haiku 20
each time you leave i
am too slow to speak. once more
i am left in tears.
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haiku 19
pretty crescent moons.
i see so many of them
upon your absence.
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haiku 18
how dare you compare
me to them when all i asked
for was a few days.
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haiku 17
a single word from
you can change my demeanor
in but an instant.
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haiku 16
i do not know which
of them i want more. your rage
or your forgiveness.
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(triple) haiku 15
it is abnormal
that i'm more scared to return
than i am to stay.
it is unlike me
that i'm more scared to return
and i am so sorry.
it is unfounded
that i'm more scared to return.
it will be okay.
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haiku 14
safe. safety in spades.
you are the only thing that
is always welcome.
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haiku 13
you have quietened
my brain, even a little.
you help me feel calm.
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haiku 12
i thought we had put
this to bed. instead you have
prevented my sleep.
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(double) haiku 11
you asking for my
silence is a high price. i
will pay it, of course.
but the silence comes
at my own expense. paid in
turmoil, not in gold.
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haiku 10
"do you hate me?" i
said it as a joke but now
i am not so sure.
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haiku 9
i love you more than
you will ever know but i
cant keep doing this.
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haiku 8
i am filled with a
longing and a shame that tear
me apart inside.
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haiku 7
why must you say all
these things about me in such
a public setting?
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haiku 6
endings, beginnings.
theyre both the same when august
becomes september.
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haiku 5
it is all too much
for my fragile heart to take.
one day i will rest.
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haiku 4
you think you trick them?
what if they simply see you
in sharper focus?
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