consiliomeo · 5 years
7 Ways to Protect Your Valuables While Traveling
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  Handbags get grabbed, pockets get picked, and an inn safe isn't generally likely. Joyfully, there are increasingly apparel and extra alternatives that offer prudent stockpiling for your identification, cash, and other high-esteem possessions. Ensure Your Valuables with These 7 Essentials These coats, caps, socks, and different things are immaculate, regardless of whether you're securing assets or basically need to jettison the massive sack (and the feared, sweat-soaked cash belt). Scottevest Trench There's the standard stockpiling you'd find in a coat, and afterward, there's Scottevest. The organization gauges it has sold in excess of 10 million pockets, a high number until you discover that its items have up to 42 pockets each. The channel is no exemption—with at least 18 pockets, it's a veritable texture vault for your assets. Since it was intended to uniformly adjust the heaviness of full pockets, it can without much of a stretch and easily supplant a day pack or handbag … as long as you don't have to take it off.
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Street Test: After a lifetime wearing garments, I thought I got pockets. Be that as it may, from the minute I slipped my hand into the pocket of the ladies' channel, it was clear I had entered a totally different universe of capacity innovation. I needed to allude back to the X-beam see pocket map many occasions to ensure I was appropriately tackling the intensity of the coat. There are uncommonly planned hidey-openings for memory cards, advanced cameras, visas, telephones, Bluetooths, glasses (the glasses pocket even accompanies a chamois on a versatile rope), and that's only the tip of the iceberg. There's a versatile band in one of the pockets to verify a water bottle. There are concealed pockets, simple access pockets, and I'm almost certain a couple of pockets I presently can't seem to discover. Extraordinary For: Cool-climate goals and when you would prefer not to convey a sack yet have a great deal to tote. Additionally: overpackers in a hurry and anybody flying Spirit (which charges for portable bags). Tilley Endurables Hat   The Tilley Hat is a long haul relationship in a universe of closet one-night stands. The estimating procedure is detailed, the style decisions are broad, and the proprietor's manual is four (interesting) pages long. Intended for solace and life span, the cap was worked to be a trusty travel partner. What's more, with a Velcro pocket in the crown, it carries out twofold responsibility as a mystery stockpiling arrangement. Most caps don't have mystery compartments, so most pickpockets aren't probably going to target headwear. Two delicate lashes—one intended to be put behind the head, Canadian Mountie-style, and the other utilized as an ordinary jawline tie—keep the cap set up on breezy days.
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Street Test: I could easily wear the cap while it held a visa, a charge card, and a modest quantity of money. Be that as it may, since each thing lessens the profundity of the cap, it's best not to get excessively aggressive. For example, while the pocket was in fact enormous enough to hold a mobile phone, wearing it felt about as agreeable as you'd envision putting away your telephone over your head would feel. Extraordinary For: The sea shore, climbing, and when you need to limit equip and augment sun insurance. With an UPF rating of 50 or more, it will keep you very much secured. Sholdit Part scarf, part satchel, the Sholdit enables you to decorate and mask all the while. The circled scarf has a zippered pocket that can be discretely concealed so it would appear that a customary scarf. It tends to be utilized as an interminability scarf or a shoulder wrap; it can likewise be tucked into itself and utilized as a night grip. The Sholdit arrives in an assortment of hues, lengths, and surfaces.
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Street Test: The more you put in the Sholdit, the less regular wrap you get, so it's ideal to pick your things carefully. Conveying an identification, a touch of cash, a charge card, and a solitary key didn't bargain comfort or the manner in which it hung. In any case, when I included my cell phone, the state of the scarf changed, the zipper turned outward such that was considerably more hard to mask, and the fit was less agreeable. Be that as it may, as long as it wasn't burdened excessively, the Sholdit was truly agreeable. I had the option to eat, read, walk, and drive without feeling like it disrupted the general flow. Extraordinary For: When you need just a couple of things however would prefer not to convey a handbag. Smart Travel Companion Tank Top
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In the event that kangaroos had this shirt, they wouldn't require pockets. The pocket on Clever Travel Companion's tank top is flawlessly put for solace and security. Similarly as with the organization's other rigging (undershirts, long clothing, and clothing), the thought is to join stockpiling into the garments you'll as of now be wearing. Furthermore, since the tank top can be layered underneath your ordinary dress, there's valuable minimal possibility of overlooking it some place when you're out on the town. Street Test: The tank top itself was agreeable and complimenting, and the zippered pocket was considerable however not massive. It effectively held an identification, Visas, a slender heap of cash, and a key, all without an excessive amount of lump—however when filled, it looked best as a layer underneath another shirt or sweater. I saw it as substantially more agreeable and secure than a customary cash belt, since your assets are decisively in the center of your body rather than at the convergence of shirts and jeans. Furthermore, it performs twofold responsibility as an outfit layer. Extraordinary For: Easy incorporation into an assortment of closets. Zip It Gear Passport Security Socks Undeniably more clean and certainly more secure than stuffing resources into the sleeve of a sock, Zip It Gear's Passport Security Socks accompany a zippered compartment worked to hold a visa. These socks were really made for movement: The zipper is nylon, so as not to set off metal identifiers, and the socks were intended to diminish expanding and kill rankles and scents. They additionally dry medium-term—a clear in addition to for those out and about sink washes.
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Street Test: These socks are neither too dainty nor excessively thick and were obviously structured in light of solace. They're delicate, they have a level toe crease and a perfectly sized curve, and they have a touch of additional cushioning in the sole. The pocket sits over the lower leg and complies with the state of your leg, so there's no unusual scouring. I had the option to fit a visa effectively, however when I expelled it an hour later it was twisted into the state of my calf. I thought a Mastercard may be awkward since it's more inflexible than a visa, however it was fine as long as it sat in the pocket the long way. I even figured out how to stash a key in the pocket without episode. The drawback? Just one sock has a zippered pocket. Extraordinary For: Zippered stockpiling whenever you're wearing socks. Buffalo Designs T Lock Money Belt There are cash belts—the saturated, beige fanny packs worn under attire—and afterward there's the Bison Designs T Lock Money Belt, a genuine belt with an inside pocket. Made of nylon webbing with a plastic clasp, this movement neighborly embellishment can be left on at air terminal security. Along within, a slender zippered compartment runs the vast majority of the length of the belt. While the nonpartisan unisex structure doesn't seek to form statures, it comes in an assortment of hues and examples.
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Street Test: The belt fits effectively through people's waist bands, yet its thin profile implies the covered up zippered pocket is very tight. There's no space for travel papers or Mastercards, however it stores cash collapsed the long way into quarters very well. What it needs width it compensates for long, however; you can basically surround yourself in shrouded money utilizing this belt. What's more, since you (I trust) are probably not going to remove your belt and overlook it while you're, state, climbing Sagrada Familia or walking the Great Wall of China, it offers a level of security that originates from being an effectively incorporated embellishment. Extraordinary For: Holding your jeans up, traversing air terminal security without stripping down, and conveying things like cash that can be effectively collapsed. TravelSmith Pickpocket-Proof Pants Back pockets are normal focuses for hoodlums, which is the reason TravelSmith's Pickpocket-Proof Pants are especially valuable to voyagers. With a slimmer profile than commonplace load pants however comparative usefulness, P^cubed pants include secure pockets intended to crush astute pickpockets. Layers of highlights like zips, fastens, and concealed pockets ensure on-body stockpiling. The people's forms of the jeans are somewhat unique, so what you'll escape some P^cubed pants relies upon the model you pick.
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Street Test: It took me some time to find both of the covered up zippered pockets in the ladies' jeans, which I took to be a decent sign. Inside pockets are a somewhat increasingly verify yet at the same time effectively available choice, while the two elusive zippered subpockets tucked into fastened pockets offer additional security for intermittent use things, for example, identifications and bigger bills. The pockets held the test things—an identification, a Visa, money, a solitary key, and a telephone—without an issue. In my very own understanding and as indicated by surveys, the jeans run somewhat little, so it's smarter to evaluate in case you're uncertain.   Extraordinary For: Places where pickpocketing is a genuine concern. Since they're wrinkle safe and snappy drying, they're perfect for the rigors of movement.       If you're looking for other products related to this please let me know and i'll help you find what you're looking for. Questions are more than welcome as well. Thanks /Simon
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consiliomeo · 5 years
How to Choose the Perfect Suitcase?
