comicalbxnes · 7 years
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{ haha whoa! It’s me again, Core! I’m trying out a new muse to try to get myself back into action in this fandom! My goal was to have this ready for the anniversary, but oops! Anyway, can you please give this a like or a reblog or your soul if want to interact with a Chara? }
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
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{ haha whoa! It’s me again, Core! I’m trying out a new muse to try to get myself back into action in this fandom! My goal was to have this ready for the anniversary, but oops! Anyway, can you please give this a like or a reblog or your soul if want to interact with a Chara? }
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
Got any other blogs other than this one?
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{ yes, actually! That’s kinda sort why I’ve been on and off this blog tbh. Most of my blogs are in the Pokemon fandom! But I did just create a brand new blog for Chara! }
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
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                     HE COULDN’T FIND HIMSELF                                            TO PRESS THE TRIGGER.                                    IT BROKE HIS HEART
PERSONALS DO NOT REBLOG  ( previously clementking )
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
{ Okay guys, I made some Undyne icons, mostly for @undying-honor​, but anyone is free to use them! The art does not belong to me, I just made the icons. There are 100 100x100 icons here. You don’t have to like/reblog, but it would be appreciated. 
Examples: }
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
( holy heCK I REMEMBER SEEING YOU AROUND WHEN I LIKE JUST STARTED OUT ON PAPYRUS?? (back when he was boneafides wowie) it's so cool to see you around again!!!! )
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{ Hello! Yes! I remember you, too! Thank you for such a good re-welcome! It’s so amazing to see you, again, too! I’ve been on hiatus this whole time. Amazing what happens in a year! }
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
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        ❝ I don’t see anything wrong, Pap. ❞
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
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        ❝ Heh heh heh. ❞
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
“did y' hear 'bout the kidnappin' at school---? ’s fine. he woke up!”
Dad Pun Sentence Starters
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           ❝ I make horrible science puns, but only periodically.❞
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
“Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere.”
Dad Pun Sentence Starters
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           ❝ What kind of fish is only made of two sodium atoms? 2 Na.❞
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
“This graveyard looks overcrowded. People must be dying to get in there.”
Dad Pun Sentence Starters
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       ❝ Do you know why they keep a fence around a graveyard? Because people are just dying to get in.❞
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
Dad Pun Sentence Starters
Send one to my Muse, or alternatively send  👍and my Muse will say one to you!
“What time did the man go to the dentist? Tooth hurt-y.” “Did you hear about the guy who invented Lifesavers? They say he made a mint.” “A ham sandwich walks into a bar and orders a beer. Bartender says, ‘Sorry we don’t serve food here.’” “Why did the Clydesdale give the pony a glass of water? Because he was a little horse!” “How do you make a Kleenex dance? Put a little boogie in it!” “Two peanuts were walking down the street. One was a salted.” “I used to have a job at a calendar factory but I got the sack because I took a couple of days off.” “How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it.” “Two guys walk into a bar, the third one ducks.” “'Wow, you’re a fart smella…I mean smart fella!” “I had a dream that I was a muffler last night. I woke up exhausted!” “What’s Forrest Gump’s password? 1forrest1” “Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere.” “What do you call a fake noodle? An Impasta.” “How many apples grow on a tree? All of them.” “Want to hear a joke about paper? Nevermind it’s tearable.” “I just watched a program about beavers. It was the best dam program I’ve ever seen.” “Why did the coffee file a police report? It got mugged.” “How does a penguin build it’s house? Igloos it together.” “Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.” “Why don’t skeletons ever go trick or treating? Because they have no body to go with.” “Don’t call me later, call me Dad.” “What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter? An irrelephant” “Want to hear a joke about construction? I’m still working on it.” “What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho Cheese.” “Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself? It was two tired.” “What did the grape do when he got stepped on? He let out a little wine.” “I wouldn’t buy anything with velcro. It’s a total rip-off.” “The shovel was a ground-breaking invention.” “This graveyard looks overcrowded. People must be dying to get in there.” “5/4 of people admit that they’re bad with fractions.” “Two goldfish are in a tank. One says to the other, “do you know how to drive this thing?”“ “What do you call a man with a rubber toe? Roberto.” “What do you call a fat psychic? A four-chin teller.” “I would avoid the sushi if I was you. It’s a little fishy.” “To the man in the wheelchair that stole my camouflage jacket… You can hide but you can’t run.” “The rotation of earth really makes my day.” “I thought about going on an all-almond diet. But that’s just nuts.” “What’s brown and sticky? A stick.” “I’ve never gone to a gun range before. I decided to give it a shot!” “Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees? Because they’re so good at it.” “Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? It’s fine, he woke up.” “A furniture store keeps calling me. All I wanted was one night stand.” “I used to work in a shoe recycling shop. It was sole destroying.” “Did I tell you the time I fell in love during a backflip? I was heels over head.” “I don’t play soccer because I enjoy the sport. I’m just doing it for kicks.” “People don’t like having to bend over to get their drinks. We really need to raise the bar.”
