conanbeshifting · 10 months
New account
hey everyone! so i am changing my account! i’m not going to be losing any content from this account since i’m moving it all to my new account.
don’t forget to also follow my tik tok for more content too. @ conan..lupin.black
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conanbeshifting · 1 year
just posted some videos on tiktok about my marauders dr :)
@ conan..lupin
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conanbeshifting · 1 year
things remus lupin has said/done in my dr that got me making heart eyes
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while he was laying in my bed with his eyes closed and cheeks smooshed against the pillow to sirius and i when we wouldn’t stop goofing off “i love you so much my darlings but if you don’t get your asses over here and go to bed…”
whenever sirius speaks in french or i’ll speak in italian his face gets so pink it’s fucking adorable
“roo darling, will you read to me?” he usually asks me this when he’s too tired to read or after the full moon
when he reads to me and siri when we cuddle
when he buries his head into my chest
when he gets jealous his brows furrow and it’s adorable
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conanbeshifting · 1 year
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names peter calls me
bestie roo
conana (idk what this one is?)
coco puffs (kinda funny but? do i look like cereal?)
salamander (obvi a play on scamander)
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conanbeshifting · 1 year
sum. : you can't hide your adoration for remus lupin and often end up staring at him, good thing he thinks you're really cute
g. : obvious secret admirer reader ; flustered remus ; reader is adorable but shy ; remus is insecure ; james, sirius and peter being a tease ; fluff
length : 1.2k
not proofread or edited
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The first time Remus noticed you, he thought you were staring at the man beside him instead, boisterously laughing away at a comment James made. It was a common occurance to see cute girls longingly pinning after one of his best friends from a distance because why wouldn’t that be the case? Sirius had the looks, the attitude, the charms, he had everything. And, although Remus was happy for his friend, he couldn’t help but feel slightly tortured over the fact that some who had such a darling look about them fell for such a notorious playboy. 
Before he could stop himself, Remus pointed you out to his Sirius, who immediately turned towards you, eager to send a flirtatious wink your way but quickly realised the slight misalignment of your gaze. Following your stare, a slow smirk took over his dashing features.
“Nah, she’s staring at you mate,” Sirius chuckles, relishing in his tall friend’s shocked and flustered expression.
“No way that’s true…” Remus uttered. He hardly gains any attention because of his visible scars, he can’t imagine such a cute girl giving him such courtesy. 
“See for yourself,” Sirius prompts with a subtle nod in your direction. He’s a little impressed by how lost in the moment you were, staring at Remus with such a yearning stare, he feels a little swell of pride in his chest knowing that his friend had such a devoted admirer, “look at her and if you meet eyes instantly then she's staring at you, not me. Bonus if she gets flustered and acts like she wasn't looking in the first place,” 
“Fine…” still in disbelief over the fact that he had an admirer, Remus turned in your direction, confident that you would not react in the way Sirius had described. 
“You’ve got a sweet one there Moony,” Sirius teased, preparing for the usual shove to push his shoulder back but it never came. 
You reacted exactly as Sirius had described and Remus couldn’t believe just how cute you were.
After that small encounter, Remus has noticed you more and more often. It’s come to the point where the other marauders had begun teasing him by pointing you out in the sea of students whenever they happened to spot you.  
“Hey look, it’s your missus, Moony,” Sirius grinned, pointing at you during dinner, “give her some sugar, will you?” 
“Don’t look now but I can see future Mrs Lupin staring at her beloved for the 1000th time today,” James directed Remus’ attention to you staring at him while walking to a class, hugging your books to your chest, “I wonde-'' James began but was cut off when he and the rest of the marauders saw you bump into another student with a squeak. You had been so distracted with your staring that you neglected to look where you were going. Could you get any more adorable?
“It’s your wife, Moony, don’t be shy now and say hello,” Peter jabbed at Remus’ side with a toothy grin, brows jumping up and down in suggestion.
They all deserved being hit upside the head for their teasing but they persisted; they knew Remus had grown a unique fondness for you too and, despite their frequent playful taunting, at some point they worried that Remus would soon grow tired of you but his affection only seemed to grow more instead. Soon enough, they found out that you were a year below them and a Ravenclaw who, naturally, spent a lot of her time in the library studying. 
In support of their friend, the boys sacrificed more time hanging out at the library so that Remus and you could have your moment together. That moment being more like stolen glances from across the room when the other wasn’t looking. 
It started off cute but now it was just pure frustration for all the marauders but Remus.
Clearly there could be something between you two but you didn’t know that you had caught Remus’ attention and Remus was too afraid to confront you himself, his insecurities winning over the obvious fact that you liked him. They did their best to tempt Remus into making a move but he was stubborn and stood his ground; the boys grew terribly close to pulling out patches of their own hair. 
