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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
Getting a message from Erebus was the best part of Conejita’s day, hands down. Despite that being true of all days, today was particularly annoying; a few older players in the guild decided that russian roulette was a fun game to play but with a drunk archer maybe missing or maybe hitting whomever they were aiming at. Normally, this kind of behavior had no effect on the blonde’s life whatsoever, but today they decided to do it near her. The second an arrow flew past her close enough to feel the breeze, she spun around and gave them all a piece of her mind.
That worked about as well as it always did, with the older players making fun of her. 
Storming off into her workspace/room in HQ to cry, she spent maybe twenty minutes there before Erebus’s name showed up on her comm device. 
The blonde wiped her face and splashed some water on it before taking a crystal over to her friend’s, where she promptly entered instead of knocking. “I always want to join you,” Conejita replied, grabbing herself a glass of water. 
“Did you want something before I sat down?”
Erebus was starting to miss her comforting conversations with her favorite person, so she felt it was the perfect time to call her up to come over to her place for a nice night with murder-free incidents. It took only a few seconds for the guild leader to pull up Conejita’s contact, and she messaged her a quick I want you at my place in ten, before pulling off her mask with a sigh and changing into a comfortable tank top and sweats. Oreo laid next to her on the couch as she waited for her friend, and both of their eyes lit up once they heard the noise of familiar steps entering her home. 
“I need a break time, want to join me in being lazy for once?” @conejitacatalan​
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
“Second of each other?” she frowened. What were they in a spy movie or something. Thought if she thought about it would make sense to take one out right after the other. Mostly, Skittles just wanted to wipe their smug look off their faces.
Crossing her arms she looked over at her new guildmate. “ Wouldn’t it be better to do them separately. You know, divide and concour.”
Conejita’s eyebrow cocked when Skittles doubled down on two different courses of action. “Good luck finding them apart,” she scoffed.
Finally, an area where the blonde could shed her light as a mentor. Erebus would be so proud, wouldn’t she? After all, this was the one rumored to have given Hela a little fun. “You need to know your targets before you kill them, especially if you’re not trying to get caught. Otherwise, you’re sloppy and put yourself in danger.”
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
Skittles scoffed nodding her head in agreement. She wasn’t sure who the heck they thought they were. But if their douchebag usernames were any indication; they weren’t much.
An impish grin appeared on her face as she looked over at the other player. No one had ever asked her that. Then again—she had been in unity.
“Garrote, for the tall lanky one. They like to hang out under that tree near the front. Could get the jump on him easy from one of the higher branches.” she chuckled. “ Jungleboy would be harder. He’s always paying attention to his surroundings. I have some poison Cheez gave me; I could always stick him with a couple of darts and watch the shithead spazz out on the ground.”
The explanation of how she’d kill them gave away why her cursor was still green. “Are these two separate incidences? It’s faster, usually, doing it in one fell swoop for both of them. Or at least within seconds of each other.”
Conejita had a soft spot for anyone around her own age; teenage girls, she learned from movies, were pack animals. Together, they could do anything. Apart they were defenseless.
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
skittles frowned, who the hell would want to kill erebus? but thinking about it there were a shit ton of shady mother fuckers in this guild. it wouldn’t have surprised the former unity member a bit if someone in the guild had plotted to kill the circus guild leader. skittle just happened not to be one of them.
“wouldn’t think of it,” she shrugged not wanting to divulge to a stranger that she had a crush on the guild leader since their first run-in at the bar she frequented.
at her question, skittle looked over the railing and watched as the two idiots she ran into the other day came walking into the guild hall. high-fiving each other. they were worse the the power puff girls she’d scamed;  just as annoying but deadlier.  “those two,” she said motioning with her chin towards them before they desipeared down the hall.
Conejita’s eyes followed Skittles’s nod, nose wrinkling as she recognized the two. Those two guys were friends with some of the people responsible for killing Seraph; wouldn’t really be much of a shame if they were to die. “DumbledoresArmy and JungleBoy20 are trash,” she commented. 
Mars would, at as little as a message from her, take care of them. But maybe this was an opportunity for her to bond with the new guild member. “How would you kill them?”
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
“ Well considering my mask is pretty empty at the moment. I’ll keep the offer in mind next time.” she replied sourly.
Skittles big plans to enter the guild with Hela as her first kill had gone up in smoke. And clearly it was something that still bothered her. How many other green cursor circus members were there? Zero, that’s how many. It pissed her off. She would have gotten vengence for her brothers death. Gotten rid of an eye sore and had a kill to deck out her mask with. Instead, she was making a crooked horse head.
“ Are you normally this nice with noobs? Most have either been treating me as a suck up or the chick that won’t last longer then a week.”
Stabing at the wood now as she continued to fix it but possibly only making it worse? Invisioning the face of the bitches that had been talking shit about her.
“Is killing a fellow circus member a no-no? Or just like frowned upon but not forbidden?”
