cosmicskz · 2 years
Whenever you both were free, Hyunjin would often bring Kkami round because of how much he loved you.
Currently, you were chasing Kkami around the house while your boyfriend went to the store to buy some snacks for the move marathon you had been planning all week for.
While chasing Kkami, you knocked multiple things over and fell over the table a couple of times. You didn't really mind though, Kkami was enjoying himself so you carried on.
You continued chasing Kkami even as Hyunjin came home who was shocked by the mess you had created in the short amount of time he was gone.
Finally realising your boyfriend came home, you stopped chasing his dog and smiled at him, the mess you caused sinking in.
"I leave you alone for 10 mins and I come back to... whatever this is." Hyunjin sighs. "We need to clean up if you want to do this movie marathon."
You giggle and walk over to Hyunjin, wrapping your arms around his waist.
"Sorry baby, I was chasing Kkami and didn't realise how destructive I was being. It'll be clear in no time."
With that, you turn on your heals and start picking everything up as Hyunjin walked to the sofa and took the snacks out of the bag.
After around 20 mins, you were done cleaning. Jumping on the sofa next to Hyunjin, you snuggled up close to him.
"Sorry again." You said quietly. Your boyfriend smiled.
"It's okay. You're lucky I love you so much."
"I love you too."
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cosmicskz · 2 years
Both you and Taehyun had a strong love for the night sky, calming you both down from stressful situations. That's where you found yourself now, laying on the grass watching the stars while cuddling close to keep warm.
Pointing a finger, you followed Taehyun's direction towards a constellation. After a few seconds of staring you made it out to be Aquarius. Giggling, you spoke up.
"I see you found your constellation babe." Taehyun responded with a small nod and pulled your body closer to his. "Cold?"
Once again, Taehyun responded with a nod. You tried to stand up so you could go inside and get warm, but his strong arms held you in place.
"I thought you were cold?"
"With you I'm always warm. Don't go."
Smiling, you settled back into Taehyun's arms, snuggling closer to his chest keeping you both warm.
This was a moment you didn't want to loose. It felt perfect.
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cosmicskz · 2 years
Types of dates with Stray Kids
Bang Chan:
Nothing really too special,
takes you to the cinema to watch something,
He is more interested in you than the film (unless it has Ryan Renolds in),
Aftwards takes you to a small restaurant for a meal,
Listens to you talking about your favourite parts of the movie,
All in all, a fun date.
Lee Know:
Takes you to a cat cafe,
Buys you whatever drink you want so long as he gets to spend time with the cats,
Becomes a cat dad to all of the cats there,
Pouts when it's time to go home,
When he gets home he realises why Soonie, Doongie and Dori are ignoring him.
Takes you to a fancy restaurant,
He dresses up in a suit which is too tight for him but accents his muscles so you can't complain,
When he sees your outfit, he can't take his eyes off you for the whole night,
He tries to talk to you about your week but ends up getting distracted by you,
When you hear the price of the bill you start to complain to him about spoiling you too much,
He laughs and says he'd do anything to make you happy,
When you get back home, expect a another surprise because the way you looked did something to him and he was about to let you know what it was.
Park date,
Takes Kkami for a walk while on the date,
Holds your hand the entire time unless there's another dog,
He has to pet all the dogs,
You both had planned a picnic too but it started to rain so you ran home and ate the food while watching a movie,
It was still fun though.
Zoo date,
Drags you around the zoo trying to find the quokkas,
Gets excited when he finds them,
If you can't find them he'd pout until you take him to see the elephants,
You have a meal at the zoo's cafe,
Pays so you both can feed the meerkats,
Becomes really happy afterwards and won't shut up about for the next week,
The members tell you never to take him to the zoo again because he talked their ears off about it.
Baking date,
Instead of going anywhere, you and Felix decided to bake some brownies, cookies and whatever else you could find a recipe for,
While trying to mix the batter, you accidentally splashed some on Felix,
He then put some on you,
Ends up as a food fight with you 2 laughing while laying on the floor with nothing mixed or in the oven,
The next couple of hours consists of you cleaning the kitchen and trying to bake properly,
You finish the day with some really good brownies and some cookies that have way too much sugar.
