collegeboundfinn · 10 years
Thank you. I'm going to try at least and I'll see what I can find.
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I hope this all goes well.
Ohh. Right. That’s awesome. I hope you have fun.
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
Well, it's Zach's birthday and then he graduated so I wanted to get him something.
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I hope this all goes well.
Presents? Is it someone’s birthday?
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
It will be.I have to go shopping for presents so that's what I'll be doing after the meeting.
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I hope this all goes well.
I hope so. I’m going to need it. Do you have anything planned today besides the meeting with your boss?
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
Yeah I guess you will. I bet it is and you're going to have a fun summer I just know it. It's good. Working a lot more and things but everything is turning out how it should. And hopefully things get better.
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I hope this all goes well.
Oh well. I will see how it turns out. It’s nice to be out of school though. How is everything over there?
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
I would say that it could be a surprise party but you already had your birthday so I don't think it could be that. I honestly wouldn't even know what they were doing but I guess it has to be good if they're keeping it a secret. Try to not have too much fun.
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I hope this all goes well.
It’s weird, you know? They won’t tell me anything. I will have fun, I’m sure of it. They said it will be a lot of fun.
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
Going to a hotel for something but they won't tell you what? Seems interesting, to say the least. I think you'll have fun whatever it is that's going to go on at that hotel.
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I hope this all goes well.
Yeah, my friends are taking me to this hotel for something. It’s like very secretive though.
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
Oh that sounds like it'll be fun. Any parties going on?
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I hope this all goes well.
I’m just hanging out with some friends. Nothing major.
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
Thank you. So, what are your plans for the weekend?
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I hope this all goes well.
Well good luck! I hope the best :)
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
I'm not exactly sure but I guess we'll see.
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I hope this all goes well.
Are you getting a promotion?
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
Oh I just have this meeting with my boss.
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I hope this all goes well.
What are you doing?
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
I hope this all goes well.
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
Hello, my dear followers! I just wanted to make an anouncement saying that I'm going to be gone from June 7th until June 16th. I'm going on a mini vacation and I won't have any internet access. When I do, I'll get on but I make no promises. Please don't think that we're going anywhere because we are not at all. We have many things planned for these two that you will love and it'll be worth the wait, I promise! I love you all and I'll see you guys soon.
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
Ems: You say that a lot.
Finn: Because I mean it.
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
Ems: Yeah...
Finn: I love you.
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
Ems: I will.
Finn: You should.
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
Ems: I believe you. I guess I will just hang out with some friends.
Finn: That's a good idea. Go have some fun this weekend.
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collegeboundfinn · 10 years
Ems: Don't be sorry. School comes first.
Finn: I know but I'm still sorry. We'll see each other soon. I don't know when but it won't be long.
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