|Spells, curses, and witchy humor, among other things. |Free tarot readings every Saturday| I'm a question mark |they/them| Contact me at [email protected] |occulthaven.com|
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Divination by Lead
Upon the night of the new moon after the winter solstice, take a crucible of lead heated unto melting in a ritual fire. Speak these words over the molten lead:
Sisters of Wyrd, mothers of wyrd, sitting at the well, Knowing all from Ésageard, Middangeard, and Hell Spinners of fate, weavers of destiny, cutters of cords Keepers of the Orlæg of gods, peasants, and lords
Deeds by me and deeds by others have spun my near fate Tonight I seek to see and learn, not merely to wait How my wyrd is being woven and what path I am on And the route my cord will soon be drawn
Let this molten lead speak true And by its flow, see the whole year through
Pour the crucible of lead into a bucket of water drawn directly from a well or preferably a spring.
There are innumerable possibilities regarding the shape of the lead you cast. Therefore it is impossible to tell you every outcome, think on your feet, use your intuition.
A smooth blob is what you’re looking for an extremely positive sign. Cracks bode ill, worse still a spray like many small bb’s. Get intuitive about the shapes. Chances are it will come out in some sort of free-form shape. Sometimes it will be one of those “you’ll know it when you need to know it” or “you’ll know it when you see it” kinds of deals. Other times it will be more obvious. Or you may never know. But keep the lead and look at the shape often to interpret it as the year goes on. Repeat next year with the same lead.
(You can use pewter if you’re opposed to lead, but it’s not exactly the same)
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😮 wow. I gotta say I definitely thought you were some cryptid woman in the woods. But this is a pleasant surprise lol
So apparently everyone on this site thinks I’m some mid-20s woman living in the woods but surprise! I’m actually a 17 y/o artsy boy living in the middle of a city. Enjoy.
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Now that I'm done with classes, I'll be finishing up the new blog. It is unfinished!!! But if anyone wants to go ahead and follow me you can at @confessionsofagreywitch or follow my personal blog which is @dont-remind-me
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Guess Who’s Moving?
If you want to keep up with me, my personal blog is now @dont-remind-me. I’m not moving my witchcraft blog NOW, but I’m in the process of moving everything over. This blog will stay up as an archive and I’ll still be under confessionsofagreywitch, but my witchcraft blog will no longer be my main blog, simply a side project. The majority of the content that I’m interested in posting now isn’t witchcraft related, so my activity has dropped drastically (well, that’s also due to life struggles, but no matter). When the new blog is up I’ll cycle a post linking everyone. This will, hopefully, happen in about two weeks, but I make no guarantees since it’s the end of the semester and I’m behind due to being constantly sick lately
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Guess Who’s Moving?
If you want to keep up with me, my personal blog is now @dont-remind-me. I’m not moving my witchcraft blog NOW, but I’m in the process of moving everything over. This blog will stay up as an archive and I’ll still be under confessionsofagreywitch, but my witchcraft blog will no longer be my main blog, simply a side project. The majority of the content that I’m interested in posting now isn’t witchcraft related, so my activity has dropped drastically (well, that’s also due to life struggles, but no matter). When the new blog is up I’ll cycle a post linking everyone. This will, hopefully, happen in about two weeks, but I make no guarantees since it’s the end of the semester and I’m behind due to being constantly sick lately
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Guess Who’s Moving?
If you want to keep up with me, my personal blog is now @dont-remind-me. I’m not moving my witchcraft blog NOW, but I’m in the process of moving everything over. This blog will stay up as an archive and I’ll still be under confessionsofagreywitch, but my witchcraft blog will no longer be my main blog, simply a side project. The majority of the content that I’m interested in posting now isn’t witchcraft related, so my activity has dropped drastically (well, that’s also due to life struggles, but no matter). When the new blog is up I’ll cycle a post linking everyone. This will, hopefully, happen in about two weeks, but I make no guarantees since it’s the end of the semester and I’m behind due to being constantly sick lately
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Guess Who’s Moving?