Remus doesn’t ever act on his desires. For a very long time, he has discouraged himself from doing things he wants to do simply because he doesn't think he deserves to be happy. Because he is a monster. He doesn’t want to get his hopes up and he doesn't believe he could be a boyfriend that you so clearly deserve. You need someone present, who won’t keep secrets, who can provide a good future for you and that someone wasn’t him. You’re very cute and your dream-like staring is flattering but Remus couldn’t do something so cruel to you. 
“I’m sure she will understand, Moony,” Sirius reassures as the four of them walk to their next class. 
“Yeah, we don’t care for your furry little problem, and as your future wife, neither would she,” James adds as Peter nods along beside him. 
“Stop it,” Remus demands in a soft tone. He knows they mean well but his decision is final, he’s staying away from you. 
“Ah!” a squeal followed by the thudding of fallen books relays the sudden force that collides with Remus’ torso. The boys notice something far earlier than he did and have jumped away without being noticed, leaving Remus to panic as he realises who you are and what had just happened. 
Immediately kneeling down, Remus helps you collect up your books and other equipment, “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, are you alright?” Remus rambled, his eyes searching your figure for any sign of injury; he knows he’s a big, tall guy and with his infliction had an unassuming strength behind his lanky figure so he was worried. Thankfully you seemed okay.
It doesn’t take long for you to realise who you had bumped into and were forced into a trance as your movements slowed and restored to what you were used to doing - staring at the man of your affections in awe. There’s something about Remus Lupin that draws your eye. As a prefect, he’s already well respected and carries a dignified air about him that contrasts endearingly to his soft appearance. 
He’s really pretty and handsome, so much so that his scars never take away from his looks, instead the marred skin adds to his unique charms. You adore how smart he is, you love his smile, love that he smells like chocolate whenever he walks past, love the way his hands look when he’s reading a book - you adore him. But you’ve always been too shy to confront anyone and that included Remus, so you settled for keeping your distance and admired him from afar only. 
Now that you were forced into such an innocuous but incredibly intimate interaction with him, you don’t know what to do. You let him guide you back up to your feet and hand you back your small pile of books. He’s smiling at you and saying words you couldn’t hear because you were just so enamoured. 
“You’re really pretty…” you whisper with admiration in your eyes and love in your voice, realising too late what you had said aloud and running off in embarrassment, desperately uttering your apologies as you go. 
With the tips of his ears glowing red, Remus stares off at your retreating figure with a soft smile on his lips.
‘Maybe I should ask her out…’ 
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a/n : remus is too pretty for his own good, ami right or am i right?
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conanbeshifting · 1 year
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nicknames i call regulus in my dr
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conanbeshifting · 1 year
some things sirius says that he knows makes remus and i giggle and kick our feet
“mon amour”
“mon chérie”
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conanbeshifting · 1 year
omg i found the song that’s remus, sirius, and myself coded-
maroon- taylor swift
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conanbeshifting · 1 year
the one where i find out
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yes this was a friends episode but it’s kind of along the lines of what happened
he knows. he definitely knows.
a few days ago i found something out that shook me to my core and i had a strong feeling that peter knew. so i decided to confront him in a way that a slytherin would know best, being sly but calm about it.
“hey uh pete, would you go over to your dorm and get that uh, quidditch book back that he borrowed from me?”
“uh now? you want me to go over there now?”peter flushed, suddenly looking nervous. i hummed, my eyes narrowing in on the boy.
“do you know something?”
“do you know something?”
“i might know something,”
“i might know something too,”
“what’s the thing you know?” peter asked “nonchalantly”.
“oh no i can’t tell you the thing that i know until you tell me the thing that you know.”
“well i can’t tell you what i know,”
“well then i can’t tell you what i know,”
peter and i turn away from each other, only glancing when we thought it was deemed safe too. i nervously traced the shape of my lips until i noticed that he knew that i “didn’t know” the thing he knew that i thought he knew!
“you don’t know,” peter said with a smug grin. i cracked, but i didn’t want to tell him what i knew in case he didn’t know.
“alright how about i go over there and i will walk into james’ room and i will see the thing that i think that i know is the thing that i think that i know!”
peter gasped dramatically and shouted “YOU KNOW!”
“james, lils, and regulus?! oh this is unbelievable! how long have you known?!”
“too long! oh my god roo roo i’ve been dying to talk about this to someone for so long!”
“oh my merlin. does anyone else know?”
“i don’t think so,”
suddenly a familiar voice echoed, not really i’m being dramatic, from the shadows. “i know,”
peter and i spun around and in the doorway stood remus with an amused look on his face.
“what’s the thing you know remus?”
“you tell me first,”
“oh no you tell me fir-”
“yeah we’re not doing this again. james, lily, and regulus?”
“yup. honestly i’m surprised you didn’t find out sooner roo,”
“well i spend the majority of my time in your dorm with you and sirius and i just figured james was over at lily’s,”
“wait wormy how did you find out?” remus asked.
peter’s eyes widened and he tilted his head slightly down as he said “i walked in on them. i wanted to throw myself in the fucking lake.”
remus and i shared a look before a noise, resembling a laugh, came out of my mouth, causing me to promptly slap my hand over my mouth.