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You’re standing in the airport terminal, watching a line of luggage move toward you on the conveyor belt. You eye each bag carefully, searching for your own and dreading two distinct and disappointing outcomes: Your bag could either appear dented and mauled with your underwear hanging out of a gaping tear, or, like a blind date gone horribly wrong, it could simply fail to show.
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Choosing the right luggage can help prevent these minor tragedies, in addition to other inconveniences like pesky baggage fees for an oversized piece or the embarrassment of trying to squeeze your massive nylon duffel into the overhead compartment as impatient passengers struggle to get by. Pick the right hand luggage and experience the freedom of traveling with only a carry-on—you won’t have to worry about lost luggage or extra fees if you can pack what you need in a good-sized carry-on. If you do check a bag, you’ll feel confident that it will remain intact if you select a sturdy, reliable brand. Here’s how to choose luggage that’s right for you. Q. What are the most common types of luggage? A. Travel luggage comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, from backpacks to rolling suitcases. Below are three of the most common types of suitcases. Rolling Suitcases
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Traditional luggage, which has wheels for easy transport, comes in two models: hardside and softside. Hardside bags are molded from difficult-to-pronounce materials like polypropylene and polycarbonate. Soft bags can be made out of fabrics such as microfiber, leather, nylon, PVC, or polyester. Some soft bags are expandable and can accommodate up to 25 percent more if you need the space. (For more information on the difference between hard and soft luggage, see below.)     Backpacks
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Backpacks come in a variety of sizes, both with and without frames. They are a good option for anyone planning to camp, hike, or do other outdoor activities. Some backpacks include wheels, while others do not. Even large luggage pieces can become backpacks when they have padded back straps. These bags can be great—but make sure to tape down any wayward straps if you check your backpack to keep them from getting entangled in the baggage carousel.     Duffel Bags
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Duffel bags are no longer just a sack to cart your sweats to and from the gym. Many modern duffels have accessories like wheels and a retractable handle; these bags are often sold as “travel duffels.” While a traditional small or medium duffel bag will fit nicely in the overhead compartment, it may strain your arm or shoulder if you have to carry it for long distances. For extensive travel, always go for a piece that has wheels or back straps. Q. Hard vs. soft luggage: Which should I choose? A. Many travelers have a strong preference when it comes to hardside vs. softside luggage, but either one can work well depending on your personal travel and packing style. Below are some of the pros and cons of each type. Softside Luggage
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If you want flexibility, softside luggage is the way to go. Soft bags are more common than hard-shell luggage, especially for carry-on luggage, and are easier to squeeze into tight overhead compartments. These bags may also absorb shock better than their molded counterparts. These bags are lightweight—generally lighter than hardside bags—which makes them easier to sling into overhead bins and the like. Be discriminating about fabrics, though. Look for a bag made from ballistic nylon (or another durable nylon), which provides the best protection against wear and tear. And make sure the fabric is waterproof and stain-proof. Soft bags are available in a wide variety of models; for example, you can purchase a carry-on with a zippered backpack attachment, or a duffel that can be either strapped to your back or wheeled through the airport. If you like having exterior pockets to store items such as a book or your clear plastic bag of liquids and gels, you’re much more likely to find them on a soft side bag. Soft suitcases also tend to have a single large interior compartment, with the front of the bag acting as a sort of “lid,” while most hardside suitcases are designed in a clamshell-style, with two equal halves that fold together. Hardside Luggage
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It seems like hard-shell suitcases are being upgraded and improved upon almost daily. Companies are now using ultra-lightweight materials, such as polycarbonate and special plastics, to make hardside bags that are featherweight but also extremely durable and strong. Hardside suitcases tend to protect fragile items better than soft bags, which makes them increasingly popular for bags large enough to check. But because they’re stiff, they might not be able to squeeze into that last bit of space in the overhead bin—and when packing, you might not be able to cram in that one last outfit. Hardside bags are easier to clean than soft suitcases, though they are also prone to scuffs. Travelers who like to stay organized may prefer the aforementioned clamshell packing design, which forces you to divide your items into two compartments. Q. Two wheels or four?
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A. There are a few things to factor in before making a choice—and note that the quality of the bag can make a difference: Some four-wheeled spinners roll like a dream while others feel difficult to control, and the same goes for two-wheeled bags. Two-Wheeled Luggage Two-wheeled luggage, also known as rollaboard luggage, has rolls forward and backward on wheels that are recessed into the case; this saves a bit of packing space and also protects the wheels from damage. The design of two-wheelers generally means they are easier to maneuver on uneven surfaces. The main drawback of this style of bag is that you must drag it behind you. This pulling motion can cause strain to wrists and shoulders. Anyone prone to pain in these areas should go with a four-wheeled spinner instead. Spinner Suitcases Four-wheeled bags, or spinners, have wheels that rotate 360 degrees, which means you can turn the bag in any direction. This provides improved mobility and gives you options: You can roll the bag next to you, push it, or pull it. But those protruding wheels take up space in the overhead bin and are more likely to snap off or suffer damage; it’s wise to check the warranty before purchasing this type of bag. In addition, if you’re considering a carry-on, make sure the dimensions listed are wheel-inclusive. Airlines will include the wheels when they measure your carry-on, so you should, too. Q. What size luggage do I need?
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A. As a general rule, go for a carry-on no larger than 22 x 14 x 9 inches and a checked bag no larger than 62 inches (length plus width plus height), which are the standard for most major airlines in the U.S. Note that many bags marketed as “carry-ons” are a little larger than the above measurements, especially once you count the wheels—which could lead to unpleasant surprises at the airport if you’re forced to gate-check. Although you may want to bring as large a bag as you can on the plane, remember that if you can’t lift your carry-on bag above your head, you will not be able to place it in the overhead bin. Check the websites of the airlines you fly most frequently for information on what size bags you can check or bring onboard, and keep in mind that many airlines have different size requirements for international vs. domestic flights. If your new suitcase pushes the limits of the airline’s size restrictions, you’re going to have to deal with the consequences (read: fees). What you want in a suitcase is best summed up by the Goldilocks principle: a bag that is not too big, not too small, but just right (for you). When flying on a smaller airline in a foreign country, acceptable baggage weight and size requirements can be a crapshoot. You don’t want to discover that you have to leave behind one of your bags or pay extra fees when you attempt to board a 20-seat plane for a domestic flight in Costa Rica. Check baggage requirements for each flight on your itinerary. In addition to airline requirements, think about your own requirements: your lifestyle, health, and particular needs. Do you have a bad back? You’ll want to look for an ultralight suitcase, such as Samsonite’s Lite-Box 20″ Spinner, which weighs less than five pounds. Q. What’s the best place to buy luggage?
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A. You can buy just about anything at Amazon.com, and luggage is no exception, with suitcases available from reputable brands such as Delsey, Eagle Creek, and Travelpro. You’ll also want to check out luggage retailer eBags.com, which carries a full line of luggage, garment bags, briefcases, duffel bags, carry-ons, and more. You may likewise need to purchase legitimately from the maker; famous gear brands to consider incorporate Away, Briggs and Riley, Samsonite, and Tumi. It's occasionally better to shop in a genuine store rather than on the web, as that will enable you to test the sack before obtaining. Basically any retail chain or huge box store (like Target or Kohl's) will have a determination of baggage, however, the quality can change generally. Altogether read the guarantee approach before obtaining a pack. In a perfect world, you need to purchase from an organization that gives lifetime guarantees on its gear. Organizations with probably the most far reaching guarantees out there incorporate Victorinox, Briggs and Riley, and Eagle Creek. Before you choose to keep another sack, test, test, test. Stroll around for a piece and check whether the handle is long enough for you, on the off chance that you like the vibe of the texture, if the backlashes are agreeable, and if the bag feels tough and sturdy. On the off chance that you look for a pack on the web, request it, in any event, a month prior to your outing so you can send it back on the off chance that it doesn't feel directly for you. Q. What amount would it be a good idea for me to pay for a bag?
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A. Consider contributing somewhat more to benefit from your bag, particularly on the off chance that you travel much of the time. The expense of supplanting a modest pack each couple of years will include inevitably, so spend somewhat more direct to get a bag that will be with you for the long stretch. Regardless of whether you select a hardside bag or a delicate one, be recognizing materials and development. Think about your bag as your eternity companion. You need this relationship to endure forever, isn't that so? All things considered, originator baggage is a more a style image than a movement instrument and isn't the decision of most experienced voyagers. A $1,000 bit of gear isn't probably going to be considerably more valuable than a decent quality $200 or $300 sack. Q. What's the best shading for baggage?
