41 posts
"There are others who suffer more than I. But it's not the size of the problem that makes the difference. I didn’t have the strength in me to overcome it. " Citizen / Apt. U-6 / Able to utilize her arm up to three times per day but weakened and only able to shape the net Affiliated with Citta Alveare.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
covetoushands · 8 years ago
If she wished to come back to life, what would be the point? She was no ghost here; flesh, blood and dread tethered her to this world. Besides, she had nothing to go back to if she could. If she wished for her powers to go away, it would only be temporary solution. She would spend the following week fearing their return, makingit an entirely worthless wish.
And if she wish for what she really wanted -- a good, kind, dear friend-- she’d feel so...
”.. Pathetic.”
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“ Maybe I should make a wish for someone else’s sake. ”
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covetoushands · 8 years ago
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{☄} Sissel purred appreciatively when she knelt down to pet him- even if he couldn’t really feel, it was the thought that counted. And she was quite the giver of compliments too, clearly knowing how to properly inflate his ego.
She seemed to want to give him some food, but Sissel knew that wasn’t necessary for him- if your body isn’t alive, it doesn’t need to eat, after all. He didn’t want to make the nice girl waste her time or her money getting him things.
‘Appreciated, but I’m not too hungry. Thanks, though.’
“Oh, is that so? Another time then! Because I--” The sentence was left unfinished thanks to a halt in her thought processes. She made an attempt to say something... but then closed her mouth. Instead, she continued to smile and affectionately pet the animal, appearing fine about a talking animal on the surface. But eventually, her hand slowed to a stop, although the expression on her face remained the same.
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“... um. “ Her memories flashed to her last encounter with a talking animal and her hand shot back to her side.
“I... are you... you aren’t secretly a highschool student, are you?” She chuckled softly but the sound was awkward and she coughed against the inside of her elbow. “It.... it would be a shame if something so cute was trying to... kill me...”
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covetoushands · 8 years ago
With a serious look of deep contemplation, Momoka stared at the face of coal and ice smiling up at her, observing the snowman from the tip of it’s carrot nose to the the top of it’s hat. It wasn’t that she thought it was badly made;  on the contrary, whoever had made it had taken the utmost care in creating this winter delight and it’s craftsmanship was to be applauded! No, that wasn’t the issue at all. 
It was just... she couldn’t remember if she had ever seen a snowman before. And that didn’t seem right. But any memory not spent in the spring just seemed so fuzzy-- 
The head fell off. 
She blinked and waved a hand over the headless torso before panic had settled in. The head fell off!! Quickly, she scrambled to put the snow man back together but in the process, the once jovial fellow was looking like a lump of anguish, the coals of the smiles slipping into a mismashed frown. And now making matters worse, it seemed someone had appeared just as she was fixing it.
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“T-This isn’t vandalism! It was an accident! I-It moved on its own!”
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covetoushands · 8 years ago
“A-Aren’t you cold?” The words were blurted out before Momoka could stop herself and she cringed at the sound of her own voice. Why couldn’t her chattering teeth be kind enough to bite off her tongue mid-sentence? At least she could control her hands from adjusting his jacket and zipping it up for some secured level of warmth.
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“I.. I mean.. I think it’s cold. Erm....” She rubbed her arms when a chilly breeze hit the two of them and she frowned.  “.... Would you like a scarf? Or some mittens... I-I wouldn’t mind giving up either one.... um...”
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covetoushands · 8 years ago
“Oh! How cute....” Flatting her palmagainst the length of her skirt, Momoka knelt down to smile down at the black cat and reached out to give him a small pat on his head. “I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen such beautiful fur. And those eyes! Oh, you’re absolutely charming...” If only her parents had let her keep a cat. She doubt would have felt so lonely back then if she had a companion to come home to every day.
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 “Would you like something to eat, you sweet little thing? I might have a few snacks on me...” She absentmindedly began to search through her pockets, frowning at the lack of delicious treats hidden within them.  “....Well, I wouldn’t mind buying something from the store for you either.”
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covetoushands · 8 years ago
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Hello! I’m very happy to be able to play Momoka again and get things started on her! ♥ If you’d like a small starter, please like this this post! I’ll get to them throughout the week!
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covetoushands · 10 years ago
On one hand, Momoka had lived long enough in this city to acknowledge the fact that the supernatural were ordinary sights. A boy with wings could just be a simple mail carrier, a woman with scales could serve you tea and if the rumors were true, giant trees would occassionally shut off the lights to the city. It was surprisingly easy to get used to, considering what she had gone through in her own world.
 ... On the other hand, she was still a teenaged girl. A very reserved girl instilled with modest values. And the ordinary sight of a shirtless boy was enough to send her into a stuttering mess. "A-Aren't you cold? I... I mean... I s-suppose it isn't too cold in this-- I... s-something could get bitten off if you don't w-wear a shirt!"
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 "T-There's so many clothing shops in this city, do... do you need h-help with that...?"
