contumaciouscataclysm ¡ 11 months
“Mayor Eric Adams, a former police captain, has said he wants to see police further embrace the ‘endless’ potential of drones, citing Israel’s use of the technology as a blueprint after visiting the country last week.”
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contumaciouscataclysm ¡ 1 year
Man okay when I got my wisdom teeth out it was a fucking experience. Before the surgery wasn’t too interesting but as soon as I woke up I saw the nurse next to me and was all like “hey… i think… i died… and now I’m in a parallel universe… and i gotta go back to my house and kill the me from this universe” and he was just kinda like “alright, you do that”. And then the other nurse kept going in and out of the room to get things and I thought there was like 5 of her that kept coming out of the room, and then so when she was wheeling me out in a wheelchair I was like “damn… why are there so many of you… there’s like 5 many of you” and she was just kinda like “alright, you do that”.
Anyway I got to the car and my dad was there and he was like “how ya feeling son” in the dadliest way possible and I was like “MAN I AM PUMPED LETS GET SOME JUICE I’M STARVED” so we drove about 3 blocks to a jamba juice, whereupon I say “I’m good I can do this” and run/drunkstumble 30 feet to the door. I burst in the door like a viking returning from some fucking battle and holler “WHATS UP FUCKS” to everyone in the store, which was thankfully just the 2 people behind the counter, who looked probably as scared/confused as a jamba juice employee could look.
So anyway, as my dad explained the situation I looked up at the jamba juice menu and was utterly fucking lost in it. Like I swear I was looking at this menu board for a year, deciphering this Rosetta stone of fruits. I distinctly remember that I was looking at each item in a smoothie, thinking of how it tasted, then moving on to the next thing and thinking of how that tasted, and how they would taste together. Since most smoothies had 3 or 4 items, this took some thinking. So my dad sees me in this extreme brain blast state of mind and says “hey are you going to order or what”. Keep in mind I’m on the first fucking smoothie on the list here. So I just say “shush man I’m trying to do fruit science”, and then when I realized that this process could take literal years, I just said “yeah give me a smooth regular” which for the uninitiated, isn’t actually a real thing on any menu. Oh, also I asked them if the “boosted” smoothies would give me super powers and then pointed my fingers at them and made “lightning noises”.
So my dad just orders me the first thing on the menu and I go to sit down and stare out the window or some shit and my thoroughly amused dad just looks at me and says “how ya feelin?”. Now at this time I was feeling a lot of things, but most noticeable to me was the gauze in my mouth, so I just look at him and say “there’s these fuckin… tiny sheep in my head” which at the time was the best way I had to convey this feeling. Anyway about that time, the jamba juice guy brings us our drinks and he gives me a small thing of mario kart stickers and I swear I almost cried from the tsunami of emotion that gift made me feel (I still have them).
Anyway the rest of the story is we drove home and I explained this programming project I was working on to my dad in perfect detail somehow and then I came home and went on facebook and posted a comment on my friends status (because I couldn’t find the status update bar) that read: “i just took a lort of painkillers and yelled at everyone in a jambo juice”
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contumaciouscataclysm ¡ 4 years
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Text: Sometimes in the dead of night on the way to the kitchen for a glass of water, I see an extra door in the hallway, black and imposing. 
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contumaciouscataclysm ¡ 5 years
woman: i miss you like the deserts miss the rain
man: oh that’s so sweet, i–
woman: i’ve adapted to existence without you, buried everything we made together, and prolonged exposure to you would be disastrous.
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contumaciouscataclysm ¡ 5 years
Name: Maera Janas
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Race: Human
Major: Kinesiology and exercise sciences
Magic: TBD 
Role: Occultist
Appearance: 5′9, heavily muscled, hair is dyed bright purple and short with the left side shaved close but left jaw length otherwise. She has light blue, almost silvery eyes, and a large Yggdrasil tattoo across her upper back.   
