coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
The Journey of Faith and Deconstruction
The Journey of Faith and Deconstruction
When I was 14, I went to a week long church camp sponsored by Awana. This was pretty much the highlight every summer for most kids, as it meant that we got to spend an entire week without our parents and siblings (in some cases). I remember one chapel service where I felt so convicted by a message that I stayed behind to talk to a camp counselor. And this led to me confessing my sins to God and…
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
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Soraya Chemaly: The power of women’s anger
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
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So proud of my mother for doing her own research after I sent her that meme. A sign she hung in her car window.
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
i hope this doesn’t sound really weird but i feel really bad for the lady who came up with gender reveal parties. she had a very legitimate reason for throwing herself one–she’d had a few miscarriages, all of them miscarrying before she was able to find out the sex of her baby and due to really wanting to have children she was distraught, so when her pregnancy made it to the milestone of being able to find out her baby’s sex, she was understandably incredibly excited and threw a party to celebrate it. honestly she had every right to do so and was more celebrating the fact that she’d carried her baby to that point rather than celebrating if it was a girl or a boy
and now she’s the inventor of this horrible thing that makes stupid people cause wildfires. all this lady wanted to do was have some cake and celebrate her pregnancy after a few miscarriages. i feel fucking terrible for her. 
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
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patriot act is back y’all and it’s as good as ever
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
mormon kids under the age of 18 being told their church is a cult
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mormons 18-24 after they go through their endowment ceremony and receive their new name and secret clothing and learn the secret handshakes and passwords and realize everyone around them has been secretly doing this the whole time and now theyre going to be sent away from their family for 2 years where they will literally not be allowed to be alone for 1 second of the day except to go to the bathroom and they have no idea how to get out of what they just got into
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
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Virtue requires a delicate balance. 
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
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PSA: less diet culture, more dietitians like this
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
If you have a Duolingo account, please consider upvoting this request to add Coptic to their language courses.
Coptic is the final stage of the Egyptian language. It is currently endangered, with less than 300 Egyptians speaking it as their native tongue.
It would mean a great deal to indigenous Egyptians in the Coptic community to have our language preserved, and this would be a huge step forward.
If you don’t have a Duolingo account, considering sharing this with those who might. Thank you! <3
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
Black Lives Matter.
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
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“I started out as a writer and a director. I started acting because I wanted to know how to relate to the actors. When people ask me what I do, I don’t really say that I’m an actor, because actors often wait for someone to give them roles.”
Chadwick Boseman + Filmography
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
Stop Fear Mongering
Here’s the thing: Christianity is not at risk of going away if Donald Trump loses this election. Stop hinging your Christian beliefs on a president.
We cheapen the persecution that Christians around the world face when we push the idea that a president can save our religious beliefs.
As much as it might trigger you all to hear this, Christianity is not a minority religion in the US.
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
i was looking for special cat feeders because ours are gluttons who gorge themselves and i found this one...device:
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this sounded fun so i checked the comments and...
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
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What’s your number?, dir. Mark Mylod // 2011
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coffeeandtheology23 · 4 years
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