imagine being a regular, poor kirkwall darktowner going about your day and then your doctor kills like 10 people right in front of you and no one even cares
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Oooh!! The Fort Drakon poll had me thinking which DA protagonist could break out of the regret prison. But then I thought, which one would be trapped there the longest??
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WAIT HOLD ON i had a templar lyrium impotence 'joke' post cooking in my head last night while i was falling asleep but it was also me being deeply seriously about templar-mage gender dynamics and i forgot about it until now when i am also falling asleep so im posting this in the hopes i can remember and make the post when i wake up maybe < guy who is going t oforget
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“zevran fixed the crows” -> so we’re admitting veilguard has a canon worldstate then right?
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non-mage hawke being taught since they were a young teen that their only duty in life is to protect their sister with their life and never let the templars take her ❤️ the way bethanys only possibly fates are "dead" "despairingly miserable" or "you failed her" ❤️ the way she might be happier in the circle but she still faces constant danger and exploitation and also that was literally the One Thing you were supposed to never let happen ❤️ but also if she's a grey warden she's forced to learn sacrifice (that's supposed to be your job) and constant fighting (thats why you should have left her) and she all but outright blames you for not just killing her ❤️😄🤗⚰️
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''not even the greatest scholar could tell you where i end and he begins''
inspired by this post in specific:
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never enough anders content out there
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i think about that "they hated that blond freak so much they nuked his entire profession" post constantly because just double checking. we all agree thats why they changed mythal's virtue from justice/vengeance to benevolence/retribution right
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Day 1: Power - for @andersweek2025
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It's Anders week and I haven't drawn this guy in ages, so please have him :')
For @andersweek2025 Tender Tuesday: Cats / Love / Safety
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magic (and the lack of it)
Justice needs a healer. Anders is always happy to help. [written for day one of @andersweek2025 ! minor tw for mentions of wounds / needles, and one brief reference to suicide] read on ao3
“Mage, I seek your counsel.”
Anders looked up from his book - he’d been enjoying a rare moment of quiet beside the fire while the Warden Commander was attending to business in the city. Usually he went with her, revelling in the chance to walk through the markets without having to watch his back constantly; but he was still licking his wounds after a drunken argument with Oghren the night before and didn’t fancy trading jabs for the rest of the day. That dwarf was ruthless when he was hungover.
Justice had stayed behind as well. Walking corpses weren’t often welcome in cities. Anders could sympathise.
Looking at him now as he hesitated in the doorway, it was hard to see him for what he was. He shuffled awkwardly, shifting his weight from foot to foot – he had once confided in Anders that this was a mannerism he’d learned by observing low ranking soldiers stationed at the keep. It was oddly sweet to think of him standing in front of the mirror, practicing his movements, wondering which made him look the most human.
“I have a name you know,” Anders said, snapping his book shut and propping himself up on one elbow, “I’m not defined by my mage-iness.”
Justice stilled, an unreadable expression on his face, “my apologies, Anders.”
Teasing Justice was almost criminally easy - if the heart in Kristoff’s chest had pumped blood, he might have even blushed. Anders softened and put his book down, patting the space beside him on the rug.
“Come here and tell Anders your woes,” he cooed, stretching lazily. He wasn’t trying to flirt – not really, anyway – but he couldn’t help feeling a little curious. Who wouldn’t be? Kristoff had had a wife, did those same urges still exist in there somewhere?
Seemingly not. Justice crossed the room to stand beside the fire for a second before plopping down on the rug, arranging himself so he sat cross-legged and stiff-backed. Up close, it was even easier to tell that he didn’t need to breathe or blink. Eerie.
Justice ducked his head, “I require your assistance with a personal matter.”
“You are trained in the art of healing, are you not? I need-” Justice paused for a moment, struggling to find the words, “my body is damaged.”
Anders looked at him, “we do have an infirmary, you know. You might prefer it there – I have a terrible bedside manner.”
“I would rather you look.”
He seemed nervous, staring directly into Anders’ eyes as the Warden Commander had taught him to.
“Alright,” Anders sighed, sitting up straight and gesturing vaguely, “whip it out and let me see.”
Carefully, Justice unfolded himself and rolled up the sleeve of his left arm; he’d taken to wearing a simple shirt and breeches around the keep when not in armour, having found them beneath his pillow in the dormitory. They accentuated his sunken features, making him look even more skeletal than usual.
