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commonplacecodex · 3 days ago
the fact that walls get dusty is ridiculous. you're vertical. act like it.
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commonplacecodex · 6 days ago
Some Jewish kids go to Narnia and the White Witch is endlessly frustrated because she wants to make it always winter but never Hanukkah, but she doesn’t follow the Hebrew calendar so she can’t accurately predict when it’s supposed to be.
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commonplacecodex · 21 days ago
Just fashion a pair of wings out of whatever feathers, threads, and wax you can gather. There's no ocean or sun in there, it'll be fine
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commonplacecodex · 23 days ago
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commonplacecodex · 1 month ago
ngl I think being but dust and ashes is a skill issue. the entire world was created for me
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commonplacecodex · 1 month ago
Fun fact: in the 80′s the Dutch Unemployed Union held ‘fridge raids’ to protest against poverty. 
They’d find out when a politician of big boss who upheld poverty and starvation wages was speaking at some public even, then they’d carefully break into his house with a LOT of people and they would eat EVERY piece of food in his house and leave the empty dished behind without taking anything else. 
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commonplacecodex · 1 month ago
Greek mythology, wing kink, cunnilingus
The fourth dimension aliens want me to hook up with... Daedalus, I guess?
Spin this wheel of ~300 AO3 tags three times.
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commonplacecodex · 6 months ago
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Sparkling Violetear (Colibri coruscans), male, family Trochilidae, order Apodiformes, Mindo, Ecuador
photograph by Yi Feng
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commonplacecodex · 6 months ago
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Shabbat Sealom ^_^
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commonplacecodex · 7 months ago
the current thing trad losers are losing their minds over is one singular dude on reddit that refurbished and hand painted a grandfather clock and they keep saying the guy “ruined its value” or “threw thousands out the window by vandalizing a precious heirloom” and let me just say as someone densely familiar with the world of antiques, there’s a 99% chance that this clock was a mass produced reproduction and there’s a 100% chance that clock is not as valuable as ppl think it is. when people hear the word ‘grandfather clock’ they’re always gonna assume you’re talking about something that was handmade in a woodshop by a jolly old man when rlly repros take up a waaay bigger slice of the market far more than any handcrafted items. and besides people will repaint or redecorate these ‘oh so sacred handcrafted items’ every day there’s a huge market for them. it’s the same reason why people like long furbies or dolls that have been customized to have like gore mouths or something. this is literally like watching a bunch of pretentious farts make a mountain out of a molehill. also the clock is kinda cool if I’m being honest
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commonplacecodex · 7 months ago
In the last campaign I dmed the grave domain dwarven cleric had to rescue someone from the feywild, and I had them roll on the wild magic table for any spell except cantrips
Highlights included
Turning into a potted plant, twice
. oh no, not again
Casting water walk, stepping on to a brilliantly blue lake, and turning bright blue himself
. Leading to this exchange with a cloud of pixies
. “Why are you… blue?”
. “You can’t just ask people why they’re blue!”
Polymorphing himself into a sheep and trying to drink a water elemental
Give one player the "Wild Magic Flu", where they gain the effects of Wild magic, no matter their class. Whenever they attack or use a spell, roll a d20 to decide if they get put on the D100 of misfortune.
If the D100 lands on 99 or 100, the player has their Wild Magic lifted. Any permanent effects caused by the flu are not lifted.
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commonplacecodex · 7 months ago
A tumblr is a commonplace book; commonplacebook was taken and I appreciate alliteration
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commonplacecodex · 7 months ago
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commonplacecodex · 7 months ago
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commonplacecodex · 7 months ago
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The (Tarnished) Silmarillion
Full-leather fine binding of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Silmarillion. The Two Trees are surface-gilt on the cover in metals that will tarnish, so over time the book will literally reenact their destruction. However the one fruit and flower that became the sun and moon are surface-gilt in gold and palladium, and will stay bright.
The edge decoration, sprinkled gilt and palladium over gouache, depicts the fate of the silmarils: “one in the airs of heaven, and one in the fires of the heart of the world, and one in the deep waters.”
The titling is done in palladium with finishing tools that I made myself, because I couldn’t pass up the chance to use Feanorean letters to title the book where Feanor is one of the central characters.
(longer post about the binding here, written when I originally bound it)
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commonplacecodex · 7 months ago
I carry my phone, headphones, and wallet in my pockets, but I also need to have a water bottle, pain meds, and ventolin with me most of the time, and a fan & sunglasses depending on the weather (sensory issues with heat and bright lights, overheat easily). The water bottle alone isn't going to fit in my pocket, and once I need some kind of bag it's not really more inconvenient to use a slightly larger one, which means I might as well put some nice-to-haves in there.
I just leave most of this in my bag all the time, and don't have to think about it until it comes up: water bottle, fan, sunglasses, pain meds, ventolin, bandaids, antiseptic cream, tampons, moisturiser, sunscreen, tissues, chapstick, stim toy, snacks, a straw. Some of those are mostly for comfort (chapstick, moisturiser, stim toy, straw (since a lot of places only have paper straws that disintegrate)), some I rarely need but don't take up much space and are really useful to have on hand if I or someone else needs them (bandaids, antiseptic cream), some I use pretty often and like not needing to think about them when I'm getting ready (tampons, sunscreen in summer, snacks)
@ people who carry bags everywhere what do you put in them what is there to bring other than chapstick, keys, phone and maybe a tampon why are you packing a suitcase to be outside for 5 hours
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commonplacecodex · 7 months ago
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Mandy Patinkin as Avigdor
YENTL 1983 | dir. Barbra Streisand
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