cosplaymatcha-blog · 6 years
Why DO we cosplay?
Is there really anything beyond wanting to dress up as your favorite fictional character? Maybe something you gain or benefit from it? Perhaps it’s a way to escape real-life for hours. 
Costume Play, or “Cosplay” as the masses call it, is a hobby that many people enjoy on a daily basis. Whether they create their costumes, buy them from costume stores or collaborate between both, Cosplay allows anyone to become their favorite character. Now, amongst every person within this hobby, there's a reason behind why they cosplay and how it makes them feel. 
As a cosplayer myself, I have come across many types of people. I’ve met actors, artists, business people, crafters, models and people who even love to become their fictional character out of passion. Personally, I’m interested in the hobby as a way to craft, make art, be a part of a community and start a business. Cosplay has become an outlet for me to express myself while opening up new opportunities. It means the world to me to share my love for the craft and be a part of this wonderful community of people who share the same passion. 
As for others, cosplay can be seen as a means of escape. Not everyone approaches cosplay as an opportunity for business and social networking like I do. Some people work their nine to fives and find it as a fun hobby to destress. Some cosplayers will buy their cosplays while others will craft it, but they both find joy in becoming their favorite character. They get to live a day outside of their normal lives basically as a form of therapy.
Actors are people who immerse themselves in the character and take on their traits and mannerisms for the entirety of the con. These cosplayers bring their characters to life and often never break character. They can be entertaining and fascinating to interact with during your con experience.
Models are another common type of cosplayer who has been appearing throughout the community. People who have grown bored of the typical modeling business turn to cosplay in order for a fresh and new view on “modeling”. They can express their creative abilities through their career.
Crafters are those who enjoy making props and sharing their builds with others. While some buy their costumes, which there is no problem with at all, others love the satisfaction of creating something entirely from scratch. Crafters can utilize their artistic abilities to create something 3D from 2D. Sometimes they can even create something that doesn’t even exist using their talent.
Everybody in the community has a reason for picking up this hobby, whether it's from crafting, modeling or becoming a character, cosplay has something to offer to everyone. As for our reasons for cosplaying, it all depends on what you’re looking for and how you wish to have fun while doing it.
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