coffee-study-wine · 4 years
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Reviewing case law and the new ethical standards while I have the summer off before starting back up in the fall. Today I reread through special education case law to brush up some of the monumental cases that have changed the way students have accessed education. Special Education reform came out of the Civil Rights movement that paved the way for many other students to have the right to a fair education.
Case law is brought on by people coming together and standing up in the face of discrimination and injustice. Don’t stop fighting the good fight and remember your voice matters. Use it.
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coffee-study-wine · 4 years
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As protests against injustice in legal system, discrimination, police brutality spread through the US, it is necessary to educate yourself about these issues. 
Here are just a few book recommendations (there are so much more out there), include both non-fiction and fiction about racism and challenges that black people face throughout their lifetimes. 
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coffee-study-wine · 4 years
Educate yourself
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coffee-study-wine · 4 years
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Just because a conversation may be difficult to have does not mean it shouldn’t happen.
The data shows there are racial disparities in our education system and in outcomes. Not only does every child have the right to sit in a classroom and be treated as an intellectual but also we need to listen and see what is happening to our students who come from minority groups. Being colorblind does not fix the problem, it perpetuates it. It’s upsetting it takes such horrific acts to get people to see this is not a viable solution. I hope everyone is staying safe and educating themselves.
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coffee-study-wine · 4 years
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coffee-study-wine · 4 years
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These are different times we are living in. I never thought I’d be finishing my internship creating resources for parents about how to help your children through a pandemic but here we are.
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coffee-study-wine · 4 years
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It’s been awhile...
I officially have completed my graduate program and it’s crazy to think I’m officially done with school. I’m beyond excited to start working in the real world. Especially now, school psychologist are going to be vital in school systems and I cannot wait to be apart of it.
Here’s some of my notes on special education case law and my beautiful day designer planner that is my life and blood.
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coffee-study-wine · 6 years
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Stats may or may not be the death of me.
Also who else has started The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, I may have spent more time watching that today then doing my homework...
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coffee-study-wine · 6 years
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October is literally my favorite month. I’m currently loving my orange lights at my desk while I finish my reading for tomorrow.
Spent the whole weekend with a cold, my least favorite part about the weather changing.
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coffee-study-wine · 6 years
Allow me to introduce myself
Hello Tumblr World (:
I thought I’d properly introduce myself, I’ve gotten a lot of followers and such lately that I feel I should explain a little about myself!
My name is Hannah (I honestly don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned my name!)
I am currently a second year school psychology graduate student, I am doing a three year Ed.S program. For those of you who have no idea who a school psychologist is (honestly, I didn’t either until a few years ago!) it is the person who works in school district primarily that is a part of working with students who require extra support in their education. We gives different assessments (such as IQ tests) that help determine if a child falls into a special education category. But we also counsel, support children who do not have disabilities (such as mental health issues or minor educational changes). 
I have a bachelor’s of science in psychology that is still weird to me that I have an actual college degree. 
I am 23 years old.
I absolutely am obsessed with true crime and unexplained mysteries.
I love horror films and cheesy romantic comedies. I also have watched Parks and Rec nearly 50 times all the way through
I listen to a lot of alternative, rock, and punk music (I may have never left my 14 year old emo phase musically). 
I decided to become a studyblr about a year ago. I love learning and school weird?), I like gaining new knowledge and I’ve always been obsessed with stationary and note taking, once I realized there was a whole community of people like me it was quite exciting. 
I am always open to any questions or comments anyone has about anything!  
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coffee-study-wine · 6 years
Hi! I’m a freshman in high school and I know that I want to go into psychology. Being that you’re a psych major in graduate school (sorry if I’m wrong I just found ur blog lol), do you have any tips for going into that field?
Well the great thing about psychology is you have a lot of options for what you can do in that field. I got a psychology degree in college and currently specializing in school psychology for my graduate school program, but it took me nearly all of college to decide what I wanted to do. 
I think a lot of what psychology revolves around is a need to understand how people think, feel, act, etc. in order to learn how to help them. Psychology focuses on the mind and behavior in understanding individual people. 
Some tips
-Take a psych class if you have any at your high school! I took AP Psych in high school and it honestly was the push I needed to decide to pursue psychology, plus it gave me a lot of different areas I found interesting to explore further in college. 
