Hiya! Thanks for all the asks!! Count is away right now but he'll be back eventually and will probably get to them then!
Have a wonderful day...♥️♥️♥️🌈🌈
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I've been so busy! The number of the day is 6!
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Dont you have vampire abilities that don’t involve mind control? How much overlap is there between numbers vampires and regular ones? Because you can go out in sunlight and show up uninvited to places so theres clearly differences aside from just. Eating(?) numbers instead of blood.
youre very mysterious …
Ho-ho, I do not eat numbers! Unless you count counting every bite!
Of course I have more abilities! Don't you recall my thunder? My entire family can control the weather by counting! I suppose it's genetic. Besides that, there is not much else to me! I live much much longer than most, but one day I will die, like anyone else. I hope that isn't morbid.. I can also always tell the time, but that isn't very hard after living so long.
It is not my intention to seem mysterious, I'm just a private person! I of course don't mind personal questions, but I can't guarantee I'll answer it completely!
Regardless, if typical vampires are supposed to be like vampire bats—or the other way around, I would consider myself closest to a fruit bat!
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The number of the day is 4!
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The number of the day is 3!
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I know this was already addressed in a previous ask, but Count, not you mind-controlling a 4 year old just to count hotdogs smh >:[
Maybe a better way to use those powers would be to convince Grover to take a break and play with his stuffed animals instead of working 75+ side hustles
I promise I apologized!!! I was not so used to living in Sesame Street at that time.. Besides, counting hotdogs is a very important thing to do!
And, that would be a good idea.. But, perhaps that is just how he enjoys playing. I'm sure if I tried doing such a thing he would just play cashier or something of the sort! Grover is a strange little guy.
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How kind of him! I'm very glad he had a lovely birthday.
Good morning Big Bird! Are you celebrating Mr. Snuffleupagus's birthday today?
Yep! I'm helping Chris and Elmo make a cake just for Snuffy!
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What if water didn't have surface tension and whenever you spilled some, the whole floor of your entire apartment was covered in a 2 micrometer deep puddle
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The number of the day is 12! Ah ah ah!
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Hi! I'm sorry if this is weird but i just found your account and i want you to know i think you're very cool!! Im a vampire fictionkin aswell. And we're actually kind of connected, you're a parody of the Dracula that i am :))
(Sorry if the phrasing is weird !! Sorry if any of this is weird)
Please do not be afraid of anything seeming weird! I can assure you I am rather strange myself, as confirmed by many people.
Thank you very much! And yes, it is wonderful to meet you! I must admit to a secret.. I have not yet watched the film you are from! There is a severe lack of counting; it has simply failed to catch my interest! Perhaps I will consider watching it tomorrow..
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come to think of it, I haven’t seen or heard of you using your vampire magic since you… mind controlled Grover to make him bring you hotdogs.
Oh dear, you would be correct! That was a rather rude thing of me to do, wouldn't you agree? Although I have apologized a long time ago and.. Well, Bert assured me it was okay, others did not feel the same way. I will never use my abilities on my friends again! You can count on it!
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How’re things with Countess Natasha going?
I apologize for the delay! I'm afraid I am currently dealing with another pesky migraine. We are still in contact..! Natasha was very dear to me, but after considering my rather.. Extensive history of ex wives and allowing for some self discovery, I believed it was only right that I confess to my true feelings. We are no longer married, but I have no doubt she will find another worthy of her love!
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That is wonderful! How did it go?
Good morning Big Bird! Are you celebrating Mr. Snuffleupagus's birthday today?
Yep! I'm helping Chris and Elmo make a cake just for Snuffy!
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The number of the day is 5!
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