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courtneylawsoncontext · 3 years ago
Pop Art
Pop art began in the 1950′s it is one of the most recognisable styles of modern art. It emerged in the UK and America. 
Andy Warhol (Aug 06, 1928 - Feb 22, 1987) was a leading figure within the pop art movement, his work is highly recognisable.
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Campbells soup can, Andy Warhol, 1962 
This well known piece of art by Warhol was created by screen printing. The original piece was sometimes referred to as the 32 Campbells soup cans. 
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courtneylawsoncontext · 3 years ago
Abstract Expressionism
Abstract expressionism (1942-1963) This art movement is based on movement painting, the paint is thrown, dripped or dropped on the canvas. its also based on colour field painting which is large areas of colour or shapes.
Abstract expressionism is a post–World War II art movement developed in America. Nazis closed the world famous  Bauhaus in 1933 and declared many artists and designers “degenerate”. Most of them then moved to the USA and also taught in Art Schools.
Jackson Pollock  
Paul Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) was a major key figure within the abstract expressionism. He was widely known for his drip technique.
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Mural on Indian Red Ground, 1950, Jackson Pollock.
The mural on indian red ground is a notable painting by Jackson Pollock. This is a great example of the drip technique Pollock used. 
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courtneylawsoncontext · 3 years ago
Expressionism (1910-1930) is a term to describe all the arts at the beginning of the 20th century. Expressionism later influenced abstract expressionism (1940- 1960). 
Franz Marc 
Franz Marc (1880-1916) was a German painter and print maker. He was a key figure in the expressionism movement. 
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“The blue horse” 1911, Franz Marc. 
This painting is very bring in colour. Most of Marc’s paintings were filled with stylised animals inn unrealistic colours. 
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courtneylawsoncontext · 3 years ago
The Dada movement was an artistic movement that started in 1916 and ended in 1924. The movement happened during world war 2. Dada Began in Zurich, Switzerland as a negative reaction from the war. The art during this movement was typically nonsensical and satirical. The artists didn’t use the typical traditional art and aimed to destroy it and rebuild and new form.
Hannah Hoch was a female artist prominent during the 20th century, during the times it was unique for a woman to be working, this coalesced within her art, the woman working more creatively within society.
Another artist prominent at this time was Marcel Duchamp, during this movement he challenged what art is and what it should be. Marcel Duchamp would create readymade art and was one of the first, this changed the way and certainly challenged what art is. Readymade art is found objects not normally considered art materials.
Raoul Hausmann was an Australian artist and writer. He was a artist within the Dada group. Hausmann’s work was known to inspire a new generation of Dadaists. His work showed his discomfort towards the authority of the world.
Man Ray was known within the dada movement for camera-less photography. He worked with shapes and light which caused negative space and shadows.
All these artists were prominent during the dada movement and all questioned what are really is.
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“Cut With the Kitchen Knife Through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany” by Hannah Hoch, This piece is a collage work. There is cuttings from magazines and newspapers to show a message. Its visually confusing which the artist wanted to achieve.
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“Heads Of State” by Hannah Hoch.
This piece was done around two newspaper photographs of German president and minister of defense. This piece sends a message that they have fled to another place to avoid the conflict of WW1. This piece questions their values. The piece looks to be embroidery of flowers, butterflies and women.
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“the art critic” By Raoul Hausmann, this is a collage piece. The oversized head is placed in front of money this could show that he is controlled by capitalism. It somewhat also promoted Hausmann as his business card is also pasted on it.
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“ABCD” by Raoul Hausmann is a self-portrait, this piece promotes one of his poetry performances. This piece is also a collage common within the dada movement.
Dada question all aspects of art, what is art and how to we present it. It inspired other movements and still inspires people today.
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courtneylawsoncontext · 3 years ago
- evolved ideas 
Modernism was a shift in the art community all previous ideas and rules were abandoned. This meant artists could evolve their ideas and have new approaches of making art. The idea of modernism was to reject past traditions of art and begin a new art form. 
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Henri Matisse, Portrait of Mme. Matisse: The Green Line, 1905
These artists were the first to break away from impressionism. With strong colours and painterly qualities. 
Key artists.
Henri matisse 1869-1954 
Andre Derain  1880-1954
Maurice De Vlaminck 1876-1958
George Rouault  1871-1958
Raoul Dufy 1877-1953
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Pablo Picasso, Girl Before a Mirror, 1932
This movement rejected the idea of what paintings should depict. In cubist artwork this saw objects being analysed and broken down into geometric shapes.
Two phases of cubism developed:
Analytical cubism 1907-1912
Synthetic Cubism 1913-1921 
Key artists of this movement:
Picasso 1881-1973
Braque 1882-1963 
Gris 1887-1927
Leger 1881-1955
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Luigi Rossolo, “Dinamismo di un’Automobile”, 1912.
This movement embraced all machine age and all things modern. It was a need to show movement in paintings. This was a movement all about shock value. Its key figures were the Italians Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carrà, Fortunato Depero, Gino Severini, Giacomo Balla, and Luigi Russolo.   
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courtneylawsoncontext · 3 years ago
Post Impressionism
Post impressionism was a term that described a group of artists who exhibited work in London 1910, this was due to a reaction against impressionism and the limitations the movement had. The new work saw artists move away from a realistic approach and saw them paving the way for early modernism, especially favism and cubism.  The movement was led by Paul Cezanne, Paul Gauguin, Vincent van Gogh and Georges Seurat.
Paul Cezanne was a french artist (1839-1906). He paved the way for a new form of art. His paintings formed a bridge between the 19th Century impressionism and the 20 Century cubism.  
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The mont sainte-victoire by Paul Cezanne, this scene was a subject of a number of Cezanne paintings, here you can see him building the way for cubism. 
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courtneylawsoncontext · 3 years ago
Impression (1860-1900) is described as “spontaneous work” the artists wanted to capture a visual impression of a reference not a realistic version. The painting during Impressionism was relatively small and thin brush strokes though still visible. Artists focused on light as colour and how they shifted through a certain scene.
Claude Monet was a French painter (1840-1926). He was the founder of impressionist painting. Monet was a consistent and prolific artist who’s work spanned over 65 years.
The term impressionism actually comes from one of Monet’s paintings “Impression sunrise”, this painting was first exhibited in 1874. Monet was influenced after meeting an artist called  Eugene Boudin in 1857 who’s studio a young Monet worked in, this encouraged him to break away from painting statues and to focus on the environment around him.
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This painting depicts Monet’s hometown port of Le Havre. The paint in this piece really contrast well with each other, The orange and yellow hues really show the impact light has on colour. It’s a very free flowing piece with with thin broken brush strokes, this really shows the light moving within the scene. 
Gustave Caillebotte was another artist during the impressionistic movement. He was a French painter during 1848-1894. Caillebotte was known as a more realistic painter than most of the others in the impressionistic group. His work would be presented at the 2nd Impressionist exhibition in 1876. 
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This piece by Gustave Caillebotte  "Pésissoires sur L’Yerres" 1877. You can see how he adopted some techniques from other impressistic work, with soft pastel colours and some broken brush work with reflections in the water depicting light.  
By the 1800′s the impressionistic work was more accepted and collectors started to buy their work. 
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