coldsteelse7en · 7 years
It’s very hard to mobilize a vast criminal organization when you can’t even find all first five numbers in a group of fifteen. I even find myself having to make my own coffee half the time. Such a bother.
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
NOOOOOO I WILL FIX HIM Wonderful, now MY robot is emotional
I cant belive fin is fucking dead
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FINALLY , took him long enough 
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
-throws pieces of candy at Clover instead of throwing punches-
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
Backyard in four hours. Clover beware, you’re in for a scare
Time to fight Clover.
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
@menacingmaid I’m sorry my love, he has made it perfectly clear. If I think Halloween is childish, he and I need to fight. But don’t worry, I know how to beat the world’s luckiest man. @fouramour A gentleman’s round of fisticuffs it is then.
Time to fight Clover.
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
Time to fight Clover.
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
I’ll steal a bit from everyone’s candy when it’s all said and done anyway, as I’ve done for years.
Yeah. Hey, speakin’ of, what are you goin’ as this year Crowbar? I’m goin’ as a werewolf!
I’m going as a green man in a green suit.
But… You’re already a green man in a green suit?
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
I’m not one to go out on Halloween. It seems like, no offence, a childish endeavor at this point. 
Yeah. Hey, speakin’ of, what are you goin’ as this year Crowbar? I’m goin’ as a werewolf!
I’m going as a green man in a green suit.
But… You’re already a green man in a green suit?
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
Exactly. I don’t plan on going out. 
Yeah. Hey, speakin’ of, what are you goin’ as this year Crowbar? I’m goin’ as a werewolf!
I’m going as a green man in a green suit.
But… You’re already a green man in a green suit?
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
I’m going as a green man in a green suit.
I have done my part of celebrating the season by not removing any cobwebs that have formed around this fairly empty house.
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
I would keep your head down then for now. TIS the season after all.
I have done my part of celebrating the season by not removing any cobwebs that have formed around this fairly empty house.
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
Oh yes, quite real. I assumed that it not only served as appropriate decoration but Serket would appreciate the influx of spiders as well. 
I have done my part of celebrating the season by not removing any cobwebs that have formed around this fairly empty house.
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
I have done my part of celebrating the season by not removing any cobwebs that have formed around this fairly empty house.
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
I am not one for emotes but rest assured I am winking back
My purpose then is to intentionally one-up you for each step of the way when it comes to affections and displays of such.
0ne-up me, hm? We’ll see ab0ut that. 0u~
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
My purpose then is to intentionally one-up you for each step of the way when it comes to affections and displays of such.
menacingmaid replied to your post: It seems I have woken from my deep slumber. Hello.
I was beginning t0 w0nder where y0u’d been in the virtual sense. 0_0
It seems I had some computer trouble. Luckily Crowbot was able to fix things, but evidently even though he and I are practically twins, he put me in the waiting queue for repairs.
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coldsteelse7en · 7 years
I wouldn’t say that I’m wonderful, but I never tire of flattering you. It IS my job as your husband to be.
menacingmaid replied to your post: It seems I have woken from my deep slumber. Hello.
I was beginning t0 w0nder where y0u’d been in the virtual sense. 0_0
It seems I had some computer trouble. Luckily Crowbot was able to fix things, but evidently even though he and I are practically twins, he put me in the waiting queue for repairs.
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