In the wavering firelight, Justice’s skin looked almost alive. Anders leaned forward to study it. At first it was hard to see what he was supposed to be looking at - the flesh of his arm was gnarled and warped, stomach-turning reminiscent of the many blight victims Anders had come across in the past few months.
After a moment, Anders’ eyes fell on a large gash just below his inner elbow. Had he been alive, it would have been gushing blood – spurting, even, if it was as deep as it appeared – but without a working circulatory system, it could only weep sadly.
“Makers’ breath!” Anders couldn’t help recoiling slightly, “when did you do that?”
Justice looked down at the wound, “I don’t know.”
Anders wasn’t squeamish. You couldn’t live the life he’d led and come out the other end easily disgusted by blood or pus or any other bodily fluids. But the idea of tending to Justice’s rotting wounds, holding his arm in his hands and putting his face close enough to smell the decay? That gave him pause.
It must have shown on his face. He’d never been good at hiding his feelings. Justice smiled sadly, pulling his arm away and rolling his sleeve back down.
“I apologise,” he said, yet again, “clearly you are uncomfortable.. Perhaps it would be best for me to visit the infirmary after all.”
There was an air of resignation to the way he spoke, as though he’d been expecting the rejection all along. He knew what he was, how he made people feel. Most paled when they saw him up close, cringing away from the smell of rot that lingered about him – why should Anders be any different?
Then again, why shouldn’t he be?
“Wait!” He said, reaching out to grab Justice’s wrist and suppressing that instinctual shudder when his fingers circled around the cold skin, “don’t be silly – it’s only a little cut, I can patch you up easily.”
Justice’s eyes widened. He let Anders grip him tightly, unmoving.
It was intense. A little too intense for Anders’ liking; he broke eye contact, smiling gingerly as he pulled away. If Justice reacted to the loss of contact – relief or disappointment or resignation – Anders made sure not to look for it. Instead, he turned his gaze to the fire, fixing his mind solidly on the task ahead of him.
Justice breathed heavily and Anders smiled, knowing it was all for his benefit.
“I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“Nonsense,” Anders smiled, “I’ll run and get my tools. Who knows, maybe I’ll be able to teach you a thing or two.”
It took all but a few moments to return with the supplies he needed and lay them out on the carpet for Justice to see: needle, thread, forceps, scissors, gauze, bandages, a half-used poultice, and a shallow basin of warm water. Half of them were just for show, Justice wasn’t bleeding, nor was he in pain - Anders wasn’t even sure what good a needle and thread would do, given how his thin skin seemed to be practically rotting off the bone. He almost gagged imagining how it would feel to pierce it, the soft crackling of it beneath his fingers.
He’d sewn dead skin together before, of course, like any other Circle mage who had taken an interest in healing. But that had been carefully preserved, manipulated to mimic living flesh as much as possible so as to prepare apprentice healers for the real thing. And those had been bits and pieces, cuts of farm animals that weren’t fit to be eaten. It was different when the corpse had been dead for several weeks and was staring at you with unseeing, anxious eyes.
“So,” Anders said, breaking a silence that had stretched on for far too long, “I’m going to try and sew your wound together – you saw me tending to Sigrun’s knee last week, didn’t you? This will be similar except… a little bigger, I suppose.”
Justice frowned, “I still don’t understand why your magic is not sufficient for this task.”
“Hey, my magic is plenty sufficient!”
This was a frequent annoyance and a conversation Anders felt he must have had a thousand times with a thousand people – even in the Circle it wasn’t common knowledge that healing magic was best used alongside more traditional methods rather than instead of them. Any powerful enough mage could knit skin back together with magic – Anders himself could do it fairly easily – but it was a useless and risky indulgence that only the most desperate of healers would resort to.
Still, how was Justice supposed to know this? Anders sighed and picked up the needle, testing its sharp point against his finger.
“In case you hadn’t noticed, our world is filthy. An open wound is a problem, yes, but so is a closed one that hasn’t been cleaned properly. Now, if I sew you together, any infection will be obvious and easily treatable; it may even sort itself out if you’re healthy enough otherwise.
“But if the skin heals over an infection? Sometimes, you won’t even notice the signs before it’s too late. There’s nowhere for the dirt to escape from, so it bides its time until it’s strong enough to expel itself by force. Sometimes that means vomiting on someone’s shoes, but sometimes it means you lose an arm, or your lungs fill with fluid, or your bowels explode. And let me tell you, even if you can’t feel pain, none of those things will be a pleasant experience for you.”
Justice stared at him, “you’ve studied this at length.”