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A. Gear is accessible in pretty much every possible shading and example, from metallic solids to panther prints. Exemplary dark, for the most part, shows a minimal measure of mileage, but at the same time, it's the most well-known gear shading—as proved by the endless ocean of dark packs rearranging by on the baggage merry go round after pretty much every flight. Picking a more brilliant shading for your checked pack will make it a lot simpler to spot. In the event that you do decide on a dark, tie some shaded lace or a scarf to the deal with or lash on a splendid baggage belt. Q. Which additional highlights would it be a good idea for me to consider? A. Contrast distinctive baggage insides and outsides with seeing what suits your style. Bunches of compartments and pockets are extraordinary for the super-sorted out packer, and highlights like a plastic waterproof pocket can hold wet bathing suits or cracked cleanser bottles. Consider where and how you travel and what you will in general pack while considering these bag highlights. Handles
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Search for a durable handle that feels good and is ergonomically planned. A handle framework that is incorporated within the pack is best in light of the fact that the handle is shielded from harm. Test out the handle: Extend it to its full length, ensure it bolts (and stays bolted), and take the sack for a turn. On the off chance that the bag is hitting you in the backs of the legs, that implies the handle isn't long enough for your tallness. Packs with a separable piggyback cut, a circled clasp on the highest point of the sack close to the handle, enable you to cut a second pack onto a bigger one. At the point when you get your checked pack, cut on your carry-on or individual thing, and presto—you have a free hand. Zippers
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The greater and sturdier the zipper, the more it will last and the better it will confront the maltreatment of movement. Go for metal over plastic, and search for self-fixing zippers—purported in light of the fact that in case of a tangle in the zipper's teeth, pulling the zipper down and over the obstacle fixes the issue and reseals the teeth.     TSA-Approved Locks
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In the event that you need additional security, pick a sack that incorporates a TSA-affirmed lock. While you can likewise buy a lock independently, numerous voyagers think that its progressively advantageous if the lock is incorporated with the bag. Pockets and Organizational Systems With regards to pockets, softside sacks for the most part win. (The development of hardside bags doesn't take into consideration numerous additional pockets and external compartments.) If you love association—a spot for everything and everything in its place—there are bunches of packs available for you. One extraordinary model is GeniusPack's inventive Supercharged portable luggage, which highlights everything from a shrouded clothing sack to "virtuoso pack" compartments for each comprehensible garment class. USB Charging Ports
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Numerous more up to date portable models remember worked for USB charging ports so you can control up your telephone in a hurry.     Please send us comments or questions as you usually do.   Thanks, /Simon
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consiliomeo · 5 years
21 reasons why Colombia ought to be your next occasion goal
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An inversion of fortunes set Colombia back up for life With Colombia celebrating 208 years of freedom, here are a couple of valid justifications to begin arranging an excursion. 1. It's made a fresh start
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                            You don't should be a gigantic master in the sociopolitical history of Latin America in the last 50 years to realize that Colombia has not generally been a nation you would consider as a vacation alternative. You may have caught wind of the internecine clash between guerilla gatherings and the administration that has thundered on since the mid-Sixties. You will surely know about the wars between sedate cartels in Medellin and Cali that made the two urban communities massively hazardous homicide hotspots in the Eighties and Nineties. Yet, you may likewise have enlisted the way that, since the turn of this decade specifically, Colombia has gotten a lot more secure, settling many (albeit as a matter of fact not the entirety) of its thornier issues. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) guidance for British explorers recognizes this. While a few territories of the nation are still considered to be beyond reach for "everything except fundamental travel", both Medellin and Cali - just as the capital Bogota and the key seaside city Cartagena - are both inside the green zone. "Regardless of elevated levels of wrongdoing, most visits to Colombia are sans inconvenience," the FCO includes. 2. Bogota is blasting  
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                      The capital stays harsh around the edges – and, likewise with any major urban region, guests ought to be cautious if strolling in specific territories around evening time. In any case, these are energizing occasions for this resurgent city. New cafés, boutique lodgings and specialty distilleries are jumping up crosswise over Bogota, as neighborhood business people benefit from the nation's recently discovered harmony. In the interim, the city's visit aides offer tense touring journeys on bicycle and foot, which spread everything from engineering to governmental issues. 3. Medellin is on the guide
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                "Hi, welcome to our city," yelled a bystander, as I strolled through Medellin two or three years back. "A debt of gratitude is in order for coming." Such welcome are normal in Colombia's subsequent city, which up to this point was ground zero in the war on drugs. The recollections wait, however Medellin is a city renewed: craftsmanship, the travel industry and a noteworthy new link vehicle system have helped invert the fortunes of this meandering aimlessly city, which, in 2013, was casted a ballot the world's most creative city. In vogue Medellin
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                            "Medellin is a magnificent spot of decent enterprising society," composed Stanley Stewart following an outing this year. "With an economy that is among the quickest developing on the landmass, it is one of the incredible examples of overcoming adversity of Latin America." 4. The road workmanship is uncommon                         Bogota's choice to decriminalize spray painting in 2011 denoted an imaginative new age for the city, whose flyovers, office squares and city dividers became canvases for a portion of the world's best-cherished road craftsmen. While, generally, spray painting has been cleaned from certain structures in the center of the city, La Candelaria - some portion of a mayoral drive to ensure recorded memorable structures - in different locale, articulation has been permitted to prosper. Furthermore, customary visits carry setting to a portion of the capital's most acclaimed wall paintings - Bogota Graffiti Tour (bogotagraffiti.com) being an undeniable model. 5. It's home to Cartagena
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                    The gem in Colombia's crown, Cartagena is one of the most flawless frontier urban communities in Latin America. Settled on the Caribbean coast, its magnificence misrepresents an appalling truth: that it was based on gold and bondage. All things considered, it stays an extraordinary goal; a spot where vivid sprouts spill from elaborate galleries; where sweethearts watch nightfalls from the city dividers; where ponies and trucks bang through the lanes; and glimmer hordes move in pretty squares. 6. There's a lost city
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  As Colombia has opened up to the travel industry in the most recent decade, so thankfulness has developed of the Ciudad Perdida - the Teyuna archeological site, in the Sierra Nevada mountain run, in Magdalena office in the nation's far north. This "lost city" is accepted to have been established toward the beginning of the ninth century (which makes it around 650 years more established than Peru's at any point feted Inca fortification Machu Picchu). Talk is progressing about whether this terraced settlement, cut into a progression of slopes, was ever really lost - the nearby Kogui individuals have said that they were constantly mindful of the site, which was likely relinquished in the wake of the Spanish victory, having been home to up to 8,000 occupants. Be that as it may, it is solidly back on the guide as the feature of a trekking course which takes about seven days from A to B and back to A once more. 7. Furthermore, a lost people
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            While the presumable destiny of the Ciudad Perdida has been found out, less is thought about what befell the inhabitants of what is presently (see icanh.gov.co) in south-westerly Huila division. It is the setting for a large group of statues and models, bearing the faces - incompletely human, however mostly cut with the growling attributes of pumas, snakes and winged creatures of prey - that, students of history state, were tomb gatekeepers, intended to shield graves from any who might upset the individuals who dozed inside. They may have been cut between the first and fifth hundreds of years, making them contemporaneous with the Roman Empire. In any case, past this, all is mystery. The gifted hands that made these works had a place with a civilisation that had disappeared when the Spanish stepped through these good countries - and they left no composed record of what their identity was. Not by any means a name - a namelessness that makes traveling south to see the carvings all the additionally charming. Last Frontiers sells a 14-day "Assorted variety and Civilisation" bunch visit scheduled for November 10-23 that will call at San Agustin.. 8. There is enchantment in Mompox
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Inferable from its relative unavailability, Mompox has to a great extent been circumvent by sightseers, however it's well worth trying for. In addition to the fact that this is languid city a position of magnificence, with its well-saved engineering and riverside area, yet it was likewise the motivation behind Gabriel Garcia Márquez's otherworldly authenticity novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude, whose great composition frequents its avenues. 9. The espresso couldn't be fresher
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  Finding a decent mug of espresso can be shockingly troublesome in Colombia: regardless of being famous for its beans, the vast majority of the great stuff is traded. Joyfully, specialists are rethinking the national beverage in the significant urban communities, while the Zona Cafetera, where a large portion of the nation's beans are created, is in every case useful for a mix. 10. Intriguing natural products proliferate
