coldcitywoman · 6 years
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I love two best friends.
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coldcitywoman · 8 years
Can't wait 😍
Prison Break New Season 5 Sneak Peek
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coldcitywoman · 8 years
This gif was literally me while watching that last scene… Ugh.
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Arggh why are they fighting about what they are gonna do with the baby without even knowing if the baby is okay or not! I mean they could find out but April doesn’t want too. And if she does agree and the baby has OI then that’s more fighting because Jackson will wanna abort and April won’t. There is no winning here! I’m freaking tired of the fighting but I love my babies so much to give up on them.
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coldcitywoman · 8 years
Can I just say one more thing? I do not agree with Jackson thinking about abortion this early on and April is brave for standing up to him about that. My issue is just the fact that she told him in the face that he doesn't have any right and he doesn't count. Like... What? Why?
April relies on Faith to have an uncomplicated pregnancy. Why can't she just take the test? Why does she want her baby and herself and well, Jackson to go through the same thing again? They knew about the condition too late and there was nothing anyone can do. If she could just take the test and decide what to do when the results come out.
Ugh. I can't stop thinking about how Japril can be saved! This storyline makes me mad crazy and depressed and stressed!
Grey's S12x15 [with spoilers, maybe?]
It’s been long since I posted about Grey’s (or anything at all, for that matter) mainly because I haven’t gotten over Japril’s downfall from since they lost Samuel. And I’m posting today because I am slowly losing hope and I BADLY need someone to give me strength to not wish the end for them. By the looks of how things are with them right now, I can’t possibly figure out a way for them to move forward after all that’s happening. So much has happened and nothing of it was good. So much has been said and done and they are hurt - more like crushed… and I don’t know how you can even get back from that.
I’ve been siding with April all throughout even though I could list down all the things I think she did wrong no matter how justified it was (because for ME, it was selfish) because Jackson wasn’t any better… I am even on April’s side about postponing telling Jackson about the pregnancy…
But today, in this episode, I hated how April shut Jackson out - like I want to just slap her to bring back sense into her. I mean, how can she say that??! He’s the father and even if he’s not her husband anymore, he still has the right to have a say on any decision regarding the pregnancy!!! What’s with “You’re the father when there’s a baby”???? Isn’t it she’s 12 weeks pregnant - meaning there is a baby?! OMG. I was literally pulling my hair out during that scene. I don’t care how others try to justify what April did but to me, it’s BS!!
So tell me, how is Japril getting back from that?
*heavy breathing*
Okay… I’m going to talk about something else now before I lose my mind.
— De Luca & Maggie are now facing consequences of their publicized relationship. But I think De Luca is just overthinking things. He shouldn’t purposely miss out on anything just to show everyone he’s not getting special treatment. I think it’s possible to not get special treatment and still not miss out on anything. He just have to work hard. But Maggie should also think about how De Luca would feel before casually doing him favors. It would seem not a big deal to her but is to him. But we’ve all seen this with MerDer so I’m not that worried yet
— Arizona screwed up. Period. I feel bad for her because we can all see where she thought she did right… We’re all like Bailey.
— I don’t understand what’s happening to Omelia… But it was best for her to walk away today. I hope it gets better.
— Merlex is so adorable and I like Alex when he’s like this - gentle and caring. I also agree with how he handled Mer trying to date again. Just shows that he really knows her well… But I don’t blame Maggie either - her intentions are good.
— So, can I just say how happy I am for Meredith? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this side of her. I hope it works out and she be happy again. Hmm… I’ve read a lot of comments pairing her with Riggs which is not bad either :) So I’m just hoping that everything works out for her. I’d love to see her date again
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coldcitywoman · 8 years
Grey's S12x15 [with spoilers, maybe?]
It’s been long since I posted about Grey’s (or anything at all, for that matter) mainly because I haven’t gotten over Japril’s downfall from since they lost Samuel. And I’m posting today because I am slowly losing hope and I BADLY need someone to give me strength to not wish the end for them. By the looks of how things are with them right now, I can’t possibly figure out a way for them to move forward after all that’s happening. So much has happened and nothing of it was good. So much has been said and done and they are hurt - more like crushed… and I don’t know how you can even get back from that.
