Community House is one of the top Member-run Day Facilities in the Nation. Our Community Engagement Initiatives are Award Winning for their Innovation and Excellence. Our Professional Development and Network model serves as a training ground for Agencies all over the Southeast.
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Our Recruitment Process
Connect People With The Right Jobs For Them
We are more interested in finding employment that honors your dignity than lowering your dignity to fit a job.
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Environmental Responsibility
Meadowlark is a Day Camp that focuses on Environmental Issues and Ecology; an all-inclusive, inspired, day camp for teens and young adults. We have a very unique and dynamic curriculum. College students earn their stripes in modern educational activism by running groups that feature fun and educational activities centered around Environmental Sustainability and Good Stewardship. Personal Excellence is the main focus.
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Exceed and Excel
Only 4% of our population is adequately prepared for tomorrow’s complex environment, where advanced learning methods are both crucial and constant. Current educational modalities are artifacts of mass processing, engineered to crowd herds of boomers through institutional indoctrination for factory work with production-line mindsets. Sadly, this approach remains the norm. Don’t buy into it anymore: it outgrew its relevance in the 1980’s.
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Vertical Ecologies
Building a sustainable ecological culture takes place on many tiers, vertical and horizontal. It is very much like trellised gardens which provide access to life-giving sunlight to a multiplicity of levels that can interact synergistically for robust Complexity; where the Whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We are looking toward Hybrid Design for Living Architecture.
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Status Quo
Getting tired of the Cookie Cutter approach and Cogs in the Funding Machine:
Let’s face it, most of us are relegated to mere compliance with the megalithic funding sources which dictate what we are allowed to pursue via treatment options.
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Consciousness is where it’s at for the New Bohemian. Get Centered with Contemporary Innovative Modalities and explore New Frontiers in the Noogenerative Dimension!
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Peer Recovery is a strength-based mode of getting better. This is a big difference from older styles based on analysis about what’s wrong with us.
Peer based movements stem from self-advocacy and tend to be self-empowering. Nobody is a better expert on you than yourself.
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Adaptive Learning Communities
Communities exist on all levels in all time-frames. They learn, adapt and grow.  From the membership community of peers, to the professional community, to the community at-large, all aspects of community benefit synergistically via our Community Engagement Initiative.
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Getting Better
A connected life that is fulfilling and meaningful is a healthy life. Scientists recognize a ladder of needs where the basic steps must be satisfied at the ground-level before we ascend the rungs to the top. Whereas brooding in isolation leads to misery and problems, togetherness features Health and Wellbeing. Health is Wealth and Wellness is fun.
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Health, Wealth, Wellbeing and Prosperity plus Psycho-Spiritual Harmony. Become Whole. https://agency.10-01.org/facility/
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