confusedbutcomplete · 2 years
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"I'm going to make a promise to you," he said. "When my life is good enough for you to be a part of it, I'll come find you."
_it ends with us, Colleen Hoover
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confusedbutcomplete · 2 years
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confusedbutcomplete · 2 years
crazy how sometimes u dance alone to your favorite song in your bedroom and you are like oh yeah thats why im alive
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confusedbutcomplete · 2 years
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confusedbutcomplete · 3 years
new tag game: reblog this post and tag ur
favorite oc ( yes i’m exposing you )
newest oc
meanest oc
softest oc
oc you’d bang
oc you’d absolutely loathe if u met them irl
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confusedbutcomplete · 3 years
what is your eye color. what is your favorite color. what is the color that appears most frequently in your wardrobe. what color is your favorite blanket. what color is your water bottle.
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confusedbutcomplete · 3 years
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19K notes · View notes
confusedbutcomplete · 3 years
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confusedbutcomplete · 3 years
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alice by heart icons | requested by @all-you-wanna-do-your-best
like or rb if saved!
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confusedbutcomplete · 3 years
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Isi & Ossi (2020)
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confusedbutcomplete · 3 years
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“or like..” jules smiled, scooting a bit closer as she shook her head. “such a weird question but like who fucking looked at a cow and went ‘hmmm, i bet we could fucking drink the stuff that comes out of their udders.’ like..” the brunette laughed, shaking her head. “there’s so many things that im just like.. how the fuck did we think about that.. or like how did that even get started, you know?” 
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“No, no, but I thought of this one before... so like.. those baby cows, they drink the milk from their moms and shit.. so bein poor and not bein able to go out and buy shit, or like livin on a farm, I can see how someone was like well it helps the cows, right? so it could work for us too.” He shrugged, “But cheese? I don’t wanna know who saw the cow’s milk get hard and go.. I can eat that.”
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confusedbutcomplete · 3 years
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diego chuckled softly, resting his chin lightly on her belly. “listen, i couldn’t help it.” he laughed softly. “especially when you made me go get stuff from different places to basically make a diy kfc famous bowl.” his hands slid down to the sides of her stomach as she asked the next question. “i think.. just hearing how you spoke about the whole thing… i’ve.. always wanted a kid and a big family and everything so i think i just.. you know?” 
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“That was literally the best thing I’ve ever made in my entire life.” She watched his hands intently, nodding, “No.. I get it... Like-.. My family was barely even a family.. I’ve just always wanted to have a kid and do better than them.. Actually attempt to make a connection with the baby... And now like.. now that I’m pregnant it’s like.. how can anyone go through nine months of this and not love the kid?” She paused, “I got deep, sorry.”
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confusedbutcomplete · 3 years
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“no, i know.” jules bit down on her lip, her eyes roaming the room. she almost forgot it wasn’t just the two of them. “hey.” she hummed. “have you ever thought like about the first ever party? like what it would have been like and what made them like.. call it a party?” 
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Marshall’s eyebrows lifted, letting out a small laugh, “Honestly, nah, I can’t say I ever thought of that, but I am now... Like... Shit... Why’d they call it a party..? You smart, do you know?” he asked softly, his cheek pressed against the couch as he smiled over at her.
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confusedbutcomplete · 3 years
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diego smiled softly as he felt the baby kick. without realizing it, he moved down closer to her stomach, glancing up at her. “uh, weirdest cravings?” he thought on it and let out a soft laugh as his thumb stroked her bump lightly. “listen, all the shit you’ve sent me out to get has been really fucking good combos, so i dont think i have any right to say what’s been weird… its all been surprisingly good.” 
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Ava huffed out a content sigh, resting her head on the pillow and thinking about her cravings. “I knew you were trying them!” She laughed, placing her hands behind her head, “Okay, next question.. What made you decide to go through with the whole.. having a child with me thing.”
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confusedbutcomplete · 3 years
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juliette didn’t know she could laugh the way she did until it had already spilled past her lips. “you’re so right. she totally would.” she glanced over, smile bright as he mentioned the disney princess. “ya know, i was belle for Halloween when i was nine. i take that as a big ass compliment.” her fingers lightly drummed against her thigh. “yeah, well you can exist confidently, you know?”  
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Marshall’s laugh echoed hers. It was almost like they were the only two people in the world when they spoke. “Good, I meant it as a compliment.” He shrugged, “Yeah, I mean, I guess.. That kinda makes sense. I’m not like actively tryin to be confident or anything, I just ain’t gonna be fake. If I like you, I like you, if I don’t, I don’t.”
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confusedbutcomplete · 3 years
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“oh! can i?” diego smiled softly. he waited for her answer before reaching for his stomach. his hand gently coasted along her bump and he got quiet to try to concentrate better. he licked his lips soft before biting down on his bottom lip. “well maybe you could try some kinda cooked sushi? you could do that yeah? i know they say like if you cook deli meat you can eat it.. so i wonder if you could do the cooked sushi..?” 
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“Diego, it’s your baby too, you are more than welcome to touch my stomach.” She laughed, putting her hand over his to move it where the baby was kicking. “Yeah.. I didn’t think of that.. I could probably try it.” Ava watched her fingers run over his hand, “Okay, what’s the weirdest craving I’ve had that you’ve gone to get me?”
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confusedbutcomplete · 3 years
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“you know who has real kids bop energy? gracie.” jules laughed, shaking her head. “i’ve got like.. catholic private school energy.” she joked, a soft hum following after. “you know what you’ve got? you’ve got like.. fuck, what kinda energy do you give off?” juliette moved to sit on her knees. her eyes glanced over the other slowly with a slow grin creeping across her features. “hmm.. you’ve got this kinda like confidence about you that i cant explain.. does that makes sense? not in a bad way. like you’re not cocky about it.. its almost like a you’re blissfully unaware how confident you are. ” 
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“I know what you mean, but she gives me raid area 51 vibes.” He let out a low chuckle, “You gimme that princess from beauty and the beast energy.” Marshall met her eyes as she attempted to describe him. “I’ve got confidence?” He teased, “I think I just like.. I’m existin’.. just livin life.”
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