie here, li'l miss. You don’t scare me. In fact, I bet you’re just a screw-up underling for someone. You’re not a real criminal!”
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cowboy-junction · 9 years
“W-Wha..? No, uh, y’see, I didn’t wanna hurt you, ‘s all...” Was he really that see-through? Sienna knew how to bump him down a few pegs, that’s for sure. 
“Say, why do you hang around such losers like Mandy? Seems like you just keep getting hurt ‘round her.” Nothing like switching gears from an arrogant a-hole to a caring and sentimental guy to get the girl, right?
Love potion //AHAHA
Send me ‘love potion’ for my muse to drink a love potion meant for someone else and fall in love with your muse. The potion effects will only wear off if my muse kisses yours
   Noticing the glass of oddly coloured placid liquid, Sienna grabbed at it, ignoring any sort of safety concerns and common courtesy. She shook the glass around, watching the rainbow of colours swirl around, before shrugging and taking a swig of it without hesitation.
   She started to feel a bit light-headed after that, and she looked over to Rusty, who she had (repeatedly, to the point of annoyance) coerced to spend time with her. Sienna’s face tinted red vaguely, and she found herself scooting closer to him on the bench they were sitting on. She leaned her head on his shoulder, some of her words coming out in long slurs.
   “Ruuuuuuuusty, Rusty, heeeeeeeeey.  Have I ever told you that you’re really cute~? Because you are reaaaalllly cute~.”
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cowboy-junction · 9 years
glow-stick-master said: ((very curious about angst))
phoneytravoney said: ((HELLO WHAT’S THIS ABOUT MYSIMS ANGST))
except maybe gothboy
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cowboy-junction · 9 years
“Darn tootin’ it’s sad,” Rusty said, dropping his gaze to his feet.
“Wait... food?” The cowboy yanked his head up in delight, and a true smile grew on his face for the first time in a long while. “I--uh--Yeah! I don’t suppose you know how to make coffee cake, do ya? A-And I could do something in return, like... I dunno...”
“It’s not sad! It’s just…lonely, I guess. I get bored easily.” Rusty couldn’t get past the fact that the moving meat slab in front of him was a genuine zombie. The way he smiled threw him off. Was he actually trying to become friends with him?
“I suppose… it might work…?”
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cowboy-junction · 9 years
You should care, ‘cuz I’m the only genuine cowboy ‘round these parts. 
Wait... you’re not human?! Then what the diddly-do are you? And this whole time I thought you just dunked yerself in a pool of gray paint.
I leave for ONE day and now you're crazier than a wild horse on steroids
Fun doesn’t wait for no one. And why the hell would you inject steroids into a wild horse? You might as well dump it into the river.
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cowboy-junction · 9 years
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cowboy-junction · 9 years
Reblog if you say "Y'all"
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