Cordelia McQueen, 21, Fine Art Student. She wears darkness as a queen wears a crown: proud, confident, beautiful and above all meant only for her.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
If there was one thing Arabella hated was the fact that she hadn’t accepted to be expelled all the times in the past where the administration at Oxford had threatened her to do so. The woman had even called them all pussies yet she still remained at this school trying to find a way to claw out of her skin to find sort of relief. To add insult to injury, her grades were starting to improve considering her parents had sent her a congratulatory email on the matter - how they found out was beyond her level of comprehension but she needed a break from it all. What better way to do so than by getting coffee and escaping campus? Now as she walked through the coffee shop with a large iced coffee in her hand, she fumbled about with her phone as she groaned in frustration. But that was when she also heard a voice that made her look up, “Hm?” She hummed, evidently disoriented. Taking a breath, she regained her composure and actually acknowledge Cordelia properly, “Technically I have stuff I should be doing but I couldn’t give a rats ass so I actually like your idea better,” the blonde said as she took a seat opposite the other.
It’s something of a surprise when Arabella consents, her thinking the blonde too lost in her own thoughts to want to make time for anyone else. Still, she takes up the seat opposite her, for which Cordelia offers her a small, polite smile. “Perhaps because coffee is never a bad idea.” At least in her mind she never grew tired off the bitter liquid or the spike of caffeine in it that made her feel that little more alive and slightly less hollow. For a moment the brunette toys with the idea of confessing that the two of them are there for the same reason: avoiding things that they really should be doing. But she had never been one for drawing comparisons between herself and others, mostly for her own peace of mind but it also served in keeping distance between herself and others when she’d always valued privacy over all else. So instead of remarking that they were both choosing to spend their day the same way, she plays it safe in continuing their conversation on a safe topic though perhaps not one of any real interest. “Did you enjoy your evening at the ball?”
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“Only once too many people find out. You don’t know the success rate of scandals kept secret. Kept in the family as it were.”
“Perhaps that might be the case but I for one doubt I’ll be trailing the theory. I might be a private person I have never much liked the idea of being a secret - familial otherwise”
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“Mon dieu, I needed a double vodka martini five minutes ago.” A half-smoked ivory cylinder slipped from trembling digits, as the biting, bitter and nearly departed Aria Bellefonte acknowledged the presence in her vicinity: “You,” one thinly veiled hand was used to flick a stray lock of onyx over her shoulder, the other was pointed directly at her newfound target. “Drinking with company is far more entertaining than doing so alone, is it not?” A beat, hardly long enough to answer the question, before she added, “That was me extending an invitation, by the way.”
It was rare that Cordelia decided that she needed a drink and even rarer that she didn’t just choose to settle the urge with a glass or two of wine at home. This evening however, she hadn’t fancied her own company, so had made her way to her favourite bar, looking to enjoy the quiet hum of noise around her until her ears picked up a familiar voice. Turning her head, the brunette fixed the other with her gaze, almost tempted to turn down the invitation but as always, politeness won out, as shown by the little smile she forced onto her lips. “I suppose on occasion it can be nice to have someone else with you, yes.” A simple concession as she smoothly rises from her seat at the bar to take one closer to Aria. “Have you had any luck getting a drink yet?”
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“Maybe I’d prefer a different type of scandal, but people like us don’t always get what we want.”
For a moment she considers playing dumb and acting as though she has no idea what type of scandal he might prefer but instead she just breaks their gaze. “No we don’t, especially when scandals never do end well.”
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Taking a break from her art after hitting a wall with it, Cordelia had taken a walk by the river before stopping for a coffee on her way back to the university. Sipping her drink and waiting for the caffeine hit, she was quite content in her own company with her mind running through possible routes she could take the painting she was working on. Something about it was slightly off with her lacking the ease her uncle had always had to bring her creations to life. From mind to canvas had always been her issue, her imagination and high standards for herself making it almost impossible to be satisfied most of the time. Still, she knew how to deal with these ruts: take a step back, leave it and go back with a fresh pair of eyes.
She’d lost track of the time she’d been in the cafe when on a whim she glanced around the spacious, high ceilings of Vaults before her eyes landed on someone familair. “You would be welcome to join if you have the time.”
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“Only good things? Terrible. Have I become boring since dating Lauren? They’ll have to kick me out of the club for being an embarrassment of a Riot.”
“Well then I suppose some sort of scandal will have to happen for you to reclaim that bad reputation once more. Maybe you really will end up stealing the Headington Shark after all.”
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Beata Belanszky-Demko — Silent Night in Manhattan, 2013.
Painting: Acrylic on canvas, 27.6 x 19.7 in. Private collection.
Via Art of Darkness: Daily Art Blog
#~insp~#~artwork~#she'd be painting Edinburgh or London but this is pretty close to the style I have in mind for her
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TEXT / cordelia
Charlotte: yeah, they do, don't they? yet I can't help but hope the next one will be better. every time.