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Personality: Maera is very outdoorsy, and a bit of a risk-taker/adrenaline junkie, she does a lot of rock-climbing, kickboxing, and hiking whenever she has a bit of extra time. She can be a bit cynical and sarcastic, but she’s also fiercely loyal. Maera hates liars and isn’t a fan of secrets.   
Relationships: Maera was the oldest of three kids, the other two still living with their parents in another state. She’s never been one for crushes, and friendships can be edited later 
History:  Maera had a very average life growing up, getting into the more adventurous stuff after she had moved out and gotten into college. During her freshmen year, she had a bad accident while rock climbing, which left her with a few scars and broken bones, but she never let that stop her. She got into the occultist group quite on accident, having come across the group while she was jogging late one night, and just kind of crashed their gathering out of curiosity and had stuck around since. 
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contumaciouscataclysm ¡ 5 years
My partner gave me a writing prompt last night that I’ve been fighting over with myself all morning. 
“ Death has decided to take a vacation, as such the rules of mortality no longer apply. One species remains tethered to their mortal chains: humans “
I got so far, but I can’t continue because my smart brain won’t shut up about how if nothing but humans die, humans couldn’t fight off cancer cells, or disease, and the earth would be super overwhelmed by other life. But also at the same time, nothing could eat? Eating grass kills it, eating other animals is a cause of death? So would there just be a ton of super hungry immortal animals running around? Idk, but here’s what I started with before my brain short-circuited!
No matter how strange life is, no matter how stressful or rough things are, there is always one constant in the world. The cycle of life and death. People, plants, animals – they all come to an end, in one way or another. Even the world itself will eventually die, turning once again into the dead rock and gas it used to be. This cycle is the most reliable thing in the world, creating the ability for living things to evolve and for the world to refresh as it needs.
Death was sick of it all. They just needed a break, some time for themselves that they haven't been able to snag since before life was even a thought. Everything was so tedious, hundreds of thousands of decades spent doing the same things.
So they took the time they needed.
The earth was the most heavily affected by Death's vacation.
Due to a deal with the Creators, humans would always be tied to the unbreakable chains of life and death, a precaution for their ability to grow was hindered by this thing, this ending. However, the plant and animal life
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contumaciouscataclysm ¡ 7 years
               Sirens blared and red lights flashed quickly through the dark hallways of the labs. A voice shouted over the intercom, whatever it was saying drowned out by the screams and cries that echoed throughout the building.
               A large, dark shape flitted from doorway to doorway trying to avoid the people running as quickly as they could to the exits. Those were locked, though none of the would-be escapees knew about that. They would soon, however, and the shape knew that more problems would arise at that point. The vents would have been an escape route, except for the entities size. That was a small issue compared to what was happening.
               “Containment Breach.” The words echoed through the hallways, standing out loudly through the noise, and making more than one of the running scientists gasp or cry out. There weren’t too many of them in this hall, where the shape pressed itself tightly against a door frame, avoiding the rush to the nearest exit doors. If only they were on a higher floor, or something, and a window was available… Letting out a heavy rush of breath, the thing pushed away from the wall, it’s form changing to appear closer to that of the humans darting through the halls, and followed them, keeping an eye out for any that recognized the form running with them. Some of these individuals had worked quite closely with the being, some of them being its creators in the first place.
               It wouldn’t do for them to recognize it now. Not while they were all still trapped.
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contumaciouscataclysm ¡ 8 years
Pt. 2
               Barely a moment had passed before the sound of gunfire echoed through the streets once more, the wood around and behind her splintering as she ducked her head back down quickly. Crap. Peeking back up, she looked around to determine where the shots had come from. Down in the partially collapsed doorway a block down she spotted movement. Another group of shots rang out, and the earth rumbled, making her gasp and sink back down to her knees, shoulder against the wooden fence to keep herself upright until the shaking stopped. Lifting back up to see what was happening, her grey eyes widened as she watched the large hole open up in the middle of the street, a cloud of debris and dust rising into the air.
