103 posts
Hi, this is a side blog, because I'm too embarrassed to share my fic on my main (@panicvertigo) @colourmornings on ao3
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colourmornings · 21 days ago
Dead Boy Detectives Fic Recs: Collection
For International Fanworks Day, I made a collection for all the Dead Boy Detectives fics I've recced so far here on Tumblr. If I've recced your fic and it hasn't been added, please add it yourself or enable "invite to collections" in your settings and I will. This is such a lovely fandom and all these fics deserve love!
@wordsinhaled @tumblerislovetumblerislife @shazziez @whatthehorsedoicallthisblog @shadowquill17 @ghostinthelibrarywrites @dont-offend-the-bees @nuttersinc @tessaaaaa @kuwdora @neousfics @tigerliliesandcherryblossoms @avoiceofnerat @khorazir @emryses @neurodivergent-fangirling @many-gay-magpies @bibliomancer7 @extremely-eager-reader @c-rowland @dear-lucrow @tragedy-machine @tw0-ravens @dear-monday @dearheartdont @laiqualaurelote @asidian @e-vasong @paraphwrites @thenyoumaykissthebride @lolotr @colourmornings @northern-light @saltyoaktree @littlepocketuniverse @nix-nihili @ice-elf @fairandfatalasfair @vamillepudding @a-jasminator @hobbitsdoitbetter @e-payne @sunnylemonss @halffulljampot @handwrittenhello @babyseraphim @shanastoryteller @aletterinthenameofsanity @acediscowlng @atlantis-is-burning
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colourmornings · 1 month ago
I am watching my second ever game of football, go birds!!
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colourmornings · 1 month ago
Dead Boy Detectives Fic Recs Part 9
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Xmas |
I had another long train journey, which means it's time for another fic rec list. Sorry it's been a while, I've been quite busy with life stuff. Much love to this fandom though! And happy new year! ♥️
Soul Protector by Ice_Elf
Rights to Edwin's soul is disputed by the doll-spider demon, leading to legal drama and the agency's frantic search for an unknown claimant with the superior claim... I love a courtroom drama, which this fic has in spades, plus interesting lore about the Afterlife Judiciary system and soulmates and plenty of time for the Night Nurse to shine.
inter arma enim silent leges by e_va
Star Trek AU! Charles is a disgraced Starfleet officer released from prison to bodyguard disaster-magnet maverick scientist, Lieutenant Commander Edwin Payne. I'm obsessed with this AU and I am begging literally anyone who knows Star Trek to contribute to the To Boldly Go! verse.
the slow trickling thaw that sets the banks in half by Ingi
Edwin and Crystal bond on a case and it's hilarious. This author captures their bitchy/vulnerable dynamic brilliantly and since this is a Crystal PoV fic her caustic but fond running commentary on the boys is superb.
More Blowjobs, Fewer Molotov Cocktails by Leandra
Charles has a terrible crush on his schoolmate, Edwin Payne, which only gets worse when he accidentally walks in on him getting a blowjob. If only he could get Edwin to notice him somehow... This is a fun Everyone is Alive/Boarding School AU where the boys rescue and yearn/lust after each other.
Though We're Strangers 'Til Now by DontOffendTheBees
Theseus and the Minotaur AU! I loved how this fic discusses monstrosity, abuse and cycles of violence!
tell me about it, stud by emryses
Alive AU with the boys flirting at a Halloween party. Honestly, it's worth reading just for the mental image of Edwin cosplaying as Danny Zuko.
Batting for a draw by ghostinthelibrary
Charles is an immortal warrior whose soul is trapped in a cricket bat and Edwin is a bullied schoolboy who just became his new wielder... Such a fun concept, I instantly started reading the book it's based on (Swordheart by T. Kingfisher fyi).
An Absence of Touch by Asidian
Sexual Frustration: The Fic. In this fic, ghosts can't feel anything, not even themselves, which is a real problem for Charles. They can, however, feel each other... This is an interesting exploration of touch-starvation and a genuinely distressing situation for Charles. The desperation is palpable and so is the payoff.
you always knew the melody (but you never heard it rhyme) by anything_thats_rock_and_roll
Edwin is a song writer out of a job who discovers down-on-his-luck musician Charles busking in a pub. I'm dying for more of this AU.
hands and arms and legs and et cetera by NeverNooitNiet
When a witch's curse hits Edwin, a spell using his remains is the agency's only hope of saving him. Unfortunately, all of Edwin's remains are in Hell... Read this for a heist, body horror and interesting Hell worldbuilding.
grief is a fist or an open hand by eunoise
In which Edwin is super-duper, inappropriately happy when Charles' dad dies and goes to Hell. Cathartic, and Edwin is so funny in this one, but it also manages to include a serious discussion on grief.