Charlotte: but I suppose the point of these events is to be average
Charlotte: hence the after party
Cordelia: I suppose there's that much anticipation surrounding each one they're always doomed to fail in a way.
Cordelia: Perhaps the after party will provide a bit more entertainment.
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TEXT / cordelia
Charlotte: 'fine' is a little too average in my opinion. not nearly what I'd been expecting, I have to say
Cordelia: I wish I could say that I was expecting otherwise but in my experience most of these events turn out a little too average.
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Aiden took her words to heart, and looked around the room at his peers. Dancing and seemingly enjoying themselves - though all he saw were fixed smiled and even stiffer waltzes. He turned to Cordelia. “And where would you start?” He was genuinely curious in her answer, though he had an idea.
He couldn’t disagree with her at all, “You are absolutely right, though I do not wish to see the latter, I believe somethings should be left in private?–Is this what you enjoy the most, the drama?” There was not an ounce of judgment in his tone.
“I couldn’t say for certain - I’m not much of a people watcher.” Though as she speaks she does cast her eyes around the room at the spectacle in front of them. Each and everyone of them seemingly so very conscious of how many eyes could end up aimed their way. “Whoever has drank the most would perhaps be a safe bet.”
“I quite agree.” It’s left unsaid though perhaps implied that she felt as though most things that were personal should be kept private. Even though his question was void of judgement, she still wonders if she really comes across that way. “I’m actually rather indifferent to it all apart from perhaps the fashion.”
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“And what do people say about me, Cordy? I’ll tell you what I’ve heard on you if you start.”
“I don’t need to know what’s said about me. Though as for you, of course it’s only good things for the boy who is the perfect boyfriend to the university’s golden girl.”
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“I agree whole heartedly.”
“I suppose if we’re to be witnesses to something like that we should make our way back inside.”
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“If you only embrace what’s healthy for you, you’ll miss out on some of the most enjoyable things in life,” he rattled off the words he often sighed tiredly at when they were directed at him by verious people trying to convnce him toward different vices smirking as he did so. “Somewhat passable? High praise from you. Make sure nobody else overhears.”
“Perhaps but my life is quite fine as it is.” If there were anything she would change it wasn’t something she was willing to admit just yet when she preferred to keep all her cards close to her chest unsure of whether she ever wanted to show them. “I don’t think you or any spectators would be believed if they claimed I was capable of high praise.”
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The pun would have received an eye roll and enough mockery to take some of it home too if it were recited by anybody else, but her name was Cordelia McQueen and she wasn’t known for her career as a stand up comedian, so Jamie found it unpredictable enough for a bell laughter that wasn’t even forced. “Goodnight into a good night,” he nodded, still between huffing laughter, not obnoxious enough to make it loud although, deep down, he knew that was the recipe to making his interlocutor lose her mind — seemingly impossible task; maybe she was already there, but Jamie hadn’t been taught the art of giving up and picking the right battles. This couldn’t have mattered less, and yet, here he was, obsessing over it as if it was the top of his bucket list to squeeze some emotion out of the wall. “You’re too kind, but it’s not the fanbase that interests me.” Pulling out a cigarette, he declared he wouldn’t be leaving that soon after all. “Do you have a light?” Even in your eyes? Maybe just a little? No, he didn’t think so.
Her words clearly give him some sort of amusement even if that hadn’t been her intention. It might have made her wonder if he was actually genuine in it or not if she were more invested in the words that passed between them. As it was all their conversations fell into the same category as everyone else and that meant that it was based on pure politeness from her end. “And what kind of fanbase would that be?” It wasn’t so much curiosity that prompted her to ask the question when she couldn’t even bring herself to force any actual interest in him. As with everyone else, once a conversation was finished it was pushed from her mind with little more thought given to it. Her spare time wasn’t spent going over each and every interaction the two of the shared and dissecting each word that left his mouth as though to discern a deeper meaning from it. “Yes, of course.” After dipping her hand into her bag, she produces the lighter for him.
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TEXT / cordelia
Charlotte: to be honest, it wouldn't take much
Charlotte: I'm guessing your night hasn't been the most eventful either?
Cordelia: It's been quite fine though yes, it has been lacking in diversion.
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“Don’t worry about it too much.” Or at all. He’d been partially fishing for one particular he thought would be dateless girl. “I don’t know how it would look. It doesn’t take much to start or feed a rumor.”
“I’ll try not to.” For once the words were intentionally laced with a hint of dryness before her shoulders almost roll into a shrug as Lucas talks about the rumour mill that was one of the main reasons she’d accepted Marc’s invitation. “Perhaps but people will always talk regardless of any evidence to support it.”
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“I give it an hour. Two at most. It’s bound to happen.”
“The interesting part will be who it is that will be and in what fashion they cause a scene.”
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