coutruier · 11 years
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" Are you surprised? When I heard that both Lady Satsuki and Lady Ragyo disappeared, I just had to find them. This isn't a problem, right? "
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« So, Harime Nui has presented herself here as well… She never did fail to seize opportunities. »
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coutruier · 11 years
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coutruier · 11 years
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"Help me? Oh my, how very kind of you! It's fine though, I'm sure I can handle myself!"
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"If you’re not specific, I can’t help you."
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coutruier · 11 years
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"Stop it, Ryuuko! It’s dangerous for your blood to get this hot! If you keep it up, I won’t be able hold myself together!"
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coutruier · 11 years
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coutruier · 11 years
Warning: no.
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coutruier · 11 years
The moment me dared to say such rude word, she felt her heart break. Well, not really, but it still hurt hearing him say it. She knew very well he would decline, but it was still worth a shot, right?
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      "I knew it...  How about--"
She honestly couldn't think of anything that would make him agree. Blackmailing wasn't exactly a great route to go at the moment, and neither was threatening.
      "--we go out to lunch? I just want to hang out with you..."
Those words were like ice daggers stabbing his entire spine. The mere thought of going somewhere alone with that woman made him shudder. A few things could shake the ever dauntless Ira Gamagoori. Nui Harime was one of those things. On first impressions she seems sweet and harmless. But Ira have seen what she’s like in person.
He had only but one thing to tell her, coming out almost as quick as her confession finished. 
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" Declined. " 
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coutruier · 11 years
If my character was wearing a warning label, what would it say?
submitted by thespookyrainbowphoenix
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coutruier · 11 years
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I've been here for a day and Nui is already in love with someone. 
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coutruier · 11 years
regaliapresto replied to your post:✰ "Do an impression of someone that you know."
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"Boo, no fun."
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coutruier · 11 years
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"Like this one guy even said he was going to beat me up...!"
How she was smiling while responding that way was completely beyond him.
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"Well, how so?"
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coutruier · 11 years
✰ "Do an impression of someone that you know."
"Oh? Well.. I'll do one of the pink haired girl!"
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"Hi my name is Nonon Jakuzure and I really hate Nui because she took Satsuki-sama away from me, even though Nui totally deserves Satsuki and I'm just being a jealous bitch!"
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coutruier · 11 years
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"Have I been found out? Haha, well you are a very smart man."
She laughed nervously, not really wanting to accept her feelings. There was no way she could like someone like that! Oh who was she kidding? He was perfect in every single way! She just had to have him.
"I just wanted to know.. if you wanted to go on a date!"
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" Don’t fool around, this is the first time you’re staring at me with such hidden intent for such long time. "
He slowly crossed his arms, not one to be tricked by the doll of cruelty herself. Looking at her with utmost suspicion. 
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coutruier · 11 years
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coutruier started following you
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coutruier · 11 years
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coutruier · 11 years
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"Yup! Threatened."
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coutruier · 11 years
plegiandarkmage replied to your post:Can someone please cut my other eye?
"Of course."
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"Did you take that seriously? Oh no! It was meant as a joke!"
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