The blonde nodded when she detected the new kid’s tone. Something wasn’t right for her here, and at the request of finding out the Circus policy on intraguild murder, Conejita smiled. “Frowned upon, not forbidden. As long as you’re not going on and killing Erebus,” she clarified, “then you’d have to answer to me.”
Instead of answering any question about normally being nice to new folks, she shrugged. “Anyone in mind?”
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
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endless list of my favorite characters :: Sam Dean (Daybreak)
“I’m Sam Dean. This is my life now. These are my people and they need a leader. They need me. The apocalypse wasn’t the best thing to happen to you, Josh. It was the best thing to happen to me.”
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
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i am not a queen. not a queen, or a slag, or the saint that everyone seems to think i am on social media. i’m a kid. i don’t know who i am.
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
frowning she gave a small nod of her head. of course, she knew the damn thing was crooked. skittles had been looking for something to do— to keep her hand busy. allowing her mind to wonder and plan. cheez had given her some extra poison. and she was itching to use it on killmongur. the mage had done an number on her during their last fight and skittles very much wanted to a little pay back.
only problem was, she couldn’t get to her.
revenates hq had increased their gaurd presence. which mean you could no longer just walk in off the street. which meant, the martial artist had to wait for her moment to corner the other or at the very least get her alone. which was becoming more and more of a problem. so she had taken to whittling . hoping it would help her clear out the cobwebs in her mind. was it too much to ask that her horse look like one and not a Nicolace Cage  projection on crack.
“ a class?” she mused looking down at her little figurine. well, the face on her peice of wood that would be a figurine.  “i’ll check it out, couldn’t hurt right.” looking up at her new guildmate she smirked, “ thanks for the tip.”
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Conejita surveyed the response of her new guildmate; careful, of course, that this might be another one of those joins circus and then leaves within two weeks scenarios. She nodded at the other player’s thanks, “I’m really high up on crafting skill. So if you need any mask adjustments or anything as time goes on, I’m the best person to go to.” 
It wasn’t a brag or anything, just a simple truth. If one could catch Conejita while in HQ, they’d be able to request her services. They could always DM her, but that wasn’t really how it worked with Conejita. Her messages usually went unanswered for a week or so, as she was generally focused on a new kill. The only exception, naturally, being Erebus.
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
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endless gifs of Sam Dean - 1x02; Shmuck Bait
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
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Sophie Simnett as Samaira “Sam” Dean in 1x01 of Daybreak
↳ “Yeah, that’s right. I named my sword after her.”
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
Conejita was stretched out across one of the couches, her feet kicked up against the back. That was, at least, until she spotted the newest member of Circus. Something about the player grabbed her attention, so the blonde approached.
“His nose looks crooked doesn’t it?”
Her eyes drifted down to the wooden horse-face, nose wrinkling in disgust. “Yeah, something like that.” 
She took for granted her own crafting abilities; sometimes she’d use wood to make people’s masks. Each new kill would get a carved design. Lots of people struggled with decorating their own masks; they thought it was like a third-grader’s birthday party with sequins and strings. “There’s wood-wittling classes, you know? NPCs run them on the lower floors.”
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Location: Circus HQ
Players: @conejitacatalan​ & agentskittles
skittles tried to keep her face neutral as she walked the halls of her new guild.   but that was proving harder and harder to do. there were so many people in circus—a few she never would have pegged. the best thing though, not a single ugly yellow cloke insight. with the exception of missing star fiercely; skittles found herself at ease for the first time in a long while. unity had been jeremy’s guild—circus was hers.
hopping up on one of the railings, skittles leaned back against the large beam, leg dangling over the side of the railing. as she took out her favorite knife—the one that she had stabbed hela with—and a peice of wood. she got to work whittling out the small horse. a v appeared after a few minutes; as she observed her handy work—something was off.  brown eyes watched as a player came up on the landing. turning her project towards them now. 
“his nose looks crooked doesn’t it?” 
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conejitacatalan · 5 years ago
Venus tilled her head to the side, observing Conejita. “Fate is fate,” she said cooly pulling the cup back towards the middle. Closing her eyes, feeling what she could only discribe as a hand releasing her shoulders. Taking a sudden deep breath. She open her eyes, the room was no longer foggy, as she looked around before settling on Conejita in front of her.
“ Are you really not even going to try and change it?” her voice cracked, hoping even while  knowing one small truth.
It was done, the opprtunity was given to her to change things. But Conejita seemed settled on the whole mess. Venus swallowed the lump formed in the back of her throat. She had only just met Conejita, it didn’t seem right or fair. Venus didn’t know what had put her on this path even now her reading was hard to recall. A firm believer that things alway got better… apparetly All-Mother didn’t agree.
“ You can’t give up chérie.”
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Conejita averted her gaze from the mystic, feeling a bit more seen than she really expected to be. This all felt so... raw.
 No, she was not going to try to change it. “If I try to change it, it’ll just come back threefold, right? That’s how it works.”
She did some of her own studying of witchcraft; in her younger days where she thought she could invest herself in some sort of magickal religion to help her feel centered and a part of something bigger than herself. Much like everything else from her early teens, though, it was just a phase.
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