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            Colombia's intriguing natural products are a feature of any excursion to the nation. Head to a neighborhood market and test the brilliant cornucopia of natural products in plain view: from perfect guavas and scrumptious winged serpent organic products to zingy zapotes and tasty lulos, getting your five-a-day has never been simpler. 11. There's an underground salt church
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                The calm, pilgrim city of Zipaquirá, a short drive (or train trip) from Bogota, is home to one of Colombia's most prevalent attractions: an underground salt house of prayer. Opened in 1954, this congregation was slashed from the town's underground salt stores and was generally utilized by excavators. Today it is a journey site for some Catholics.   12. You're never a long way from Botero's specialty
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                      The allegorical painter and stone worker, Fernando Botero, is celebrated for his humorous works, which highlight larger than usual subjects in misrepresented structure. His models can be discovered spread around his old neighborhood, Medellin, where he likewise has a changeless accumulation in the Museum of Antioquia. The Botero Museum in Bogota vessels apparently the best accumulation of his works, a lot to the embarrassment of Medellin. 13. There's a legacy railroad
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                      Truly, it's touristy, as the name recommends, however this legacy railroad offers a one of a kind viewpoint on Bogota and the encompassing open country. Leaving Sabana Station each Saturday and Sunday, the administration offers an enlightening outing through the Colombian capital – from the poor northern neighborhoods to the well-mended southern rural areas – before landing at Zipaquirá, where travelers can land for the salt house of prayer. 14. Guatape is beautiful
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                        It may resemble a wonder of Mother Nature, however Guatape Lake is really the consequence of a disputable dam, which chafed numerous individuals who lived in this district. Morals aside, the outcome is somewhat excellent and best seen from the highest point of La Piedra (The Rock), a close by slope whose summit is gotten to by means of a 650ft elaborate staircase. Tolerantly, there's a bar at the summit where you can compensate your works with a Colombian-style michelada (a mixed drink including cold brew, new lime and salt).       15. It has one of the world's greatest festivals  
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    The most significant occasion in Colombia's schedule, Barranquilla Carnival is one of the greatest of its sort, giving any semblance of Rio a run for its cash. Occurring 40 days before Holy Week, the celebration sashays on for four seriously decadent days, when the avenues are loaded up with marches and gatherings. The sultry jubilee is a major draw for voyagers, who are heartily gotten by local people. 16. What's more, one of South America's prettiest national parks
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          An ensured zone in Colombia's northern wild, Tayrona National Park has every one of the qualities you need from the Caribbean – influencing palms, sandy sea shores, limpid tidal ponds and so forth – yet there's a rough stunner about this beach front save, which is refreshingly free of advancement.     17. The jumping is shocking
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  The Colombian islands of Providencia and Santa Catalina give access to the third biggest coral reef framework on Earth, where jumpers can appreciate bright coral nurseries, plentiful marine life and even submerged privateer ships. The Rosario Islands likewise offer incredible plunging, only a short vessel ride from Cartagena. 18. The Amazon is never far away
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                The Amazon basin covers almost one-third of Colombia's territory, and few experiences can beat an excursion into this vast jungle. Boat trips depart from Leticia, in the Amazonas region, to the nearby Amacayu National Park, which abounds with stunning bird life and indigenous tribes. 19. You can open the door to Escobar’s home
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                        Proving that crime does sometimes pay (but inevitably catches up with you), Pablo Escobar built a sprawling ranch in Puerto Triunfo, which included a lavish house, motor museum and zoo, complete with elephants, giraffes and hippos. After Escobar was killed by police, most of the animals were relocated to Colombian zoos, while his ranch was turned into a bizarre theme park, which includes a small museum about the demise of the drug baron. And the hippos? They still roam the town, much to the annoyance of locals. 20. It's has the world’s longest climb
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                ��         Widely regarded as the longest cycling climb in the world, the Alto de Letras is a punishing 80km ride that ascends some 3,700m into the mountains where oxygen is thin on the ground. No wonder Colombians make such good cyclists. 21. And the epic Las Lajas Cathedral
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                      One of the most spectacular structures in Colombia, this exceptional church in Ipiales was built in the canyon of the Guáitara River, which, though an inconvenient place to construct a church, yielded spectacular results.   Please reach out to me with comments, questions or whatever you feel to express. Thanks /Simon   and with great inputs from my wife Carolina
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consiliomeo · 5 years
Nine Times You’ll Regret Getting Cheap When You Travel
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Some parts of travel are worth the splurge. Although saving a little cash feels good when your first book that rock-bottom-price plane ticket, that predawn moment when your alarm rings for that 6:00 a.m. flight might make your regret being cheap. You May Regret Being Cheap While Traveling A cheap flight, inconveniently located hotel, or minuscule rental car may save your money, but they’ll likely still cost your plenty of regret and inconvenience. Want to avoid feeling the regret of being cheap when your travel? Then avoid these mistakes: Waiting for the Shuttle to an Off-Airport Rental Car
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You just survived a long flight and are ready to get to your final destination. Too bad your booked with a shady rental car company that’s located in an industrial area far from the airport. Now, instead of hopping in a car and driving off, your’re trekking to some forgotten corner of a far-off terminal and waiting for a rental car shuttle bus that may or may not come. Getting up Before Dawn for an Early Flight
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Hovering over the “book” button, your think to yourself, “I’m saving $50! I’m so frugal! I get up early for work every day, a 6:00 a.m. flight won’t be that bad!” Until the night before your flight when your’re calculating just how early your have to wake up to be at the airport in time … and realizing that your’re going to be spending the first day of your vacation sleep-deprived. Plus, if your have to be up before public transit is running, your may end up spending what your saved on the flight to take a taxi to the airport. Lying Awake at Night Listening to Your Hostel Roommates Snore
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How bad can a 20-bed room in a hostel be? After all, your’ll only be there to sleep, so why bother spending more for a private room? If one of those 20 beds is booked by a loud snorer, a sleep-talker, or someone waking up early for a flight, pretty bad—and will defeat your being in there to sleep, since your won’t get any. Settling Into the Middle Seat in the Back of the Plane
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After spending too many hundreds of dollars on a bare-bones economy ticket, it can be hard to persuade yourself to give another penny to an airline. You’ll stuff everything into a small carry-on and be willing to board last … but when your settle into the non-reclining middle seat next to the bathroom, your will be cursing your past self for being cheap and not paying the fee to select your seat. When Your Tiny Rental Car Might Not Make It
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The economy rental car option seemed like a fine idea when your were looking at it on the website and trying to cut costs, but when your budget vehicle turns out to be comically toy-sized (especially next to those semi-trucks whizzing past your on the highway), your might start to have some regrets about being cheap. See also: that heart-stopping moment when your wonder if your car is actually going to make it up a hill/down that dirt road, or if your’re going to figure out how roadside service works in a foreign destination. Dragging Your Suitcase on Public Transit
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Everyone on this packed train hates me, your’ll realize as your try to squeeze your way on with your suitcase while accidentally whacking a few commuters with your backpack. Dragging your luggage up and down the stairs, through crowds, and off the train or bus, your’ll rue being cheap and not just splurging on a taxi. Although, when your think of just how much more the fare is, it might just seem worth it.   Stressing Over Your Flight Connection
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When your’re on the first leg of a plane journey with a tight connection, every minute your plane doesn’t board, or sits on the tarmac without taking off, feels like an eternity—the flight with the 50-minute layover was the cheapest option, but does that cost savings matter if your miss it? Waiting in Line to Buy a Ticket Instead of Paying the Booking Fee
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This ticket site wants how much to book admission in advance? I’ll just wait and buy it at the window, your think … until your arrive at the attraction and discover everything is sold out, or that the line is hours long. Is being cheap worth wasting your precious vacation time standing in line? If it’s a Ticketmaster-Esque ridiculous fee, it can be a tough decision. When You Reach Hour 5 on the Slow Ferry or Train
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The slow ferry/bus/train won’t be that much worse than the express, your think. Imagine all the scenery I’ll see. That sounds like a great, cost-saving measure until your’re trapped on an excruciatingly slow form of transport, experiencing fatigue and pain from sitting for so long, and thinking of everything your’re missing by not arriving sooner. If your have questions please shoot us a message, email or text. Thanks, /Simon
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consiliomeo · 5 years
Can Families Sit Together on the Plane without Paying Extra?
