6 posts
Hockey obsessed. Book lover.
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col-islander43 · 1 year ago
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Anthony Beauvillier x Reader
Warnings: None that I can think of, but let me know if there are any
Word count: {696}
You and Anthony were cuddled up on the couch under a blanket you had given him when you first started dating. The movie had become background noise as you soaked up every second possible, trying to ignore the thought of your flight being less than twenty-four hours away.
Your legs were tangled together, his hand was caressing your face, and as his arm tightened around your waist, a giggle escaped your lips "I don't think I can get any closer, babe."
The smile he gave you hurt you more than you'd ever admit because the sadness he didn't want to show was clear in your eyes. It wasn't his fault, he wasn't intentionally trying to hurt you, life just got in the way.
When he told you about the trade, you knew long distance was going to be hard, but you convinced yourself it would be like an extended roadie. A very extended roadie. You were lucky with the somewhat matching schedules, visiting each other was easy, but they didn't make living without the love of your life easier.
He never asked you to make the move, he wanted to, but he couldn't ask that from you, to leave everything you built, over the years, behind. Little did he know you'd drop everything in a heartbeat because he was worth it. You weren't upset when he didn't ask you because you knew he had his motives, he always did so long distance it was. At first, you managed, but it was slowly breaking you and you tried hiding it, but he knew. Of course, he knew.
"I wanted to talk to you about something." he whispered. It made your heart skip a beat and as he felt your body stiffen under his arms, he was quick to reassure you "It's not what you think, promise."
He felt you relax a bit and pressed a kiss to your lips to seal the promise like he always did. "The past days with you have got me thinking. I love you, you know that, but this isn't working, mon ange. It's breaking you apart." you opened your mouth to reply, but he shook his head, cutting you off "Don't try and deny it, I see those sad smiles you think you are hiding."
A bashful smile overtook your face as you hid in the crook of his neck "I don't know what you're talking about. And I hate to break it to you, but it sounds exactly like I was thinking."
"Can you look at me, please?" You shook your head, not wanting to face what was coming next and the kiss he placed on the top of your head did little to reassure you. "Look at me, chéri." he pleaded.
You lifted your head and looked into his eyes for what you hoped wasn't the last time "If you're going to break up with me, at least don't do it while we're cuddled up on your couch." Your voice had a sad tone to it and he hated it, but he couldn't stop the loving smile from spreading across his face, and unknowingly to him, it made your blood simmer a bit.
"Could you be happy here? with me?" he asked in between a chuckle, ripping the bandaid off, and he was glad he got good at hiding his nerves because otherwise, he'd be shaking, but your reaction was worth it. Your jaw was slacked as your eyes were trying to figure out if he was either joking or lying. When you were satisfied with what you saw, you started stammering in a breathy voice, trying to put a sentence together and failing.
Anthony placed both his hands on your cheeks, trying to hold back laughter "Chéri, breathe, gather your thoughts, and then tell me what's on your mind."
Doing as you were told, you slapped his chest lightly "Why didn't you just ask that from the beginning?!" your voice slightly raised towards the end of the sentence and Tito couldn't hold back his laughter anymore.
"I had to work up the nerve. It's not every day where I ask a pretty girl to move in with me."
Thanks for all the love on my other pieces, it means a lot🤗
I don't like the title so suggestions are very welcome!
It's been awhile, but I'll always miss Beau on the Islanders.
Excuse any mistakes, I wrote this while I was watching the Isles game.
Feedback is appreciated, hope you enjoy!
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col-islander43 · 2 years ago
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Mat Barzal x reader
Warnings: none
Word count: {1,033}
"No, you're not." was your immediate response after Mat walked into your shared bedroom, claiming he was getting a haircut.
He stopped in his tracks, his brows drew together, and a pout formed on his lips as he stared at you in confusion. Trying to keep it together, you asked "What's wrong?"
Shaking his head, a sigh escaping his lips as he continued walking toward the bathroom "Nothing. My mom said the same thing when I told her I was getting my hair cut. It's just a bit creepy."