-Read up on careers in psychology, there’s ton of options, sometimes you don’t even realize a job exists and it’s the perfect fit! Most people view psychology majors as therapists but there’s so much more! School, Child Development, Forensic, Counseling, Clinical, Experimental, Industrial/Organizational are just a few I can think of!
-It definitely involves statistics and research methods, other than that there’s not much science or math to it, unless you go into neuroscience or medicine.
-It is a major that often requires further education beyond college, it is possible to just have a bachelor’s degree and work, but most people end up going to graduate school in order to enter the career field they want. 
I hope this helped a little (: the great part about being a freshmen is you have so much time to explore! Wish you the best of luck! 
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coffee-study-wine · 6 years
I wanna give a s/o to all the students out there where everything was working against them to do well in school but they persevered anyway.
The students who didn’t have parents that did well in school and so they couldn’t receive proper guidance. The students who went to shitty public schools that didn’t prepare them as well as private school kids. The students who were the first in their family to complete high school. The students who have to work to survive or afford school while studying. The students that have to support their family in addition to themselves. The students who couldn’t figure out how to study until it was too late to fix their GPA. The students who discovered their mental illnesses while in college and it tanked their success or forced them to take longer to finish.
All of you are valid. Remember that. College is hard and can make you feel that numbers always matter. But once you enter the real world, no one is keeping score. Be proud of what you achieved based on your unique conditions.
Enjoy the life you’ve given yourself because you went to college. You did it.
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coffee-study-wine · 6 years
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Two papers and an exam to complete this weekend aka I’ve spent my whole day trapped at my desk so I can watch football tonight with some college friends.
Also Monday is October which means full on Halloween mode for a month.
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coffee-study-wine · 6 years
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This weeks been busy and definitely not where I want to be in terms of studying for my stats exam but luckily I live and breathe stats (I also TA the undergrad course) so I’m hoping that pays off tomorrow.
Good luck to everyone else studying for exams!
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coffee-study-wine · 6 years
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These days I feel there is definite lack of time available in the day to accomplish everything.
The best way to handle a busy schedule for me is to write out everything I need to accomplish that week and slowly set little goals every day to hit. And making time to workout (even if it’s at 6am, sigh) and choosing to read a book instead of going on my phone before I fall asleep.
Sending good vibes to anyone else feeling a little overwhelmed
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coffee-study-wine · 6 years
Hey! Love your blog and I just thought I'd reach out because I'm currently in the information gathering process of applying to grad schools and I will take all the advice I can get. Just wondering on how you decided on school psych? I'm applying to phd programs now and 'm feeling pretty torn right now between school and clinical. I know I want to work with kids and I've worked in schools and loved it but don't know if its where I'll always want to be. Any insight would be amazing! Thanks!
This is something that everyone goes through debating when it comes to applying to grad programs. School psychs are the jack of all trades of a school. If you want a job that every day is never the same, this is it. Your role in a school ranges from testing children(testing is a major role), meeting with parents and teachers, typing reports, but also counseling children, and being an advocate for all children’s success in learning. What drew me to school psych is that I get to have a direct impact on children’s access to education and working with children that often do not have the voice to speak for themselves and can be pushed aside. Also most school psych jobs do not require a PhD, which means less grad school time, but I do know people who are going for the PhD to also be able to private practice or take on other roles besides only working in a school. I personally never was interested in the clinical route, I never saw myself as a therapist. I hope this helps, and good luck with applying to whatever you choose (:I’m happy to answer any other questions!
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coffee-study-wine · 6 years
types of students
a. coffeshops, highlighters, little post-it notes, wanting to be perfectly organized b. 2 am, eyebags, stacks of papers, the deadline is in half an hour c. messy bullet journal, messy desk, messy life but still trying d. night: telling yourself how productive you’ll be tomorrow, day: let’s binge watch another netflix series e. buying tons of cute stationery, having only one pen left by the end of the school year f. working really hard to achieve your goals only to be asked why you’re so smart g. ancient libraries, the smell of new textbooks, wanting to acquire all the knowledge h. studying to help people, to save the environment, to change the world
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