Library date,
He wanted to find some new books so he takes you with him,
Ends up being really fun,
You find books each other should read,
Both of you go to the reading area and sit there for hours before realising the time,
You end up coming back the next day to actually rent some books,
Becomes a weekly thing.
A late night walk by the Han River,
It was around 9pm and you were both walking hand in hand admiring the scenery,
He would often glance at you,
You sit by the edge of the river occasionally throwing stones into it,
He's not one to show much affection but would hold you close so you don't get too cold,
When you get home he would drag you straight to bed because it was like midnight.
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cosmicskz · 2 years
Feel free to send me a number and an idol. I'll write for them the best I can.
101 Random Dialogue Prompts
"Why would you do this to me?"
"My head keeps spinning- oh, wait. It might actually be my feet."
"Good god, you're gorgeous."
"Get your face out of the cake!"
"I cannot believe I married you."
"Remember when you told me that I'd never achieve anything in life? Well, it turns out you were right."
"I used to compare your attention span to a goldfish, but I've since then learned that you are much, much worse."
"Every time you sneeze really loudly, it kills my soul just a little knowing that our future child might inherit that."
"How do you feel about meeting my parents? You don't want to? Oh, well they're pulling up in our driveway right now."
"Get the hell away from me."
"You said no, right? Please tell me you said no."
"Maybe I want to be unsuccessful and live with my parents my entire life- no, never mind. No, I don't."
"I'm so lucky to have you in my life. I hope you know that."
"It burns!"
"You're an angel."
"Other than the countless times I was wrong, when have I ever been wrong?"
"What did I do to deserve this?"
"Knock em' dead, gorgeous! I believe in you!"
"Don't hit me!"
"You are so unbelievably strong. So, so strong."
"I hardly liked you to begin with."
"What is wrong with you?"
"You make me so unbelievably happy."
"I am so fucking in love with you, and it hurts that you don't even notice."
"What have you done now?"
"Give me a twirl, honey."
"Well, when is the soonest that you can get here?"
"I'm so tired."
"Wrap them up in the warmest blanket you have before I fucking end you. They're not going to die. Not today."
"You mean nothing to me."
"I'm cold. May I please wear your jumper until we get home?"
"Pack your shit and leave. I mean it."
"You're so talented!"
"I'm proud of you."
"Let's keep it that way."
"I'll kill you."
"I understand the irony of complaining about my hot chocolate being too hot, but nonetheless, fix it, please."
"I'm overwhelmed."
"You only sent one heart instead of two - what's up with that?"
"When have I ever been wrong before?"
"I feel like I barely know who you are anymore."
"I know what's best for you."
"Fuck me if I'm wrong, but there's a hundred seconds in a minute, right?" - "No, there's sixty se- oh, damn."
"Tell me you love me one more time."
"You lied to me."
"God, I hate myself so much sometimes."
"Look at how gorgeous my love is."
"I love that you think I care."
"You just keep coming with the surprises, don't you?"
"Wait- wait, no, not literally-"
"Hey, slow down! I'm a short-ass, remember?"
"Get the fuck off of me!"
"The sheet keeps coming off the bed and I'm just about ready to stick a knife through it or myself."
"Never in my life have I been so insulted."
"Do that again! I dare you- no, I double dare- wait, I triple fucking dare you."
"Kiss me. Kiss me like you damn well mean it."
"Oh, look! Rain! Looks like I get to stay inside like I normally do and not feel guilty about it."
"Do you still love me?"
"All you did was go to space and possibly find signs of life on other planets. I wouldn't call it that cool.."
"You've been through like, three different phones this year and It's only June!"
"The party doesn't start for another five hours; what're you doing here so early?"
"If we die tonight, It's your damn fault."
"I just got soap in my eyes! Fuck! This is the end!"
"My ass hurts.. no! Not- god, you're a dirty minded little shit."
"Your name is Dale? Do you mind if I call you an asshole instead? Seems more fitting."
"I felt that in my soul."
"You can't do this!"
"Wow, look at the sun.. hey, hey, no- don't look directly at it!"
"How's my day going? It's shit, thank you for asking. I woke up with a bitch of a headache and then my fucking Wi-Fi stopped working."
"Thank you for this cuddle time. I needed it."
"You have no idea how much I feel like strangling you right now."
"Why were you going through my personal belongings?"
