corazoncounselor · 5 years
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Through the fog and haze
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
gimme sammich
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
cute couple things i’ve seen on campus this semester that make me want a stupid boyfriend
girl and guy were sitting on the same chair with the guy behind her only he was hugging her waist and fast asleep on her shoulder while she was working on her computer
saw this couple across the street from me waiting for the bus. the guy did the thing where he pretends to look for something in his bag and pulls out a finger heart instead
in the hallway i watched this girl run up to her bf and he gives her the biggest hug and goes “see told you you’d kill your presentation” then kisses her forehead
girl sitting next to me in the library has been grinding on an assignment all day (like i’d have been in the library from 10-3 with breaks in between for classes but she’d been sitting there the whole time) and her boyfriend would come in every few hours, put down food or coffee on her table, kiss the top of her head, and walk away without a word
in one of my smaller classes (probably around 30 people) this guy’s phone rang and he sprung up and left the class to answer it. usually profs don’t care if you leave class but this one is really small and he knows all of our names/faces, so when the guy comes back in the prof asks if everything was ok. he has the biggest grin on his face and says “yeah, sorry that was my girlfriend. her flight took off right before it started snowing so i was worried. she’s okay tho.”
was sitting outside and reading when it was warmer and i could see this couple sitting under a tree a little ways away from me. the girl was laying in his lap while he was on his phone. suddenly i heard an alarm go off so i look up and they start switching places so now he’s laying his head on her lap and she’s reading sitting up. it happened twice more after that
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
Humans Are Weird
So there has been a bit of “what if humans were the weird ones?” going around tumblr at the moment and Earth Day got me thinking. Earth is a wonky place, the axis tilts, the orbit wobbles, and the ground spews molten rock for goodness sakes. What if what makes humans weird is just our capacity to survive? What if all the other life bearing planets are these mild, Mediterranean climates with no seasons, no tectonic plates, and no intense weather? 
What if several species (including humans) land on a world and the humans are all “SCORE! Earth like world! Let’s get exploring before we get out competed!” And the planet starts offing the other aliens right and left, electric storms, hypothermia, tornadoes and the humans are just … there… counting seconds between flashes, having snowball fights, and just surviving. 
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
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I wish the world would understand..
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
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Bob Larkin’s 1979 cover to Doctor Strange: Master of Mystical Arts
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
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Muffins ♥
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
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Muffins ♥
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
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i’m detecting wikipedia bridge drama
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
true crime is becoming to girls what ww2 is to boys
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corazoncounselor · 5 years
baby yoda: r- r- 
the mandalorian: oh cute i think he’s gonna say his first words 
baby yoda: rockin’-
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