Ghost (Lucio's whore)
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EIGHTEEN PLUS ONLY. They/them plsss. IM BACK BITCHES, TIME TO SHITPOST ABT THE ARCANA AGAIN [I write headcanons, requests are open (: ]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
us <3
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
sometimes I genuinely wonder what if there are only 30 arcana fans like true arcana fans that are on arcana tumblr and Instagram or whatever from different accounts like it’s just 30 of us bitching about the same things over and over again
imagine being a normal person and walking in on arcana social media
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
Oh you give author comment?? You give author little kudos on their fic?? LOVE FOR READER!! LOVE FOR READER FOR ONE MILLION YEARS!!
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
Bringing country back 😌
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
Molted Pale King
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
You can't tell me Lucio has not accidently scratched someone with his claw hand thing. You can not tell me that Lucio does not accidently scratch himself. You can't tell me it doesn't annoy the hell out of him. I will stand by these headcanons till I die-
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
Devil Lucio (dom) hcs 🍋🍋
Very nsfw, definitely more than just sleeping with the horny bastard himself. And also I would very much like to get railed by him, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
He’s been looking forward to testing this new body out, and what better way to break it in than nailing you to the wall with his cock?
His erection could be his 5th horn ngl, it looks like a bad dragon toy on steroids. It’s only grown a few inches but it’s girth has nearly doubled.
Any time, any place, he doesn’t care if there’s others in the room, he’ll fuck you into oblivion like it’s his job.
You think his sex dungeon in the palace was grand? Just wait til he shows you the renovations he’s done to his new realm. 
He’s gotten much more sadistic but he’s still got that underlying careful touch.
Oh yeah, he’s got you a pretty collar with a ruby as a centerpiece, complete with a golden thread leash that’s wrapped around his finger.
HUGE daddy kink.
Call him my lord, my god, daddy, master— it gives him a head rush as blood rushes to his nether regions.
Speaking of him being your god— praying to him is best done on your knees and in front of him, and more importantly: in front of his cock.
And don’t forget to beg. He’ll only give you the pleasure you seek if you beg him for it.
His canines have grown considerably sharper and more pronounced. He’ll mark you up well to claim you as his own, and only his.
He’ll bite, suck, knead, and dig his claws into your soft thighs, hips, ass, and whatever else he can grab while you’re left harshly panting under him.
Growling and purring praises into your ear when he feels you trembling beneath him from a mixture of pleasure, pain, and exertion. The way his chest rumbles from it leaves you shivering even more.
He finds great pleasure in tasting the salty beads of sweat and tears that roll down your dips and curves.
Look at him when you cum, he’ll grab your chin and force you to if you don’t/can’t, he wants to see that beautifully wrecked expression of yours as you lose control. His blood red eyes seem to glow against his black scleras as he watches.
He’ll milk you dry until you’ve got nothing left to give him, which is a fitting offering from his pet.
Let him have all of you, be a pillow princess if you want, but just don’t forget to be obedient for your master.
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
The arcana main six fluff
🏴‍☠️ Julian 🏴‍☠️
-Okay. So, petting his hair is a big yes. It just calms him so much (and if you've ever played the arcana you know he's rarely ever calm.)
-You all know full well he would quote shakesphere on a date with MC-
-Romantic poetry? Yes. Is it good? No. Does he put a lot of thought into it? Yes. Is it cute? Yes.
-When he gets nervous he cracks his knuckles-
-Due to the fact he hardly sleeps, when he actually does he's out like a light. If you don't wake him he will sleep for at least a day or two.
-Cuddles? Hell yeah. This doctor is extremely touch starved.
-Depending on how sleep deprived he is he may be extremely slow-
-He's always either holding your hand or he has his arm around your shoulder. He just needs contact of some kind to know you haven't left him.
-His voice gets really high pitched when he's embarrassed. It's super funny but he always pretends that never happens.
-He always needs to be reassured he's a good person. Begind his ego and brave facade he's actually really insecure and scared.
-Just like Julian he loves having his hair pet.
-He will purposely touch you with his metal hand cause he knows full well that thing is cold. He thinks your response is hilarious. (Even if you reflexively slap him-)
-He really likes to read. The palace library? Yeah, that was his idea. Sometimes you can get him to talk to you for hours about a book. If you're really lucky he'll pull you onto his lap so you two can read together.
-Cuddling is a big yes for Asra.
-Asra loves talking to you about small things like the weather or ways to use herbs. Anything to have an extra moment or two with you before he needs to leave again.
