Well hello there moms. I decided to create this blog as a place to talk, rant, rave, gush, or release any other feeling I can feel. As a single mom I don't have someone to talk to at the end of the day, or share the every day tasks that are involved in being a parent. Let me start off in saying that I have a handsome little 5 year old boy who I love more than life itself. But it is hard being a single parent. And I'm in the group that is so single that we do EVERYTHING by ourselves. My son's father is not involved. I go to work 40 hours a week and then come home and it's just Peter (handsome little boy) and I. I may go out once every 6 months as my break. Now it's not helping any lately that Peter has decided to not take me seriously. There is no man in his life to teach him how to act, and I feel like I'm failing as a mother. He's near perfect at school, but when he gets home it's like he met his quota of being an angel, and devil child emerges...... Ok, "devil child" was pretty intense, but lately it has been that bad that I'm seriously surprised I'm not bald. I love him, I do, and he is sweet when he wants to be, but it's really hard doing it all on my own and dealing with the tantrums after school, during dinner and even before bed. Now, as many bad moments there are, I need to remember and live in all the good as well. He's my big helper around the house, and my dance partner in the living room. He draws and colors me cards and pictures every weekend and showers me with kisses. He even decide that he had to take my bead box to his grandma's so he could make me a necklace for my birthday one day. He has two moods and they go back and forth at a moments notice. It's hard, but rewarding. Does anyone else have these feelings? Any single moms who have dealt with this and have figured out to diffuse the issue? Anyone going through this now? Let me know in the comments. Also, any topics you would like me to talk about just let me know. I'll do story time blogs about dating, first year of school (which is what we're in now), potty training and so much more.
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