confuqed · 4 years
Person B: Are you hitting on me?
Person A: No?
Person B: Well YOU SHOULD!
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confuqed · 4 years
Person A & Person B: *cuddling*
Person A:
Person A: Are we dating?
Person B: Sure why not.
Person A: Oh cool.
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confuqed · 4 years
Are you proud of me?
Fandom: N/A
Pairing: N/A
Prompt: “Are you proud of me?”
WC: 316 Words
TW/s: Mild gore, death, blood, infirmaries, drabble, daddy issues (??)
A/N: This isn’t mine, this was made by SomeMapleGuy formerly known as SomeHalberdGuy aka Hal (the dude from the maple thread). I gave him the prompt and he wrote the story. I asked for his permission before posting this so yea. Enjoy! (or not, who am I to judge?)
A man sat up in his bed, remembering what his father had told him in his youth. "You're a weak, worthless, good-for-nothing child," he would say, chopping timber amidst the harsh winters of the Rodina, ignoring yet despising the tears welling up in his son's eyes. "You can't endure even the slightest of pain!" The man wanted to prove him wrong. He still did. But would his father ever be proud?
Days later, he stood with others amidst irradiated debris, tirelessly working, as methodically and frantically as ants, to save his homeland and others from the horrors of radiation which awaited them. It was work that asked for all the strength and courage a man could give, with no room for rest as the silent death killed and ravaged him from the inside. He could see it in others, he could see it in himself, he could see it in those that lay in the blood-stained sheets of the infirmaries. They breathed tormented heaving breaths as even Death refused to relieve them.
Their superiors all told them that they were heroes, that they had given their all, that they should feel proud of what they had done for their homeland. But would it be enough? He couldn't tell. He couldn't feel anything but agony. But would his father ever be proud?
At the end of it all, the man lay in a bed, barely conscious, all his skin melted and burned off, bleeding from within as the tumours ravaged and killed him from the inside. Doctors and orderlies worked tirelessly, as methodically and frantically as ants, to save him and others from the death from radiation which awaited them. He could barely see the people around them, much less comprehend them. He exhaled his last pained gasp from his torn lungs, sputtering out a single string of words in his delirium; "Are you proud of me?"
0 notes
confuqed · 4 years
Person A: Y'all what name suits me better: Solar or Solace?
Person B and C: Solace.
Person A: Are you sure? Does it really suit me?
Person B: Well, I find solace in you...
Person B: So yes.
Person A: m e l t s
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confuqed · 4 years
Random Prompt #2
Person A and B got caught in the rain, luckily they were near B's house, unluckily A's place is another bus ride away and the bus stop doesn't have a cover. B starts venting to A about how shitty life is, as you do, and A does nothing but slightly open their arms as B flings themselves to A.
"How long are you gonna be like this?"
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confuqed · 4 years
Random Prompt
Person B is a shapeshifter with no true/original form. Person A helps B out by uncovering their past and etc.. Eventually, B finds their true form but doesn't change into it. Instead, they change into A's ideal type.
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confuqed · 4 years
Prompts 3
“I thought you liked love songs!”
“You have a nice voice”
“Y’know I never imagined you as a fan of closets and yet here we are…”
“You’re absolutely dreadful!”
 “I know you’re angry…but it wasn’t me!”
 “Do you want some soup?”
 “[David Attenborough voice] And here we see the lesser spotted ____ in their natural habitat” 
“I don’t think you realise just how many people want to date you…I mean you’ve got a queue longer than the one to get into Glastonbury” 
“I know you’re not a fan of Valentine’s day…I just thought that maybe I could change your mind…”
“I never thought I’d fancy you…and yet here we are.”
“You’re my favourite know-it-all” 
“What’re you going to name it?” 
“Are you okay?” 
“Please tell me that we’re not stuck out here in your piece of shit car.” 
“Do you think it’s possible to die from boredom?” 
“God, I hate you.”
“Do you own anything that isn’t a woollen jumper?”
“This is the best jam I have ever tasted!” 
“I have long since become desensitised to you walking around in just your underwear.”
“You wish you could have a piece of this” 
“You can’t just steal the neighbour’s cheesecake!” 
“Just because you have magic doesn’t mean you have to do everything with it. You can still peel carrots like a normal person.”
“What’s wrong with the second hand?” 
“I can’t believe you cleaned my room!”
“Are you angry…?” 
“I wish I could be angry at you.”
“Would you go to the dance with me?”
“That was the least romantic proposal in the entire history of proposals.”
“I never knew you were a romantic at heart”
“I made it. For you. I know it’s not the best, but…”
“I figured roses were cliche and I know you like ___ so…”
“Why did I think that was a good idea?”
“You will never do something more embarrassing than that love poem you wrote when we were 13 and read out in front of the whole school.” 
“Your mum hates me.” “She doesn’t hate you…she just doesn’t like you.” 