Miscommunication by Neous (Greyality)
After confessing his love, Edwin is determined to give Charles whatever he wants, even sex. Read this for Idiots in Love and (Not Actually) Fuck Buddies.
I Hope You Know CPR by LeGrinch
Silly times with payneland soul mates and the "First Words" trope plus terrible pick up lines. Short and sweet and so cute.
The Death of All Things by somerandomoaktree
Different First Meeting fic in which the boys meet in St Hilarion's attic at the start of a zombie apocalypse. Ngl, I love a Zombie AU and I love how their roles are kind of reversed, except they get to survive (for now). I would read a novel's-worth of this AU, I swear.
your heart in the world, and the world there within by wordsinhaled
Payneland first kiss fic! That's it and it is just lovely, so sweet and tender.
rules about boys by shadowquill17
Charles "I would miss kissing" Rowland would never kiss a boy, but surely kissing a ghost boy doesn't count?? Right??? I enjoyed Charles being instantly ready to defend Edwin to the death and bending the rules of compulsory heterosexuality without any introspection at all. What a guy.
need an adversary (to my down-to-marry) by ObsessedWithFandom
Edwin and Charles fake date at a very important wedding. This one is so cute and the bonus palasaki is just adorable. Recommended.
EDIT: I'm thinking of making an ao3 collection of all these fic recs for International Fanworks Day this year. Would you guys be interested in that/want to add your featured fics? Let me know in the tags/replies!
@wordsinhaled @tumblerislovetumblerislife @guardianspirits13 @shazziez @whatthehorsedoicallthisblog @shadowquill17 @ghostinthelibrarywrites @dont-offend-the-bees @nuttersinc @tessaaaaa @icurlybooks @lavenderlovers-stuff @kuwdora @neousfics @tigerliliesandcherryblossoms @avoiceofnerat @khorazir @emryses @neurodivergent-fangirling @many-gay-magpies @bibliomancer7 @extremely-eager-reader @c-rowland @colourmornings @atariakana @herebehunters @littlepocketuniverse @overlord-of-chaos @fairandfatalasfair @every-moment-a-different-sound @nobledragonflying @a-pale-jewel @acediscowlng @northen-light @e-vasong @saltyoaktree @asidian @e-payne @rexrevri @mirabel-on-a-bicycle @estrellota @lavenderlovers-stuff @deadtwinksdetectiveagency
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colourmornings · 1 month ago
I decided to make some silly valentines card edits the other day, because every fandom needs some and especially a show that has this much love in it. I got carried away and have made way too many but I thought I'd post the first, and wildest, batch now.
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colourmornings · 1 month ago
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Dead Boy Detectives Camera, Makeup, Hair and Wardrobe test with George, Jayden and Kassius for the pilot and The Dead Boy Detectives Gate by Pierre Gill on Instagram;
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colourmornings · 1 month ago
Find out where you'd work in the Dead Boy Detectives universe with our new Buzzfeed quiz! 💀🔎 Please take a second to rate the quiz with a ❤️, 👍, or 😂 when you finish, and be sure to share your results. We can't wait to hear what you got!
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colourmornings · 2 months ago
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"BAD IDEA" BY CHARLES ROWLAND, 2025 (album cover concept)
in celebration of another part of "honey, are you coming?" series by @e-payne, i made a concept cover for charles' new album. gave it a bit of a punkish vibe, also in a stroke of genius, added few horror and sherlock references for obvious reasons (+ couldn't help myself and throwed in "guilty as sin?" by tylor swift honorary mention, because it's so payneland-coded it hurts). don't have much of editing skills, but i did my best, enjoy!! *throws the post at you and runs*
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colourmornings · 2 months ago
𓇳 A-Side
Fandom: Dead Boy Detectives Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 14.5k. Oneshot Relationships: Edwin/Charles Tags: Modern AU . Musician/Manager AU. Mutual Pining. Friends with Benefits.
Charles lifts a neon blue fizzy drink for Edwin to sip. The soft, wet inside of his bottom lip brushes Charles’ knuckle and they meet each other’s gaze. Unwise. Heat surges low in Charles’ belly when Edwin’s pretty eyelashes flutter, and he has never wished to be elsewhere more. (October to December, and something new and fragile.)
part 4 of Honey, are you coming? ongoing series. on ao3.
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colourmornings · 2 months ago
I am not a talented writer but I haven't seen enough backstory written for Crystal so I tried my hand at it. Please enjoy. I will add more chapters if people like it because I have Ideas.