If you want to keep up with me, my personal blog is now @dont-remind-me. I’m not moving my witchcraft blog NOW, but I’m in the process of moving everything over. This blog will stay up as an archive and I’ll still be under confessionsofagreywitch, but my witchcraft blog will no longer be my main blog, simply a side project. The majority of the content that I’m interested in posting now isn’t witchcraft related, so my activity has dropped drastically (well, that’s also due to life struggles, but no matter). When the new blog is up I’ll cycle a post linking everyone. This will, hopefully, happen in about two weeks, but I make no guarantees since it’s the end of the semester and I’m behind due to being constantly sick lately
#I'm surprised I lasted on this blog for so long#it's been four years now?#Kinda really sad to leave it#I am waaay to sentimental
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Divination by Lead
Upon the night of the new moon after the winter solstice, take a crucible of lead heated unto melting in a ritual fire. Speak these words over the molten lead:
Sisters of Wyrd, mothers of wyrd, sitting at the well, Knowing all from Ésageard, Middangeard, and Hell Spinners of fate, weavers of destiny, cutters of cords Keepers of the Orlæg of gods, peasants, and lords
Deeds by me and deeds by others have spun my near fate Tonight I seek to see and learn, not merely to wait How my wyrd is being woven and what path I am on And the route my cord will soon be drawn
Let this molten lead speak true And by its flow, see the whole year through
Pour the crucible of lead into a bucket of water drawn directly from a well or preferably a spring.
There are innumerable possibilities regarding the shape of the lead you cast. Therefore it is impossible to tell you every outcome, think on your feet, use your intuition.
A smooth blob is what you’re looking for an extremely positive sign. Cracks bode ill, worse still a spray like many small bb’s. Get intuitive about the shapes. Chances are it will come out in some sort of free-form shape. Sometimes it will be one of those “you’ll know it when you need to know it” or “you’ll know it when you see it” kinds of deals. Other times it will be more obvious. Or you may never know. But keep the lead and look at the shape often to interpret it as the year goes on. Repeat next year with the same lead.
(You can use pewter if you’re opposed to lead, but it’s not exactly the same)
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☄️Astrology starter pack - Master post🔱
This post contains useful information about astrology. It can be used for both beginners and more advanced people who wants to look over the basics. This is Astrology 101. It’ll help you get started out with astrology, and will provide you with basic knowledge, tips, pictures, help, and useful links.
If you’re wondering about anything, feel free to ask me, and I’ll answer!
Tip! If you’re wondering about anything, ask an astroblog. I’ll link my favourites down below. Don’t ask them to read your whole birthchart or to explain everything (unless they say they can) but ask them specific questions. And remember to shower them in the love and gratitude they deserve.
Why should you look into astrology?
Astrology can help you through anything in life. It can answer all your questions. It can help guide you. Exactly at the time you were born, all the planets and stars where lined up. And they all sent universal energy to you. Astrology and your birthchart is the blueprints you were born with. Your chart is the pavement, and the ground you stand on. The machine you were built into. It is the potential and the possibilities you have. What you chose to do with it is up to you. Which flowers you plant in the ground is your choice. How you’ll upgrade your machine is up to you.
How to start:
If you’re interested in astrology. First, you need to find out your chart. And for that, you need your birth date, place, and time. If you don’t have the time, you won’t have the possibility to look as deep into it as you might want to, but it’s better than nothing!
Here are some places you can calculate your birth chart. The first one is the most accurate.
The recommended one.
This is another one that works.
What does my chart mean?
Now that you have your chart. Make sure you have your chart drawing, a list of which Signs and degrees your Planets are in, a list of which Houses your Planets and Signs are, and a list of your aspects.
This is a link to where you can put in your birth info, and then click on the symbols in it for an explaination! It is very newbeginner-friendly!
Here is Marilyn Monroe’s chart which I made at astro.com:
Picture 1:
Picture 2:
In picture nr. 1 is her: Natal chart drawing, planets in the signs, degrees (exmample Sun 10 degrees Gemini. The degree is between the Planet and the Sign), the aspects, and the houses. But I reccommend looking for your houses in picture 2 instead with the tables. It’s easier to understand.
In order to recreate picture nr. 2 with all the tabels and details, click on:
This is what the symbols mean:
Connections and similarities:
Aries - Mars - 1st house
Taurus - Venus - 2nd house
Gemini - Mercury - 3rd house
Cancer - Moon - 4th house
Leo - Sun - 5th house
Virgo - Mercury - 6th house
Libra - Venus - 7th house
Scorpio - Pluto - 8th house
Sagittarius - Jupiter - 9th house
Capricorn - Saturn - 10th house
Aquarius - Uranus - 11th house
Pisces - Neptune - 12th house
Planets and Signs:
Planets represents what. Signs are why and who.
