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Venice is a city of palatial buildings, magnificent churches and water avenues.  Your travel dream will come true walking the narrow streets and busy piazzas. While vacationing in Venice, remember a bit of information, that one of the wonderful sides of Venice is the private city. Buy a map before you go.  On your adventure, take any canal or any corner of the city and all is completely different from anything we are used to in our steel and concrete cities.  The most striking aspect is the incredible variety—no two canals, streets or blocks of houses are the same; every aspect of Venice is unique unto itself.  On your travel experience take the Amaretto (water bus) – a great way to transport you and your luggage for an inexpensive deal on transportation. Venice appeals to the romantic imagination with its gondolas, the great canvases upon which its faces have been recorded, its buildings and monuments which are a virtual living museum.  I like to look at Venice and think of it in terms of an archaeologist.  There is so much history all around it is easy to think of ancient times There are 180 canals (28 miles of them).  Each is about 12 feet wide and follow the path of the original 118 islands.  You cannot begin to imagine the splendor of Venice until you see it.  The Grand Canal is 2.3 miles long with an average depth of nine feet. Venice is divided into six districts, each of which is criss-crossed by a web of canals.  As you walk along the labyrinth of corridors, you will see window sills that have flower pots which add a note of color to the streets, open squares and paved streets.  Getting lost in Venice can be a lovely adventure as the house address numbers follow no pattern. Sightseeing in Venice will show you tunnels that actually cut into buildings.  Life in Venice seems to go on mainly in the streets and squares and as you travel about the city, in summer, the squares become like drawing rooms.  Venice is known for its hand blown glassware, fine lace, bronze objects, silverware, jewelry and furniture. Living the life of the Venetians is a truly unique travel experience. A bit of information; there was no sales tax on purchases under 300 Euro when we were last there. Since 1750, Venice floods 50 times a year on the average and there are only 20 plumbers listed in the Venice phone book.
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