Silverblade sends Optimus a Christmas present- a box full of grenades inside, for him to use in battle if he wants to.
Thank you soldier, This will serve well.
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What's your favorite color?
Purple. The glowing kind.
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What's it like to transform?
It indeed takes a lot of energy and energon. Its something to help to get to places faster. But as well, well done for combat.
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What would you do for a bottle of Gatorade?
I prefer energon.. But sadly energon is becoming extinct. Because of your planet
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How did you meet Bumblebee?
During the war... Caused by my brother.. Megatron..
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Do you miss Elita?
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Hey, Optimus, don’t get to stressed.
I’ll try my best in doing so, Thank you for your advice. Haven’t had support like that in a long time.
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ADMIN: Ask me anything
//As shown in the title you may ask anything, Anything at all. Anonymous is acceptable.
Note: Please note, I'm only doing so, Cause I'm hecka bored.
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Do you have a role model?
To be honest, A Youtuber named “JohnnyFlash”
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"How's life going for you, Optimus?"
Doing fine.. Yet stressing.. Very stressing..
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What turns you on?
If your asking in sexual terms, I rather you ask me this in DM, And not in public. Because that is a personal question, And could upset a few people publicly. So if you wish to know, DM me if you must.
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Do you have a soft spot for anyone?
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(After war tfp) Arianna clings to her dad. “Dad? Anonymous people keep asking me gross questions. Can you make them stop?”
“Well Arianna.. You an adult now.. They must assume, Your able handle the questions.” Said staring at her. “I will not harm, Those of they’re curiosity. Curious or not, I will be nothing better but the decepticons.” Turned his optics to her and said “Is that understood?”  
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Nodded and then said “Cybertron and Earth are merged, We must work together, In order to survive..” The prime then stood up and said “Megatron survived, As well his decepticon spy, Barricade..” Turned his optics aside and said “I fear something much worse is coming..” The prime then grabbed his sword holding it, And wielding it “I believe, If Megatron gets in contact with Unicron, He may possibly make a deal to revive his fallen brethrens.. The decepticons..” Said dark tone, Of his fear.
The Reunion
Approaches the human general, As his slammed his sword against his back making his way to Lennox, “Lennox.. It has been a long time..” Said in dark tone, As a red mark was shown on the Prime’s right side, But indeed had the blue pure autobot optics. Within staring at the human.
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Stared at him, And breathed for a bit and said “No, I did  not..” He soon kneeled to get closer to Lennox and said “If anything, Quintessa the deceiver, Tried manipulate me into thinking she was my creator..” Said with slight depression as his optics turned and stared at the human “Thankfully, She was defeated, Although, I fear, her defeat is not at the end.” 
The Reunion
Approaches the human general, As his slammed his sword against his back making his way to Lennox, “Lennox.. It has been a long time..” Said in dark tone, As a red mark was shown on the Prime’s right side, But indeed had the blue pure autobot optics. Within staring at the human.
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The Reunion
Approaches the human general, As his slammed his sword against his back making his way to Lennox, “Lennox.. It has been a long time..” Said in dark tone, As a red mark was shown on the Prime’s right side, But indeed had the blue pure autobot optics. Within staring at the human.
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“Welcome Bumblebee, Now remember this is rather serious. From here and now, I am your mentor, Your focus is on what we study and do.” As he quoted staring at the young bot. “Is that clear, Bumblebee?.” Said as he handed Bumblebee paper work to sign, As thus Bumblebee may begin his serious training. 
(Please note, This rp is closed, Only opened to those, Are mentioned. Thank you)
Training in session (Open)
Time of the golden ages, When Orion begun to soon train a familiar face. As well during Bumblebee’s training the council soon calls Orion for something rather rare. But until then, Orion pax makes his way with meeting with the young scout. “Greetings, Bumblebee, is it?.” Said as he said softy, Staring at the young scout.
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