“How do you even know that this is here?”
“Secret passageways? Really? Are we in a gothic novel?” 
“Let me carry that.”
“The older I get the more conflicted I feel about snow. On one hand it's snow, on the other hand it’s really inconvenient when you have adult things to do.”
“You can build a fire? When did you ever learn that?”
“I don’t understand why people think fishing is relaxing. It’s all tense silence and boredom.” 
“You wanna play ‘would you rather’ to pass the time?”
“So…ghosts, huh?”
“You want to tell scary stories?”
“It’s forbidden for a reason, idiot.” 
“How do you know my favourite drink?” 
“I’m observant.”
“We’ve known each other for years and I don’t think we’ve ever had a proper conversation.”
“Why are you bleeding?!”
“You’re the clumsiest person I know…how did you survive past childhood?”
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confuqed · 4 years
For all my fellow readers and writers
just found a pretty simple prompt generator from an incorrect heathers quotes blog and would like to share it with y’all
if you didn’t know, there are also other blogs that provide prompts (i.e.: @promptsforthestrugglingauthor) so be sure to check ‘em out
anyway, that is all.
0 notes
confuqed · 4 years
#BlackLivesMatter - Petitions to sign.
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14-year-old Joāo Pedro was killed by the Rio de Janeiro police. Joāo was shot at his home and his body was taken by the Rio de Janeiro police. His family waited 17 hours until receiving news of his whereabouts. They finally found his dead body at a medical examiner’s office. The family counted 72 bullet marks on the walls of the house.
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George Floyd was murdered by a Minneapolis police officer.
George was handcuffed and restrained and being completely cooperative when this all went down. The officer put his knee on George’s neck choking him for minutes on minutes while George screamed that he could not breathe. 
Bystanders beg for the police officer to take his knee off George’s neck, but the officer didn’t listen and continued to choke him. 
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Petition for the punishment of Minneapolis police officers after the assassination of George Floyd.
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Julius Jones has only 122 days before being executed for a crime he DIDN’T COMMIT. Julius has lived on death row for almost 20 years, and is held in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day. He is allowed one hour of sunlight a day, and three showers a week. Every minute we wait to take action, Julius is suffering. Every second that goes by brings Julius closer to being executed for a crime he didn’t commit.
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Tony McDade was a transgender black man who got killed by police in Tallahassee. No one is talking about it.
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A 12-year-old girl has drowned in the River Irwell in Greater Manchester.
Greater Manchester Police said it was treating what happened as a “tragic incident” and did not believe there were any suspicious circumstances.
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Ahmaud Arbery was chased and gunned down by Travis McMichael, son of retired Brunswick investigator Greg McMichael, under the father’s and son’s pretenses of witnessing a burglary in Satilla Shores of Glynn County.
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Jennifer Jeffley was 15 years old when she was arrested for the murder of Maria Palomina. A murder that she did not commit. Innocent of the crime that she was convicted of, Jennifer has been behind bars more than 20 years serving a life sentence.
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Regis Korchinski-Paquet was murdered by Toronto Police. A call was made for a domestic incident and Toronto police officers were present on the 24th floor in a High Park apartment building to “observe” 29-year old, Regis. Shortly after, she allegedly fell off the balcony.
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Sean was a victim of police brutality. He was running from the police and was on Facebook live. The police officer tased him while he was going down and then shot the man 14 times in the back.
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On October 4th 2016 Amiya was stepping off of  her school bus and was hit and killed by a car.
11 months later my family and I met with the District Attorney John Weddle and Sadie Gardener. Neither of them took the case seriously and it showed because shortly after that my family was informed that Karen Carpenter would not be charged.
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On June 7th, 2019, Emerald Black a pregnant, black woman, and her fiance were pulled over by police officers after coming from a doctors appointment.
The officers spoke to Ms. Black’s fiance while she stayed in the car.
The officers began to order her out of the car. Ms. Black was clearly pregnant and she had let them know  that she had just gotten back from a doctors appointment where she was also  informed that she was at a high risk for a miscarriage. Despite this, the officers yanked Ms. Black, still in her hospital clothes, and threw her to the ground. They taunted her, piled on top of her, and stomped on her stomach causing her to miscarry. The stomp had  also left a shoe mark.
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Chrystul Kizer is an incarcerated trafficking survivor who is being charged with life in prison for acting in self-defense against her trafficker.
The punishment that Chrystul is facing for defending her own life signals that black women and girls have no selves to defend.
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Tamir was only 12-years-old when he was shot and killed last year by a Cleveland police officer as he played in a park with a toy gun. Timothy Loehmann, an officer in training, shot and killed Tamir within two seconds of arriving at the park. The police car hadn’t even fully stopped before he began shooting.
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Siyanda was racially abused and beaten by a group of people. After defending herself - instead of being protected by the justice system - she was sentenced to 4 ½ years of prision.