Can Families Sit Together on the Plane without Paying Extra?
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  With the rise of basic economy and budget airline models that charge extra for seat selection, it’s become a lot harder for groups, but especially families with kids, to generate seats next to each other. And honestly, that is a sore location for many parents who travel: When a child is above two years old, they are typically no longer considered a lap-seat infant. In addition to, of course, small children desire to be with their parents—so should you have to pay more just because you're a household if not enough free, consecutive seats are left? Airline family with a capacity of policies vary by air travel, but the condition has seemingly become so widespread that the Department of Vehicles (DOT) is addressing it, though not guaranteeing you won’t need to pay for it.
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The DOT has a new section on the Aviation Consumer Protection website focused on airline family seating. It provides common guidance about how exactly best to arrange family seating if you would like to sit together, together with links to family seating policies of the nine biggest U. H. airlines. The particular department advises family travelers to file a complaint if they experience “a problem” with securing seats with each other but stops short of saying that families will be able to sit together without paying. Here’s the DOT’s series of common-sense recommendations:
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Before reserving, understand your airline’s seats policies: And know that “Many airlines allow consumers to reserve seats next to one another without paying an additional fee. ” Guide tickets as early as possible: “The earlier you book your family’s travel, the more likely it is that you will be able to reserve seats that are next to each other. In case you tried to book your tickets earlier, and seats are certainly not available together, contact the flight through reservations to inquire whether additional seats will end up available later. ” Keep all family members on the same reservation record: “Airlines generally know travelers fit in to one party only if all the travellers are on the same reservation record. Airlines assigning or reassigning seats give priority to parents and children on the same reservation. ” After reserving, if you can’t at first be seated together, contact your airline and ask it to accommodate your loved ones: “Discuss with the flight your concerns about a child being seated by yourself. Even if the airline is not able to seat all the family with each other, they may be able to assure you that each child is sitting next to a grownup member of the family. If you reserved parents and children on different reservations, contact the airline as quickly as possible to ask if the party can be put on the same reservation record or have their reservations cross-referenced in the booking information. ” If you guide via a 3rd party online agency, verify reservations and seat assignments directly with the airline: “If you failed to book your travel directly with a flight, obtain or confirm your seat assignments directly with the airline as quickly as possible before the day of travel. This can be done either on the airline’s website or over the phone by contacting bookings. ” Confirm reservations and seat assignments again before you leave for the airport: “You may wish to confirm your chair assignments before you would normally go to the airport as your chair assignments might have changed after booking due to an aircraft substitution with a different seating arrangement. If the seat assignments have altered, you can contact the airline to ask for help. ” Arrive at the airport early to leave enough time to make last-minute adjustments, if needed: “Airlines will do the actual can at the airport to help households who self-identify to their agents as needing to sit together. Set up air travel is unable to seats everyone together, they may be able to ensure you that each child is seated next to an adult relative. ” After traveling, report any problems to the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: “If you should have a challenge during your vacation, you may file a complaint with the air travel or DOT. The suggestions you provide to the airline may influence the way an airline treats families traveling together. :. The Department also directs every family seating issue it receives about an airline to that air travel. Airlines must respond to written consumer complaints. Your current comments or complaint will be reviewed by the Department and air travel. ” The particular DOT has not done is put into action any rules requiring flight companies to seat families collectively. And it’s evidently upwards to you to decide on the correct airline and cabin class that would not charge you for seat selection, and even then you might need to utilize the airline to make certain you're seated together. Here are the airline family with a capacity of policies, in line with the DOT, for nine airlines: Alaska American Airlines LAN Delta Avianca Lufthansa JetBlue SAS Spirit United Airlines COPA Airline KLM When you’re traveling with children, it’s smart to avoid budget airlines like Spirit—which always charges for seat selection—altogether if you’ll need air travel family seating Please reach out to me with questions or suggestions, i will be happy to help. /Simon
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consiliomeo · 5 years
11 Travel Apparatuses You Will love Spending too much On
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Visit explorers are consistently looking for a decent arrangement, however, some movement apparatuses merit spending more on. What's the point in purchasing a modest travel frill if it won't last? Travel Apparatuses Worth the Rampage spend Here are the movement apparatuses worth putting resources into once—and how they'll help improve your movements, trip after the outing. Remote Earphones   Try not to give awkward earphones or a shouting infant a chance to shield you from resting on your flight. Commotion dropping and rest well disposed of remote earphones are a movement instrument worth overdoing it on the off chance that you experience difficulty dozing on the plane, or essentially need to shut out the remainder of the world.
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SleepPhones resemble a delicate headband, yet have remote earphones inside that will enable you to snooze any situation on the plane. You'll overlook you're notwithstanding wearing them; I use them to turn on repetitive sound respites me to rest when I'm eager in another spot. Agreeable commotion dropping earphones that pack little like Bose's remote QuietComfort 35 are additionally an insightful venture in case you're more put resources into obstructing outside clamor. Shop Now   Widespread Power Connector   Try not to be the American who blew a breaker connecting everything to one modest connector. A widespread attachment connector that keeps going methods you'll never need to stress over passing out the inn or stunning yourself—don't gain proficiency with this the most challenging way possible, with a modest $3 connector, as I did. Rather, put resources into one widespread connector that meets your movement needs, similar to Zoppen's Worldwide Travel Connector, with Japan, U.K., E.U., and Australian similarity for little gadgets (yet not greater apparatuses, similar to hairdryers). It likewise has four USB ports for gadget charging, and its retractable prongs make it an overly packable travel instrument.
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Shop Now Climbing Boots In case you're an explorer or camper, or you simply appreciate a stroll in the forested areas, quit taking off in your rec center tennis shoes. A tough pair of climbing boots will spare your feet and lower legs from damage and weakness, and your tennis shoes from getting demolished—Furthermore, they're a movement instrument that will last you until the end of time.
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Sharp has climbing shoe varieties for each kind of experience, regardless of whether you need packable tennis shoes like climbing shoes for shorter treks or genuine boots with lower leg support for rockier undertakings. Sharp's waterproof Gypsum II boots come in both a people's style and a variety of hues. These were my first climbing boots and might be my last: They're packable and tough, and they give all the help I need. Shop Now   The Correct Camera little dark camera Great photographs will endure forever, so don't agree to hazy cell phone shots: For something increasingly fit for zooming and improving light, put resources into a packable camera—it may cost short of what you think. Mirrorless cameras are more slender than a DSLR, as are famously pricier, however, Standard alternatives start at around $450.
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Not hoping to pack a camera? More up to date iPhone and Cosmic system telephones will accomplish for most excursions and can be improved with the clasp on focal points like AUKEY's HD wide-edge focal points, which occupy basically no pressing room. Shop Now   Hard-Sided Gear Check your pack regularly? Consider a hard-sided bag that will last. Stuff handlers can get unpleasant, and no one can tell what could wind up broken or harmed.
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Briggs and Riley's Sympatico hard-sided spinner grows by 22 percent to fit all that you need, and it packs down to meet aircraft size cutoff points in the event that you choose you'd preferably accept it as a lightweight suitcase. It accompanies a lifetime ensure that you'll never need to pay for fixes, so while it is expensive, it could be the last bag you ever purchase—making it a definitive travel instrument. Shop Now   A Mix Back-up Charger A versatile charging bank is an absolute necessity to have travel apparatus on the off chance that you come up short on telephone battery in a new spot—yet new forms are joining them with other travel devices like gear scales and electric lamps for the included worth.
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The Oaxis Air Scale can give you a computerized perusing of your sack's weight when it's not charging your gadget, and other packable chargers like Xcentz's spotlight power bank have worked in electric lamps that can prove to be useful in a crisis. Having a multi-use form on you consistently will put more than one travel issue under control and make the buy increasingly beneficial. Shop Now Toiletries travel tools If your skin feels dried out or breaks out when you travel, you're presumably not pressing the correct travel toiletries. Holding back on movement apparatuses for sprucing up can counteract all your get-away unwinding—so as opposed to snatching less expensive or store-brand travel toiletries, go for natural ones like Green Goo that can enable you to feel increasingly like your typical self out and about.
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These every single characteristic item will take care of yourself and cleanliness with skin-fix packs, face-wash spritz, antiperspirant sticks, and even infant well-disposed demulcents for nursing cures and delicate or newborn child skin. When you use them in flight, you'll get off the plane feeling like your best self, and your seatmate won't experience the ill effects of solid aromas. Shop Now   A Crossbody Travel Sack Security, utility, and style would all be able to be accomplished with the correct crossbody pack.
