cosmicumentary-blog · 6 years
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“You have no faith in anything.” Mike Wallace once asked, or rather, accused Ayn Rand once on an interview, to which Ayn Rand answered thoughtfully, “Faith... No.”
“Only in your mind.” he later went on.
“That is not faith. That is a conviction. Yes..... I have no faith at all. I only hold convictions.”
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cosmicumentary-blog · 7 years
Kartika Dian Fransiska (30)
Diri gue sendiri, haha.
Her daily struggle for self-discovery is the quality that makes her so striking (and annoying at times! :p)
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cosmicumentary-blog · 7 years
Taufiqurrahman (23)
Saya percaya sedekah.
Kayaknya pertanyaan atau hal serandom apapun akan dia riset dengan serius. Satu-satunya temen yang nggak suka Dewa/Dewa 19.
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cosmicumentary-blog · 7 years
a.h.s. boy
I would like to introduce myself and say a few words about my experience as a pair of eyes & a head of vague ideas. Everyone says that, I know. Everyone has their own dream about speaking the Perfect Word, showing the Perfect Face, having the Exact Change for the sullen bus ride home. I won't even try to offer you that, though secretly I'm always courting the Fates, searching for the Perfect Charm that turns their heads in my direction. I would like to take off my clothes and stand naked in front of you all, without embarassment, your attention focused like a spotlight on my genitals, jealousy or laughter flying around the room beyond my control, and the discipline to feel at ease with my own body, still hoping I don't get an erection. I'd like to leave this stage, later maybe, and go back into the world of unclean things : people tainted with OEdipal complexes and death instincts, objects soiled by words and names, events washed in blood and misinterpretation. I still believe in the real world. I still believe in telephones, depression, music, constant enlightenment, a nod of the head, wink of the eye, and imperfection. I want to smile to myself & feel understood.   An improbable desire, I know. I don't even understand myself. Almost never speak as a pair of eyes. Did you conjure up the image : a piece of vision engaged in poetic dialogue?  I didn't think so. I'm a literary failure, but I won't stop talking. Exposure is a form of protection.
a.h.s. boy ditemukan di belantara nothingness.org--saya sudah lupa bagaimana awal mulanya. Puisi ini judulnya “Preliminary Statement”, satu dari sekian banyak puisi yang ngasih tau kita: ternyata begini ya galaunya seorang Situationist.
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cosmicumentary-blog · 9 years
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“I’m kind of a believer in magic numbers, in a way.”
Laurie Anderson, interviewed by The Believer.
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cosmicumentary-blog · 9 years
Indriani Widiastuti (31)
I believe in the flexibility of bare hands.
Biasa dipanggil Dindie--seorang teman dengan tangan ajaib yang senang mengobrol tentang apa saja, mulai dari kucing sampai Richard Dawkins.
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cosmicumentary-blog · 10 years
Leonhard Bartolomeus (27)
Gue percaya suatu hari Rush bakal konser di Indonesia.
Sarjana seni keramik satu-satunya di kumpulannya.
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cosmicumentary-blog · 10 years
Mirwan Andan (33)
Gue percaya nyokap gue.
Adalah search engine berjalan dan Imam besar sekte Jamaah Randomiyah. 
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cosmicumentary-blog · 10 years
Kevin Faisal (19)
Saya percaya kesedihan adalah figur sempurna sebagai pemilik segala rahasia.
Sejak dia masuk TK, saya sudah merasa dia ini anak yang melankolis betul
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cosmicumentary-blog · 10 years
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I believe it because it's unreasonable. Zeitgeist?
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cosmicumentary-blog · 10 years
Resa Temaputra (25)
Gue percaya karma.
Komentator (apa saja, mulai dari sepak bola sampai hacktivism) yang sekarang sudah mulai percaya astrologi
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cosmicumentary-blog · 10 years
Dhenok Pratiwi (25)
Aku percaya cinta adalah hormon.
Orang yang punya banyak pandangan unik tentang relasi antarmanusia, yang sempat-sempatnya jadi juara satu lomba membuat cerpen se-Indonesia. 
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cosmicumentary-blog · 11 years
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cosmicumentary-blog · 12 years
Arman Riyansyah (24)
Gw percaya bahwa hidup itu simpel. Isinya cuma pemenuhan hasrat perut dan selangkangan.
Arman Riyansyah: cuma waras dan bijak setiap pukul 1 malam ke atas.
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cosmicumentary-blog · 12 years
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(As) an eternal optimist, Dawson believes in the good old fashioned values of romance and honesty, and he also believes that you can find all of life’s answers in a Steven Spielberg film. 
How Wikipedia explains Dawson Leery from Dawson's Creek--one of the best legacies from the 1990s. 
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cosmicumentary-blog · 12 years
Timoti Tirta (22)
Ga ada yang gue percaya. Semua bisa berubah, ga ada yang pasti.
Aquarius rewel yang dapat diandalkan kapan saja walaupun bawel, tukang gosip, ngeyel dan sering memberi harapan palsu (ampun, Mot).
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cosmicumentary-blog · 12 years
Asep Topan (23)
Saya percaya bahwa dengan usaha, setiap manusia bisa mendapatkan apapun. Selain itu, saya percaya jika diam itu lebih baik daripada nyinyir. Saya pun percaya jika setiap manusia bisa hidup tanpa ambisi. Dan tentu saja, saya sangat percaya bahwa hidup adalah ketidakpastian. 
Asisten dosen, perupa, penulis dan kurator asli Majalengka yang cuma bisa melafalkan huruf F dengan baik dan benar untuk 2 hal: Afra dan Grafis.
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