connorfoleary · 9 years
To me it seems like the most likely scenario.
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“See, like I said you are thinking about it wrong. That is worse case scenario.”
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connorfoleary · 9 years
You do not seem that awkward to me but yes, seems like we do.
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Looks like we have something in common- our unfortunate awkwardness. 
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connorfoleary · 9 years
Will they? Because I feel like they would just be crushed and barely do anything.
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“Fine,” Kassia huffed. “We go and get as many feathers as we can. Then we put them in as many people’s shoes as we can. It’ll tickle their feet when they walk.” 
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connorfoleary · 9 years
I can’t but that does not mean I wish to change how I am.
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“You just said you can’t impress people.”
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connorfoleary · 9 years
I can certainly relate. I would be the same if someone tried to do that. Well- I already am.
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I suppose you could say I’m very…awkward at times. 
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connorfoleary · 9 years
You were nervous? Why?
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I never followed through with it. I was too…well, nervous.
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connorfoleary · 9 years
So what happened? Was he awful?
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You could say that, yeah.
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connorfoleary · 9 years
I certainly can. Don’t know if I am the best choice but you’ll be the judge of that.
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“Well if you can cook I certainly want to see that”.
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connorfoleary · 9 years
Depends. Would you like to have a taste of how good I am in the kitchen or would you rather get someone to make it?
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“Okay, so are we going to make it ourselves or get someone else to make it?”.
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connorfoleary · 9 years
She can be quite persistent. Did she try and set you up with someone?
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Oh no, no one for me. Despite Princess Eilidh’s attempts, there’s no special someone.
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connorfoleary · 9 years
Italian food is amazing. We really should get some pasta.
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“I like Italian food - pasta sounds amazing right now”.
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connorfoleary · 9 years
I might be the biggest challenge. What’s your favorite food? We can eat that.
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“It’s a good thing I like challenges. So what do you want to eat?”.
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connorfoleary · 9 years
Perhaps. What about you? Is there someone?
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Perhaps in the future, then. Yes, it is a good thing.
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connorfoleary · 9 years
No but they are facts. It might be time to do whatever it is you like doing and seeing who is available. Maybe you’ll find someone who you like. Okay- I am officially very impressed.
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Do you like it when you call yourself awkward? Or when other people say that you’re cold and distant? Yeah, I suppose… I mean, there hardly are any patients in the hospital wing, and Prince Bogdan rarely calls me to tend to his medical needs. I’ve never had so much free time in my entire life. My idleness is starting to kill me. Would it hurt if I mentioned that I entered Princeton at the age of fourteen and graduated summa cum laude from both universities?
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connorfoleary · 9 years
Explain it again in that case.
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“You must be thinking about it wrong. It is not that bad.”
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connorfoleary · 9 years
I don’t think any woman that has ever truly met me has done that. Its mostly people that only know me through the media. Its a good thing you do not mind your job.
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Connor, I think it will only get worse when you take the throne. Women will be throwing themselves at you left and right- no worries, I’ll keep them at bay. Well, yeah, but I don’t mind at all.
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connorfoleary · 9 years
“Lets see. Its a hard task.” he said shrugging with a small smile. Connor looked at their hands as she held his, “Yeah- lets get food.” he spoke awkwardly.
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“Well as a newly found friend I can help you with it”, she smiles, “Come on, lets go get food”, she says as she holds out her hand.
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