Convexity Hunter
9 posts
Digital-traditional artist for hobby. 20 years old, Italian, tomboy. I'm more active on Deviantart (ConvexityHunter).
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convexityhunter · 7 days ago
YNGZ redraw - Page 5
Uh oh.
Sibling fight gone real bad. I added the reaction panels both as a way to practice emotions and because they are missing in the original, which has always looked off to me: did nobody seriously not notice that Yaiba wounded Yuki? I feel like that was an oversight of the authors.
We're finally back after two weeks and a set of annoying exams! It's over now, thankfully. On top of everything, this page was also downright painful to plan and draw: I thought about dividing it in two pages, but at this point I have delayed it long enough.
BEHIND THE FILTER: Yaiba loses it, lunging at Yuki as they start fighting. He disarms her, but fails to notice that he has accidentally wounded her. Only after the scuffle, seeing the horrified stares of the shinobi master and the children, Yaiba turns around and realizes what he's done: his sister is motionless and bleeding heavily.
Mirrored page on DA:
Art by me.
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convexityhunter · 26 days ago
Fire Dragons!
I don't upload often, figured I should treat you with something every once in a while. These are some of my Fire Dragon characters from The Way Of Bullets, a story I'm planning. The piece was done for the Fire and Dragon DA tutorials, as well as practicing different muzzles/horns etc.
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Crimson Fire - Malevolence, former gladiator and current owner of the Vengeance Arena.
Indigo Fire - Char, gladiator of the Vengeance Arena.
Green Fire - Igorr, gladiator of the Vengeance Arena.
Tawny Fire - Ervin, gladiator of the Vengeance Arena.
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convexityhunter · 28 days ago
YNGZ redraw - Page 4
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"Unfortunately, Think has stopped".
Against all odds, I managed to complete this page. Next week's page will be a big question mark and will lilely skip, as I have another exam tomorrow and yet another on the 11th.
Back to the comic, I didn't quite get what was going on in the original, so I tried making it more clear. Instead of just falling head first on a log (I guess), Yaiba is sent flying against a tree for more damage. Don't worry, he has plot armor.
Art by me.
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convexityhunter · 1 month ago
YNGZ redraw - Page 3
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Sure, antagonize your brother with anger issues, what could go wrong?
Fun fact: this is an extra page I added to flesh out why exactly Yaiba gets angry, since in the original he straight up lunges at her. This was pretty fun, surprisingly I don't hate doing backgrounds, at least the natural ones.
Not sure when next page will be up, I have an exam tomorrow and next Thursday too. Be patient.
Art by me.
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convexityhunter · 1 month ago
YNGZ redraw - Page 2
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Flashback time! Featuring his little sister. This took me so long, but I'm proud of it. Dealing with younger siblings can be a handful. Thank goodness I don't have to share my Playstation/food/books with anyone.
Also I hate drawing buildings/perspective in digital. I can do it on paper (Memories from high school), but I'm helpless otherwise.
Art by me.
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convexityhunter · 2 months ago
YNGZ redraw - Page 1
We're finally here! Yay!
And there's lot of strawberry jam already! This page was fun to work on, I love drawing facial expressions. Also my first take at a decent sky. Perspective and shading are kind of a pain, but I'm trying to copy the cel-shaded style of the game.
BEHIND THE FILTER: Yaiba has just cleared out a zombie horde. During some banter in the respite that follows, Miss Monday tells him he should discard his broken katana, only to be surprised that he calls it "Heartless". At her question, the shinobi begins to recount how the Tempest Blade came into his possession and got that name...
Mirrored page on DA:
Art by me.
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convexityhunter · 2 months ago
Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z, Chapter One cover
Yay, we're almost here! You know the story will feature plenty of violence when the cover is behind a mature filter already.
Still dropping the cover of the first chapter! I have to get creative with these, so for the first one I chose to redraw the loading screen of the game. Pretty neat, eh? I already know what to draw for the second chapter and maybe I will also post it as a separate artwork.
Are you ready to embark on this journey? I'm having fun so far! As I post this, I'm nearly done with the first page. I'm trying to build up a backlog for these weeks due to also having to study for exams.
Mirrored page on DA:
BEHIND THE FILTER: The loading screen of the game, which consists in a severed zombie head with the Tempest Blade lodged in its skull.
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convexityhunter · 2 months ago
I'm redrawing a comic!
Does anyone remember that one Ninja Gaiden game nobody talks about because it was poorly received? Well, good news, I really liked it. And after getting a new copy (Old disc got scratched :( ), this one came with the comic!
I've had the idea of making a comic for a while and I took this as a sign. So I'm doing an unofficial, independent redraw for fun and getting better! I'm mostly active on my DeviantArt, but I'll post it here too.
Updates SHOULD be weekly unless my university life and procrastination get in the way (I have exams soon).
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Follow it also on Deviantart, can't wait to hear some feedback and opinions!
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convexityhunter · 2 months ago
Hello! I'm new here!
Hi to you all! I've recently started to step out of my introverted shell and share my art. I'm Convexity Hunter, a 20 years old chill tomboy from Italy and it's a pleasure to meet you all! I've been drawing and writing ever since I could hold a pen and I would greatly appreciate any form of support or interaction.
Please be patient, I have no idea how social medias work and it takes me time to get accustomed.
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Here are some pieces from my DeviantArt account, I post digital, traditional and I have some photographs as well. If you are interested in seeing more, I would be very grateful for any favorite/comment or even watch! I am starting a comic very soon and it will also be published here!
I am more accustomed to DA if you want to interact.
With that said, I am happy to be here and thank you for your attention! <3
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