comfcake · 1 year
The verminous horde grows...
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Finally finished a blob of skaven infantry :)
I wanted to crank out these before a local tournament, it was a pain batch painting again but I somehow pulled through and it looks SO much better than the rest of my grey, unpainted ranks
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comfcake · 1 year
Blood bowl time :)
Had a fun time painting these! I feel I really got the skin tones down good.
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Shoutout to Pocketss for making the little guys that inspired these :)
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comfcake · 2 years
More Rats!!
These silly rodents are on their way to commit some particularly heinous war crimes
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Havent based this one yet but otherwise I'm very happy with this one, especially the actual warp globes, I think the freehand on them turned out great :)
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comfcake · 2 years
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This one took a while but I adore the finished product. This is probably the best painted model I own right now.
Bonus plague priest because they were in the same kit :
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comfcake · 2 years
Started and finished this drawing of grimblo, my tiefling paladin from a d&d campaign I'm in.
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I like how he turned out :)
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comfcake · 2 years
First Howling banshee done :) these guys are gonna go in the wave serpent
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I just need to base them and I'm thinking of redoing the sword sometime but otherwise I'm quite happy with this one!
I ran them in a game last weekend but they kept dying after their first round of attacks :/ I gotta figure out how to keep them alive before next time.
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comfcake · 2 years
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I saw that it was ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ 30th birthday today! 
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comfcake · 2 years
Getting started on Inktober! A little rushed (I realized it was october only about an hour ago) but I like my little gargoyle :)
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PS: if anyone has any funny chameleon facts to share I would love to know <3
PPS: c&c appreciated
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comfcake · 2 years
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comfcake · 2 years
Got some inspiration from a certain
so I started on a new guy
The anatomy is probably way off already but I think they're cool so far.
I'll get Around to finishing them eventually but for now I'm just happy I created something :)
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They aren't going to stay a head forever hopefully
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comfcake · 2 years
Painted up my wave serpent a few weeks ago
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I got plastic glue on the windshield so this one is a cab now. This one took way too long but overall I'm happy with the result, love this paint scheme too, it's fun to use some color for once
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Bonus gamer angle
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comfcake · 2 years
I wish I could fast reblog but it puts it in my queue instead
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comfcake · 2 years
Painted up Mir Kainan from the warhammer underworlds Kainans reaper set.
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Actually really proud over how this one turned out :)
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