I always am about to go to sleep at a beautiful 11pm and then something happens to me
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i wish there were more than 24 hours in a day and beverages were $1 and growing up didn’t hurt so much
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“How many times can the same thing break your heart?”
— Unknown
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“How many times can the same thing break your heart?”
— Unknown
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I feel a bit happy
I smile at the sound of a baby laughing
I laugh at a corny joke
I can feel a light level of happiness
But deep down in my core, I am depressingly sad
I may be smiling yes, but not enough to show it in my eyes as well
I am terrified at the thought that this feeling will stay
I am clinching my hands together so hard my knuckles turn white to pray this sad season doesn’t last too long
I won’t survive it
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You deserve a calm love with somebody who is good for your mental health and nervous system.
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cant recommend this enough but if youre able you should go on walks every day. like fuck weather fuck circumstance uust go outside. got rained on today and it was blissful. even just sit outside get fucked up by crazy ass wind youll never forget how small you are and rememebr everything matters
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i’d say the best thing i have learned this year is to just let people be who they naturally are. no psychoanalyzing them, no overthinking my actions, no asking what i could possibly do to keep their presence in my life. i just bring my best self to the table and always move from a place of love and respect. how that person responds is ultimately up to them. if that causes them to exit my life, i just let it happen. i will never be in the business of changing people. people are only ever ready to change when they’ve made the conscious decision to. all i can do is check myself and be kind always.
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this is going to be difficult -> i am capable of doing difficult things -> i have done everything prior to this moment -> this difficulty will soon be proof of capability
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Not every day has to bring great progress, achievements, healing or change. Some days are meant for you to rest, to take a break from all the hard work you have been doing, to be extra gentle with yourself. Some days are simply meant to honour your existence. These days are just as important, my love. They provide you with the opportunity to process all of the transformation you have been through and prepare you for everything that is yet to come. Just like the ocean you will experience strong, crashing waves one day and peaceful stillness another day - it is all about balance.
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“Let it hurt. Let it bleed. Let it heal. And let it go.”
— Nikita Gill
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Slow morning; Your eyes still look dreamy, Processing reality, after having been So far away from here.
I know Your mind’s not yet Up to speed, But I love that smile As you take your time Browsing the offered assortment Of fragrant teas.
“How can she be real?”, I wonder.
As often do I wonder, in the mornings… Made the mistake To check my pale and crumpled face In the mirror; deep creases, revealing My comatose sleep Of contentment,
Which is sweet, But hardly leaves a pretty picture.
Not you.
You wake up breathtaking; A princess ready for the prince’s ball, And I should feel so lucky You’re rather poor With me.
The electric kettle pops, the boiling settles; You hand me your choice:
You make a space for me on the bed And look at me, excited.
Always so grateful For something as simple As a hot cup of tea On a slow morning.
I feel completely unworthy Of all the love you give me; I want to give you the world, But all I have is tea.
In the end, This will destroy me.
— 15-4-2023, M.A. Tempels
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a reminder that when you are distancing yourself from people, situations and things that are toxic, but were a great priority in your life in the past, there will be times when you doubt if you could really do it. there will be times when you would want to crawl back to the comfort you had known. it may get lonely. sending love to all those people who are trying their best to hold up the choice to cut off toxic things even when the decision feels so utterly bitter. i want to remind you that there is no shame in missing the person, the situation or that thing, craving the comfort, wishing that things were different. there might even be instances where you fall back to the familiar patterns. and life will continuously show you why it didn't work out, continuously try to remind you that you deserve better. please do not shame yourself for struggling with this love. the lesson cannot be forced. the journey cannot be fast paced. let things flow. i promise you, at the end of this journey there is win, and there is a better future with people and places and things that truly belong to you and that you truly deserve. it can be a very lonely time, and i know that it's gnawing. it is painful. i am sending you lots of love and strength your way ♡
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