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coloured-crimson · 6 years ago
watching you pt.2
pairing: Peter Parker x reader word count: 1108 summary: you are one succesful experiment made by HYDRA and Peter Parker is your mission. mood: Car Radio - Twenty One Pilots. masterlist
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god, I’m so tired my eyes won’t even open. but i need to wake up, i need to go see Peter, i want to see what he’s doing... wait, want? no, i don’t want to see what he’s doing, i have to, what is wrong with you? wake up already! wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!
“good morning, Y/N.” a blurry face above yours greets you. slowly, your sight becomes clear and you are able to see who is it. Tony Stark. oh, shit... you had totally forgotten about last night events, you fucked it up and here you are, paying for it.
“what...” your first reaction is getting up quickly, but your hands and legs are tied up, so you end up sitting abruptly. “shit. am i this threatening? please, untie me.”  you notice that behind Mr. Stark there is no door or bars, it has to be a glass, though, and not an innocent one.
“are you hungry? you’ve slept like a bear.” he takes out his phone and types something, then puts it in his pocket again. “okay, so, let’s talk.” he grabs the chair that was next him and places it in front of you, then sits. he keeps focusing on you, looking right into your eyes and you do exactly the same. You seize the opportunity to bilocate, the other you takes quietly a good look to the cell your in, white walls, white floor and ceiling, except for the panel that’s next to the glass, there is nothing else. then you focus on the outside, only to see cells just like yours.
“how you know my name?” he puts his hand on his chest looking offended by your question.
“i know everything about you, sweetheart and, let me say, i’m really sorry for what happened to you, it had to be diff-” the you that was behind him didn’t let him end that sentence, you grab him by his hair and pull it back until he’s facing you. suddenly, his right hand turns into metal and catches yours, he stands up, turns around and puts your arm on your back to stop you, it all happens in seconds. meanwhile, you’re sitting there watching the whole thing. when he pulls your arm too hard, you become one again and he stays there, a bit shocked.
“we’re not talking about my past, Mr. Stark.” his head turns quick, still surprised about your abilities, then he sits again, his hand comes back to normal.
“that was... quite the show. you have to teach me how to do that.” a knock on the glass keeps you from saying the awful things you were about to spit to his face. you bilocate again to see who’s there, and, to be honest, you didn’t expect him to be there. anyway, there he is, Peter Parker, with his beautiful hair perfectly done, his clothes you’ve seen a lot of times in school, his terrible shoes he always wears and a tray on his hands which you asume is the breakfast Tony mentioned earlier. he was not expecting you to appear right in front him either, his face shows, “Peter! what took you so long?” Tony walks towards you and places his arm on your shoulder, sorrouding you. well, not exactly, he’s actually protecting Peter from you.
“yeah, Peter, what took you so long?” with a mischievous look, you say as the glass opens and he doesn’t say anything, he just focuses on your eyes. Tony clears his throat, calling Peter’s attetion, and beckons him to leave the tray on the chair, which he does. “aren’t you two gonna join me?” the you that is in Tony’s arms play innocent.
“actually, Peter is going to stay, i think you two... or three, have a lot to talk about.” Tony let’s you go. he gets a gets a little device out of his pocket and hands it to Peter, who still doesn’t believe he’s gonna leave you two alone. “okay, this is how we’re doing this. you,” he says pointing down at you “can multiply all you want but if you get this close to that boy, he’ll fry your ass. as much as he wants.” with that being said, he goes.
“relax, i’m not gonna hurt you.” you say as you pick up the tray and start feeding yourself. he stays in the corner a bit nervous, it reminds you of a little scared puppy.
“i never thought i was gonna see something like that in my entire life.” he’s obviously talking about how you’re feeding. “well, you didn’t offer, so...” you keep stuffing your mouth with food.