Joining him in the bathroom, you sat on the counter as he got out everything he needed to shave, he liked doing it the traditional way. There wasn't much to shave, just a bit of stubble, but he got used to having his face clean-shaven. So against your wishes, he was going to shave, you loved his facial hair and you were open about it.
"How about you sleep on it and make a decison tomorrow?" you bit your lip to suppress your smile when he gave you the same look from before as he applied shaving cream to his face.
"Babe, I already decided. I'm getting my hair cut on Friday I just have to make the appointment." Stepping in between your legs he handed you the razor, knowing you loved helping him shave even if you loved his facial hair more.
You had until Friday to convince him to not cut his hair since today was Tuesday "It's not fair, you know? You shave your beard, and you'll cut your hair which by the way didn't grow that much, what am I supposed to look forward too?" the teasing tone lacing your voice seemed to escape your boyfriend as he stared at you with his mouth wide open.
"You did not just say that!" his disbelieving tone and facial expression made laughter burst out of your mouth, hiding your face in his chest, careful to avoid the shaving cream.
You placed a couple of pecks on his exposed collarbone before looking up at him again "I'm kidding, love. I find it unfair because when I cut my hair you throw a fit for days."
"That's diff-" he cut off his sentence when you leveled him with a look that spoke for you. "Ok. I can't promise that my decison will change, but I'll sleep on it, only because you asked. Now give me a kiss, I'm getting touch starved."
You were about to protest, but before you could get the words out he had given you a peck on the lips which resulted in shaving cream covering small parts of your face.
Laying on your side you watched the sun shining through the blinds, gently caressing Mat's face and highlighting all his features that you loved. Like every morning, you softly traced all his features with your thumb, the other hand raking through his hair, careful not to wake him up.
"I think you've memorized my whole face, you probably already had it memorized the first week you stayed over." His gruff morning voice startled you even if he was whispering.
"I'm sorry if I woke you." You slowly retracted your hands, placing them on his chest but Mat wasn't pleased with that decision. He pulled you closer, shaking his head as he placed your hands in their previous positions.
"You didn't wake me, but I'll get upset if you stop all the caressing. I'm feeling loved." The boyish grin that took over his face told you he was teasing you, but you continued your caressing because you liked doing it.
"You are loved. I love you. And I'll tell you every chance I get. Also, if you really want to get a haircut I'll suck it up and accept it, but your mom said she'll disown you." your voice was slightly above a whisper as he opened his eyes, confusion taking over his features.
"I love you too, but when did you talk to my mom?"
You chuckled when his lips formed into a pout, pecking his lips you caressed his brow "Yesterday. After you called her and went to the store to buy the cookies you claim are for me but eat your weight in. She sounded desperate and I can't blame her."
His jaw dropped as he softly pinched your waist "What's that supposed to mean?! Also they are good cookies."
You shrugged your shoulders trying to come up with a good answer "Baby, you're pretty, you're gorgeous, you're handsome just the way you are. You don't need a haircut."
He kissed your forehead as a way of thanking you before quickly pulling back "Hey! Don't avoid the question."
"I'm not avoiding the question." You definitely were "You don't need a haircut, it's a decent length." you gently pulled a couple of strands before pecking his lips "Especially after what happened last time." you murmured under your breath.
"What did you say? Speak up, sweetheart." He said the words in a low voice, the smirk on his face revealing he heard you loud and clear.
"Nothing." You looked down avoiding his gaze, but that didn't last long because he placed his finger under your chin lifting your gaze. He shook his head telling you he wasn't going to let this go.
"Speak up, baby."
His words made you squirm slightly, he knew exactly what he was doing "I said, especially after what happened last time. We're both a bit scared, babe. You said you were going to trim the ends and then you came back bald."
He burst out laughing, rolling onto his back and dragging you with him so you could lay on his chest "I wasn't bald."
You hid your face in the crook of his neck as your face slightly reddened "There's a difference between trimming the ends and getting a buzz cut. If you really want to get a hair cut I can trim your ends."
He pulled away slightly, his brows drawn together "You can do that? Why don't I know this?"
"I can trim ends I have done it before. And you never asked."
"We have been together for 2 years, how can I not know that?"
Hi, Hi. School finished a couple of weeks ago so I'll try and post more.