               Maera reacted quickly, diving across the small platform to hit the large button that would signal the alarm throughout the Stranded outpost behind her. The sounds of boots and grunts sounded from the street and she slammed her fist into the button, breathing out in relief as the loud ringing rang out. As the alarm went off, her radio crackled to life.
               “Look out, report. Over.”
               “Grub hole opened up in the street, didn’t see how many. We need to work on evac. Over.”
               “You need to get your ass down there and guard that gate, Maera.” Another voice came over the line, female this time. Without responding, Maera took a deep breath and pulled herself up from her kneeling position, looking out at the street, trying to count the forces of grubs that had begun to pull themselves out of the hole and march out towards the gate. Lifting the lancer once again, she pulled the trigger, aiming at the unarmored heads of the bugs as they lifted themselves from the grub hole. A handful of them fell heavily before she ducked back down to avoid the spattering of bullets aimed her way. Below her, she heard the creak as the gate cracked open below her, and the sound of running and shooting. Looking back over the edge, more grubs fell as four Stranded were let out of the outpost, lancers and gnashers screaming out. A large black woman in mismatched armor ducked down behind a car, her red hair standing out starkly. At the sight, Maera grinned before she stood, vaulting over the fence to land heavily besides her.        
               “Took ya’ long enough, Marick.” She teased as she supported her lancer on the hood of the vehicle.
               “That’s where you’re wrong, Jamas.” Coryn Marick grinned and smacked her fist against her breastplate. “I was waiting on you.” At those words, she jumped out as a locust grub approached, the chainsaw attached to her lancer revving as she brought the rotating blade down hard onto the grubs shoulder. Blood splattered onto her face as she forced the weapon down, cleaving through the monster.
               Maera shook her head as she shot a grub heading towards her friend, covering her back as she continued her massacre with her snarling chainsaw.
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contumaciouscataclysm ¡ 8 years
Maera let out a deep breath, shifting her grip on the heavy lancer in her hands as she looked around. She had to remind herself not to lean forward against the wooden support that surrounded the top of the look out tower she manned. It had been almost 7 hours since she had climbed her ass up the ladder on the other side of the thick fence and planted her boots to play look out for the small town of Stranded that lived on the other side. Well, lived  might be too strong of a word. They survived.  
"Hey, honey, you almost done up there?" A rough male voice called up at her, the wind that ruffled her violet hair dulling his words.  
"That depends, Canyon. Are you coming up here to relieve me?" She shouted back, not taking her eyes off the landscape of destroyed buildings and crumbled pavement. The creak of wood behind her told her that the older man was coming up the ladder, as well as he could at his age. She was well aware of the care he had to take just to make it up to the top of the tower to take his turn, but he refused to be reassigned elsewhere. Something about wanting to do something truly meaningful. Maera didn't understand where the idea of being a lookout was truly meaningful compared to, say, growing food or ensuring the health of the fences, but she wasn't about to argue with someone that was careful to always have something sharp on him, and no qualms about stabbing someone for raising their voice to him.  
"You know I am, sweetheart." The voice came from right behind her this time, and she winced as she took the weight off her left leg to turn towards him. The old man grinned at her, flashing a smile that had more than a few dark spaces but was dazzling in the sheer personality behind it. Snorting, Maera handed him the lancer, noticing how his brow furrowed and his shoulders slumped from the weight. It was getting close to the time he shouldn't be coming up here anymore for his own safety, but as long as he enjoyed it and his eyes were good, she wouldn't stop him.  
"Alright, well take it easy. Shout if you see anything." She clapped him on the shoulder, her gloved hand making a solid thump. He chuckled and turned in the direction she had been facing and shook his head.  
"No worries, I'll yell loudly to make sure you get shot first."