“oh wormtail i’m so sorry,”
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conanbeshifting · 2 years
nicknames i call peter in my dr
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peta bread
pete the rat
one blind mouse (i know he’s a rat but work with me here)
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conanbeshifting · 2 years
nicknames i have for james in my dr
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prongsie boy
pottery barn
mountain (this bitch is so tall oml)
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conanbeshifting · 2 years
nicknames i call sirius
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ping-pong paddle
mo stór (irish/gaelic for my darling)
мой принц (russian for my prince)
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conanbeshifting · 2 years
nicknames i call remus
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moon pie
space boy
emu (?)
remu emu (kinda like that commercial limu emu and doug except he doesn’t understand why i call him that…)
johnny boy
fy lleuad (welsh for my moon)
fy nghariad (welsh for my love)
remus darling
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conanbeshifting · 2 years
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things remus and sirius do that’s got me giggling and kicking my feet
*aka: that make me want to jump and squeal*
when they hug me from behind and kiss my cheek or neck
when sirius talks to me in french
when remus rambles about new books he’s reading/wants to read
when sirius lays his head on my chest when we cuddle
remus running his fingers through my hair when we cuddle
when i’m upset and remus will make me hot chocolate and read to me
sirius letting me do his makeup
sirius giving me his puppy eyes
remus letting out a soft whimper when we kiss
when they both surprise me with random dates
sirius’ laugh
remus’ smile
when they dance with me
when they both are actually interested in my interesting facts about magical creatures i’ve gotten from going on trips with my dad (newt scamander) or just working with him
when they kiss me but they hold my cheeks
when sirius gets excited and gives me a hug but he spins
whenever they say “i love you”
when remus and sirius get really clingy
their little spoon moments
there’s more so part two maybe?
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conanbeshifting · 2 years
the first time the boys and i got our nicknames
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“ok lads, and conan, you ready?”
a chorus of yes’ flew around the group consisting of james, sirius, peter, and myself before the four of us took our animagus forms for the first time (our surprise to remus).
i look around our group to see a stag, a large black dog, and a rat. the first noise that came out of my mouth was the noise dogs make- “awhroo”
the boys and i heard tired footsteps approaching the room we were in and got into our positions. the door opened to show remus, who was definitely surprised and confused, mainly confused though.
“the hell?” remus said before i hesitantly made my way over to him. i sat down in front of the sandy haired boy, tilted my head, and the first noise that came out of my mouth was the noise dogs make- “awhroo”.
the boys and i beforehand decided that after remus saw us we would wait for him to process that there are animals in his dorm before changing back. all at once the three other boys and myself turned back to our normal selves and nervously looked at remus.
“what the fuck?”
“surprise?” i said meekly.
“what just happened?”
“well mate we didn’t want you go through each full moon alone so we decided to be animagi,”
remus stuttered as he looked at his four best friends.
“oh! we need names!” james exclaimed.
“ok so remus don’t hate me for this but you can be moony,”
“seriously james? moony? like the full moon?”
“uhh yeah, anyways, sirius can be padfoot since dogs have padded feet, peter can be wormtail cause he’s a rat and their tails look like worms, and conan can be rooroo cause the first noise they made was a little “awhroo” noise.”
“james you still need one. oh! how about prongs cause you’re a stag and have antlers?”
“i fucking love it!”
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conanbeshifting · 2 years
moons and paddy
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i don’t have best friends. i have a remus lupin and a sirius black. remus will steal every nice quill i get and sirius will always lose the ones i give him.
sirius groans when he’s away from me and moons
and remus will huff.
remus always makes sure that siri and i are doing alright.
they both will bicker over who’s jumper they’re going to give me. (spoiler it’s always remus’ sweater and one of sirius’ shirts)
sirius and i do some stupid things while remus talks us out of it, but would do anything we ask him
they both give the best hugs.
and just like me, they always have my back and always will
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conanbeshifting · 2 years
what newt scamander is like in my dr
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he is so sweet and caring like i’m so lucky to have him as my dad
he’s really chill but as soon as remus and sirius come over and go to my room he goes straight into protective dad mode
as much as he hates desk jobs, he loves being a professor at hogwarts.
he loves teaching young witches and wizards about magical creatures and showing them the good side to all the bad stereotypes
he has a stutter when he gets excited
every time i leave his class we do a little handshake (mocking handshakes people do at the end of a meeting)
when i told him about pandora and how she ran away from her *terrible* family he quite literally accepted her with open arms
he constantly hums abba songs
remus is trying to get him into david bowie but it’s not working
i also think sirius was the one who introduced abba to my dad
now i have to hear dancing queen repeated 20 million times so thanks for that siri :/
when i turned 16 he gave me my own bag that he put an expansion charm on (much like his suitcase/briefcase thingy)
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