Feedback is appreciated, hope you guys enjoyed!
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col-islander43 · 2 years ago
Thank you, thank you It means a lot. I'm glad people like it as I was pretty unsure about posting.
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col-islander43 · 2 years ago
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col-islander43 · 2 years ago
Jersey pt.2
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Jamie Drysdale x reader
Warnings: crying, proposal
Word count: { 2,471}
"That ring looks good on you." His breath tickled your ear, his whispers making you blush and affecting you more than you'd ever like to admit. You softly squeezed his arm resting around your waist with one hand while the other was busy stirring the sauce for dinner. 
Last week, Jamie compromised with himself. After calming down, he explained he'd love to marry you at that moment, but he wasn't ready yet, and he didn't want you to feel pressured to say yes after what had happened. You reassured him, telling him you'd never feel pressured, especially not with him, and yes was the only answer he was getting even if he asked you a hundred times. To compromise, he came home with a promise ring the day after, nearly giving you a second heart attack in not even 24 hours. 
The ring, a slim silver band with a gorgeous, small, oval diamond sitting in the middle, now resting on your ring finger, took your breath away when you layed your gaze on it for the first time. He went a bit on a rant, scared it was too much.
"I did a bit of research, and the diamond is April's birthstone. You know my birthday is in April, now you have something that represents me with you... Along with the necklace. It's one of the simple designs because I know you like simple and this way I can go a bit overboard when I get you the real thing. Do you like it?"
For most of the rant, he was looking down. If he had looked up, he'd seen the tears and love in your eyes. The love you had for Jamie was unexplainable, the thought he put into things multiplied that and he'd never understand how much it meant to you when he did because that was also unexplainable.
"It's not the ring I'd like but it'll do for now." 
You dropped the spoon and turned around so quickly that you nearly gave yourself a whiplash. "What do you mean? J, I love you, but you need to stop saying these things because I'll end up in the hospital." his hands were still on my waist while yours were resting on his chest. His face taken over by a smile or a smirk, you weren't really sure.
"Ok. I'll stop." Pecking your lips, he nodded his head towards the stove. "Dinner's ready." His face, what you knew now, had been taken over by a smirk. He pecked your lips once more before leaving to go set the table.
After dinner, knowing you were exhausted from work, Jamie tried convincing you to go take a shower as he cleaned up. After he realized you weren't giving in, he guided you to the bathroom, promising he'd join you before you knew it. You almost cried on the spot, your body consumed by exhaustion, a shitty day at work, and Jamie's overflowing love you didn't know if you'd survive the day.
Now joining him in bed, he softly smiled at you as he took you into his embrace. Just like every night, he placed several pecks on the top of your head before rubbing your back.
"I don't think I've ever told you this before, but falling head over heels for you was unexpected but so easy." You had turned around in his arms, when he spoke up, resting your chin on his chest. "I know I fell pretty hard when Trev bumped into you, at the coffee shop, and you were more concerned about his head instead of your coffee-stained shirt." he softly admitted, his cheeks turning pink "I called my mom afterwards, told her I could be in love and she asked me if I got your number. I told her I didn't and she scolded me, she was happier when I told her Trev owed you coffee." 
Giggles left my lips, thinking about him getting scolded by his mom "Who knew Z not paying attention would make me meet the love of my life." Your hand, subconsciously, went to play with Jamie's hair "It payed of for once. Plus the sound his head made when it hit the door was what concerned me, I still surprised he didn't get a bump."
His body softly shook with laughter as did yours thinking back to that moment.
"I do know for sure when I realized you were the one. It was when I called you at three am, the night Trev came home drunk, and I was on the verge of a breakdown because I wasn't happy with how I had played the past few games. You came over after I told you I wasn't ok, and I didn't ask you to come over because I knew you were exhausted between school and work. Even though you were exhausted you came over, you stopped for pizza, chicken nuggets, and fries because you knew Z needed to eat something and because you know eating with you helps calm me down even at three in the morning."
You wrapped your arms around Jamie's body, softly squeezing, a way to thank him for being vulnerable "You would've done the same thing. And we all know how difficult Trevor can be when he's drunk especially when he keeps insisting he's just tipsy."