"Thanks, buddy, I appreciate that. I know you'll always think of me first." She laughed and them turned, leaning down to grab the ladder. As her hands touched the wood, a shot rang out, echoing through the ruined streets. A grunt sounded behind her and she turned just in time to watch Canyon fall, the lancer dropping from his hands. He hit the wood hard, blood falling from the small hole in the middle of his forehead. The moment he hit the ground, Maera had the lancer in her hands and was crouching next to the fence around the lookout, looking around quickly for the source of the shot.  
In the corner of a tall building to the right, she spotted movement that was too deliberate to have been something blowing in the wind. She pulled the gun up, aiming towards the window and taking a slow breath. The something moved again and she pulled the trigger, the shape falling too quickly to have been hit. She spotted the flash of a firearm and ducked down just in time for a bullet to gouge a splintered hole in the wooden support behind her. Pulling the lancer back up, she opened up on the window, releasing a small number of ammo before ducking back down. Taking a deep breath, she waiting, keeping her head bowed and listened for the sound of another shot. Hearing nothing, she poked her head back up and glanced around quickly, her gears training kicking in as she observed the scene for anything else even remotely out of place. Seeing nothing, she flicked her tongue over her lips and snatched for the radio holstered on her shoulder.  
"Lookout here. Canyon is dead. Sniper down. No other enemies in sight. Over."  
"Copy that, Lookout. Stay put, we'll have more guards posted in just a moment. Did you see if it was a Locust? Over." A male voice crackled through the other end, the sound distorted from the age of the equipment.  
"I did not. It sounded like a longshot, so could be. Over."  
"Keep an eye out. If you see movement, call the alarm. Over."
"Yes sir." She stated, letting go of the radio as she raised her head over the fence again, her eyes back on the street and surrounding buildings. One of the things that she never liked about the areas the Stranded camped out in. They always had an awful sight path, and were surrounded in plenty of hidey-holes for the bugs.  
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contumaciouscataclysm ¡ 8 years
OC attempt #1
Ok so I’m working on a Gears of War OC, so that I have someone to use for my writing and what not. This is my first serious attempt at an actual OC, so I’m crossing my fingers.
Full name: Maera Jamas
Age and birthdate: 28 - June 26
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White
Education level: Unknown
Occupation: Gears Sergeant
Blood type: A+
Marital status: Single
Sexual preference: Asexual
Current residence: Stranded outpost in Char 
First language: English
Physical traits such as hair color or weight: Short hair dyed violet, blonde roots showing, a tight braid on one side, pulling her hair out of her face, kind of floppy on top. Light grey eyes. Heavily muscled. Tattoo off three marks that cross over her right eye, mimicking scars, and a celtic sun on the back of her neck.
Allergies, chronic illnesses, or other related conditions:  Allergic to bullshit. Has a slight limp on her left leg from where she took a bullet from a locust while she was a private.
Close relatives or emergency contacts: None.
And other such features that make you unique: Great at using anything at hand as a weapon, and loves stealing weapons from her opponents and using that to kill them. Is proficient at stealth.
Standard Weapons: MK 2 Lancer, Gnasher Shotgun, rocks
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contumaciouscataclysm ¡ 8 years
If you love to write, just keep doing it. Keep writing. If you feel skeptical about your ability, keep writing. If you get stuck, take a little break, read, get to know yourself, collaborate with others, then keep writing. Keep writing. Eventually you’ll look back at some of the first things you wrote, then to what you can write now, and you’ll be astounded by your growth. Be in awe that you grew, because growing is so rarely easy, then write and grow some more. 
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contumaciouscataclysm ¡ 8 years
Alrighty, so I made a side blog so that I can work on my various writing skills. They’re a bit...well... very...rusty so I apologize in advance to anyone who happens to wander into whatever the hell this is. 
I also have had a bad run with sideblogs - otherwise known as....i forget about them. So i’ll cross my fingers and try my best. 
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