colexharper · 1 year
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relief washed over him as she agreed that no cops would be called. cole nodded along to help reassure her he was serious. "yeah, i mean at least let me take a look at it? like i'm pretty good with that stuff and it saves you having to go through your insurance. you might need some extra body work done... but i can make sure it's fine to drive at least." he lingers in the moment, even though he shouldn't. cars are still driving around their fender bender and he's growing more and more aware of how bad it is for them to be out here like this. if a cop were to drive passed them right now, he'd be kinda fucked. but he was pausing only to really work through asking her for her contact info. cole didn't wanna come off as creepy, but it was necessary. "so i guess we should like... exchange numbers or something? you're um... renee right? i'm sorry if i got that wrong, i'm not always the best with names."
There it was again. No cops... Something told Ren to call anyways. It was the right thing to do, after all. But the man. There was something about him she couldn't seem to put her finger on. She couldn't explain it even if you asked her, what made her decide to trust him. After quite some time of silence, Ren gave him a small nod. "Okay", she told him with a sigh. "But honestly, I feel pretty bad about you working on my car. You didn't cause the accident."
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colexharper · 1 year
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the cool morning air brushed along his hands whilst listening to hunter. balling his fists up before shoving them in his pockets, hazel eyes travelled over the other man before starting, "ah," cole nodded along slowly with pursed lips. "a redeye huh? that makes sense." though he wasn't used to flights and how draining that must be, working at a night club had to be a similar feeling. "yeah i get that feeling well. but i don't wanna keep you man, just got curious is all."
Hunter had come in from a flight. Another business man another meeting pretty much going to and from New York the most and LA sometimes too. He was well used to the flight but the red eye over night flights always got to him. He was walking home when he didn't think anyone would be up this early as he walked this path before to get home. Soon he saw someone he paused a moment to see who it was to see if they were okay, but he knew who it was he had seen Cole around over the years, didnt know him that well but in passing ."I mean I got in from a flight...so I guess that counts as late for me..." since he had not really slept yet. If you were just waking up he would think of it as very early. He let out a breath "But that always keeps me so wired I wont be in bed for a while.." he sleep later in the day for sure.
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colexharper · 1 year
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EUPHORIA S02E01: Trying to Get to Heaven Before They Close the Door
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colexharper · 1 year
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he worried for a moment, it seemed something he said had made her feel uncomfortable. that much at the very least he could tell, even if it hadn't been his intention. his soft gaze stayed on her though, carefully watching her as the woman spoke again. she corrected cole, letting him know she wasn't married and for the most part the fact was arbitrary. he felt like a dick again for assuming but it wasn't the biggest problem either of them had right now. he just figured considering the car... maybe he'd thought he'd heard something about it around town, but otherwise he tried to stay out of people's business. "shit i didn't mean it like that, uh--" he cut himself off before he could say or so anything else to dig this hole deeper. "no i'm sure," shaking his head he continued on. "my car is a piece of shit anyway, there's no point. as long as you don't mind me working on your car you know, otherwise like i said we can work something else out. just... no cops."
Ren turned to face him, slowly rising from her squatting position. It was funny in a way. He almost seemed more nervous then her, and the accident was clearly her fault. Narrowing her eyes ever so slightly, emerald hues scanned over the man before her. Truthfully, she knew it was wrong. And that she probably should call the police. Though, there was something genuine about him. Or so she felt. Still, there was a little voice in the back of her head telling her not to trust him. Folding her arms across her chest, the blonde let out a mixture of a scoff and chuckle. Husband. Ren took her time, looking at the ground before she looked up to the man's face. It was embarrassing, correcting people about her current marital situation. Especially when it was known about town that her ex was already getting married again. "I'm not married", she told the man softly, letting a moment of silence linger before looking from her car back to him. "Are you sure? I mean. You probably wouldn't have to pay for damages to your car anyways."
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colexharper · 1 year
status: closed for @riverxjackson location: utp - somewhere around town
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"oh hey man," cole stood up straighter as soon as he saw river. the two of them hadn't really spoken recently and as much as it sucked, he tried not to take it personally. river was working on his sobriety, obviously cole in his way was a direct threat to that. the last thing he wanted was to make it harder on river. "you're uh, you're lookin' good."
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colexharper · 1 year
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he felt like a dick pretty much instantaneously, but he'd expected whoever owned the lexus behind him with tinted windows just had to be some rich corporate asshole. obviously he was surprised when it hadn't been, pleasantly for that matter. "no but i'm sorry, i was a jerk--" he said trying to reassure the woman that he wasn't really angry at her specifically. though this did kinda fuck up his day, it could have been worse. "it was an accident clearly, and it's not even that bad." assessing the damage he could see that his boot was fucked and it was probably going to take a few straps to keep it closed but he could jimmy something no worries. "to be honest, most of the damage is probably to you car y'know..." cole trailed off running his hand over his face, as he couldn't help the stressed expression. his eyes only widening when the woman suggested calling someone... "call someone?" he retorted as his eyes widened. "like the cops? i-i mean is that really necessary? like you know can't we just work it out between the two of us or something?" fuck he's trying so hard not to come off looking shady but he feels it right now. "cause i'm sure whatever damage is done to your car i could fix it myself. you know as long as your husband doesn't mind i guess."