He placed a couple of kisses on your collarbone before speaking up again "I still can't thank you enough for doing it because I was seriously doubting myself, you, chicken nuggets, and fries helped me overcome those doubts. You also took care of Z so I could rest up. You made sure we were both ok before you decided to rest and I could never give that back to you."
You were crying, you didn't want to, but Jamie always said the right things which started the waterworks. You tried to hide it, but it was useless. He looked up at you, giving you a sweet, soft smile before wiping away your tears and pecking your lips softly "I don't want you to give it back to me because I'd do it every time if it meant I got the amazing, loving, caring, and handsome boyfriend I get every day."
Blush covered his cheeks at your praise "I love you, princess."
"I love you, Jimmy."
"Babe! Come here real quick!" You dropped the laundry you were folding, rushing over to the living room after Jamie's urgent yells filled the apartment.
"What happened? What's wrong?" 
He turned to you with a smile "Nothing's wrong. I have a gift for you. Why do you look so concerned?"
You rubbed your forehead, trying to calm your racing heart "You were yelling, you never yell so I assumed something was wrong. Why do you have a gift for me?"
His arms pulled you in as he moved you to stand in front of the dinner table where a plain box layed "What? I can't get my girlfriend a gift? We agreed on no spoiling, but that doesn't mean I can't get you a gift every now and then." 
He softly pushed you forward, keeping a hand on the small of your back as you looked at the box skeptically "It's not gonna jump at you, I promise. You'll love it."
You opened the box, revealing a reverse retro Ducks jersey. When they first came out, you rambled to Jamie about how good he'd look in it and how you were stealing all his reverse retro merch once it would be hanging in his closet "Turn it around." he whispered as he wrapped his arm around your waist, wanting to gauge your reaction.
A gasp left your lips as a grin took over your face, taking in the back of the jersey. His number 6 glaring back at you proudly, instead of his last name it said: Be my
You turned to Jamie, concern written over his face, you tried to erase it by running your finger over his features, but that only seemed to deepen it "You know my number is 6 and I'm yours so I want you to be mine. Do you wanna be my 6?" his voice was unsure making your heartache, when would he understand you weren't gonna leave him?
You nodded as your throat clogged up and tears rolled down your cheeks "Of course I'll be your 6. I've always been yours." You locked your arms around his neck as he pulled you in for a kiss. A kiss filled with love, like he was trying to tell you how much he loved you through that kiss. "Thanks for explaining it, Jam. I was trying to process it, but I understood."
He placed his forehead on yours not wanting too much distance between the two of you, drying your tears "I knew you would, I just wanted to be sure 'cause Z told me you wouldn't."
"You had to explain it to him didn't you?"
He nodded his head, giggles leaving both of your lips "Yeah. He was a bit confused." 
"He needs to give me more credit." You had started to sway the two of you, not wanting this moment to end.
"I told him you'd understand, he refused to believe me but I think I convinced him a bit when I told him you graduated college early." You pulled back a bit, looking at him with confusion written over your face.
"He didn't know?"
Jamie shook his head at your question, pulling you in again "Apparently not. I don't think he even knew you went to college in the first place."
Too lost in your own world, you didn't hear the front door close, you did however hear the loud screeching voice that followed "Jimmy! Jimbo!"
The man in question placed his head in the crook of your neck. You had retreated to the couch after you put away his gift and made lunch together. Together being the keyword as Jamie hadn't let go of you once and neither had he when you layed down. His hand had been playing with your hair, legs entwined under the blanket as your hands were resting on his cheeks softly tracing his features, loving smiles covering both of your faces. 
"Should I ignore him? Maybe if I do he thinks we left and he will too."
You placed your hand on the back of his head to keep it in the crook of your neck "You know that's not happening." you mumbled back
Trevor's voice was coming closer, but his volume didn't lower "Did she say yes? Hello! Jamester!"
Quiet giggles escaped your mouth as Jamie whispered "That's a new one."
Trevor appeared, his face consumed by happiness, his eyebrows were pretty high up on his forehead making him appear a bit scarier than he was. "And?"