"I've officially lost my will to live."
"Look at how gorgeous I look in this outfit. You can't beat this."
"I went fishing today, but unfortunately, I caught nothing but a cold."
"Heh.. sorry, that isn't funny."
"Eyes on the- oh, god; eyes on the road!"
"When I said to go out there and make new friends, I didn't mean to create realistic robots and you know that."
"Music is a person's best friend. We're being gender inclusive here."
"I have nothing to say to you."
"You do that and I'll leave you at the furthest Starbucks in town and make you walk home, you hear me?"
"Wow, I really am a piece of shit, aren't I?"
"You're a weak excuse of a human, you know that?"
"See that watermelon over there? That's about the size of my ass."
"What I don't have in looks - which is a lot -, I make up for with personality. Remember that."
"I do so have a special talent. I can wriggle my eyebrows. What can you do, huh?"
"Thank you for giving me a second chance."
"You know I'm right here, right?"
"I can see that you're active on Messenger, so answer my god damn texts!"
"You've got long nails; help me open this package."
"Words can't describe how good you look today, but numbers sure can. 4/10."
"My heart is beating... that's cool."
"If I buy you a pony, will you go on a five minute shopping trip with me into town?"
"You know what we should do for our next date? Take a nap together."
"Smell my feet; they really stink, don't they?"
"When will it end?"
"You and I are stuck together, Pumpkin. I promise."
"I have really bad reactions to certain noises. The worst one is when you open your mouth."
"You know, your cuddles seem to cure the worst of my sickness.. which is homesickness."
"How the hell do you look so good even when you're crying?"
"You leave them the fuck alone!"
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cosmicskz · 2 years
[20:23 pm]
Knowing a rich person had its perks. It was easier to get the things you wanted because they would buy it for you. It also meant you could go places or do things you would never be able to afford.
Dating a rich person was even better, especially if that rich person was Choi Yeonjun.
It was late evening and you were both sat in his private pool relaxing. That was until he swam over to you and started splashing you with the water.
Shouting out from the shock, you formed a wave of water to hit him back with. Laughing at your response, you both had a water fight. Water was flying everywhere, but neither of you cared.
Finally getting tired, Yeonjun held his hands up in defeat while you cried out in victory. This caused Yeonjun to giggle at your cuteness.
"How could you be so cute after winning? It's like you never stop." He swam over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you close.
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cosmicskz · 3 years
[13:48 pm]
The coffee shop was always busy on Saturday’s. Renjun enjoyed it when the coffee shop was busier. He was never one for coffee but it gave him more inspiration when drawing. One person in particular often caught Renjun’s eye. He was tall and had this smile that Renjun couldn't stop drawing. 
This afternoon when Renjun had walked in, the barista had his usual smile on and greeted him warmly.
“What would you like sir?” Renjun got lost in his voice. Despite looking young, he had quite a deep voice. Snapping out of his daze, Renjun ordered his usual, a strawberry frappe with extra whipped cream.
After collecting his drink, Renjun made his way over to the window and pulled out his notebook and pencils. Glancing around the shop, Renjun laid his eyes on a couple sharing a cake. Deciding to take inspiration from that, he got to work.
20 minutes into his drawing, Renjun felt like he was being watched. Not creepily but more curious. Looking up, he locked eyes with the barista who was watching him calmly while on his break. Smiling, he made his way over to Renjun.
“Nice drawing. I wondered what you draw each time you come in but you always leave before I get on my break.” Renjun could only nod in response, his brain short-circuiting from the complement. “Could you draw me? My mom wants a portrait of me but she wants it stylised.”
Once again, Renjun could only nod pointing at the seat for him to sit down. Sitting in the chair, the barista spoke up again.
“Sorry for not introducing myself. I’m Jaemin.” Finally gathering the courage to talk, Renjun responded.
“I’m Renjun.” 
While Renjun spent his time carefully drawing the man in front of him, Jaemin didn't say a word not wanting to distract him from his work instead opting to watch him and study his movement with the pencil.
A couple of hours later, Renjun put his pencil down and turned his notebook around to show Jaemin the finished piece. The younger gasped and took hold of the book so he could examine it closer.
“This is incredible. How do I pay you for it?” Renjun never thought about a payment, instead he was happy to get the chance to talk to Jaemin.