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colourmornings · 2 months ago
The Cinematography of Dead Boy Detectives
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Episode Seven: The Case of the Very Long Stairway
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colourmornings · 2 months ago
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Dead Boy Detectives
S1E7 | The Case of the Very Long Stairway
For Day 1 of Character Appreciation Week!
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colourmornings · 2 months ago
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colourmornings · 2 months ago
Jayden, Kassius and Yuyu are all in la right now????
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colourmornings · 3 months ago
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Charles & Crystal fans on twitter about the Beach Episode and the Instagram Live incident from Stay The Night
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colourmornings · 3 months ago
Dead Boy Detectives Fic Recs: Christmas Edition
I've been racing to meet my GoodReads reading goal (lol) so I haven't actually read that many festive fics. 😅 Still, I can't stay away from this fandom, so here are a few recs. Please send me suggestions so I can catch up!
You Were The Heart Of It by dear_monday
A magic spell keeps manufacturing wintery romantic situations for the boys. Great use of holiday romance tropes and love confessions. Plus Edwin being awkward.
I also loved the last chapter of their and two_ravens' wonderful fic Wunderkammer, read it for New Years feels and an appearance by the Mari Lwyd, a Welsh Christmas folk tradition.
Ghost Wine and Keepsakes by Asidian
The boys get a bit squiffy and Charles tracks down a family heirloom for Edwin. Peak gift giving fic, really touching.
The Case of the Enchanted Mistletoe by Asidian
First kiss via forced proximity and a magic mistletoe infestation. Alas, the mistletoe can only be removed via kissing and there's rather a lot of it to get through... Very cute.
The Great Sock Garter Debacle of '24 by Asidian
In which Edwin misinterprets a Christmas gift, leading to kissing and angst with a happy ending. Interesting exploration of cultural differences with a devastating side trip into Charles' canon (self-esteem gift-related) childhood trauma.
All is bright by ghostinthelibrary
Missing scene from the fantastic fic Came up from that lake of fire. Alive again over Christmas, Edwin and Charles both try to recreate each other's Christmas childhood traditions. Kitchen mishaps ensue. Wholesome.
I also really enjoyed beneath the winter snow by the same author, which is a lovely early friendship fic about the boys playing in the snow. Spot on characterisation and early-years lore.
The Christmas Wish Debacle of '23 by Leandra
Charles accidentally wishes himself and Edwin alive again via a magical Christmas decoration. Cue the boys rushing to pack in all the alive-again culture shocks and Christmas/holiday romance tropes they can before the spell wears off. Lovely post canon fic with a fun concept and lots of pining.
above all I want you to be warm by shadowquill17
Alive AU about the boys making out and exchanging Christmas gifts. This is technically part of a series about the boys going to St Hilarion's together and being boyfriends, though it can be read as a standalone. I love how enamoured they are with each other and the gift exchange is lovely.
he's perfect enough without ever dressing up by thegirlofthorns
Christmas jumper fic! Charles attempts to teach Edwin about important Christmas traditions, like hideous jumpers and reindeer. Very cute.
my snowman and me by sunnylemonss
The boys playing in the snow with some Outsider PoV from the perspective of the neighbours. Very cute and I loved the neighbour lore.
Their fic (there's no place like) home for the holidays also sounds intriguing. It's an established relationship fic and Modern/Alive AU about the boys as young adults spending Christmas with Charles' mum after his dad's death. Sounds good!
burning bright by williamvapespeare
An interesting look at the boys' very different attitudes to Christmas with a focus on lights. Really sweet.
Mistletoe by softestpunk
Short and sweet one shot about the Night Nurse and Kashi meeting again at Hob and Dream's Christmas party. Via MISTLETOE. I'm always happy to see more of Kashi and the Night Nurse getting all flustered was adorable. I ship it.
@ghostinthelibrarywrites @softest-punk @sunnylemonss @tumblerislovetumblerislife @guardianspirits13 @shazziez @whatthehorsedoicallthisblog @shadowquill17 @neurodivergent-fangirling @many-gay-magpies @extremely-eager-reader @atariakana @colourmornings @herebehunters @avoiceofnerat @littlepocketuniverse @overlord-of-chaos @fairandfatalasfair @every-moment-a-different-sound @dear-monday @tw0-ravens @bibliomancer7 @c-rowland @nuttersinc @a-pale-jewel @nobledragonflying @sameen-shawv @tessaaaaa @williamvapespeare
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colourmornings · 3 months ago
Dead Boy Detectives Fanfiction Recommendations:
“For the First Time Twice” by LikeMmmCookies (35k) Charles loses his memories and becomes convinced he and Edwin are married.