The man's words cut at her like a knife. Though it wasn't intentional, obviously, he was completely right. She wasn't watching the road. No, she once again was letting Jackson weasel his way back into her life and make things messy. There was a mess of feelings twisting inside of her. Guilt for hitting his car, anger that Jackson was pulling shit like always. Even after the divorce it was like he still had his hooks sunk deep in her. Biting down on her bottom lip, Renee expected to get more of an earful from the man but she was surprised when he stopped. Her green eyes met his for a second and there was some kind of jolt that sent waves through her body it was uncomfortable. Something she'd never really felt before.
Breaking the gaze, Ren looked from the man to where the minor damage from the collision. "No you're right, I wasn't paying attention." Wrapping her arms around herself, the blonde moved closer to the front of her car and squatted down next to the very clearly wrinkled hood. Letting out a sigh, she shook her head. It wasn't that Ren loved the car, it was Jackson's prized position, not hers. However it was a nicer Lexus. It hadn't even been fully hers from more then a few months before she'd of course damaged it. Luckily she was divorced or her ex would have killed her. Pivoting back to the man, there was a frown on her face. "Do you want to call, or should I?"
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colexharper · 1 year
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there was something subtle in the way she looked off into the distance past him, the cadence of her voice even... it felt familiar to cole. he understood exactly what she was saying, reading between the lines so to speak and he immediately knew he wasn't gonna push for details. there was a small nod which he gave her as the man shifted his weight on his heels. "y-yeah, yeah no i get what you mean." but still, something about what she said had his curiosity in her grasp. not that he felt she meant to do that to him, he just couldn't help but wonder exactly what it was she meant. "well i um, just wanted to make sure you were okay, you know? i can let you get back to your walk if you like?"
It had been a long time since Aster had had a nightmare that rattled her, but any dream about her former life in Carmel would do that. It was so bad, she couldn't get back to sleep... She wished she had someone she could call to talk, but no one was awake around 4.00am, and no one in East Haven knew about her life back in California. Against her better judgment, she decided to go for a walk to try and get rid of the jittery, uncomfortable energy in the cool, early air.
She'd made it all the way downtown before she even saw another person. Of course, there were dangers to wandering around at night, especially as a young woman, but Aster trusted her gut and the young man approached her seemed genuinely concerned. "I just needed a walk. Y'know when you just really need to move, no matter how inconvenient it is?"
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colexharper · 1 year
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cole hated rush hour traffic, of course he'd take east haven all day over LA traffic but still it was pretty backed up at the moment. and all he could do was fidget in the drivers seat, tapping on the wheel as he watched the road and checked the clock on the dash periodically. it felt like a forever of waiting, just as the traffic started to clear up ahead he felt the impact from behind him and immediately spoke. "oh fuck me," cole spat as his hands gripped the wheel one last time before he moved to step out of the vehicle. to be honest it wasn't even the fact that there could possibly damage done to his car. it was a shit box anyway, one that he'd repaired and built up but only cause it was something to do. no what actually stressed the man out was the drugs he had stashed in his car at the moment. the last thing he needed was cops up in his business right now.
"what the fuck," the words fell from his lips again as he came around the back end of his car. he fixated on the back of his car, the way the other car was still pressed up against it, he couldn't even register the other person yet. he was mad, too mad... the agitation was a result of the drugs he'd used over the weekend to make it through his shifts and selling on the side. although he could tell there was no major damage, it was hard for him to keep his cool. he balled his hands into fists, the whites of his knuckles taking over before he spoke again. "c'mon man, weren't you watching the road--" the dark haired man questioned without thinking but cut himself off once he turned. his hazel hues meeting the blonde and for the moment he paused. he'd seen her before, though right now he couldn't really figure out exactly where, obviously the two had ran into each other previously. though never so literally before. "hi..." he started, breathing out a harsh sigh before he started this time much more gentle. “i’m sorry you weren’t who I was expecting to have just hit my tail lights, you know?”
@colexharper Shaking her head, the blonde pressed on the break to slow down for the light as her thumbs furiously typed away. "Fucking, Jackson", she grumbled under her breath. Of course he wanted to see if he could buy the boat back from her. As she typed out her reply, Ren misjudged just how light she was pressing on the break, only realizing it when she bumbled into the back of the car in front of her. It wasn't that hard, but it was still enough to cause some damage. "Fuck me", the woman cursed, throwing her phone back into her purse before fishing out her wallet and exiting the car. It was clear she was frazzled. Searching for her insurance card, the blonde began spouting off apologies, not looking up until she finally produced it. But when she did, Ren was a bit shocked at the familiar face. "Oh", she cooed, not remembering the man's name, just the face. "Hi."