-He will read you books out loud for you if you ask him to.
-He sleep talks a lot. Sometimes you'll wake up at night to find him muttering something about Faust or you.
-He has pet rocks. Just because. (I swear he has at least one named after you-)
-She has a marvelous singing voice. Sometimes you swear she's not a human, but a siren. If you want she'll sing a duet with you.
-She just loves when you braid her hair and if you'll let her, she'll gladly braid your hair as well.
-She just loves watching the stars with you at night. Sometimes she'll tell you stories of when she was yonger while she spaces out. (Pun intended.)
-She loves birds so sometimes (if she can convince you) the two of you will go out bird watching together. Obviously she'll sneak in a kiss or two while you are out.
🐈 Portia 🐈
-She acts like a cat sometimes. Pet her hair and she will M E L T.
-Cuddles are very much appreciated, especially after a long day of working at the palace.
-She loves running her fingers through your hair. If you have long hair she'll style it with your permission.
-She 100% talks about you while she's at the palace. "So there was this one time MC and I went out and-"
-She would do literally anything for you. Wanna fight The Devil together? She's down.
-He stutters. All the time.
-He has no idea how to handle recieving affection so he will pretty much shut down any time you give him a hug or kiss.
-He will 100% need help to understand his emotions. "MC. Why do I feel like I'm floating?" "That's called love, dear."
-He would teach you all about the forest and animals that live there. He's pretty much the Disney princess of The Arcana. Animals love him.
-He will let you name one or two of the chickens he has. This is pretty much a proposal-
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
Fluffy / Romantic Lucio Headcanons
These head canons are a little longer but enjoy anyways <3
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- Ever since coming back to life, he touches everything. In the beginning he always had an arm around you, hand in your hair, squeezing and hugging the life out of you at random times. During meetings, dinner, walking, he is always touching you in some way.
- When he takes you out on dates, he resists the urge to shut the whole city down. More or less, it's always extravagant. the usual date includes Dinner on the rooftop with candle lighting, rose petals and the sunset, dancing in the ballroom, gondola racing in the canals of Vesuvia, and sneaking into theatre shows even though Lucio is able to buy the entire theatre.
- He spoils you and himself but still. He buys you a coat and gets himself a matching one. He gets new shoes, he buys you 3 pairs. You eye something while out on the town, he buys it for you.
- He likes doing little self-care days of spa days with you. Braiding hair, face masks, bubble baths, meditating too! He'll usually stay in a robe the entire day, forgetting he has a face mask on. It wont last long though because he looks into every mirror he sees.
- He likes to pull you into the ballroom to dance at random times of the day. Sometimes the middle of the night at the ungodly hours when you both can't sleep.
- On the nights he isn't horny (rare), he'll just watch you fall asleep and think of all the people he would kill for you (how romantic <3). He'll usually caress your arm, play with your hair, pull you into his chest, wrap his arms around you and listen to you breathe. If anybody walks in on him like this, he will eye them and give them one of these...
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
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Fever dreams
In which Plague stricken Lucio gets lost in the city.
Death, non graphic gore, beetles.
Around 900 words.
I am not a writer, so treat this more as notes rather than fic.
The Count would survey the city in ruins as he looked for a way out, and as he'd try to reach the walls trough an archway he regularly passed during his victory parades, he'd just end up back where he started again. The city was a maze.
He hates mazes.
"For how much longer will you run, Monty?" A sound that was so much like his own voice whispered with a scoff through the moth eaten canvasses of the abandoned marketplace stalls.
"Shaddap!" A scream turned to a cough echoed through empty branching alleys "Or come over'ere, you coward!"
His voice cracked as the lungs slowly, but surely were giving out on him.
He turned the corner in hopes to find another soul just for the company if nothing else, but only thing that met him were remains swarmed with skittering red beetles, and all he could do for a moment is to stare as cold sweat dripped down his face.
A strained audible gulp escaped him before he turned around to get away from the maccabre image and praying to any gods that would open their ears to him to make this stop.
A soft chime beckons him towards a bridge, giving him a clear view of the boats aimlessly floating on the surface of red water.
The docklands seemed to be far, further than he remembered back when he was healthier, and each step towards the quay incinerated his muscle fibers, stopping him from noticing the ruins of his stone likeness; a starch white covered in an unsettling shade of red.
The stone and rickety boards connecting the streets of market replaced the cobbled path of the once magnificent square and he could have sworn he'd heard chatter somewhere amongst numerous stalls covered in moth eaten fabric.