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One month ago, a division of the Louisville Police Department. performed an illegal, unannounced drug raid on Breonna’s home. Not a single officer announced themselves before ramming down her door and firing 22 shots, shooting Breonna 8 times, killing her.
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Alejandro is a innocent 15 year old, African American who got shot 7 times while walking to Boone High School, in December of 2018. NO ARREST HAVE BEEN MADE!!!
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We need legislation now that prohibits police officers from shooting unarmed citizens!!!
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confuqed · 4 years
Prompts 2: Electric Boogaloo
“I am so sorry! I’ll just…I’ll just go…”
“I’ll just wait here…”
“Do I have to?”
“Don’t point your wand at me!”
“Exams are going to kill me.”
“I don’t want to be alone.”
“It’s not supposed to be easy…”
“Are you proud of me?”
“You’re so drunk.”
“Please tell me this is a joke!”
“What is that?!”
“We only have one room left for the night…”
“Room service?”
“I can’t believe you eat pineapple on pizza…what sort of monster are you?”
“I’m getting married? Since when were you choosing my future spouse!”
“We all fuck up sometimes.”
“Sometimes it just all gets too much, y’ know?”
“Naps are life, okay?”
“I don’t think I could love you any more than I already do.” 
“If I marry them?”
“You’re my fake husband/wife/spouse, deal with it.”
“I kept every letter…”
“You missed the best fight!”
“Do you remember high school? When Lisa McKendrick got pregnant with Rob whatshisface and Maria was sleeping with Rob and her and Lisa got in that fight? That was…”
“I have to live with what I’ve done.”
“I had the weirdest dream….”
“Who did the laundry? My favourite shirt is pink.”
“I got you a trophy, it’s only plastic, but it’s for being the best human I know.”
“Another bad date?”
“Someone keeps leaving love notes in my locker and I’m not sure if I should find it endearing or creepy…”
“Hello ms./mr grumpy.”
“Do you want to wake them up or…”
“Can we keep them?”
“Look at you!”
“Did you just whistle at me?”
“Remove the hand before I remove it for you.”
“I love your voice”
“Put me down! I can walk!”
“I need you…”
“Can…can you come over?”
“Where were you?”
“This is the. Best. Thing. Ever!”
“I mean witchcraft isn’t quite hocus-pocus, toil and trouble, type deal y’ know? There’s some serious work involved!”
“You’re the best.”
“Can you please stop biting your lip…it’s distracting.”
“You’d make the best boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband/partner”
“Oh, who cares what they think!? I want you!”
“Backseats aren’t as comfortable as movies make them out to be”
“Can I please see some photos of you when you were younger? How bad could they be?!”
“And I’m dead.”
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confuqed · 4 years
“Do you like them?”
“I trusted you.”
“Who do you think you are? The Queen of England?”
“God, you’re pretty.”
“You finally woke up, good dream?”
“I’m not saying anything, every time I say anything you think I’m attacking you.”
“Calm down, it’s just a chocolate bar!”
“Why are you looking at me like that…?”
“Wait! Stop!”
“Please tell me you brought a toothbrush?”
“We’re in the middle of nowhere!” 
“You take the bed, you need it more than me.”
“You want to set up camp? It’s been a long day? Here’s as good as anywhere else.” 
“I’m not getting involved, this is between you two.”
“How do you want to do this?”
“You’re ridiculous”
“You’re so warm!”
“You’re freezing, jesus!”
“You want to go trick or treating? Seriously?”
“I’m sorry….”
“I’m (First Name) Fucking (Last name)!”
“You owe me one”
“You always look beautiful.”
“That looks like it hurts…”
“Do you need anything?”
“Hold on. You’re telling me that you want to go out to the creepy woods in the middle of the night on a full moon? Really? Really?”
“We walk in together.”
“This is my collection”
“Be quiet! You’ll get us caught!”
“How would you feel if it was you?”
“Your hands are so small!”
“I brought you a muffin. You’re favourite…”
“Sometimes I just want to cuddle, okay? Is that so bad?”
“Now I know where half my wardrobe went.”
“I’m fucking terrified and I don’t know what to do or how to stop feeling that way, okay? I’m scared…”
“Here, let me just-”
“You’re right…”
“Nothing about us is conventional”
“I need to make an entrance.”
“Just..just smile and don’t talk too much”
“You’re really special to me.” 
“No more stupid stunts, please?”
“You scared the shit out of me!”
“How do you feel?”
“Damn…I really thought that would work.”
“Stop! Just stop!”
“That tickles!”
“I didn’t mean it like that! Stop making everything I say dirty!”
“I can’t believe you just said that!”
“Why are you naked?”
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confuqed · 4 years
Me, about to start writing smth: Alright, let's do this!
Me: Well, this sucks.