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colexharper · 1 year
status: open (capping at 5 replies) location: up to player time: early morning, approx 5am
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busy nights at oasis meant early morning clock offs for the bartender. there was a subtle cold shift this morning, a welcome change from the summer nights that had just passed. he was sleep deprived but that was his current state most of the time; and while he couldn't wait to get back to his apartment and fall into bed, he found his pace slowing down. cole approached the person who appeared in the dull street lights, his brows furrowed softly, a flash of concern entering his features. he just wanted to make sure the other was alright more than anything. "little late for you to be out now huh? or too early perhaps depending on how you see it."
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colexharper · 1 year
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Josh Futturman in 1x05 | Justice Desserts.
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colexharper · 1 year
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Hey, look! It’s COLE HARPER at OASIS. Did you know they WORK there as a BARTENDER? I guess they’re from SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, CALIFORNIA and have been in town for FIVE YEARS, living in SUTHERLAND PARK. I also heard they’re a little SELF-CRITICAL, but also very STREET SMART which definitely makes sense. 
basic information:
full name: cole jeremy harper
nickname(s): idk give him some!
age: twenty-eight
date of birth: april 26th
place of birth: san fernando valley, california
ethnicity: caucasian
nationality: american
gender: cis-male
pronouns: he/him
orientation: unlabelled, though is definitely a slave to compulsory hetereonormativity and attracted to femme presenting individuals
language(s) spoken: english, spanish (intermediate)
accent: american, specific to the LA region
family ties:
mother: margaret ‘maggie’ harper (deceased)
grandmother: katherine ‘kitty’ harper (deceased)
father: unknown
siblings: older brother nick harper (deceased)
spouse / partner: n/a
children: n/a
pets: n/a
occupational information:
occupation: bartender at oasis & drug dealer
physical appearance:
face claim: josh hutcherson
hair color: dark brown 
eye color: hazel
height: 5ft 7
weight: 75kgs
build: lean
tattoos: has a few black patch work tattoos in a traditional style on mostly his arms  example here. 
piercings: n/a
clothing style: clean, kinda old school with doc martens, dickies work pants (with a silver chain), plain white t-shirts and utility jackets  example here.
mbti: infp - the mediator
element: earth
western zodiac: taurus
chinese zodiac: horse
personality: cole is resourceful, kind-natured, internal and introverted, as much as he would like to be trusting he’s not and that has led him to be incredibly careful of who he does trust if at all.
positive traits: patient, skilled communicator, kind, quick witted, grounded
negative traits: introverted, self-critical, defensive, evasive 
hobbies: reading, listening to podcasts, learning mechanics and fixing up old cars
character inspiration: wolfgang (sense8), fez (euphoria), carmy (the bear), jesse pinkman (breaking bad)
biography: content warnings for terminal illness, suicide and drug affiliations
cole never knew who his father was and his mother died when he was seven years old. he was raised alongside his older brother by his grandmother, kitty
kitty was a badass woman who did what she had to to take care of and raise nick and cole. while his family life was always dysfunctional and he struggled to make friends growing up, always being the ‘weirdo’ kid who got picked, on cole had his older brother and grandmother and that was all he needed
unfortunately, kitty was diagnosed with a terminal illness when cole was just sixteen
his brother then died by suicide when he was eighteen leaving him to take care of his grandmother and her medical bills
shortly after the death of his brother, cole had to find a way to make money to support his grandmother, this is when cole found himself working a bunch of different jobs but primarily at a mechanic and car wash business in LA
this businesses ended up being a front for money laundering through a drug ring and within a few months cole was recruited as a ‘drug runner’, and so long as the money was coming in and cole could take care of his grandmother, he didn’t care what he had to do
since he was eighteen, cole worked closely within this drug ring, selling, running and pushing drugs to pay for his grandmother's medical bills and keep her alive
his grandmother died when cole was twenty-three, but he was too deep in the drug business to be able to get out, retirement wasn’t an option.
cole had to get out of LA, and the most appealing part about vermont for cole was that it's on the other side of the country so he packed up and moved trying his best to disappear from the life he led before
it's been five years in east haven and old habits die hard. he's struggled to form interpersonal relationships and his grief weighs heavy on him even now. he got a job at oasis as a bartender but even that was a stretch to cover his rent. it wasn't long before he was in contact with a supplier again, dealing drugs being one of the only life skills he really felt he had to fall back on
this time around he's smarter, working for himself and only dealing in small quantities of coke or mdma, selling out the back of oasis or when he took trips down to new york. none of the hard shit like fentanyl that he had to push back in LA
but still, he hates that he does it and he hates himself for it, cole has a lot of shit to work through before he can even begin to trust himself and let himself move beyond the limbo he exists in now
possible connections:
people who often visit oasis or coworkers
people he deals/has dealt drugs to
i'm open to most things!
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colexharper · 1 year
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Josh Hutcherson as Mike Schmidt Five Nights At Freddy’s (2023) dir. Emma Tammi
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colexharper · 1 year
#𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐫 ⸻ a dependent rp blog for #𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚑𝚚, explored & adored by indi ( twenty6, she/her, aest )
here you will find: ↳ cole harper, twenty8, he/him introduction - pinterest - playlist
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