composedbyselma · 11 months
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the sun no longer is the centre of your universe
it burns inside you
And you are earth
with your oceans
your streams of salty water
of happiness
of sadness
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composedbyselma · 11 months
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So indulge yourself,
into the unknown.
Dive deep and resurface
greater than you used to be.
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composedbyselma · 11 months
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A bouquet of flowers
Beauty can be found in the little things.
So for what it's worth
I'd follow you into nothingness.
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composedbyselma · 1 year
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if she would walk in darkness
I'd grab a lantern and follow her,
until the day it burns out
which will be the day
i let all suns in the universe burn.
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composedbyselma · 1 year
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Traveling home
my heart no longer feels as if it’s travelling here,
here became home
and there became a travel.
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composedbyselma · 1 year
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"The day of the amsel"
One day they will visit
and it will be the day,
night will be forever.
As no one knows
where they will take you
the three riders.
May it be the day
of the amsel,
as it's freed from the cage
society can be.
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composedbyselma · 1 year
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Between love and death
I wish love wouldn't greet me
in every person I meet.
While she was greeted
by death
like an old friend,
who kindly stopped
I meet love in a person's eyes
and the kindness in their features.
I despise seeing love on some days,
while I invite her in on others.
After all she reminds me
of what has never been
but could become.
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composedbyselma · 1 year
Loneliness and Solitude
Loneliness and solitude become intertwined these days.
as there is so much freedom to celebrate life
but how could I fully
if I cannot share some of them
with another person.
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composedbyselma · 1 year
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In the act he found freedom
for the first time
He spread his wings
leaped in the air
Fly boy fly!
Let your worries fade
let creativity flow,
make life your own.
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composedbyselma · 1 year
I'm just trying to become someone who the child inside me will not hate. I'm trying to be everything she needed and did not receive. She is so lonely still. It's not fair that she is so lonely still.
Nikita Gill
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composedbyselma · 1 year
“Nobody will stop you from creating. Do it tonight. Do it tomorrow. That is the way to make your soul grow - whether there is a market for it or not!”
— Kurt Vonnegut
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composedbyselma · 1 year
Etel Adnan on poetry:
"What we can truly call poetry starts with innocence. To be true to oneself is the starting point. To be fresh to the world is the starting point. Then life will take care. Nobody knows, until it happens, what will happen, so let go, at least don't ever lie, most of all to yourself. If the death of a fly touches you more than the death of a soldier let that go on a page. It will be your first poem."
This is the end of her "Short letter to a young poet". From the book "The Sun on the Tongue".
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composedbyselma · 1 year
“I can’t think of any greater happiness than to be with you all the time, without interruption, endlessly”
Franz Kafka, Franz Kafka's The Castle
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composedbyselma · 1 year
If I lived by the sea I would never be really sad. I get an immense sense of eternity and peace from the ocean. I can lose myself in staring at it hour after hour.
Sylvia Plath, The Letters of Sylvia Plath Volume I: 1940–1956 ⁠—  Aurelia Schober Plath, 18th July 1951
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composedbyselma · 1 year
Teardrops on the window The sky, they are crying again. the clouds had enough! The wind is howling come down now, sweet love come back to earth let these tears dry by sunshine, dance under the night sky come down now my love
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