connormichaelas · 4 years
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connormichaelas · 4 years
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Student designs Netflix ads that punish people with spoilers if they don’t stay home (x)
PS I censored the spoilers but if you want to see them, just click the link above. Yes, one of them is from Love is Blind
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connormichaelas · 4 years
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I dyed my hair again.... buuuut super happy with my summer coupe 💇‍♀️☀️
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connormichaelas · 4 years
does anyone else feel extremely mediocre and talentless it’s like you’re okay at some stuff but not good enough to ever truly succeed or make it into a career, not naturally gifted at anything nor motivated enough, and will never be recognised or special or exceptional in any way to anyone
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connormichaelas · 4 years
my blog truly reflects my life.. inconsistent.. disorganised… annoying
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connormichaelas · 4 years
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rossbutler I know #zalex didn’t quite pan out the way some expected, but in life, sometimes it doesn’t, right? Can’t the person you like, who doesn’t like you back the same way, still like you? Now when you replace “like” with “love,” why does it become so much more complicated? Because there is more emotion involved? Doesn’t that mean we should be there for one another even more?
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connormichaelas · 4 years
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4.02 || 4.06
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connormichaelas · 4 years
Hey guys i'm back! It's been a week since i've finished s4 of 13 reasons why and i had some time to think about everything, i talked to one of my friends about it and i finally realized what was missing in the season, one of the most important things to me, and it was the characters being friends with eachother, being there for eachother and having eachother's back. I think s2 is my favourite of the series because i feel like all the characters were teaming up against Bryce. Same thing in s3 except that Ani got thrown in the mix and she was a backstabbing bitch. But do you remember how all of the characters were nice to Tyler even though they had no idea what happened? It gave him the strength to recover from what happened to him and it was so important!!! This season i feel like was just like season 1, everyone had to fight their own battle and deal with what happened in their own way. But to the point of treating their friend like complete trash because they're scared someone besides their group is going to find out their "big secret". In s1 the big secret was of course Hannah's tapes and right now the secret was the truth about Bryce's killer. I don't know, in the end they came together luckily to bury Hannah's tapes but i feel like that was the only time everyone teamed up together. I hated how they were suspicious of Zach and Tyler the entire time this season. They deserved better. But at least Alex got happiness, that's something i'm really happy about. And of course the awareness for mental health, which was a really good recurring theme during this show.
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connormichaelas · 4 years
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Would the five of us always live within a few minutes of that booth? No. That’s life, kids.
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connormichaelas · 4 years
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#he deserved better
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connormichaelas · 4 years
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every degrassi friendship: (in prefrence order as voted) → #21. drew and fiona
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connormichaelas · 4 years
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i suffer from anxiety... and depression. but mostly anxiety. i sometimes think all of us kids do, in some way. and now how could we not, with this world the way it is? we hear a lot of promises that things will get better. and... and, look, maybe they will, maybe they won't. and what i think i've learned, what i wanna say to you... is whatever happens, keep moving. get through it. choose to live. 'cause even on the worst day, there are people who love you. there's new music waiting for you to hear, some... something you haven't seen before that will blow your mind in the best way. even on the worst day, life is a pretty spectacular thing. thank you. good luck.
13 Reasons Why ( 2017—2020)
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connormichaelas · 4 years
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ZACH DEMPSEY AND ALEX STANDALL (13 Reasons Why - 4x05 “House Party”) “I like that we can joke about this. It’s a good sign.”
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connormichaelas · 4 years
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connormichaelas · 4 years
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13 Reasons Why Season 4 (final season)  
 ﹄Justin Foley
“It feels like no one believes in me, like no one trusts me. I’m trying … I don’t  really feel like I can … I’ve got all this on me and I don’t ever know how to get out from under.”
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connormichaelas · 4 years
So i've watched 9 episodes of 13 reasons why in one weekend and only like 20 minutes of the last episode, but i waited to go on tumblr until i knew who was gonna die and i've never been more disappointed with this show. To be honest, last season the only thing that annoyed me was Ani. Other than that it was good television. But this season was a fucking hot mess. I will write about it tomorrow when i finish the last episode because it's 01:10 am here right now and i have to work tomorrow. GOODNIGHT
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connormichaelas · 4 years
alex standall: so i think i like boys too....
all the boys in evergreen:
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