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Obtaining one on the littler side is advantageous and will constrain you to convey just what you need, and zippered pockets will keep pickpockets under control. Travelon's Enemy of Burglary LTD Crossbody is elegant enough for all situations. Shop Now Packable Coats Cumbersome coats are not your movement companion, however, it's essential to have a warm external layer as a movement device in the colder months.
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Put resources into a thick however dainty coat with down, similar to Patagonia's Nano Puff for the two people. Searching for something with more substance? Consider these 10 incredible travel coats that are anything but difficult to pack. Shop Now Comfortable Strolling Shoes travel toolsDon't forfeit your feet for design, or style for your feet. New sockless shoes like Suavs and Allbirds are both comfortable and on-pattern. Allbirds' merino fleece makes them the absolute most happy with strolling tennis shoes available, and Suavs' microfiber insoles' wind current and dampness wicking components avert sweat-soaked feet. Both are definitive travel apparatuses with regards to shoes, and you'll never need to take them off. Shop Now   GoPro travel toolsWaterproof camera cases are the subject of an excessive number of ghastliness anecdotes about a demolished cell phone or camera on an extended get-away. Rather, in case you're planning to get a video of your dynamic experiences in harsh climate or water, put resources into a GoPro.
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These small mountable cameras are the ideal travel instrument for catching dynamic recollections like biking, swimming, and skiing. Mount your GoPro, which arrives in a fixed waterproof case, and don't stress over harming it or losing any of your photographs. They may be less expensive than you might suspect now that they're broadly prevalent. If you have any questions don't hesitate to send me an email Thanks, /Simon
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consiliomeo · 5 years
Rome Airport Taxi | Book Online
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Best Airport Taxi from Fiumicino Airport
As soon as you arrive at Fiumicino airport (FCO), you will be greeted by your taxi driver. He will be waiting for you at your exit gate with a sign that has your name on it. Is your flight to Fiumicino airport delayed? Do not worry. At Welcome Pickups we monitor every flight and guarantee a hassle-free trip to Rome. Your English-speaking driver will help you out with your luggage and together will make your way to the vehicle you have pre-booked. In addition, while he is driving you to your accommodation, the driver will give you some tips and recommendations on what to do while in Rome. Therefore, relax and enjoy your taxi ride from Fiumicino airport to the city of Rome or your hotel. TRAINED DRIVERSHand picked & english speaking drivers LOW PRICESSame price as a regular Taxi from the line FLIGHT MONITORINGDrivers are always on time QUALITY SUPPORT24/7 Email & Phone support Taxi prices Day time (05:00 - 24:00) Night time (00:00 - 05:00) Duration FROM FIUMICINO TO CITY 48 € 48 € 45 MIN FROM FIUMICINO TO VATICAN 48 € 48 € 40 MIN FROM FIUMICINO TO COLOSSEO 48 € 48 € 40 MIN FROM FIUMICINO TO PANTHEON 48 € 48 € 45 MIN FROM FIUMICINO TO TERMINI 48 € 48 € 42 MIN
Airport Taxi Service from Fiumicino Airport to Hotel
When it comes to travelling from the airport to your hotel hiring a taxi is the most convenient method since it ensures that you will arrive at your desired location safely and efficiently. In addition, you will not have to struggle by carrying your luggage through the public means of transport and even if your arrival has been delayed, a taxi will always be available to service you. CAR TYPEFiumicino Taxi (Sedan) number of passengersUp to 4 CAR TYPEFiumicino Taxi (Minivan) number of passengersUp to 8What our customers say about Welcome Samantha "Anabelia, our tour guide was wonderful. She guided us through history and food and made great suggestions and enabled us to understand Greek culture and the food. I would highly recommend this tour.”
Our Taxi Fleet Awaiting You at Rome Airport
Welcome Pickups provides airport taxi services from Rome Airport with your choice of either a sedan or minivan. If you want to book a transfer of up to 4 passengers, then a private sedan will pick you up from Fiumicino (FCO) airport. If you are travelling with family and looking for a comforting way to get to your the hotel, then a private minivan will operate your transportation from Rome airport.
Directions from Fiumicino Airport
Fiumicino, officially called Leonardo da Vinci International Airport (FCO), is the biggest and busiest airport in Italy. When travelling from Fiumicino airport by taxi you need around 50 minutes to reach the downtown area of Rome under normal traffic circumstances. Fiumicino airport is 30km away from the city centre of Rome. As soon as you get picked up by your driver you will head to Francesco Paolo Remotti in order to reach the A91 highway and then you will take the exit heading to Cristoforo Colombo road. Depending on your final destination, you will turn to local roads in order to reach your final destination.
Fare of Taxi from Fiumicino Airport
It is advisable to pre-book your Rome taxi trip from the airport. However, if you are travelling from Fiumicino airport (FCO) to the city centre of Rome a taxi ride will cost you 48€ (daytime and nighttime).Why Book with WelcomeWelcome goes above and beyond the commoditized taxi service as the first company to deliver a holistic, in-destination travel experience. From the moment you arrive in Rome, until your return home, Welcome accommodates all of your travel needs (transportation, travel products, things to do, information) in the easiest, friendliest and most personalized way possible.24/7 customer supportEnglish-speaking driversHand-picked & trained driversSame price as a regular taxiHassle-free Arrival at Rome airportFlight delay? We WaitDriver will be waiting for you at your exit gateFrequently asked questionsIs a Welcome Rome Airport Taxi Transfer operated by an authorized Driver? Yes. All of our drivers at Rome airports (both Fiumicino and Ciampino) are licensed. For up to 4 passengers, an official NCC driver will be waiting for you If you pre-book a Rome airport taxi ride. If you pre-book a minivan taxi from Rome airport, a licensed driver, eligible to drive a minivan, will pick you up.What happens after I book my taxi? As soon as you book your taxi ride you will receive an email confirmation with all the details. In addition, 4 days before your Rome airport taxi transfer, you will receive an email with your driver's information, such as phone number, name and a photo. Therefore, it will be easier for you to identify your personal driver.What else can I book with Welcome? Your transportation from Rome airport is just the beginning. You can pre-book your "skip-the-line" tickets for the most famous attractions of Rome, such as Colosseum and Roman Forum. Your desirable tickets will be handed to you by your driver in order to avoid waiting in long line ups which can take hours from your day. Welcome also offers private and shared experiences in Rome at the most competitive prices. Welcome hand-picks only 5-star providers so that you can pre-book your amazing experience based on real customer reviews. Source Read the full article
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consiliomeo · 5 years
Best hotels Medellin Colombia
Hotels of Medellin - Where should you stay?
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Medellin has become a city with quite a few hotels now, the last 5 years booming with lots of big brand hotels establishing here and there is still place for more. And right now it starts to be the market for the guests as the competition is getting harder and harder. There is possible to find good prices if you're willing to just put a little work in to it. Are you looking for low prices on your stay - maybe consider hostel as an option?   Book budget hotels" target="_blank">Hostelworld is one of the better site when searching for good prices and options as they are really committed to help people in this search. If you are looking for a budget option for hostels, try it yourself. I have tried at least 10 times and they are definitely in top 5 when it comes to searches for hotels. Read the full article
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consiliomeo · 5 years
Medellin Buses - MedellinColombia.co
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Integrado BusThere are plenty of buses in Medellin that can be an effective and even cheaper alternative to taxis or the metro system. There are two different bus systems. The government run, Integrado buses connect with Metro stations and are usually green. The rest are private buses that come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.The fare to jump on a private bus is usually between $2,000 - 2,400 COP (about $0.70 USD) and the price is always listed on the front windscreen. To hail a bus, you simply need to stick your hand out the same way as getting a taxi’s attention. In busier areas, buses may only stop at certain known points. To pay, just hand the driver the fare, preferably in coins or small notes, once you board. You won’t make any friends giving the driver a 50,000 COP note. Most buses have a red button near the doors to alert the driver that you want to stop. Again, the major destinations are usually listed in the lower left hand corner of the buses windshield.If you know you need to take a bus from the metro you can buy a ticket called "integrado". This is your Metro ticket with a Metro bus included for 200 COP extra. A fraction of the cost of the bus ticket by itself. For example there is a Metro bus that goes up the hill from the Poblado Metro Station up Calle 10 and past Parque Lleras, perfect if up you're tired of walking up that hill.How to know what bus to get? Annoyingly there are no well documented websites or maps with bus routes that cover the whole of Medellin. However most of the buses have the prominent destinations listed on their front windscreen. If you need to go somewhere it's best to do what the locals do, ask someone, or ask a passing bus driver. This is where it helps to speak some Spanish. There is one bus website which seems to have been created by a foreigner, probably fed up with trying to manage the bus system. The only limitation is that it only covers Medellin and not Envigado to the South and hasnot been updated for a while. Source Read the full article
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consiliomeo · 5 years
Vacation rentals Medellin - Top list
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There is basically 5 companies I'm using when trying to book accommodation because I always know it will be totally hassle free and the hosts are good, priced are OK but if you visit Medellin for the first time I would advise to say it's one of the things you do not want  go wrong. " target="_blank">Tripadvisor Airbnb Booking.com SuiteMedellin Homeaway " target="_blank">Tripadvisor is a worldwide company and they offer lots of times prices below Airbnb so if you want to save some extra bucks it's worth the time to look over the inventory there.