“I’m don't know. How would you like to pay for it?” Renjun looked down shyly closing his notebook after cutting the page out and handing it to the boy opposite him.
“Hmmm. How about I take you out for a meal? Would that suffice?” Renjun’s brain short-circuited for the second time that day. Unable to find the words, Renjun nodded as Jaemin smiled taking the page.
“Okay then. Meet me here next Saturday and I’ll take you somewhere nice. Once again, thank you for the drawing Renjun.” The taller left Renjun alone at the table who was now blushing a shade of bright pink.
Next Saturday is sure to be a fun day.
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cosmicskz · 3 years
[15:05 pm]
"Give me my food back, Xuxi." You whined at the tall boy who was using his height as an advantage to eat your precious pizza.
He giggled in response as he continued to hold you back with his right arm while his left held the perfect slice of pizza sturdy. It was often you pair found yourselves in this position because Lucas loved to play with you.
After finishing the slice, Lucas picked you up and started spinning around.
"You wanted your food so you can have it this way." Lucas spoke over your screams.
"I swear to fucking god, Lucas! Put me down!" You managed to break free from your friends tight grasp and fell over still dizzy. Lucas joined you shortly after.
"Do you still want your food?" This caused you to scream again and punch his arm while he laughed.
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cosmicskz · 3 years
[21:27 pm]
Kai was sad. It was his birthday and none of the members wished him a happy birthday. All of the staff had but his members seemed to ignore him all day.
Upon entering the dorm, Kai noticed all the lights were off.
"They must all be in bed. Not like I care." Kai turned the lights on in the kitchen and was met with the sight of his members stood around a cake.
"Surprise!" They all shouted in unison. Kai was shocked. He had been ignored all day just because they were trying to surprise him.
"Sorry for ignoring you, we wanted to make this day as special as possible. I guess we could have spent a little more time with you though." Soobin was the first to speak up.
After Kai had blown out the candles making his wish, Yeonjun and Beomgyu started singing their own rendition of happy birthday.
"What did you wish for Kai?"
"My wish is for us to do well and remain close forever." Kai responded smiling. With that confession, everyone clung to Kai in a big group hug refusing to let go.
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cosmicskz · 3 years
[17:30 pm]
"Choi Beomgyu! Open the door right now!" Your voice echoed down the street as you shouted to your boyfriend to let you in the house. It was raining and you were cold but Beomgyu had other plans.
Leaning against the door on the inside, Beomgyu laughed. "That's not the password. Try again." You cried out in anger before remembering that the backdoor was unlocked.
Running quickly through the garden, you pushed the door open and went to greet Beomgyu who, at this point, was rolling on the floor with tears in his eyes from laughter.
"You think this is funny? If I get a cold and miss my job interview tomorrow it will all be because of you." You shouted angrily "And if I don't get this job it means I won't be able to buy you the things you want." You stormed upstairs to change into some warm, dry clothes.
Upon entering your shared bedroom with your boyfriend, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist pulling you into a warm chest. Beomgyu leaned down to rest his head on your shoulder while muttering apologies into your ear.
Beomgyu often pulled silly pranks on you like this, but you had a stressful day at school and todays prank pushed you over your limit.
Turning around, you noticed how Beomgyu had hung his head low still quietly letting small 'sorry's' fall out of his mouth. You lifted his head so your eyes could meet and you smiled.
"I'm sorry Beomgyu. I shouldn't have gotten angry. I had a bad day and I couldn't handle anymore-" Beomgyu was quick to shut you up with his own apology.
"No, it was my fault. It was raining and I should have thought about how you would feel. I'm sorry, y/n. Can I get you a hot chocolate as an apology?" Beomgyu's offer was one you didn't refuse as you rushed to get changed and cuddle with your boyfriend while watching movies.
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cosmicskz · 3 years
[09:28 am]
If it wasn't for your friend, you wouldn't have been late. If it wasn't for your friend you wouldn't have been sent to the principle's office. If it wasn't for your friend you wouldn't have to show the new boy around school.
That last part wasn't a complaint. The new boy was really handsome. Maybe too handsome.
After showing him around school, you shown him to his first class which just so happened to be your next class. And of course, what the universe wanted, the universe got, meaning you were stuck next to the hot new boy.
