Dr. Taurus and his team!
53 posts
It's the powerful and devious team of Pokemon criminals and the man leading them! We also take food orders. BUT NO PEEKING AT MY RECIPIES!! (//pkmn irl villain-ish blog, blanket pokemon consumption & death cw. started this because of some ultra specific fixations and will probably return to this when those come back lol)
Last active 60 minutes ago
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cookinguptrouble 9 months ago
Something that suprised me about these guys is learning how much of our human ideas about these guys came from their own cultures. Take it away, boys!
馃 Bet you all think giving eachother Applins as gifts was your own idea, don'cha? HAHA! Humans are funny. See, our line are kinda half-solitary half-tight-knit. Parents are real doting, especially Appletun parents, but the kids are real shy and always hook onto an apple to survive. If their apple breaks, they run off to burrow into a new one, and that plus their whole camouflage and hiding strategies means parents lose track of their little guys!
If an adult finds a stray Applin, they take in the little guy right away and present it to their mate (or a stranger in the case of widowed or single ones) as a wordless way to say "I found the little bugger on its own, you gonna raise it with me or what now?" Oi, by the way, if a human imitates this then proceeds to not take care of the guy, you WILL attract the wrath of every Flapple in the vicinity!
馃 Pikachu are one of those few cases where it really is humans they're getting their behaviors from! They're like starters, you know? Super domesticated, not many that you'll see in the wild are truly wild. We get a lot of joy outta imitating human costumes and activities and what not, and being joyful and energetic charges us up! Pichu are friendship evos for a reason. Raichus either tend to be real drawn to their one trainer and draw from their behaviors or, in the case of wild ones, settle down with all the play to raise their young. Bwahaha, not Alolan Raichu, though! Me and my buddies took one look at all that surfing culture stuff and knew what we wanted to be! I became the best surfer on the planet after that, of course.
馃 Cream is a little weird for Alcremies, hehe. Alcremies love making their own food styles, it's like their version of Zebstrika stripes, your taste is like your name!
馃 ew
馃 Hey! Skitty lick eachother all the time. Besides, Cream put less time into his flavor and more into his own premium style of BASHING!
Sure did. And, er... Yogurt? What about you?
馃崹 Do I look like I care about whatever those other Clefable guys have going on to you!?
Okay, I'm making posts talking about different pokemon behaviors and culture, and I kinda need help with it. My world doesn't have any sentient pokemon (like, pokemon that you can have regular conversations with), and it can be hard to convey what you mean psychicically, even when you have a super smart Orbteetle. So, to the sentient pokemon that have a rotomblr, what are some of your behaviors and species culture?
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cookinguptrouble 9 months ago
馃 Lotsa special applications out there mate! It's a TTS for us since we're in that Rocket Meowth situation where Doc gets to hear us out loud 24/7 (not includin lunch break), there's word that other "sentient" mates who can't talk aloud but still think in words use applications that let them use their species's unique sounds to navigate it!
馃 A bothersome amount of those are just to trick grandmas though. Anything where you put up a microphone to them and it comes up with a big thought bubble that says "I love you! I'm hungry!" isn't legitimate. You should be able to tell all that stuff already if you're not a fool!
why is everyone on rotumblr some form of pokemon. how do you people operate keyboards or touchscreens
(please rb with your method of typing as a pokehybrid if you are one)
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cookinguptrouble 11 months ago
// Been having fun with the muse swap but trying to make it progress has been too hard with my executive functioning so I'm ending it by handwaving things whoops </3 just assume that like Val got back to his house and kicked the Wormhole's ass and fixed everything djdkfkfkdkf
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cookinguptrouble 11 months ago
I ain't the one panicking here! Well, actually I am, but not as much. But I'll try that I guess, I'm low on options out here.
Er, okay so uh, does anyone on this website know what to do when someone gets separated from their team. And they er apparently have massive separation anxiety or somethin. Uh time sensitive question probably
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cookinguptrouble 11 months ago
Er, okay so uh, does anyone on this website know what to do when someone gets separated from their team. And they er apparently have massive separation anxiety or somethin. Uh time sensitive question probably
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cookinguptrouble 11 months ago
wuh oh
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Managed to get a hotel room, somehow. Things are looking up for us, baby!
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cookinguptrouble 11 months ago
Aha! Mister sci-fi weirdo is waking up! Excellent! That portal freak has it coming today, baby!
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Managed to get a hotel room, somehow. Things are looking up for us, baby!
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cookinguptrouble 1 year ago
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Managed to get a hotel room, somehow. Things are looking up for us, baby!
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cookinguptrouble 1 year ago
Well I didn't get anyone from my team back. But, erm... well:
[A picture is attached, of Val from @starblessed-blasterz passed out on a tiled floor]
He landed from a portal behind me and I kinda hit him with my frying pan.
Eh, they'll get over it!
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cookinguptrouble 1 year ago
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Look at the wormhole's blog.
Really? Well, it's for my men, even if I do have to look around on that style-less mess of an alter ego's page! He could have at least gone for some horns or, or at least some clothes!
Ah well, I'll do what you're saying then.
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cookinguptrouble 1 year ago
Look at the wormhole's blog.
Really? Well, it's for my men, even if I do have to look around on that style-less mess of an alter ego's page! He could have at least gone for some horns or, or at least some clothes!
Ah well, I'll do what you're saying then.
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cookinguptrouble 1 year ago
Be me.
Travel to Alola with my mates for a commission from some folks operating out of a mall, the exact weirdo circumstances my hell life slots perfect into!
Me and my gang pop out of a food court and put on our big scary act to dissuade some people investigating things.
ULTRA WORMHOLE appears in the MIDDLE OF THE MALL and, and it like? Flies into them and just gets them!?
Does this stuff just happen in this region now?? Is this normal for you people?
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cookinguptrouble 1 year ago
Be me.
Travel to Alola with my mates for a commission from some folks operating out of a mall, the exact weirdo circumstances my hell life slots perfect into!
Me and my gang pop out of a food court and put on our big scary act to dissuade some people investigating things.
ULTRA WORMHOLE appears in the MIDDLE OF THE MALL and, and it like? Flies into them and just gets them!?
Does this stuff just happen in this region now?? Is this normal for you people?
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cookinguptrouble 1 year ago
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cookinguptrouble 1 year ago
Gone batty! 馃馃挏 Made a batch of Noibat chocolate pops and sugar cookies (ube and matcha)
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cookinguptrouble 1 year ago
Every team should have a consistent naming scheme! You'd think more evil teams would know a thing or two about teamwork in this way, but no, they're usually allergic to having some fun! It's mostly the young folks I see on this website, I gotta respect it!
馃 Plus it's just very good marketing~ 馃榿
Might as well.
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cookinguptrouble 1 year ago
Rough and ready Roggenrola chocolates filled with Oreos and dark chocolate ganache 馃馃崼
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