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
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{ Hey boys and girls and theys! It’s local, not so local, friendly friend Core! I have returned from my long one year hiatus! (I’ve checked. Last time I was actively rping on here, it was July of ‘16) So, it would be much appreciated if you guys can spread the word around that I’m back! I’ll even give you a list of pros and cons of this blog!
Sans the Skeleton
Sans the Skeleton. }
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
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i must be PSYCHOTIC. i must be DEMENTED. to think that i’m WORTHY of all this ATTENTION. i guess my drug’s attention, i guess i’m an addict. why do i get praised to indulge in my habit ? —
private & selective UNDYNE of toby fox’s undertale. adored by ronnie. GUIDELINES. / UNDYNE. / PROMO CREDIT..
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
quotes from just some of my favorite songs by bo burnham. feel free to change the pronouns / names / punctuation whatever ! 
“ what’s funny ? ”
“ my ex girlfriend had a really weird fetish. she liked to dress up as herself & act like a fucking bitch all the time. ” 
“ if you can’t beat them , join ‘em. ”
“ i make all the single ladies ‘ oh (name) ! ’ ”
“ i swear i’m straight. ” 
“ just do a chinese accent. ” 
“  fuck my life, I don’t fuck my wife so fuck my wife & fuck my life. ” 
“ my daughter’s a whore like another girl who used to be her mother. ” 
“ my son is gay, but not sitcom gay. ”  
“ & i masturbate because i’m the only one whose standards are low enough to fuck me! ”
“ we had a helluva ride.” 
“ well, i motherfucking lied. ” 
“ just shut up ! ” 
“ fuck the system. ” 
“ it’s not jesus. it’s cheez - its, right ? ” 
“ you think i’m joking ? ” 
“ art is dead. ” 
“ tonight at ten the world is ending again. ” 
“ only on the channel 5. ” 
“ i’m a faggot. ” 
“ no girls wanna fuck me, trust me. ” 
“ i don’t give a fuck, don’t adjust me. ” 
“ one, two, three, whore - i mean four - shit, three, four, five, bitch - i mean six - shit. ” 
“ well, congratu-fucking-lations. ” 
“ i got your back kid. ”
“ fuck the rules, fuck the game, fuck you tools, fuck you’re lame. ” 
“ yeah, fuck me for my hard works, fuck another r - word, fuck me for my hard work that got me into harvard. ” 
“ you’ve got sticks and stones to turn to but I’ve got words to hurt you, so save your bullets ‘cause you’re fucked. ” 
“ you think you’re clever ? you’re fucked ! ” 
“ i must be psychotic, I must be demented to think that I’m worthy of all this attention. ”
“ i’m wearing makeup. ”
“ ‘cause i wanted my name in lights when i could have fed a family of four for forty fucking fortnights. ” 
“ but i’m just a kid. ” 
“ maybe i’ll grow out of it. ” 
“ i’m a gay sea - otter. ” 
“ i hate catchy choruses. ” 
“ i’m a hypocrit. ”
“ take off your bra & burn it. ”
“ eat a dick ! ”
“ oh my god, honestly are you fucking five ? ”
“ i think i’ve made the right decision. ”
“ it’s over. we’re unhappy. ”
“ & once the dust has settled i hope we can still be friends. ”
“ eat a fucking dick, like this ! ”
“ put on your dick - eating bib ! get ready to gobble a dick up ! ”
“ i didn’t think you’d cry for me… i didn’t know you cared. ” 
“ lick my clit ! ”
“ sorry you’re not what i need hun, lick this clit then leave son ! ”
“ i deserve better than you ! ”
“ you got a job to do, you better do it right. ”
“ i like oreoes & pussy ! yeah, in that order ! ”
“ i’m looking for somebody to love… or put my penis in – ” 
“ holy fuck i think she might be the one ! ”
“ i just want her to — how do I say this — sit on my face ! sit ! sit on my face ! ” 
“ you think you’re the right one every time ! ” 
“ according to my calculations, uh, you’re a pussy. ” 
“ i saw a homeless man named rich. isn’t that just terrible ? ” 
“ he didn’t here me say ‘ look out for the train ! ’ …because i didn’t say anything. ” 
“ i went to a store looking for something to buy but they only sold paintings of the same sad guy … no, wait — this store sells mirrors – ”
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comicalbxnes · 7 years
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{ Okay, okay. Hiatus gonna be over guys. I swear it this time. Really sorry for not being active on here. }
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