“Not much else to do in the Circle, is there?” Anders shrugged, “better this than becoming one of those poor sods that obsesses over entropy or necromancy. No offence.”
Still staring, Justice frowned.
“I dislike hearing about these Circles.”
He meant it. Something inside of Anders twisted and he turned his head away, gripping the needle tightly in his fist.
Justice went silent. When it was clear he wasn’t going to keep prodding, Anders stood up and crossed the room to stare into the fire. Even with his back turned, he felt those corpse-like eyes watching him. Self conscious, he bent down and held the needle to the flames, not caring as it began to heat up and burn his fingertips.
“What are you doing now?”
Anders pulled the needle from the fire and shrugged, “fire kills infection. You’ve seen the funeral pyres whenever there’s a darkspawn attack, right?”
“Well, we don’t do that for fun.” He said, “here – let me show you.”
It was strangely difficult to sit back down. There was a tight knot of nerves in Anders’ stomach, like he was about to kiss someone for the first time, that strange mixture of anticipation and excitement and worry. He tried not to let it show, not wanting Justice to mistake it for incompetence.
He held out the needle, still glowing slightly from the fire, “if you ever need to sew someone else up, you’ll have to hold it against a flame until it glows like this. Otherwise, you may as well just rub dirt all over the wound.”
Justice looked at the needle closely, “red...like metal being worked by a blacksmith.”
It was a connection Anders had never made before. He stared at the needle, now cool and dull between his fingers.
“I never did do much smithing,” he said, “not exactly a career for a mage.”
Justice winced but said nothing.
It only took a moment for Anders to prepare everything, threading the needle and making sure the water he’d fetched was still warm. He dipped a cloth into the basin and glanced up at Justice.
“Are you ready to start?”
He always liked to ask before shoving a needle into someone. It didn’t help with the discomfort, not usually, but it felt polite to do so – the Warden Commander hated it, always telling him to stop with the niceties and just get on with what he needed to do.
Justice seemed to appreciate it, though. He nodded, rolling his sleeve up and offering Anders his arm. Somehow, it looked even worse than before, his pale skin rotting slightly around the edges of the wound – it occurred to Anders suddenly that the injury could be weeks old.
Nervously, he reached out and dabbed at Justice’s arm. He was half afraid the skin would fall apart as soon as he touched it, but it held surprisingly firm. There was a thin layer of gunk covering the area surrounding the wound that he tried not to think too hard about, cleaning it methodically and calmly.
Once the skin was clean – or, once Anders had reached his limit – he dried Justice off and picked up the needle and forceps. Justice watched with interest, eyes following Anders’ movements so intensely that he suppressed the urge to blush.
“This might pinch.” He warned.
“I do not mind.”
Of course he didn’t. Anders sighed and leaned forward, picking up the edge of the wound with the forceps. It made a sickening sound, a crackling groan that made him feel queasy.
Circle healers had to have strong stomachs. Anders had once spent weeks trying to explain this years ago while travelling with a group of lifelong apostates during one of his many brief attempts at freedom. They’d made fun of him, asked how many papercuts he’d healed, whether he knew any useful potions for indigestion. They hadn’t understood.
But when one of them had fallen from a tree and snapped his neck, he’d been the only one able to handle preparing the body for the funeral pyre. When he’d explained how common broken necks were at Kinloch, how many times he’d seen this same death play out over and over, a mage falling from their tower, that was when they’d finally understood. He’d stopped travelling with them soon after that.
“Does this hurt?” He asked.
“Good,” Anders was genuinely glad, “tell me if you feel any pain. I’m going to start sewing now.”
He was going slower than he usually would and he didn’t know why. He looked into Justice’s blank eyes, waiting for some kind of acknowledgement.
Justice inclined his head slightly. It seemed that that would be all Anders got.
Carefully, more tentative than he’d been since he was an apprentice, Anders pressed the needle into Justice’s arm.
Justice didn’t flinch. He watched in fascination as Anders wove the needle in and out of his skin, using the forceps to manipulate the wound and keep the stitches small and neat. Once he was in the familiar rhythm of suturing, Anders found it easier to stomach being so close to Justice’s rotting flesh – it was nice, even, to be tending to someone so still and patient.
The wound was larger than Anders was used to stitching under such controlled circumstances. Usually, this was something he’d be fixing with bloody, shaking hands, just wanting to stem the bleeding before the patient lost consciousness. Without pressure, it seemed to take forever. The world narrowed down to just his hands as they moved methodically, his slow breaths, his singular heartbeat. It was oddly lonely. He wished Justice would say something.