Colorful spices were just a trace in heavy copper pots, tea and coffee cups abandoned on the terraced tea house tables. Only thing he can hear now is the sad noise of tattered canvases whistling in the wind.
Then it comes again, the smell of the summer flowers followed again by that chime.
Lucio scurries toward that out of place sound like a person possessed.
There was someone there at the periphery of his vision, a shade in an archway eluding the view.
The passageways and corridors of cramped streets stretched into infinity, his guide the out of place noise that led him to a row of houses marked with painted wooden signs, all faded now.
A light flicker drew Lucios' attention towards a narrow house in the corner, a lamp shining a warm and inviting light, smell of roses and mint permeating the area.
The Count did not expect the door to yield to his feeble attempt to push it open, making him stumble over onto a cold stone floor.
There was buzz in his ears, and the bitter taste of ash before his vision sharpened again, revealing wilderness of a place that was more familiar to him than he'd like to admit to.
He propped himself carefully on his golden arm, but the rest of his body was too weak to do much more. The breath was full of amber and smoke, sending him into another coughing fit.
A clank of shoes against the ground was almost unnoticed, but a comforting pat on his back confirmed there was somebody else with him.
"Hey, buddy, you alright?" A muffled voice spoke to him with a dose of something he recognized.
"J..Jules? That you Jules?"
He mouthed, completely out of breath, sweating trough his nightclothes.
Before he knew it, he was sitting down on a patch of soft moss, observing the figure in front.
Peak of a white beak gleamed in the night, red lenses reflecting his weak form reclining on the ground.
"I know you'd find me, Jules. You always do" An attempt of shooting a wide grin towards the doctor ended up in a threatening grimace.
"Now get me out of this place, it is dreadful."
His request was answered by an uncanny scoff and a shrug.
"You call my place dreadful, and I was nothing but a gracious host to you." The Plague Doctor shrugs and turns toward the forest.
"Hey, hey, I'm your Count, you have to help me!" His throat was on fire.
"You're a Doctor"
Lucio did not notice tears of frustration rolling down his face until a sob escaped him
"Help me."
The beaked figure turned back ever so slightly, glassy eyes looking at him almost with pity.
"Whatever is mine is yours... just... just help me out" the forest echoed with his sobs.
The figure approached him carefully, slowly kneeling, to look him into the eyes.
"Is that the deal you want to offer?" Voice replied, almost inaudible.
"Yes, yes!" He grabbed the glowed hands faster than he thought he was capable.
"Then... you got it"
Their grip on his hands tightened, the handshake going from warm to infernally hot.
Bright light spread trough Lucios vision, and he could feel falling back, drifting down, until there was nothing else there.
Lucio jolts up from his bed, bathed in sweat, Doctor Devorak looming over him.
"Fuck... Jules." The startled doctor moves just a bit away from the Count.
"There was a.. a..." Lucio was searching the room, feeling like just a second ago he was somewhere else. There was something he wanted to say, while it was still on his mind, but the words just would not come.
A faint memory of roses and mint stayed. At least for a little bit.
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
Just so y’all know: I can’t speak for every other fic author but I can say that I remember when people leave me kind comments. I recognize your urls and/or usernames on AO3. I remember you and sometimes in writing my fics I think to myself, “Oh, I hope this person sees this because they liked x in this other fic I did.”
Not only that—I go back and reread comments when I’m feeling low. I look at tags and reblogs and asks and wish I could hold them in my hand like a note from a friend on an old, torn piece of notebook paper.
Your comments have so much more impact than you know. So thanks to those who use the comment section to spread love and encouragement. We appreciate you.
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
Nobody tells you that 90% of being a fic writer is telling yourself sternly that you CANNOT start a new wip until you finish one of the old ones, and then failing to write anything at all as your brain sulks like a toddler.
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
''there's only one bed.''
''i'll bandage you up.''
''who did this to you?''
''i didn't know where else to go.''
''can you be my date to the wedding?''
''you're my best friend. i've always loved you.''
''shut up.'' ''make me.''
''i would never fall for you.''
''then why did you do it?'' ''BECAUSE I LOVE YOU''
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
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Happy belated birthday, Nadia! I can't help but imagining her being the cutest yet most insufferably curious child
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
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you have been visited by Julian Devorak
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count-lucios-bitch · 3 years ago
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brain: do arcana characters w their patron arcana’s outfits
me: are we really gonna do julian like that
brain: yea he’d probably like it
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