“are you gonna tell me why you did that to me?” he crosses his arms. you don’t say anything until the food is gone and there is only the two of you again. “telling you everything would mean i accepted my dead sentence and i haven’t, spidey.”
“but you’re not getting out of here any time soon.” you know he’s right. no one is coming to rescue you and, as good as you may be, you can’t beat the fucking avengers alone. “so, tell me.” he sits on the floor. “sit here, i don’t bite.” you point to the chair. he hesitates but ends up doing it. “you are my mission, Peter Parker. and i’m still planning to fulfill it.” you look at him in the eyes. “your mission? as if killing me or what?”
“no, i have to deliver you. alive.” he keeps quiet for a while, thinking about what you just said. HYDRA wanted him, maybe they want to do with to the same they did to you. that’s crazy. “cool,” he takes a deep breath. “so, Mr. Stark said... ermm... they did things to you, like, experimented on you?” oh no...
“i think you should go.” your mood changes completely. it is not a subject you like to talk about. “is that what they want to do with me?” he can feel the tension, he knows how uncomfortable you are, but he just doesn’t know why he keeps on pushing you. “get out.” you approach to him as much as you can. “you can talk to me, you know?” he feels the other you behind him before you could even touch him. the boy doesn’t hesitate and presses the button on the device Tony gave him. 
you black out in front of him one more time.
if you want the third part let me know!!
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coloured-crimson · 6 years ago
watching you
pairing: Peter Parker x reader word count: 1446 summary: you were one succesful experiment made by HYDRA and Peter Parker was your mission. mood: 1000 nights - Frenship. masterlist
note: this is my first time writing so i would really appreciate if you like or reblog! thank you for reading!!
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today it’s a nice day in New York, one of those days in which people seem more happy with their miserable lifes. but you? you have to go to school. it’s not like you need it, you’ve already learned what you need to survive and that’s all, school is bullshit, but you have to go anyway because of Peter, your mission.
you’ve been following Peter for six months now. he’s not your friend, but you two have talked a couple of times, enough for him to wave his hand at you every time he sees you. There’s a lot of things you’ve learned about him just by being around, things like: he’s too trusting, too good and pure, innocent, he’s even good in fights thanks to the spider and he apparently is nothing without his suit and you have to take advantage of that. 
“hey, Y/N, right?” the girl’s voice gives you a slight scare because you were saving one of your knifes in your locker and she almost notices. you nod in response. “great. so, there’s a party in my house tonight, wanna come?” that caught your attetion, why is someone talking to you and inviting you to a damn party? “but you don’t even know me.” a big smile appears in her face. “that’s why, silly. i’m inviting a lot people a don’t know, it’s a marvelous idea, don’t you think?” it certenly is, it’s the perfect opportunity to finally end the job. “yeah, it is... can i ask you something? is Peter Parker going?” her face changes to absolute interest, as if you were telling her your biggest secret. “really? you like him? oh my god, you totally like him. don’t worry, girl, he’ll be there.” she winks at you and goes. these girls are crazy.
you’re about to enter to the classroom when your phone rings, it shows Unknown but you know who it is.
“what?” the man in the other line laughs of your not so sweet tone. “why are you always so irritated, love, relax.” his voice and his russian accent always makes you tremble, it brings back some bad memories. “i’m bussy, what do you want?”, “there’s been a change of plans. you have to bring the boy today, tomorrow at the latest.” perfect, knowing that your possible death is closer than before was exactly what you needed right now. “you have to be kidding, you sa-”, “it’s an order, Y/N. don’t forget who the boss is, goodbye.”
when you were able to go out of HYDRA’s barracks for the first time, you realized how good parties are, you really like parties just no when is for work.
the house is big, perfect for a teenage party. you enter into the house and see your classmates, everyone is having a good time you can tell, some are already drunk. you look for the girl who invited you but she’s nowhere to be found. instead, you catch one of Peter’s friends, she’s in the kitchen getting something to drink and you go after her. 
