conduit bending cheat sheet mod JGG#
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 The math and formulas that make up a simple conduit-bending guide are actually quite simple and easily learned. The only tools you need for. The math and formulas that make up a simple conduit-bending guide are actually quite simple and easily learned. The only tools you need for more. Learn how to how to bend plastic pipe or conduit using a pipe bender. Calculate where to place your first mark on the conduit using these formulas. Conduit Bending Cheat Sheet Lots of interest. Over 20 people looked at this in the last 24 hours. Nice choice! Enjoy free shipping to the US. 9 As I have mentioned in other posts , I am building a large garage in northern Minnesota Figure 1. I would show you some pictures of the interior, but I have promised my son that I will not post anything that could ruin his surprise when he sees it in April. As part of this construction effort, I am using quite a bit of electrical conduit. Conduit consists of metal pipes often called EMT through which the wires pass and it must be bent to go around any barriers it encounters. Conduit is a very efficient way to wire a working area because it directly attaches to the wall and does not require opening holes in drywall and repairing the damage. I am going to review the process for running conduit around an obstacle using a 4-point saddle bend, which entails bending the conduit into a trapezoidal shape for passing around the obstacle Figure 1. Electrical handbooks contain tables that tell electricians how to measure along the conduit so that the bend will go around an object of a given depth. These tables generally ignore the bend radius of the conduit bender. In this post, I will provide simple formulas used to create the standard tables and will use these formulas to regenerate a commonly seen table for conduit bending. I will also derive the more complex formulas that use the conduit bender radius to achieve a more exact result. For those who like to follow along, my worksheet is here. In this post, I will duplicate a conduit bending table that I saw in this excellent reference article. The table is shown in Figure 3, which has units of degrees for angles and inches for length. Figure 4 shows a conduit bending video by a local trade school Dunwoody that I think is first-rate. The instructor covers both 4-point trapezoid and 3-point triangular bends. My focus in this post is the 4-point saddle bend because that is what I am dealing with in my garage construction right now. There are two formulas that I need to generate: 1 shrinkage, which is the reduction in horizontal length caused by the bend; 2 bend distance, which is the horizontal length of the bend region. Figure 5 illustrates the geometry of the situation. Again, there are two formulas that I need to generate: shrinkage Equation 3 and bend distance Equation 5. An additional formula for the straight pipe length is also provided Equation 4. Figure 6 illustrates the geometry of the situation and the associated formulas. The radius of the conduit bender, called R , will vary for each conduit bender. Applying basic trigonometry to Figure 5, we can derive Equations 3, 4, and 5. Note that BD is defined slightly differently in that it represents the center-to-center distance between the bends. Equations 3 — 5 are functions of the bend radius of the conduit bender. Because conduit benders can have different bend radii see Figure 7 , this means that using a single table for all conduit benders may result in some error — particularly for large bend offsets. Ideally, we would build a table for the conduit bender being used. I include this table with bend radius as a parameter on a worksheet in the Excel workbook associated with this post. My focus here is on generating the traditional conduit bend table. In my workbook, I also include a tool using a more exact model. I chose this approach because I wanted to experiment with arranging columns by using a helper row containing the ordinal number of each column and doing a horizontal sort. For demonstration purposes, I also included a tab where I used formulas to fill down the columns. A third tab uses the conduit bender radius as a parameter. Figure 8 shows the shrinkage and bend distance formulas evaluated for a 1-inch bend offset i. These values can be used as scale factors for other obstacle heights, which is exactly how the table in Figure 3 was generated. The table shown in Figure 3 is generated by multiplying the bend offsets by the scale factors in Figure 9. I used Excel tables to perform this action. I was able to duplicate the original table. I will be using this table for some conduit bending this weekend. Your page is very informative but it seems to be lacking how one would determine the R value which, I believe, is meant to represent the bend radius? Also, does the abbreviation HL meant to be overall horizontal length? Any information or further equations you could supplement would be a great help. Thank you! Thanks for taking the time to write. I appreciate when people help me clean things up. First, my page additions:. I frequently shop at Grainger and they often list the center-to-center bend radius in their product description example below. As far as non-standard angles. Just go to the BendRadiusVersion tab and change the angle value in the table header to anything you want. I have problems to reduce it, Thanks. Sorry I was not clearer. I use a computer algebra system to do my derivations and I let it handle a lot of the details. Hopefully the derivation I attach here will help. If not, ask another question. No problem. I will try to get a clearer derivation in the main article body. Thanks for your comment, which will help me make a better article. I probably will be putting together a web calculator for this calculation because I have had so many people download the Excel workbook. This will make the work more accessible. Sorry I was so late getting back to you. Life diverted me for a couple of years career change, death of a parent, birth of a granddaughter, etc. Thank you for your efforts for the mathematical details in pipe bending. I would point out a typo In Fig 6 for the first calculation of SL. You wrote Cotangent instead of Cosecant, but it was correct in the next equation for CL. You show Fig 7b an Ideal bender as having a radius of 5. Understanding the equations helps translate the how-to YouTube videos, so thanks again for your work! Thanks for pointing out the typo. I always appreciate folks helping me with quality control. This may explain a couple of derivation questions I received. I am in the process of pulling together a Javascript online calculator that should work well on a phone. When I originally wrote this post, I was deep into Excel. One semi-interesting sidelight is that I wrote this post after I had done some analysis of WW2 torpedo fire control computers. It turns out the math used for firing straight-running torpedoes is almost identical to conduit bending:. An offset and a right triangle are two different shapes, they take different math formulas to solve. A right triangle is three straight lines. An offset is one straight line and two arcs. There is an app called Bend Aid that solves the correct math formulas for the shapes that conduit can be bent into. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mark Biegert and Math Encounters with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Math Encounters Blog. Skip to content. Home About. Electrical Conduit Math Posted on January by mathscinotes. Quote of the Day A leader is a dealer in hope. Figure 8: Reference Bend Table. This entry was posted in Construction. Bookmark the permalink. First, my page additions: I changed Figure 6 to define HL, which represents the horizontal length. In the text, I added a definition of R as the conduit bender radius. This value is normally stamped on the conduit bender, mentioned on the packaging, or stated in the vendor documentation on their web site. Again, thanks for helping me out. Skyler says:. Ralph Murillo says:. Hi Ralph, Sorry I was not clearer. Your reply was very helpful to understand how to simplify the formula. Thanks for your respond. Hi Skyler, Sorry I was so late getting back to you. Hopefully, the derivation included here helps. If not, ask again. Patrick S Collins Shaun says:. It turns out the math used for firing straight-running torpedoes is almost identical to conduit bending: The torpedo leaves the tube for a straight line distance called the reach so it can clear the submarine. The torpedo executes a turn with a specified bend radius as it turns on the course to the target. It then proceeds on a straight line to the target. Kind of similar to bending conduit. Denny Stroney says:. BC says:. Search for:. All content provided on the mathscinotes. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner of mathscinotes. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. Proudly powered by WordPress.
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