This link explains Planets in the Signs, and Planets in the Houses.
Sun is the ego, the pride, the glory.
Moon is the emotions, the feelings, the intuitive.
Mercury the intellect, the communication, and research.
Venus is love, art, beauty, sharing, relationships.
Mars is physical power, strength, aggression, passion, fire.
Jupiter enlarges everything it’s in contact with. Travel, knowledge, library, books, wisdom.
Saturn minimizes everything it’s in contact with. Suppression and control. Authoritive, and leading.
Uranus is rebellion, originality, uniqueness, the genuis, bizarre.
Neptune is the subconsciousness, 6th sense, imagination, fantasy, and dreams.
Pluto is transformation. Being reborn, rising from the ashes. Magnetism. Being obsessive.
The aspects is how the planets interact with each other within you, and how they affect each other. Like a bunch of marbles or dominos. One starts moving, and then all the others starts too!
Click here for a helpful link you can use to understand the aspects.
Houses represents where.
Here’s an explaination.
1st house AKA Ascendant is you, self expression.
2nd house is possessions and marriage.
3rd house is connections and communication.
4th house AKA IC is roots, home, and family.
5th house is creativity, beauty, art, and drama.
6th house is the body, health, healing, education, work.
7th house is what you provide and give to others. What you share. And relationships.
8th house is sex, death, money, secrets, and mystery.
9th house is higher education, wisdom, knowledge, exploring, philosophy, travel.
10th house AKA Midheaven is career, social status, image.
11th house is hopes, wishes, friends, and community.
12th house is the realm between our world and the other. The doorway. What is hidden. Psychic abilities.
Links to check out:
What to do next:
If you’ve done all this now, I recommend looking into your minor aspects too.
Find out if there’s anything unusual about your chart. Any stelliums or interceptions. Stelliums are when there are 3-4 or more Planets in a House or Sign. Interceptions are when a Sign is enclosed within a house. When it jumps over that Sign at the list of Signs in the Houses.
Now that you know the basics, you can go ahead and continue to explore the astro-world! Find out more about your chart, look at other peoples’ charts, try synastry, vedic, vertex, draconic, persona charts, etc. Now that you have a solid footing, the rest is a lot easier. Let the inner curiousity for knowledge lead you into new areas of deeper and more interesting astrology!
Amazing and talented astro-blogs to follow:
@wizkhalibra @ayyries @astrolocherry @astrocelestial @astrollusion @ayat-the-aquarius @venusianvirgo @cutestrology @lilmajorshawty @leoasf @astrognossienne @shycancer @airmom @frozen-lunar @lulucute @sagpluto @eighthousesun @twelvehousemoon @ninthhousemoon @libraloving @coldbloodcapricorn @mars5th @sunin4th @astrologyputa @astrologymarina @yikes-cancer @aquariusqueen @aquarian-madness @typicalaquariusposts @glossoiogy @venusbased @curvestrology @capvenus @glassy-star @venusian5 @astrolofae @voguestrology @fauxastrology @deepstrology @venusians @jupiterswhore @zodiacale @zodiacharem @astro-hotline @tauro-la-sol @solilunar @astroloshy @astrawrlogy @aesthetics-astro @astrodickology
I wish I could add more, but I could only add 50! Check them out! These are some of the blogs I follow + some of my mutuals. They all post creative and helpful content, and they all are talented and astonishing people. They are all angels so give them a follow and some love!
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The Net Neutrality issue summarized
You (or your parents) pay approx $40-$100 or higher for internet.
So that you can all use youtube, google, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. etc. etc. This isn’t limited to social media.
Net neutrality says, “Okay, since you already paid x amount of money for the month, you don’t have to pay for each asset individually. Enjoy your internet.” NO net neutrality means that your service provider (comcast, at&t, verizon, whatever it may be) gets to say “ACTUALLY, it lines our pockets so give us an extra $5.99 for Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. Oh, but that doesn’t include Tumblr; that comes with our premium package. That’ll be $5.99 on its own as well. Now about your Google docs and email…
That’s why it’s important. That’s why I’m spamming Net Neutrality crap. If you’re using the internet, it’s YOUR problem.
