corrupttouch · 1 month
> be me
> live in a shitty lighthouse with my brother and our friend
> mfw I fucking hate it here the stove doesn’t work the water’s always cold
> brother and friend are really into it for some reason
> probably the hallucinations
> come home one day and our friend has ripped out all his fingernails and wandered down to the coast
> brother goes out for a tow while I go out to find friend so we can gtfo
> find him on the beach in pouring rain staring at the horizon. ohshit.jpg
> tell him to follow me and start walking
> realize he’s not following and turns around
> get bashed in the head with a rock start bleeding out on the sand ihatesand.jpg
> friend says you know how it is with lighthouses
> no I don’t
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corrupttouch · 1 month
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He is broken and looks peaceful
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corrupttouch · 1 month
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Wounded dove🕊
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corrupttouch · 1 month
The faithless man on his knees for the rebel angel
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The angel giving all his faith to the man in return
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corrupttouch · 1 month
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the very touch of you corrupts.
a screencap redraw? remake? of that scene where dean knocks over the statue of the angel in the beautiful room in season 4.
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corrupttouch · 2 months
but now it’s just another show, and you leave ‘em laughing when you go
both sides now - joni mitchell
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corrupttouch · 2 months
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i'll be that little fallen angel on your shoulder.
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corrupttouch · 4 months
season one dean is such a gentle thing woag he loves his brother he wants them to be a family again hes the hero coming to save the damsel in distress but all of the damsels actually like him he says things like “I won’t be mad, I promise” and “I’m not gonna hurt you” he gets a kiss on the cheek and looks like hes never had a soft touch before
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corrupttouch · 4 months
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winchester, like a gun.
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corrupttouch · 4 months
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corrupttouch · 4 months
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Sketch :p
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corrupttouch · 4 months
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for dev
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corrupttouch · 6 months
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angels are watching over you
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corrupttouch · 6 months
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a short comic about the returning angel
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corrupttouch · 6 months
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if I had a nickel for every time dean's love interest tells him they want him but can't have him........
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corrupttouch · 6 months
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corrupttouch · 6 months
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11x17 / 15x18
Michelle: He did it for me. Dean: Michelle, this gonna be very hard. But you will be okay. And eventually, eventually you'll get back to normal. Michelle: No I won't. They said I could leave… an hour ago. But where am I even supposed to go? After everything we survived together… I watched the man I love die. There's no normal after that.
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