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covetoushands · 10 years ago
"I don't mind what you or anyone else calls me... Yuki, was it? I'm just surprised. I'm not used to... seeing things like this, out here." Blood. Gaping holes. Sweet remarks. A long list of things macabre and strange; those were things she had to grow accustom to. But not out here, in reality. Momoka frowned, wiping a thumb across the young face, swiping at the blood and giving the hand the held her a squeeze. "It gets to me, a bit, that the real world is just as bad as those dreams..."
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"... Wouldn't you like an eyepatch? Or maybe we could get you a glass eye?"
The little girl smiled and giggle like any other happy kid would be.Of course she knew well this woman wanting to run away but it surprised her how was Momoka still near her.Yuki grabbed her hand,holding it softly.
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"Haaah it’s okay! I think it’s fine for someone to worry haha!" she laughed a little "Neee neee big sis doesn’t like to be called that? or is it that something happened?"
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covetoushands · 10 years ago
"T-The morning!? For a sandwich!?" Couldn't they just make their own? The process of slapping together pieces of bread and meat didn't warrant waiting in line for god knows how many hours just for the result. She clutched her meal and looked around with a nervous eye; no one... would come and tried to steal it, would they?
"... H-Huh? Oh yes... I'm new. Quite new, if that wasn't obvious enough." Momoka took a small bite of her food, still keeping an eye out. "Though... I don't understand how I can be... anywhere. It just doesn't make any sense."
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"... If you don't mind my asking, how long have you've been here exactly? And... do people ever get to leave?"
     Morgan let out a rather happy laugh at her apparent reaction to the taste of the sandwich, quickly taking his own and tearing a bite out of it, chewing it with great vigor. He’d nod his head at her with another small laugh, quickly swallowing his bite to answer her remark. 
" People tend to wait quite early in the mornings for sandwiches like these! It’s rather shocking to see how far people tend to go. ” When she proceeded to ask about his time spent here, another nod of his head would warrant she was right on the spot on that. 
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" You’d be correct on that notion! While not as long as others, I make it a habit to learn as much as I can about this city. That does include the food and the like here, which I think helps a lot, quite like this scenario! On the reverse, I assume you must be quite new here, then? “ 
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covetoushands · 10 years ago
" Is that so? Hmm... " It seemed like she had accidentally hit a sore spot. Best to keep silent on the matter then, and move on. She didn't want to abandon the friendly atmosphere. And really, the clothing topic was what she was really interested in. 
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"I'm sure the clothes you have in your store is more than lovely! Besides, I'm not one to be too in touched with fashion, unfortunately." In the looks apartment she considered herself to be rather mousey. Dress her in a fancy gown or used sundress and you would get the same plain result.  "B... But... there is a slight concern of mine... that a tailor may solve..." Her hand began to stroke her tie absentmindedly as she thought on it. "Just... a hunch... a suspicion, I guess, after walking around this city and  seeing so many.... unique people with strange abilities... So... um... are you able to make clothing... that could change size or form...? "
“How old am I…? Ah. I mean… well, I’m not too old…”
     Rinnosuke deflected the question. He wasn’t about to say he was older than one hundred years. He didn’t even know how old he was, anymore. Certainly not anywhere near a thousand years old, that much he was certain of.
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”I don’t believe I could handle an inn, frankly. But, yes, please do.”
     More customers was always good.
”If there isn’t any clothing I have to your liking, I could make you something, I suppose. Though, that is a bit more expensive… that aside, it’s your choice.”
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covetoushands · 10 years ago
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covetoushands · 10 years ago
How very... well, perhaps kind wasn't the correct word to use in this scenario. Logical, rational, well-reasoned. Even cold. Despite how nice he claimed to be, those words defined his actions far better than kind. But certainly, she simply was over-thinking it. A gift was a gift, even if it was only a means to throw away excess. 
And she was rather hungry. And one bite later proved to the sandwich to quite delicious, so...
"I owe you even more of my thanks! This is great! T-Though... I don't know if I'd be able to wait in such a long line for something like this, even if it is tasty..."
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"... Have you lived here long? Since you know about the popularity of these foods, it's safe to assume right?"
" Only when I myself don’t quite need the excess. While it’s nice to save up on these things I suppose, it doesn’t hurt doing something nice for another and handing what you don’t need. In this instance, I’m not hungry enough to need both so I thought it would be nice to hand it to someone else. " Removing his own from his bag would he unwrap his and start to eat it quite happily, looking back up at the individual. 
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" These sandwiches in particular are also quite well made and I would happily have anyone try them at their own convenience. Although as you can probably see behind me, there’s quite the line up. " Motioning behind himself does Morgan show the stranger the long line of customers, even going on outside, only further advancing his claim on these sandwiches’ popularity. 
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covetoushands · 10 years ago
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I-I'd like some more threads on Momoka! So please like this post for a short starter, if you're interested. If you want to do something event related, then please say so! Whether she's in love or angry or what have you, expect her to be a little more physical than usual as a result...