“I’ll Let You Go if You Kiss Me Goodbye” by shadowquill17 (5k) Edwin pines for Charles without realizing that Charles thinks they’re dating.
“Put Those Glasses On, They’ll See Us as We Have Never Been” by slyvir (1k) A look at why Edwin’s disguise is a woman and Charles’ is a white man.
“A Blue Cap and a Red Jacket” by williamvapespeare (5k) Dealing with trauma in the wake of Edwin’s torture and Niko’s murder.
I’ve seen a lot of people recommend “Made You Look” by Baby_Spinach in which a shapeshifter wearing Edwin’s face goes around kissing people, but my favorite of their works is “Spectral Rage” (7k) which features a case gone wrong, a nasty demon, and a ghost struggling not to turn into a vengeful spirit (plus the accompanying art they drew is cool):
“I Turned Back One Last Time (Just to Prove You Were There)” by isnt_that_wizard (17k) Charles finds it difficult to let Edwin out of his sight after the events in canon.
“Unidentified Affectionate Objects” by lyres (12k) Features a curse that manifests emotions as physical objects.
“Ghosts and Monsters” by justafandomfollower (42k) Charles gets sacrificed and he and Edwin escape Hell together.
“I Don’t Want to Rest in Peace” by handwrittenhello (4k) Charles died alone and became a vengeful spirit and Edwin’s first case.
“Ain’t It a Gentle Sound” by intrajanelle (45k) Edwin falls through the portal to Hell on the Underground train and helps Niko escape while Crystal helps Charles figure out a way to bring him back. Also features Joanna Constantine from Sandman.
“The Savior of the Broken, the Beaten and the Damned” by laqualaurelote (9k) Niko keeps trying to save Edwin from dying tragically in alternate timelines.
“A World Without You (Isn’t Meant for Me)” by fairest (9k) Simon returns from Hell with Edwin, and Charles gets jealous.
Alternate Universes (AUs):
“Your Fangs in My Neck (Like an Anchor Like a Vow)” by shadowquill17 (7k) Vampire Edwin and immortal demigod Charles renegotiate their relationship.
“Partridge in a Pear Tree” by Vamillepudding (25k) Cinderella retelling featuring a magic shop, cursed music box, and some pretty nifty magical creatures.
“Babe, Hold My Flower” by shadowquill17 (3k) Edwin helps Charles out of a spot of trouble at school.
“Can’t Buy Me Love” by Hse11z5 (29k) It started as fake dating, but then they fell in love.
“Cause What if I was in Love?” by lola_prongs (6k) Charles worries he’s being homophobic about his roommate Edwin until he realizes he’s actually jealous.
“I’m So Aces at Babysitting” by babyseraphim (4k) The first chapter features adult Edwin babysitting a child Charles while the second chapter features adult Charles babysitting child Edwin. Also features Niko and Crystal.
I Hope You Know CPR – LeGrinch (1k) Normally I avoid soulmate AUs, but the premise for this one was too hilarious.
(Look, normally I try to avoid unfinished works and don’t go around recommending them but these are just too good not to mention.)
“Leads You Here, Despite Your Destination (Under the Milky Way Tonight)” by aletterinthenameofsanity (28k so far) Time Lord Edwin and time-vortex-immortal Charles (Doctor Who AU).
“Young Blood (Never Get Chained)” by ghostinthelibrary (29k so far) College student and half-demon Charles interrupts a prank ritual that actually summoned a real demon and claims Edwin’s soul to protect him from Sa’al.
Favorite Series:
I’m absolutely obsessed with the series of pre-canon boys’ adventures chronicled in “Who? You Mean Your Teammate in the Codependency World Cup?” by RoseGanymede95 which features cameos by John Constantine and his niece Joanna as well as some awesome original characters.
If the prospect of starting a whole series is too daunting, try the first chapter of “Professional Networking” which is a stand-alone story less than six thousand (6k) words long:
And then we have the authors whose good works are so numerous that I can’t narrow it down to just a few favorites. Start literally anywhere. These are some of the best writers in the fandom:
It should be noted that this is not a properly complete list, as there are still many fics on my TBR list that I haven’t read yet, and doubtless many more out there that I haven’t discovered yet. So please, feel free to recommend your own favorites!
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colourmornings · 3 months ago
Reading fanfiction is crazy. Like what do you mean the 110k word story I just read about stupid little gay guys is technically longer than the first Hunger Games book.
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