comaandot · 2 hours
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The all American, Straight, frat boy, while hot to a lot of people, leaves a lot for my little gay nerd heart to be desired. Jett over here in our media literacy course was so certain that because of his build, hair and confidence that he would make the best fit for Captain America Steve Rogers out of everyone here. What had started this entire conversation was the discussion of super hero media and what hero do we feel we best embodied. Surely I don't have an issue with anyone saying they have a favorite, or that they relate heavily to a character but Jett... Jett went on a tirade.
He started it all off, saying how much he had loved and idolized the early MCU films, how they were his inspiration for a lot of his life. Someone else had mentioned a character that showed up later and how that inspired them and Jett just shut them down, saying it was dog shit, how it was poorly written and had forced representation. How that person should feel bad for liking a badly written show or character.
He said we should have been more like him, and embodied good characters like Captain America Steve Rogers. How the character was a patriot, who listened to the government and was against all of this woke bullshit. The prof had immediately ended the discussion, saying how this was raising tensions too high, she dismissed class for all of us but I wasn't going to just let this slide.
Class would be in session for Jett.
I ran after him as we left the building, catching up. I hadn't spoken up in the course waiting till the time was right to work my magic, so he didn't think anything of me when I approached him. Just another possible buff straight dude. I lowered my voice and greeted him.
"Yo BRO, I heard you talking in class today and I really liked what you said." God this was so cringey, but it worked getting my magic latched on. "Yeah bro? You a fan of Good Marvel films too? Could always use another bro to talk to!" He says, I notice he shivered a little rubbing his shoulder when I said bro.
"I actually never got started watching em BRO, but hearing you talk BRO made me want to!" I said, laying the intention on thick, he was almost covered in magic now.
"Well bro that changes now, your coming over and I'm gonna show you real fucking cinema, not some of that pansy shit the prof talks about in class!" It was to easy to get here, lying to him was so simple, it honestly was a little fun. As he started leading me forward jogging ahead I couldn't help but notice one thing though, he claims to have Steve Rogers build, but he definitely didn't have America's Ass.
I'd fix that!
It didn't take long jogging to get to his place, a cushy apartment on campus. His roommate was busy off in their own room so I had enough space and time to work my magic. By the time we were inside he had already been covered in mystical force that I knew all it took would be a simple push.
He set up the smart tv, talking nonsense for a bit and asking if I wanted to start with Iron man or get into the really good stuff with Cap. To be honest I had to save braincells so I said Captain America, plus it had the perfect theme and moments for change. We sat there through the beginning of the movie playing. He was a typical straight man laying buffers between us where we sat, making crude jokes all until the moment of transformation.
As Steve Rogers got in that pod I SNAPPED my fingers, my magic that had laid sedentary upon our interaction ERUPTED and PULSED out in a delightful WARMTH. I could see his posture shift, his legs spread out as his bugle grew bigger and his cheeks raised him higher. His body grew sweaty as his muscles inflated, his core becoming the perfect washboard abs, his breathing began to quicken as he looked around. His chest rising up and down rapidly till he only had two pillows while his shoulders squared and arms put on pure muscle mass.
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Where as before his body was lean and athletic my magic made sure to put on some mass taking him into pure Adonis hunk territory. His hair darkening as his skin began to tan. He was panicking as he notice himself move closer to me. No longer in control of his body, it having a mind of its own as he slowly crawled towards me. "On your left handsome" his voice ringing out deeper, more sensual as he looked at me with wide eyes. I could tell he wanted to fight his body.
The problem is he was also fighting his new mind, his thoughts racing and ranting on what he was becoming as stray thoughts bombarded him. His pathetic, gatekeep-ey nerdom under attack by a more open minded outlook. His views on women and interest in them absconded as images of men of all kinds washed over him. An urge, a DESIRE to PROTECT and SERVE whatever man became his and got to experience what it was like to RIDE America's Ass.
Steve Rogers was almost out of the pod as Jett climbed on my lap, throwing off his shirt and ripping off mine. He paused, his mind clear for just a sec as his ass ground against my bulge, he could make the final choice here. "Bro...what are you doing to me?!" He asked his lips, thicker, more plump then they were before just a few inches from mine.
"Just gave you the FREEDOM to be your own captain" I moaned out, knowing I couldn't sway this choice if he got up and walked out this room he would go back to normal. "All you have to do is TAKE IT!" I moaned as I said it, his ass sandwiching my bulge between his inflated cheeks.
I didn't hear him say anything, but I felt him rip his own shorts off then pull mine off as he began his first and last ride on my cock as the incel Jett.
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Meet Steve Rodriguez, an all welcoming nerd who loves comics, movies and our weekly DND session where if we don't run late I get to enjoy his American Ass.
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comaandot · 2 hours
They say that the Vodnik is the devil… ask any old lady, they will tell you that you should run away when you see one. However, I did not do that when I encountered the creature. I did not run away, but… of course… I am not an idiot, and I kept my distance. The creature looked like an old man with wrinkly skin and a very long beard. His skin had a pale blue tone, he has very long nails and he smelled very bad… you could say that he looked like a living corpse. He never left the water, and I have heard that his only goal in life was to drown people. Why I started conversations with him? I have no clue, but I was fascinated by its tales and wisdom. Incredibly enough, after months talking, I became friends with something that can only be described as a monster.