"What are you doing here?" They both said at the same time
Trev's face changed from happy to confused in a second "What do you mean what am I doing here? I live here and our agreement has expired."
You looked between the boys as you asked "What agreement?" your voice laced with amusement and confusion
"We agreed Trev would stay out 'till 6 so I could pull this off." You both sat up so Trevor could join you guys on the couch
“Yeah, it’s 6.04. I gave you 4 extra minutes which is a lot considering I wanted to barge in here for the past 15 minutes.”
“You waited outside for 15 minutes before coming in?” a shy smile adorning your lips
“Yeah. Duh."
Jamie and you made the same face. Head tilted slightly to the right, eyebrows a bit furrowed.
“What? I was excited, two of my favourite people are getting married. Or maybe getting married? You said yes right? Cause if you didn’t it would be weird since you both haven’t let go of each other. Anyways I didn't wanna ruin the moment in case he hadn't asked yet.”
You hadn’t left Jamie’s embrace yet since he pulled you in after he proposed and his arms squeezing you told you he wouldn’t let you go any time soon which you had already guessed especially when you both had sat up and he still hadn't let go.
"I said yes." Trevor squealed. He actually squealed and neither you nor Jamie were expecting it.
"So when is the wedding? Did he give you a whole speech? Did she cry? Show me the ring." The questions made your head spin as you were trying to keep up with the adult bouncing around the living room.
"Buddy calm down I just proposed, we haven't even called my mom yet. And I gave the speech last night because I didn't want to make it obvious that I was gonna propose." At his admission, you whipped your head around to look at him. 
"That was your speech? J. that was so sweet, and I did cry. But how could I not when your words meant the world to me." He placed a kiss on your forehead as you turned to Trevor holding your hand out to show him the ring.
He held on to your hand as he fanned his face looking like a wine aunt at a family gathering. An emerald stone sat in the middle of a silver band which had diamonds in it all the way around, next to the green stone sat 2 smaller diamonds on both sides. It was a beautiful ring, and when Jamie said he was gonna go all out with the proposal ring he meant it. 
You took your hand back as Jamie asked you to remind him to call his mom. Before turning back to Trevor to ask what he wanted for dinner as you were cooking, you kept your gaze on Jamie's face and placed a kiss on his cheek "I forgot to tell you, but thank you for remembering about my Grandma's ring." He responded with a smile and kiss on your forehead. 
When your Grandma passed away, your mom kept her ring not giving it to you even if it was one of your late Grandma's wishes. She claimed it wasn't in her will and therefore it wasn't something official, Jamie remembered how upset you were about it as she meant a lot to you so when he went ring shopping and saw the ring with the emerald stone he knew it was the one, the picture of your Grandma's emerald wedding ring engraved in his brain.
Trevor cleared his throat, making you both look at him "So when do I become an uncle?"
Jamie sighed, you hid your head in his chest "I'm not doing this." Jamie mumbled but by the laughter that was escaping from Trevor's mouth, you knew he had heard it.
Hello, hello. This has been in the works for a couple of days, but I struggled with finishing it because school is kicking my ass. I managed tho.
Thanks for all the love on pt.1 it means a lot 😊
Feedback is appreciated, hope you guys enjoyed!
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col-islander43 · 2 years ago
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Jamie Drysdale x reader
Warnings: swearing
Word count: {1,226}
You heard the door shut, followed by soft footsteps a few minutes later. Your heart sped up a bit as Jamie stopped next to the couch, and you had to stop yourself from moving away as he bent down to kiss your forehead, whispering a soft greeting. You saw his finger point to the jersey on your lap, his head tilting in confusion "What's that?"
You didn't want to start a discussion or a fight, but it felt inevitable "Your jersey. The one you gave me, from the draft." Your voice was barely above a whisper because it was the only thing keeping your tears at bay.
Concern took over his face before questions started pouring out of his mouth "Why are you glaring at it? Did something happen? Are you ok?" Most of the time, you felt glad he could read you easily since you struggled with opening up, but, at this moment, you hated it because you felt like your reason for being upset was stupid, more than before. You weren't expecting all the questions, and you also didn't know how to answer all of them without breaking down.