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covetoushands · 10 years ago
          "Yes... you only look to be a few years older than myself, it must be quite the feat. Especially so since you managed to gain a store in a place... well..." She gestured to the whole of the city. The city of rotating buildings, gunshots ringing in the morning and the constant fires of bored super-humans. "It's impressive. How old are you exactly?" 
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"A bit of everything then? Short of bed and breakfast it seems, eh heh. Sounds like a place I should check out soon! " It would be nice to buy what she needed from a familiar face at least. "New clothing would be nice. Walking around in just my school uniform feels... wrong, in a way. Correcting this would be nice first step into this city."
     He was normally better at names— but in those games, words had the tendency to go by so quick that he often forgot some things. That aside, he didn’t quite notice the other’s concern, especially since her response was a smiling one.
”Ah, right, Ohara-san… likewise, I suppose.”
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”… Hm. Do I?”
     People have been calling him young recently… not like he looked particularly old, Rinnosuke believed. Still, it was somewhat strange— yet not exactly something that bothered him.
”At any rate, at Kourindou, I sell just about any sort of antiques, really. Plenty of pots, knick knacks, and other items… though, I also dabble in selling books, clothes, and tools. I tailor as well, sometimes. Among other things…”
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covetoushands · 10 years ago
"A... ghost..." The words were spoken quietly, as if she needed to say them out loud herself to make the statement convincing. Of course... this wasn't a dream and no normal human being would be standing here, chatting so openly with a wound dripping and dripping and dripping like hers. But despite the surrealness of the situation, how her mind was breaking and how her legs urged her to run... Momoka continued to smile.
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She knelt down to speak at eye level with Yuki, hands on the edge of her knees. "B-Big sis is just... a little overwhelmed. Please don't mind me... if you say you're alright then I'll believe you. The dead should trust each other, right? Just I hope you don't mind if I worry just a little..."
This is one strange girl.Seeing how she changed from nervous to calm it made the little girl confused and interested on her.In the end, Yuki just stood silently giving a calm expression but also seeing how she was looking at the eye of Yuki, well more like an open hole with blood coming out of it since her eye was remove it from it along with her tongue.
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"…….." Yuki didn’t say anything and kept staring at her.
Heeeeeh~? Big sis sure changed! it’s like changing personality!” The ghost giggle and nod “Of course! I’m alright! totally alright! I may be a little girl but I guess no one would like to mess with a ghost like me, right?”
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covetoushands · 10 years ago
          The scent and feel of another human being was so...  comforting. She sighed a bit and further burrowed her head into his shoulder. Back when she was still alive, when her friendships were still steady, unchanging and brought her some form of contentment, she couldn't recall the last time she had the chance to hug someone like this. No. All that Momoka could recall were the violent ways she made her desire for contact known in that horrible classroom. Squeezing. Choking. Crushing... She finally freed the boy from her hug and gave him a small, sad smile. "Thank you for this. I'm sorry for making such a silly request... t-though I guess I've.. apologized a few times too much already..."
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".... Now I know someone. Tooru Mutsuki...!" Maybe this would just be a one-time thing. In a city as large as this, maybe she'd never see him again. But gesture was so kind, it would have been okay if so. The thought of this moment alone could give her the strength she needed when she felt overwhelmed. "... O-Oh, I haven't -- I'm... Momoka Ohara. It's nice to meet you..." Awkward shuffling. What was she supposed to say next? 
"Is the... city treating you well?"
. Just one hug
Perhaps it had simply been his sympathy getting the better of him or even his own sense of being by his lonesome. Whatever the case may be, the male (a little reluctantly) allows the female to wrap her arms around his own being, her warmth combining with his own. For a moment, he can’t help but wonder how long it had been since he had indulged in such a simple action…
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"O-Oh…?" is all he can find himself to blurt out at the moment, genuinely surprised by the female’s ordeal. He can definitely find himself sympathizing with her, even if it’s just a little bit, so perhaps that is why he now looks at her with a softer expression. Fumbling around in his mind for longer than necessary for any words of comfort to offer, he finally opens his mouth to speak after some silence.
"W-Well, you know… Er… My name is Mutsuki. Tooru Mutsuki… Now you know someone here, right…?"
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covetoushands · 10 years ago
Send me 'I want the K' and I'll generate a number
1: Hot, Steamy kiss
2: Cheek Kiss
3: Nose Kiss
4: Forehead Kiss
5: Firm Kiss
6: Gentle Peck
7: Romantic Kiss
8: Eyelid Kiss
9: Jawline Kiss
10: Neck Kiss
11: Collarbone Kiss
12: Chest Kiss
13: Stomach Kiss
14: Kiss Along the Hips
15: Kiss in the Rain
16: Upside-Down Kiss
17: Goofy Kiss
18: Underwater Kiss
19: Forceful Kiss
20: Any of the Above
21: Then there’s tongue
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