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Airbnb is, as you know very big on apartment rentals and the only reason they are not as big as booking is simply because they don't do so many hotels. This is about to change as they want to grow at that area also so we will see how they will do. But far the best safety for both hosts and guests, they have a huge insurance to make sure all parts are covered in case there are any problems. It's easy to find good options here and the reviews are excellent for me as a guest to figure out how good the host are. The downside may be the prices, it's the most expensive site of the 4 I listed here so you as a guest has simply to decide if you want the pros of Airbnb and don't bother about the cons. Airbnb charge the guests 11% in fee and the host 3-4% so it's almost 15% on top of the "standard" price. Another downside is if you get a bad review from your host for any reason that's not fair, that review stays in your profile for ever and it can be hard to come back from that.
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SuiteMedellin.com is website that has over 9 years of experience from the market in Medellin and they have a huge network of contacts to help you throughout your whole stay. If they can't match the prices from the other 4 companies on the list, no one can. They will give you the best service through their contacts and they only work now with super hosts or similar to b sure you get the top service while you are here in Medellin.  
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Booking.com is the company I use as little le as possible and it's strictly because I have been hosts with them and I don't like the way they force the hosts to arrange the whole payment process themselves. This is of course to avoid costs for booking and anyway they charge up to 18% in commissions. But to their defense I would say it's very easy to find competitive prices on the website and there is a lot of discounts as well. A benefit for the guest is that you can book without pay anything in advance and that's great but for the hosts this mean that many times the guests book 2-4 rooms or apartments and then they decide which one they want upon arrival so the 2 to 3 hosts who's left over will have a non show up guest and lose the potential income. This has now improved with booking and they are more willing to help the hosts in many cases but the problem is still there.
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Homeaway is the company where you also can find good prices and I think they will be a very good competition against tripadvisor and airbnb in the near future as their shares of the market are growing and they are improving their software to make it easier for hosts and guests to have a pleasant stay and booking process. So my conclusion is that it can be good to look over all 4 websites, but if you don't have the time or will just check 1 or 2 websites and my recommendation would be suitemedellin and airbnb for price and comfortable a non hassle booking and stay. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me and I will be more than happy to help out.   Read the full article
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consiliomeo · 5 years
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POPULAR TRAVEL ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR MEDELLIN TRIP I always remember something important that I didn't buy before my trip when I arrives to the departure airport and to buy these things at the airport can be very expensive. So we have put together 5 products for you to buy if you are in the planning stage of your trip so you don't end up like me and start your trip with some unforeseen expenses. As you probably know there are restrictions on how big size you can bring on the flight. So this is a really good solution for you to solve that. Another thing easy to forget is that the country you're travel to do not have the same outlets as you are used to. And you want something easy to bring in your travel luggage . This one works worldwide and with it's a lifesaver at the airports' layover or connections with the 4 USB ports so you easily can recharge all your devices.   For the long haul flights this is a must. I'm tall and have difficulties to sleep and without a pillow like this my whole flight is ruined. And you want to wake up feel rested to enjoy the trip as much as possible so the pillow is a good start on your journey. When going through several security checks on your travel it's of course easy to be a little sloppy how you handle your passport and other important values and documents. This is a very good trip organizer just to avoid that. You can also charge your phone, and your credit cards are safe from skimming by criminals at the airport or on the trip. Finally an excellent product for your shoes avoiding other clothes get dirty in the suitcase. It's water proofed and good quality for years.   Read the full article
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consiliomeo · 5 years
After living in Medellin, Colombia for more than nine years
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After living in Medellin, Colombia for more than nine years now, I am still looking for more things to do in Medellin. To find the best things to do, you must first decide if you’re searching for mild activities, or if your tastes run to the more adventurous. Medellin is a city surrounded by huge mountains. You don’t have to go far from Medellin to find a more rural setting. It’s here you can live your ultimate adventure. Medellin is famous for parasailing, hang gliding, bungee jumping and repelling to name a few of the more extreme sports in Medellin. There are not many trees on the surrounding mountains making them ideal for these types of outdoor activities. Maybe you are looking for a more calm adventure in which case you may want to visit one of Medellin’s many parks. You have Parque Explora which a park based on science where you can enjoy the park atmosphere while having the added benefit of learning at the same time. Maybe a nature walk is what you are needing. In this case you have Medellin’s Botanical gardens in the middle of the city. It is wonderful place to get away from the crowds and have a walk with nature. Many of the locals use this park for their lunch break or just an afternoon of relaxation. One of the tourist favorites is to ride the Metro Cable System to Parque Arvi. Riding the Metro Cable as it is called is an adventure itself. You climb from the river level in Medellin high into the mountains where you can have a day exploring hiking trails, lakes, restaurants and many other fun things. Other activities on the list of things to do in Medellin may include a trip to one of Medellin’s premier malls. Medellin is a modern city and nowhere is that more evident than in their spectacular Medellin malls. These malls are unique and each one has something special to attract visitors. El Tesoro mall has a small amusement park without rides and games to delight it’s many visitors. Santa Fe mall has a spectacular retracting ceiling and a huge open main floor always filled with attractions. Shopping should on any visitors list of things they can do in Medellin. As a seasoned traveler, I find it is always best to plan carefully before traveling. In Medellin that is particularly important because there are so many things to do in Medellin. Reach out to me for more info and tips. /Simon Read the full article
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consiliomeo · 5 years
Medellin, Colombia tourism and best weather ever
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Medellin travel guide
Located in South America, in the amazing country of Colombia, Medellin, known as the city of the eternal spring, is a place full of interesting things to do. Medellin temperature With the perfect weather almost always approximately 25 degrees celsius and breathtaking landscapes, Medellin is the perfect destination for those travelers looking for something fresh, new and unforgettable. The second city in a developing country, Medellin has tons of things to offer its visitors. Lots of five stars hotels, several amazing restaurants and bars, plenty of outdoor activities, and the most authentic culture of its people. In Colombia travelers can find nature and wildlife at every corner, and the city of Medellin is in the center of many tourist attractions, including amazing destinations like mountain treks, water sports, camping, biking routes, extreme sports, historic places from the 1700s. The very well-preserved natural reservoirs and antique constructions make of Medellin a never-ending source of interesting places and scenarios to visit. Medellin is the capital city of the department of Antioquia, a Colombian political division, known for its people hospitality and kindness. Medellin is the center of many industrial and commercial activities that attract thousand of business people from around the world, coming to make trade relationships and in the meantime falling in love with this warm and wonderful place. Colombian coffee, emeralds, flowers
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A huge number of visitors are coming every year to this city of eternal spring, looking to get some of the best of Colombia's export products, like coffee (one of the best in the world), emeralds (worldwide famous), fruits, flowers and of course the most beautiful women in the world! Colombia moda
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Every year, in July, Medellin hosts an international fashion fair. It is called Colombia Moda, and it is the meeting point of thousands of buyers, sellers, designers and entrepreneurs from all the world. Everything that is happening in the fashion world starts in Medellin. Medellin Car parade
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On Summer, every year, the entire city performs the Flower Fair, a world-wide known event displaying several flowers parades, tropical music concerts, art exhibitions, an antique and classic cars parade, a horseback riding parade and dozens of firework shows. Medellin is an amazing city that offers many incredible turist attractions in the middle of the wonderful Andean mountains system. For those travellers who have not been in Southamerica, just being there is a life time experience. No one should miss this paradaise on earth city. Unfortunately in the past was known for its high violence indexes and for its infamous connexion to drug lords, but now Medellin is blossoming as one of the most spectacular and innovative cities in the world! Visit Medellin, the city of the eternal spring. A lovely place no one should miss. Contact me for more info and hidden deals and tips!