Around halfway through, he ran into difficulty, finding the skin tougher and harder to work with. It was probably old scar tissue from one of Kristoff’s long-forgotten wounds.
Anders frowned and pushed the needle hard, forcing it through.
“Oh!” Justice said.
It was the first sound he’d made since Anders began sewing,“that hurt?”
“No. Apologies, I didn’t mean-”
“Please, keep going.”
Anders knew a lost cause when he saw one. He shrugged and ducked his head, carrying on with his work as gently as he could. There was a little more scar tissue, but he took his time with it, gently pushing the needle through. There were no more complaints from Justice.
When he was done he tied off and cut the thread, breathing a sigh of relief and relaxing. As usual, he’d done a good job – the stitches were neat, the skin pulled tightly closed.
He tilted his head to smile up at Justice, “better, right?”
Justice looked down at him and nodded hesitantly. He attempted to flex his arm, testing the tightness of the stitches. Anders yelped and reached out to grasp his wrist.
“Careful!” His skin was a little warm from where Anders had been cradling it a few moments ago, “be careful. You don’t want to tear anything.”
They stared at each other for a moment. Though Justice’s eyes were dead and blank, Anders swore he saw a stirring of emotion behind them, a mix of gratitude and grief so intense that he found himself drawing back, slowly removing his hand from his wrist.
“I appreciate your care.” Justice said, each word carefully enunciated.
Anders swallowed, “think nothing of it, couldn’t have you walking around with an open wound, could we? Speaking of…”
He scrambled around for his bandages. Justice looked at them blankly.
“I am not bleeding.”
Anders shook his head, “remember what I said about infection earlier? Come on, it’ll only take a moment.”
Once again, Justice held out an obedient arm. Anders wound the bandage around the stitches, careful not to bruise the delicate skin beneath.
It took less time than the stitching, “done,” he said, after a few moments.
Justice drew back, carefully touching the bandage. He said nothing.
“How does it feel?” Anders probed, “not too tight?”
Sometimes it felt like Justice didn’t know that words were free with how carefully he used them. Anders stared at him for a moment, trying and failing to think of something to say.
“Did you need help with anything else?” He managed eventually, “no other gaping wounds that need stitching up?”
Justice said nothing, but Anders saw his face change. He was working up the courage to ask for a favour, Anders just knew it. But what kind of favours could a spirit even need? Unless he wanted… No. Anders didn’t even want to entertain the thought.
“Justice?” He said, “come on – spit it out, already.”
Justice sighed, “it is nothing.” He said nervously, “only… I hoped to witness your magical abilities up close. I find the process mildly fascinating.”
“You… what?”
This was a first. Aside from his fellow mages, most people Anders had met found healing magic terrifying – something about the gentle transferring of energy seemed to scare them even more than fireballs or bolts of lightning. He stared at Justice suspiciously, unsure whether he was being genuine.
Justice grimaced, “have I offended you?”
“No! I just – well, most people look away when I heal them.”
“Others have taught you to be ashamed of your gift?”
“What? No. Don’t say it like that.” This conversation was growing more uncomfortable by the second, “I suppose I’m just used to patients being afraid. It’s easier to heal people when you know how to put them at ease.”
“I am at ease with your magic.”
“I know, Justice.”
There was little else left to say. Anders wished he was braver – he could have shown Justice his magic if he wanted to, he could have sliced himself open and healed his own wound to demonstrate him what it looked like, let him look closely as the skin neatly grew back together.
He couldn't face it, couldn’t risk the possibility that Justice was lying to make him feel better. Wasn’t that what spirits did? Lie to mages to flatter them?
Or maybe he was the one lying to himself. Maybe he really was ashamed. Funny, that.
“Next time.” He said weakly.
Justice nodded, seeming to understand. “Indeed.”
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You're arranged married to one of the DA LIs, spin the wheel for who!!
#MERRILL#Merrill i love you but i am unfortunately gay#we would be besties though. i wouldnt mind#daisy
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Galahad Thorne, for @fergus-cousland!
Grey Wardens are just always so **majestic** <3
tysm for commissioning me! <3<3
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i Love that anders’ clinic delivers babies and treats STDs. thank you for calling planned parenthood of Kirkwall. we are one guy in the sewer. they’ve been trying to catch him for Years . for birth control inquiries, press 1. for hormone therapy, press 2
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