I’ve been siding with April all throughout even though I could list down all the things I think she did wrong no matter how justified it was (because for ME, it was selfish) because Jackson wasn’t any better… I am even on April’s side about postponing telling Jackson about the pregnancy…
But today, in this episode, I hated how April shut Jackson out - like I want to just slap her to bring back sense into her. I mean, how can she say that??! He’s the father and even if he’s not her husband anymore, he still has the right to have a say on any decision regarding the pregnancy!!! What’s with “You’re the father when there’s a baby”???? Isn’t it she’s 12 weeks pregnant - meaning there is a baby?! OMG. I was literally pulling my hair out during that scene. I don’t care how others try to justify what April did but to me, it’s BS!!
So tell me, how is Japril getting back from that?
*heavy breathing*
Okay… I’m going to talk about something else now before I lose my mind.
— De Luca & Maggie are now facing consequences of their publicized relationship. But I think De Luca is just overthinking things. He shouldn’t purposely miss out on anything just to show everyone he’s not getting special treatment. I think it’s possible to not get special treatment and still not miss out on anything. He just have to work hard. But Maggie should also think about how De Luca would feel before casually doing him favors. It would seem not a big deal to her but is to him. But we’ve all seen this with MerDer so I’m not that worried yet
— Arizona screwed up. Period. I feel bad for her because we can all see where she thought she did right… We’re all like Bailey.
— I don’t understand what’s happening to Omelia… But it was best for her to walk away today. I hope it gets better.
— Merlex is so adorable and I like Alex when he’s like this - gentle and caring. I also agree with how he handled Mer trying to date again. Just shows that he really knows her well… But I don’t blame Maggie either - her intentions are good.
— So, can I just say how happy I am for Meredith? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this side of her. I hope it works out and she be happy again. Hmm… I’ve read a lot of comments pairing her with Riggs which is not bad either :) So I’m just hoping that everything works out for her. I’d love to see her date again
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coldcitywoman · 9 years
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Grey’s Anatomy characters + mythical beings insp (requested anonymously)
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coldcitywoman · 9 years
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coldcitywoman · 10 years
Stand up and take it. #japril #greysanatomy #10x12
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coldcitywoman · 10 years
Japril 11x01
Yeah... Like what's to say on that 29-second screentime? I don't know about you but the lack of Japril in my life for the last few months probably made me so shallow that I think I'm becoming a cheeseball... That April line: "Imagine if it was me, and you lost me..." making jackson immediately say "what kind of buddy are you asking me to be" had given me some butterflies... I know, I know... It seemed hilarious... but thinking deeper... When April said that, did Jackson envision himself to be in a great deal of misery that's why he kind of understood how Owen felt? No? Yeah, probably not! <LoL> Cheeseball, I tell yah... Hopefully we get to see more of them in the coming episodes (even if it is an all about Meredith season) I can't wait for a more preggy looking April and how Jackson's gonna handle that... Ooooh, I'm excited! Welcome Back Grey's!!! (Here's to ruining my life once again! cheers!Lol)
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coldcitywoman · 10 years
236 Seconds Of Friends
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coldcitywoman · 10 years
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We are... WINNER!
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coldcitywoman · 10 years
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Kris moments that will make you go 'awww' ヾ(。・ω・。)
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coldcitywoman · 10 years
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your blog is now signed by Yixing
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coldcitywoman · 10 years
Sherlock Bommes, Watson Chanyeol and the Phantom Thief Saeho
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coldcitywoman · 10 years
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coldcitywoman · 10 years
This video is so precious to me, Chanyeol saying I love you in different languages. CHANYEOL SAYING MAHAL KITA AHHHHHHHHH SPAZZING LEVELLED UP!!!!
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coldcitywoman · 10 years
Beauty is not long hair, skinny legs, tanned skin or perfect teeth. Believe me. Beauty is the face of who cried and now smiles, beauty is the scar on your knee since you fell when you were a kid, beauty is the circles when love doesn’t let you sleep, beauty is the expression on the face when the alarm rings in the morning, it’s the melted makeup when you have a shower, it’s the laughter when you make a joke you’re the only one who can understand, beauty is meeting his gaze and stopping understanding, beauty is your gaze when you see him, it’s when you cry for all you paranoias, beauty is the lines marked by time. Beauty is what we feel in the inside which also shows outside us. Beauty is the marks the life leaves on us, all the kicks and the caresses the memories leave us. Beauty is letting yourself live.
Emma Watson (via ohyeahemmawatson)
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