To be fully honest, I think that I befriend the creature as I do not have a lot of friends. He was an outcast and I could identify with that. The creature could sense that I was lonely, and he was the one that proposed me an unconventional solution for my situation. He told me that why he likes drowning people, he does not kill anyone in reality. Yeah, the body dies, but he kept their souls in a jar… to adorn his home and to fill the void in his heart. As he is able to extract the soul of someone, he is also able to do the inverse and put in any body. He just ask me to bring someone and that the rest would be history. Can you believe it? Can you believe that now I am inside the body of Alexander, one of the most popular guys in town. I would have been this creature friend without this gift. But now, I can assure you that I will be loyal to him till the end of my life.
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comaandot · 2 hours
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comaandot · 2 hours
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Steve Sterling dishes it out.
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comaandot · 2 hours
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Steve Sterling
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comaandot · 2 hours
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comaandot · 2 hours
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Steve Sterling
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comaandot · 2 hours
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comaandot · 2 hours
Masked Muscle
“Okay, now put it on” Chris threw the balaclava and the black t-shirt towards his boyfriend Jake, who was sitting on their bed.
“You’re sure about this?” He was clearly not sold on the idea of role play in the bedroom, but he agreed to do it anyway. He was surprised when Chris approached him earlier that day and asked if he’d be willing to dress up as a Russian thug because it really turned him on. But he decided to play along. And now Chris was standing next to him, a shit-eating grin on his face. He was enjoying himself already.
He watched as Jake took off his hoodie and tank top, then put on the t-shirt and face mask. Jake had a slim build, with muscles visible but not bulky, so the large t-shirt was looking kinda baggy on him.
"You sure you bought the right one? This looks like a skirt on me." Jake commented, but Chris wasn't really listening.
"Everything's fine, don't worry about it." He shrugged off his boyfriend's comments and waited for him to put on the balaclava. When he did he took a step closer.
"You look great, babe" He said, and saw Jake's eyebrows rise a bit, but he saw a glimpse of a smile under the face mask.
Then the fun started.
Chris took a step backward, as he saw that the process was beginning. Jake suddenly stopped moving, now standing still, and all his muscles started expanding. His shoulders and chest quickly filled out thew t-shirt, which now hugged his upper body tightly. His arms turned form sticks to beefy guns, with bulky biceps covered in veins. His slim stomach gets covered in muscle, same with his legs that turned into tree trunks.
The entire transformation lasted only a minute or so, and after was done Jake looked at Chris confused.
"Chris... Chris, babe, what... what happened?" He asked, his voice unsteady and anxious.
"Nothing you have to worry about, Jake. I'm just making sure you're prepared for your 'role play' later" He still has a smug smirk on his face, because he knew what was coming next.
Jake was hit with a sudden headache. A painful feeling, as if his brain was squeezed. He groaned and leaned against the wall, hoping it would pass quickly.
"Holy shit... uuuugh... blyat" he murmured to himself "Wait... blyat? Vat? I no speak... Nyet, vat is happen? Chris, vat is happen to me?"
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Jake, now speaking with a heavy and thick Russian accent, turned towards Chris, his expression quickly shifting from surprise to aggression. But Chris didn't even flinch, he was in control of the situation the entire time.
"Stop whining, Sasha. You're not here to complain, you're here to obey!" When he called him 'Sasha', Jake's eyes glazed over for a moment and he froze. A few seconds later he was back, but it was not Jake.
"Da, boss. Sasha here to work and make dirty job for boss" He stood straight, almost like a soldier, and puffed out his chest, clearly wanting to show off his muscles. Chris was in heaven. He took a step closer.
"Yes, my loyal brute. You will do exactly as I say, without hesitation."
"Da, no hesitation, nyet. Only strong and obey you, boss" Sasha's voice was deeper that Jake's, he grunted more and was clearly struggling with English vocabulary.
"Oh yeah" Chris growled as he stood inches from Sasha, hunger in his eyes. "Flex for me, brute"
"Da, boss" Sasha nodded and lifted his arms into a double biceps pose. His muscles ballooned, with biceps the size of footballs.
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"I strong muscle, boss use Sasha strong muscle" The Russian grunted as he flexed.
"Oh, I will use them, don't you worry" Chris drawled in response, ready to play.
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comaandot · 2 hours
Railroad Network
Do you know what I love the most of visiting Europe… well, it’s its amazing Railroad Network. I know, it is not the best in the world. Japan and China will probably beat them. But to be honest, the views that you can get in Europe are incomparable. From charming towns in Bavaria, to the amazing mountains in Switzerland. From the coastal cities in Portugal to the breathtaking fjords in Norway. But what I love the most is how easy is to turn someone into a bodysuit while riding a train. You know, if you do it in an Airplane you will end in jail. In a train, nobody cares what you are doing. Look at my newest suit. Carl is his name; he is a local and probably he was on a trip to visit his family. But well, he was unlucky as I have other plans for him.  
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comaandot · 2 hours
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DOUBLE CHEEKED UP on a Monday evening god DAMN Cap
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comaandot · 2 hours
Happy birthday CAPTAIN AMERICA!!! We salute you!!
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comaandot · 2 hours
Chris Evans just existing :
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comaandot · 2 hours
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That’s America’s ass!
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comaandot · 2 hours
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comaandot · 2 hours
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comaandot · 2 hours
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