"You're a real asshole, you know?" the crack in your voice slipped through, you tried to stop it, but you didn't have the energy to. You looked at the picture frame over his shoulder to avoid his gaze, but you could still see the frown taking over his face.
"Not the first time someone has told me, but I don't know what I did to deserve it now." His frown deepened while you looked down at your hands in your lap, twisting your thumbs around one another.
"I got a dm from your ex today, she replied to something I posted, your jersey was hanging in the back of the picture. She told me she used to love it too then she told me to look at her post from 2020. I did, and I have to say she looked good in it, she looks better in black than I do."
You stood up and threw the jersey at him before walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water for your dry throat, hoping it would wash away the lump that had formed. He followed after you but stayed quiet "Maybe you should give it back to her since it was hers first." Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him shaking his head, but you didn't turn around because the first tear had fallen and you didn't want him to see.
One word was all it took for anger to join your pain "Don't! Do you know how much it hurt to see that picture? Any idea how I used I feel? The minute I saw that picture I started spiraling, I started overthinking everything you ever told me when I while wearing that jersey and all the moments we had while I was wearing it. Do you remember the things you told me? Because I remember all of it. Did you even mean them? Or was it just to sweet-talk me? Did the moments ever mean anything at all?" Anger and pain were clouding your mind, deep down you knew you'd regret all your words later. Just like you always did.
He dropped the jersey, the fabric making a soft thud on the floor. You could feel his hands shake as he cupped your cheeks, using his thumbs to whip away the tears that had fallen during your outburst. "I didn't mean to… It wasn't my intention to hurt you, I promise. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I'm sorry for making you spiral, and I'm sorry for making you feel used. You have to believe me, love. I promise I didn't mean to." He placed his forehead on yours, and you squeezed your eyes shut to stop the tears, but it wasn't working because his words were hitting you deeply.
"I remember everything I told you. I meant it when I told you it was special like you, I meant it when I said you looked beautiful in it, I meant it when we were laying in bed, and I told you the name on the back of it would be yours one day. I swear I meant every single word. And those moments, they're engraved in my brain. Even if I tried to forget, I don't think I ever could." his thumbs resumed caressing your cheeks and you opened your eyes, seeing his teary eyes.
Clearing your throat, the words tumbled out of your mouth with sobs wracking your body as it decided it was ok to let go "I- When I saw that picture I wasn't angry, I was confused. I thought she was lying, but stupid me did the math with everything you told me then I felt used. I think I felt like that because with the dates it seemed like you were trying to make her jealous by giving it to me, and I remember you posting me in it on your story a couple of days after you gave-"
He softly placed his lips on yours, stopping your rambling "You don't have to explain yourself to me, I understand, love. Your feelings are valid, but I promise it wasn't my intention to make you feel like that. I gave you the jersey because I thought you would've liked it. It's special to me, and so are you. I gave it to you so you could feel how special you are to me. She didn't cross my mind once, not when I gave it to you and not when I see you wear it."
You nodded, placing a peck on his lips "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you an asshole."
Jamie chuckled "No, you had every right. I didn't mind. I understand where you're coming from." he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his arms, squeezing me tightly "Just so you know, I never gave it to her. She took it from my closet while I was on a roadie, and I didn't want to come of as a dick by asking it back."
A giggle left your lips as you softly started swaying back and forth "You could never be a dick, an asshole, maybe, but not a dick." he responded to your teasing by pinching your waist, which resulted in a yelp leaving your lips.
"I know she broke your heart, but I'm glad she did because I never would've met you if she didn't and you're everything I've ever wanted."
You heard a sniffle coming from where he had his head placed on your shoulder, trying to quiet it, but it didn't work "Are you crying J?"
You pulled his head away, playing with his hair to calm him down as you had no idea why he was crying "Liar. Why are you crying, love?"
He placed his head back in his favorite resting place, kissing your exposed skin "I love you so fucking much."
With one hand playing with his hair, you lifted the other to rub his back since you felt more tears falling on your shoulder "I love you too. So fucking much."
"I could marry you right now." His whispering was useless as you heard his words loud and clear
First time posting, hope you guys enjoy!
Feedback is appreciated as I don't know what I'm doing 🤗
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