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confuqed · 4 years
a black woman named zoe amira posted a video on youtube. this video is an hour long and filled with art and music from black creators. it has a ton of ads, and in result will rack up a ton of revenue. 100% of the ad revenue from the video will be dispersed between various blm organizations, including bail-out funds for protesters. it will be split between the following, dependent on necessity
brooklyn bail fund
minnesota freedom fund
atlanta action network
columbus freedom fund
louisville community bail fund
chicago bond
black visions collective
richmond community bail fund
the bail project inc
nw com bail fund
philadelphia bail fund
the korchhinski-parquet family gofundme
george floyd’s family gofundme
reclaim the block
turn off your adblocker and put the video on repeat. do not skip ads. let it play on loop whether you’re listening or not. mute the tab if you need to focus elsewhere. but let. it. play.
youtube will donate to blm for you.
please, please reblog. for people who don’t have money to spare, this is incredibly important information to have.
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confuqed · 4 years
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slab [ Theme 114 ]
created for CODINGCABINS - thriller themes & creepy codes challenge
Features - —
fansite style theme
post sizes - 250px, 300px, 350px, 400px, 450px or 500px
8 additional sidebar links - optional show/hide links for ask, submit and archive - customisable text for ask, submit and archive
optional show/hide portrait on navbar
optional show/hide boxes on sidebar - customisable titles on all sidebar boxes
show/hide schedule box with 4 spaces for schedule info show/hide admin box with 4 spaces for admin/most wanted/networks info + images show/hide tags box with spaces for up to 8 blog tags show/hide stats box  show/hide more info box
show/hide all social media icons or individual icons as preferred
editable header title
editable container opacity
editable font size & all blog colours
background image set to ‘cover’ - will resize to screen 
DON’T REMOVE CREDIT, a like or reblog would be appreciated! *please make sure to view all available options in the theme editor & preview on your live blog
CREDITS:   tooltips original code and jquery by - MALIHU  / fonts by GOOGLE FONTS & icons by LINEARICONS & FONTAWESOME, photo and video resize by SHYTHEMES, preview image background made from texture pack by LILITHDEMONESS on DA.
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confuqed · 4 years
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About Page [16]: Ephemeral by glenthemes
sidebar: icon image in the form of a speech bubble; navlinks
main text: title, paragraph, info bullet points, text in brackets
music player: circular/radial progress indicator; 1 song only
feathericons by Cole Bemis
css clip-path maker by Bennett Feely
music: “Headspace” by Corentin Brasart
(( This page is inspired by Night Call, a visual novel where you are an ex-criminal who’s been given a second chance as a cab driver and are going undercover to catch a serial killer who spared your life. ))
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confuqed · 4 years
Veronica Sawyer Headcanons (pt.3)
owo a part 3???
jk but this will conclude the Headcanons for Veronica Sawyer, you guys can still request headcanons (i might even make a fic out of those)
TW: mentions of death, and murder
Note: This takes place after JD’s disappearance (either he dies like in the canon, he flees Westerburg for an indefinite amount of time, or gets arrested).
A lot came along after JD left (either got arrested, fled, or died as canon)
Especially since you did date Heather fuqing Chandler for like a month
I mean it wasn’t really that serious
But Ronnie couldn’t get the image out of her head
You constantly have to reassure her that you love her and etc.
The relationship’s open now
Heather’s not a bitch about it (since you technically saved her while Ronnie almost killed her)
Ronnie basically has PTSD and even more depression now (since she lost you that one time)
Meaning no more true crime shows, and 7/11 dates (you go solo now)
Also no more trenchcoats
You have some (which are worn on a weekly basis or so)
She also moves in with you cuz yea,,, issues
She’s also excused from the gym which sorta sucks for you (you usually tease Ronnie especially when it comes to those physical assessments i.e. sit-ups)
Things almost never got back to normal
You constantly have to check up on her when the chaos was still fresh
Her episodes back then were severe
Usually, you’re the only one who could get her out of it
Now, she has meds working for her as well as therapy
Oh yea, therapy’s a thing
Also, she’s haunted by the guilt of killing Ram & Kurt (yea they ded sorry)
She almost regularly has these nightmares of Ram and Kurt haunting her, or worse, seeing you with Heather Chandler
Speaking of which, she keeps a really close eye on Heather now, and you can’t blame her
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confuqed · 4 years
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Messenger Page 29
A responsive page inspired by messenger apps, as suggested by @n9eo.
Live Preview | Pastebin Code
Three sections: about, faq, blogroll.
Responsive layout.
Three custom links.
Lots of custom extras.
Gradients. Gradients everywhere.
Hidden tumblr app button, by @yeoli-thm.
Icon font, by fontawesome.
Tippy.js tooltips, by atomiks.
Icon, by Gili Golander (unsplash).
Fonts, from Google.
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