Cooky Little Thing Called Life
194 posts
This page was created to... Amaze. Believe. Create. Dream. Evolve. Faith. Give. Happy. Intelligence. Joy. Kindness. Love. Motivate. Nurture. Opportunity. Peace. Quality. Respect. Soar. Truth. Unique. Values. Wisdom. Youthful. Zeal.
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O-M-GEE reminds my of my babies and our days at the lake!! =)
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Bonnie’s 7 Tips for Beach Trips [jonaskilljoy]
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Hone$ty really i$ the be$t policy!
As I've mentioned in earlier posts I am finally getting my ducks in a row starting with having my fingerprints taken for the job I'll be starting in a few weeks. Now in order to get these done I had to visit my local police station and have a few forms signed, but to figure out which police station would be a whole other mission in and of itself. It turns out because of where I live the police officers of three different jurisdictions couldn't quite figure out where I had to go. So, after countless phone calls I was told once and for all I had to visit the local Spring Valley police station. With that being said early this morning (with Ashley's help) I rose from slumber and sprinted for the door. Luckily when I arrived they knew exactly who I was making the situation a lot less painful. In less than 10 minutes I got them done and was sent on my way, but only there was a small fee that had forgotten to be paid. Seeing as how I had forgotten, and no one bothered to ask for the fee I went about my business only to realize when I arrived home that the money was still in my pocket. I quickly got back in my car and drove all the way back to the police station. When I arrived I explained the situation to the officer at the window, I asked for a receipt, and he took my money, but a few moments later returned with the money still in hand. You could imagine my confusion that is until he said that "because of my honesty I could keep my money!!!" Moral of the story: good deeds do not always go unseen by others and those that do do not go unseen by you. In other words, had I not been true to myself and returned to the station to turn in the money I would've felt guilty and/or karma would've bit me in the ass!!!
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Hey ladies!!! So I don't know about you all, but my feet have taken a beating this Summer!!! What with walking barefoot at the lake/beach, and always wearing open toed shoes, BUT I have finally found a SOLUTION that actually WORKS!!! First thing's first, I've tried using the famous mouthwash, vinegar and hot water concoction. I was not crazy about it and I felt that my feet were no better after allowing them to soak for the suggested 20 minutes. Instead I came across something that is so simple and seems to actually work! It's as easy as having 20 minutes to spare and pouring epsom salt in water as warm as you can stand it. I did two sessions back to back and in between I used a pumice stone to help remove the dead skin. Lastly, I put cream on my feet for hydration and threw on my 'Pamper Me' gel moisturizing booties. I wore those for about 20 minutes or about as long as it took me to compose this post. It works miracles!!! Trust me!
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I graduated, now what?
It's been just over a year since I graduated and I can tell you from first hand experience that that magical feeling of realizing what you want to do for the rest of your life is quite difficult to come by. All throughout college you worked some retail job only to leave at the completion of your Bachelor's Degree. You left with the intention of going out into the world and establishing yourself, only to realize that you should've never left. That is also derived from first hand experience except my stories a little different, for me graduation happened in May and my leap of faith happened at the end of October. You see, during my final two semesters I lived with my now wife in an 800 sq. ft apartment in Passaic (just 15-minutes from our mother's house's, and our retail jobs). There we lived for a year or just short of going crazy from how little space we had to share. Next we would move to the apartment we currently live in, which is a cozy two-bedroom, complete with a laundry room, dining room and driveway. Said apartment was a bit far from our hometown and retail jobs, but is a steal seeing as how it was offered through the company in which my wife works for. The day she was transferred was the day we gave in the keys to our first ever apartment and the day I gave in my name tag at my retail job. It is the day that has been playing over and over in my mind for the last ten-months. Why did I leave?! Granted the fact that there was a situation going on at work helped to make my decision of leaving with our move easier, but why did I not wait to secure a job out here to leave my job back home? I have been wracking my brain and I think I have finally figured out the reasons. I partly blame myself and my dreamy way of thinking. We Pisces always tend to believe in the best of situations and imagine scenes so spectacular you can find them in your favorite romantic comedies. (I.e I'd find the perfect job. We would save tons of money. We would get married (after it was legalized of course.) We would take out a mortgage. Ashley would leave her current job and take on an even better one. We would have children and we would live happily ever after.) But I also blame our schools and professors. They speak so highly of having gotten out of school and making something of themselves, that they forget to discuss the struggles you'll face as young adults in the work force. More specifically that you'll probably (A.) take on several jobs hating a few until you've found the perfect one, or (B.) hate the job you end up finding, but stay there for a while because there is nothing better out there. A hell is headed your way and no one can see it on the forecast but them and they didn't tell you how to prepare! Don't get me wrong I am a firm believer in "if you can dream it you can achieve it" after you've worked hard to get it of course, but a wrench was thrown through our dream and we've been trying to fall asleep ever since. I've found a few gigs here and there, nothing that has stuck, but within the next few weeks I'll be starting a new job in a field I have no experience in. This will allow me some breathing room while I plan and execute my next step. I think I've finally figured out what I want to do, but I have to get some experience in it before I make that final decision. Not big on superstitions, but I'm not taking any chances. So for now, mum's the word!!!
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Round 2 @JimmyGeez
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Only the beginning 🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹
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Good night 💚🐱
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Free juice!!! Priced at $1.99 at ShopRite had three $.75 coupons plus a $2.00 hanging coupon to use at time of purchase. All in all had an overage of $.53 to count towards the rest of my purchase!! BOOYAA 😜
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$1.38 each 25 && 28 oz. 😃👍
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Brother and sister bond 🐱💚🐱
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They have a love/hate relationship 🐱💚🐱
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Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day from Oliver!!! 💚💚💚
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Dinner is served!! Brown fried rice with chicken and onions ☺️
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Happy 3rd Birthday Mamas!!! Couldn't picture my life without my brat. I love you big girl!!!
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Vroom vroom 🚙💨 #HondaDay2k14
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When life changes you change your life 💋
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