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This film is made by the creators of the web series "Ren: the girl with the mark." This was their first attempt at a medieval fantasy fan film. The costumes, makeup, sound effects, music, story and set pieces. It makes use of many beautiful panning shots of forests and mountains and waterfalls.
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Why costume in a Medieval Fantasy movie is so important to get right
I have watched almost 40 medieval fantasy short films by now, some are good others not so much and most of this is down to the costumes and costume design. Costumes are necessary to show that there is a sense of reality her and convinces the audience that it is of high quality and is worth watching. Films such as the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit trilogies carry this out expertly. This is why I am going to make sure that the costumes look like they belong in the world that I have created but also that they will look good on camera.
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This a questionaire that I have created so that I can gather information about my audience and what they want to see in the short film.
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This isn’t a short film, its a music video however the costumes in it are fantastic. It sounds amazing and is expertly shot. I would really love for a character to sing in my movie or several characters to sing. In tolkiens novels all creatures sing which is something that I find very interesting.
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I really like the opening interior location set. it looks pretty good for low to no budget film. I may replicate something like this in my own film.
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Quite a few props will be needed for the production of this film. Props for the Rangers: Bow Quiver with arrows Daggers Swords Shield Axe of some sort (could be taken from dead orc to chop fire wood) Props for Orcs: Rugged shields Battle axe Clubs Swords Axes (One orc should be carrying an axe for chopping wood)
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Location shooting
For this film there are several locations that I would like to film in. 1) Castle - possible locations: Dunluce castle or Carrickfergus castle 2) Forest - possible locations: Portglenone forest (need to scout for more) 3) Beach - possible locations: White park bay or white rocks or down hill beach
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This video contains a lot of useful information about location scouting and filming fight scenes and running scenes when on location.
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This short film is amazing. The music, sound design, makeup, costumes, special fx, editing and the way the fight scene has been shot is just spectacular. I would love to replicate some of these shots within my own short film.
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The sound design for this short film is excellent. He sounds of swords clashing, arrows firing, shields smashing and magic are all brilliant. I also really live the costumes that have been made for the film as they make the film look very professional.
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I love how they have filmed the shots of the waterfall and the drone shot of the forest. I would love to shoot a waterfall scene and/or a drone above the forest as an establishing shot.
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This channel has made an incredible medieval fantasy show in England. What I am really happy about is the behind the scenes which means that I can figure out how to do things for my short film from the behind the scenes footage.
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Mannerisms of the different races
Humans- The mannerisms of a human is just the same as you would expect from any human. The way of fighting is very fluid showing they have been well trained however they are not as elegant as elves in their swordplay yet not as sloppy in movement as the orcs. Elf- Elves are very elegant and fluid with their movements, this can be seen very strongly in their style of fighting as it involves a lot of graceful and fancy sword play. Orcs- Orcs tend to do a lot of snarling and growling when they speak to intimidate others. They're fighting style is very heavy handed and involves the use of lots of power attacks. Due to orcs being very strong (even if they are horrid in look and smell) they can swing heavier and larger weapons easily.
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Character profiles
Human Ranger-
Name: Arathon
Age: 25
Personality and skill set: Arathon is a skilled ranger with expert tracking abilities. Makes excellent use of a bastard/halfing sword and a shield. He is a hardy warrior and never shows weakness yet he has a soft side for his elven companion.
Elven Ranger-
Name: Aeluniel (Pronunciation I-loo-knee-el)
Age: 24
Personality and skill set: she is well known among her kin to be one of the best hunters and archers. She is capable of defending herself and is no stranger to cutting her enemies down with her sword or deadly daggers. She has feelings for Arathon but does not know how to express her feelings for him.
Orc leader-
Name: Gorzak
Age: 30's
Personality and skill set: Ruthless and bloodthirsty leader of the orc pack. Leads with an iron fist and has no problem in killing anything and anyone...including his own men. He believes that only the strong can survive. He is very strong and carry a battle axe, one side is an axe, the other a hammer. He is a ruthless fighter and will only stop fighting once he is dead.
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