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consiliomeo · 5 years
Best hotels Medellin Colombia
Hotels of Medellin - Where should you stay?
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Medellin has become a city with quite a few hotels now, the last 5 years booming with lots of big brand hotels establishing here and there is still place for more. And right now it starts to be the market for the guests as the competition is getting harder and harder. There is possible to find good prices if you're willing to just put a little work in to it. Are you looking for low prices on your stay - maybe consider hostel as an option?   Book budget hotels" target="_blank">Hostelworld is one of the better site when searching for good prices and options as they are really committed to help people in this search. If you are looking for a budget option for hostels, try it yourself. I have tried at least 10 times and they are definitely in top 5 when it comes to searches for hotels. Read the full article
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consiliomeo · 5 years
New tunnels reduce shuttle times at Pudong airport
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Pan Donghua / Ti Gong A vehicle is one of the first to use the newly completed tunnels at Pudong airport. Two tunnel projects have been completed at Pudong airport to reduce the shuttle times for remote boarding, while better connecting T1 and T2 with the new satellite terminal.The new terminal, the world’s largest satellite terminal known as S1 and S2, is about 700 meters from the T1 and T2 terminals. It is scheduled to open later this year.The new tunnels will serve luggage, shuttle and service vehicles between T1 and S1 as well as T2 and S2. A subway line will transport passengers between T2 and S2 through the tunnel, Shanghai Airport Authority said on Tuesday.The tunnels, along with an express subway system, will offer convenient transport between the existing terminals and the new facility. It will also reduce the shuttling time to some remote boarding stands to as short as two minutes, the authority said.Currently, shuttle buses have to detour the taxiways T3 and T4, the airport’s busiest taxiways.The Pudong airport handles over 700 daily flights and nearly 60 percent of the planes taking off and landing use the taxiways.“Both the experiences of passengers to remote boarding stands and the operation efficiency of the airport will be largely improved,” the airport authority said. Construction on the tunnels started in December 2014. Workers had to dig overnight as well as build temporary taxiways to avoid interrupting operations at one of the world’s busiest airports, the authority said.
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Pan Donghua / Ti Gong Work on the two new tunnels at Pudong airport was carefully planned to avoid disruption to operations at one of the world’s busiest airports.
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Pan Donghua / Ti Gong Two new tunnels have been completed at Pudong airport to reduce the shuttle times for remote boarding, while better connecting T1 and T2 with the new satellite terminal.  The Pudong airport, which serves over 200,000 daily passengers, remained in operation during the work. The schedule would have been 18 months if the T3 and T4 taxiways had been closed at the same time to allow for digging, according to the authority. But to reduce the influence on flights it was extended to four and a half years.Workers built a temporary T0 taxiway and shut down T3 and T4 alternatively. They also had to work between midnight and 6am to avoid disrupting the busy daytime flights.The construction team also had to relocate complicated underground pipelines for air traffic control, intercommunication and aviation oil. The largest scale of pipeline relocation for communications cables between the air traffic control tower, runways, radar stations and air traffic management centers had been conducted during the tunnel project, the authority said.The Pudong and Hongqiao airports handled over 117 million passengers in 2018, a 5.2 percent increase year on year, making Shanghai the world’s fifth-busiest air hub after London, New York, Tokyo and Atlanta. The airport authority has launched a series of expansion and renovation works, including the building of the satellite terminal that started in 2015.
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Ti Gong Two new tunnels will connect T1 and S1 as well as T2 and S2 at the Pudong airport.
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Ti Gong Two new tunnels at the Pudong airport will serve luggage, shuttle and service vehicles between T1 and S1 as well as T2 and S2. Source Read the full article
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consiliomeo · 5 years
Route AB/AB1/AB2: Boulder / Denver Airport
Select your travel options
Weekday, Eastbound Schedule
Via Route Boulder Junction at Depot Square Station28th/Canyon28th - ArapahoeDowntown Boulder StationBroadway - EuclidBroadway & 27th WayUS 36 & Table Mesa Station - Gate B US 36 & Table Mesa Station - Gate B US 36 & McCaslin Station - Gate B US 36 & Flatiron Station - Gate A US 36 & Flatiron Station - Gate A Denver Airport Station - Gate 6 AB1------312A316A319A324A326A333A339A340A413AAB1------437A441A444A451A456A503A509A510A543AAB1------------521A526A533A539A540A613AAB1------536A541A544A551A556A603A609A610A643AAB2603A607A610A------616A624A632A639A640A713AAB1------628A634A638A646A654A702A709A710A743AAB2700A705A708A------716A724A732A739A740A813AAB1------728A734A738A746A754A802A809A810A843AAB2800A805A808A------816A824A832A839A840A913AAB2830A835A838A------846A854A902A909A910A943AAB1------856A903A908A917A925A933A939A940A1013AAB2930A935A938A------947A955A1003A1009A1010A1043AAB1------1028A1035A1039A1047A1055A1103A1109A1110A1143AAB1------1128A1135A1139A1147A1155A1203P1209P1210P1243PAB1------1228P1235P1239P1247P1255P103P109P110P143PAB1------127P135P139P147P155P203P209P210P243PAB1------157P205P209P217P225P233P239P240P313PAB1------227P235P239P247P255P303P309P310P343PAB1------323P331P337P346P353P402P409P410P443PAB1------421P429P435P444P451P501P509P510P543PAB1------451P459P505P514P522P532P540P541P614PAB1------521P529P535P544P551P601P609P610P643PAB2600P606P612P------622P629P637P644P645P718PAB1------624P632P638P647P654P702P709P710P743PAB2705P709P712P------718P725P733P739P740P813PAB1------733P739P742P748P755P803P809P810P843PAB1------847P853P856P902P907P914P920P921P954PAB1------947P953P956P1002P1007P1014P1020P1021P1054PAB1------1047P1053P1056P1102P1107P1114P1120P1121P1154PAB1------1147P1153P1156P1202A1207A1214A1220A1221A1254A All times are approximate. (AB1): Branch AB1: Downtown Boulder AB1 stops (Boulder): DBS, Canyon, College, Euclid, Baseline, 27th Way, Dartmouth, Table Mesa/39th St PnR, Table Mesa/Tantra, US36 & Table Mesa Station. AB2 stops (Boulder): BJDS, 28th/Canyon, 28th/Arapahoe, 28th/Taft, US36 & Table Mesa Station (AB2): Branch AB2: Boulder Junction Holiday schedule: RTD services follow a Sunday/Holiday schedule on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Source Read the full article
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consiliomeo · 5 years
Medellin Buses - MedellinColombia.co
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Integrado BusThere are plenty of buses in Medellin that can be an effective and even cheaper alternative to taxis or the metro system. There are two different bus systems. The government run, Integrado buses connect with Metro stations and are usually green. The rest are private buses that come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.The fare to jump on a private bus is usually between $2,000 - 2,400 COP (about $0.70 USD) and the price is always listed on the front windscreen. To hail a bus, you simply need to stick your hand out the same way as getting a taxi’s attention. In busier areas, buses may only stop at certain known points. To pay, just hand the driver the fare, preferably in coins or small notes, once you board. You won’t make any friends giving the driver a 50,000 COP note. Most buses have a red button near the doors to alert the driver that you want to stop. Again, the major destinations are usually listed in the lower left hand corner of the buses windshield.If you know you need to take a bus from the metro you can buy a ticket called "integrado". This is your Metro ticket with a Metro bus included for 200 COP extra. A fraction of the cost of the bus ticket by itself. For example there is a Metro bus that goes up the hill from the Poblado Metro Station up Calle 10 and past Parque Lleras, perfect if up you're tired of walking up that hill.How to know what bus to get? Annoyingly there are no well documented websites or maps with bus routes that cover the whole of Medellin. However most of the buses have the prominent destinations listed on their front windscreen. If you need to go somewhere it's best to do what the locals do, ask someone, or ask a passing bus driver. This is where it helps to speak some Spanish. There is one bus website which seems to have been created by a foreigner, probably fed up with trying to manage the bus system. The only limitation is that it only covers Medellin and not Envigado to the South and hasnot been updated for a while. Source Read the full article
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