Again no complaints as he was very handsome.
Once the day was over you realised you never got his name and you mentally kicked yourself for not asking. Fortunately for you, the new boy walked up to you to ask if you could take him to the library, the one place you never shown him.
The library was quiet, almost everyone had left except for you two. This was the perfect time to ask for his name. Just as you opened your mouth to talk, you were interrupted.
"Thank you for showing me around today. And also sorry for the hassle. Might I get your name and number so I can thank you properly." His smile was gorgeous and it almost made him look like a bunny.
Handing him a piece of paper with your number on you thanked him for his offer.
"Y/n? That's nice. I'm Minho. I'll take you for some coffee on Friday after school." He smiled again before walking off to find the books he needed.
If it wasn't for your friend, you wouldn't have been late. If it wasn't for your friend you wouldn't have been sent to the principle's office. If it wasn't for your friend you wouldn't have to show the new boy around school. If it wasn't for your friend, you wouldn't have a date with a hot boy.
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cosmicskz · 3 years
[13:15 pm]
The sun heated the sand the 7 boys were stood on. While the majority of them played in the water, 2 people stayed behind to nap. Renjun had told Jaemin to go play with the others, to which the younger refused saying he would much rather chill and read a book.
The 5 boys in the water plotted something big, 4 of them getting a bucket and filled it to the brim with the icy sea water. Making their way to the unsuspecting boys, they dumped the water over them both.
Renjun chased after Donghyuk screaming about burying him in the sand and leaving him there. Meanwhile Jaemin stood still in shock while Chenle, Jisung and Jeno laughed.
Mark watched as Renjun finally caught up with Donghyuk and started to push his face into the sand while the younger apologised with tears in his eyes from laughter.
After Renjun had finished punishing Donghyuk, they made their way back to the others.
"Mark, why did you join in?" Renjun whined at the oldest.
"I might be leader but you know as well as I do that they don't listen"
Jaemin groaned and dragged Chenle and Jisung by the arms to the water shoving them in before running away himself. It wasn't often Jaemin got mad, but the youngest always got the punishment for it.
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cosmicskz · 3 years
[15:11 pm]
You made your way to the school gym. Felix told you to meet him there because he had something to tell you.
Upon entering the gym, you were met with a bouquet of roses and a small, handwritten note which read;
Dear y/n,
I don't really know how to tell you this because of our friendship, but I really like you. More than a friend like.
I understand if you don't like me back, but I needed to get my emotions out.
Love from your best friend, Felix
Looking around, you spotted Felix's small figure in the corner watching you. You frowned and made your way over to him.
He jumped out from the corner and examined your face for a response to his feelings. No emotions were found.
"I'm sorry if I just ruined our friendship, but I needed to get my emotions out-" You cut Felix off by hugging him tight.
"You idiot. I like you too. More than a friend." Felix clung back to you smiling.
"So would you be mine?" Felix asked happily.
"I'd be dumb not to."
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cosmicskz · 3 years
Hi, I'm kpopbunny15 but you can call me Bunny.
I write for different groups and I will gladly take requests. I'm fairly new to writing so I do apologise if my writing is lacking.
I don't know how often I will post, but I will try to post as regular as I can.
The mains groups I write for are Stray Kids, NCT, ATEEZ, The Boyz and TXT although I will write for other groups if requested or if I have a good idea.
I will try to update my masterlist frequently.
The Boyz:
[03:06 am]
Stray Kids:
Types of dates
[09:28 am]
[15:11 pm]
[15:05 pm]
[13:15 pm]
[13:48 pm]
[20:23 pm]
[17:30 pm]
Huening Kai;
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cosmicskz · 3 years
[03:06 am]
Movie nights with Jacob were the best. Snuggled up on the sofa watching the cringiest movies you could find while laughing at the terrible plot, a bowl of popcorn long forgotten on the table in front of you.
Jacob had been your friend since you were little. He fought off your bullies and stayed close to you. Ever since that day you both were inseparable.
Because you were so close, it wasn't long before you caught feelings for him. It was in everything he did. Some days you could just look at Jacob and fall for him all over again. Kevin kept telling you to confess, but the voice in the back of your head said otherwise.
For now, you were content with the bond you had with Jacob. Maybe some other day you could confess.
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