-Email your congressman (text resist to 50409) It’s easy, you don’t have to talk to anyone.
-Tweet the FCC. https://twitter.com/FCC
-Tweet THIS guy. https://twitter.com/AjitPaiFCC
-CALL. https://www.battleforthenet.com/
-This site does the heavy lifting for you.
-Sign this.
-Sign this.
-Email your congressmen (that’s what I’m doing) https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
-Swim the #NetNeutrality tag on Twitter. Seriously, it’s helpful.
And lastly, GET THIS TRENDING. It’s trending on Twitter but it needs to trend here too. This is everyone’s issue.
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Hi, I don’t curse, but can we all just agree that cursing white supremacists is a really good-heckin idea right now? Can everyone please just get along and work together to annihilate the fucking Nazis? Just imagine we’ve got our cursers on offense here in combat sending forth their collective conscious force of magickal fucking wrath and non-cursers on support throwing binding spells left and god damn right, energizing the magickally drained cursers after battle, and healing those ill-affected by the war. I’m honestly not settling for less than some fantastic full fledged army of Nazi-ass-busting witches here.
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In this house we love and support Hera.
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Why don’t you explain what each ingredient is for when you post a spell? (A rant)
When I (and many others) write a spell and post it on my blog it usually follows a formula
A name for the spell, a picture, what the spell does, what’s in it and sometimes what to use instead, and how to prepare it
That should give you everything you need to preform the spell assuming you have a working base knowledge of witchcraft
But again and again I see posts and complaints of people saying some variation of “Don’t ever trust a spell if they don’t explain the ingreeditants!” And “Its just basic decency to explain each and everything you put in your spells otherwise you’re being dishonest!!”
Why is that??
Not to put to fine a point on it, but that’s a lot* of work to go and explain every single thing I use in every single spell I write, and beyond that, it’s completely unnessicery
If I say something calls for mint, and you’re unsure of why, there is no reason you can’t google “properties of mint in witchcraft” or even send me and ask about why I chose that particular ingredient.
Most people keep a grimiore or book of shadows of some kind, and they have correspondences written down, so why should I be expected to explain every single thing I use?
There are pleantly of separate posts specifically made for explaining correspondences. When it comes to posting a spell I shouldn’t have to do that, that’s not the purpose of the post.
So please, before you send an angry anon or try to discredit someone for not including the associations for each and every ingredient they use, consider why they didn’t, and maybe even try to ask them about their ingredient choices to begin with.
(Sorry for this rant, I’ve been seeing a lot of this recently and it’s really quite demanding and entitled)
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holy sh*t
IM the demon living in my house ?
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Tumblr: *rolls out “best stuff first”*
My blog:
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Book of Shadows Ideas that Aren’t Basic
A local specific myth, cryptid, or legend
An obscure historical witch or an old historical spell
A map of your neighborhood with locations that appear ghostly or have interesting energy
Your personal associations to colors, plants to supplement traditional correspondence charts
A chart detailing information of spirits you have communed with
A guide to sailor knots for knot magick
Sustainable and eco friendly lifestyle tips
Magickal practices around the world
Obscure magickal tools or tools you invented
Varying viewpoints in magickal philosophy and technique
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it’s probably not a curse
I’m sorry but … you’re probably not cursed. In fact, it’s highly unlikely you’re cursed. Having a string of bad luck, hearing strange sounds at night, skin decided to break out for no reason? You’re still probably not cursed, and it’s definitely not demons.
Here’s some tough love for you: Life is messy, it’s full of up’s and down’s, and all kinds of confusing mixes and permutations of up’s and down’s. Everyone from the Dalai Lama to your annoying neighbour has strings of bad luck, weird things happening around them, and health problems. That’s life. Life is wonderful and awful and just because you’re feeling down about things not going your way doesn’t mean that someone is out to get you.
So rather than jumping to the conclusion that you’ve been cursed, take a step back, clear your mind, and question what is happening, question the expectations you have about the way things “should” be, look at the conflict arising between what you want and what’s happening, and realize that it’s not a curse … it’s just that life isn’t fair and our expectations are the problem, not the universe.
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