“Hi,” you play innocent. “you’re MJ, right?” she looks right into your eyes, no gestures at all. “i just... was wondering if your friend Peter came with you...” still looking at you, she takes a sip from the drink. “he didn’t came with me.” then she leaves, that girl is so like you. good, he’s here, you say to yourself before going to search for him. 
people make a little more hard your hunt, some say hi and others want to actually have a conversation but you just don’t have time for that. you can’t find Peter, he is not down or upstair, not in the bathroom, not in the kitchen, not in the pool, where the hell is he? you’re starting to get upset, this wasn’t supposed to takes this long, of course Peter Parker has to complicate things, he always does. 
you walk out of the house and your phone rings for the second time today, your boss is the only person who calls you, so you don’t have to guess who it is. you know he’s just gonna yell and give you shit about the job so it’s better not to answer for now. you turn it off and put it in your pocket. you stand outside for a while in case Peter decides to appear but that doesn’t happens. 
the anger is starting to grow inside of you, “i’m going to fucking kill that boy”. with your head up and eyes closed, you utter what you know is a promise. turning around with your head still up, you open your eyes and there he is, sitting in the damn rooftop. you can’t actually see his face but you know him too well already, how didn’t you think of the rooftop? idiot.
you go up there as fast as you can, before going to talk to him you wait until your breathing is normal. “mind if i join?” he smiles and gives you a hand so you could sit next to him, so sweet. “what brings you to join me on my pathetic attempt to party?” the two of you laugh. “you, actually.” that sentence, your tone, the look in your eyes, it all send Peter danger alerts, he was going to do something, maybe jump or even hit you, but you’re faster, better actually. the needle in your hand penetrates his skin completely and the liquid has an immediate effect. he is not asleep, or unconscious, he’s wide awake but his body doesn’t responds, he can’t move at all. 
it was easy carrying Peter to your car, you have the strenght and the ability to fly, so yeah, the odds are in your favor. you just had to take him to your apartment, fully sedate him and then take him to Russia, after that, you were free. you put him in the front seat of the car with the seatbell helping him to stay still, kind of. his eyes are very open and his face is red for the effort his making to move.
“stop, you’re not gonna be able to move for a while, Peter.” is all you say on the way home.
you park the car outside your building but before getting off of it you make sure there is no one who could watch. when the street is clear, you jump off and go to get Peter out as well, but he is not there. no, no, no, he can’t be gone, it’s impossible. you open the back seat door but a kick on your stomach welcomed you. “who are you?!” he asks as he gets out of the car. “you’re not supposed to hit a lady, Peter.” you throw the first punch right to his face and he dodges it, he manages to not get hit by your for a moment, but you have the experience. he is getting beat up badly and can’t do much, when he is lying on the floor moveless and blood all over, you stop.
“please, don’t move, it’ll only make it worst.” you go to the car and get a rope. he is still on the floor, debating on what should he do. “this isn’t personal, Peter, i swear.” he laughs and more blood comes out of his mouth. “there’s no need to tie me, you know? i feel dead already.” you keep tying him. you feel sorry for him, really sorry, he can’t even imagine what awaits him, he’s gonna wish he was dead. 
there’s a little noice behind you. a normal person wouldn’t even notice it, but you’re not a normal person. out of instinct, you bilocate and search for the source of the noise. “wow! that’s- that’s your power? it’s amazing, how you do it?” you finish tying him and make him sit, the other you doesn’t find anything strange so you become one again. “that would be amazing for the avengers.” he doesn’t shut up. 
you pick him up to finally take him to your apartment but when you start walking a wall of metal stops you. no, it’s not a wall, it’s a body. it’s Iron fucking Man. 
“I believe you have something that belongs to me, care to give it back? kindly.” before you could say a word, Iron Man shoot a litlle dispositive that buries into your neck. 
“what th-” your lasts words before you totally black out.
let me know if you want a second part!!!
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