coffee-noirne · 1 year
Louie barbie girl
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coffee-noirne · 1 year
You know in retrospect Olimar is one of the funniest Nintendo characters. He's in this fantastical space setting with alien little creatures and his little space suit....
But he's literally just a dude???
Like. He loves his wife and kids. Won't stop talking about them. He's sad he has to spend all his time at work to provide for them to the point of taking overtime.
Compare him to the rest of the smash roster. All the other space people are in this battle ships, saving the universe on purpose, or just in general, explorers or just weird little guys who travel across the galaxy for funsies.
Meanwhile as of Pikmin 4, Olimar when asked to give his expertise IMMEDIATELY assumes they want his knowledge about shipping cargo.
From his perspective the Pikmin games are hell trips that keep him away from his family and everyone else is like "Okay but the pikmin-". My man just wants to talk about his wife and how his boss keeps exploiting him stop talking to him about the weird little guys on that one oxygen planet-
I think Olimar knows what taxes are.
Most character of all time.
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coffee-noirne · 1 year
louie falls to hell
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coffee-noirne · 1 year
I just want to make a post to point out how Law being a doctor is not anecdotal.
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Like, it’s shown in the anime that it’s his parents profession and he started to learn young and all but the Light Novel made me realize how important being a doctor is to him and how much pride and happiness it brings him.
It’s not just something about him, being a doctor is something that defines him and is very important for his character.
He studies tones when he gets the time, he even worked in a doctor office for multiple years when he was younger after Cora’s death.
He started saving people’s life at a very young age and carried out very complex surgeries very young. He’s literally a genius in this domain and it’s too bad it’s not shown enough in the anime.
The doctor he was working with told him how good he was and how much potential he had at just 13/14yo. He was born for this.
When he saved the lives of the people he loved he was filled with this euphoria that he saw his parents get before him, he understood their joy and felt connected to them and proud of himself.
He founds himself in being a doctor, he loves saving lives and is proud of how capable he is. He is able to make the most of his ope ope no mi thanks to his talent and hard work.
Law may be a pirate but he is also a doctor and he wouldn’t see himself being anything else than that.
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coffee-noirne · 1 year
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Mmm I love bright characters like Wally. Drawn him for a BFF, look forward to the other characters as well!!! xPP
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coffee-noirne · 1 year
So like, I have no fucking clue if anyone on here knew this, but like chill the actual fuck out on Clown (the only person behind Welcome Home) because literally some little shits of human beings doxxed them
They said they're going to continue to do Welcome Home, but have some fucking understanding and remember to look at their rules for everything holy and unholy, they aren't even that much older than me as far as I know and people treating them the way they are and their work is actually disgusting
This isn't a brand, or an indie thing run by a team, it's one person, so have some god damn common sense and treat them like a person, not some media machine for your hyperfixation
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coffee-noirne · 1 year
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Wally likes apples he’s going to show it off to everyone.
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coffee-noirne · 1 year
Wally Darling makes me so happy. He's just such a cute character, physical design and all. Clown is so good at character design too!!! I really admire their style and design choices. It's inspiring!
I've been struggling a lot with some of my relationships with certain people, but Welcome Home makes me feel a bit more at ease. It's kind of crazy what a piece of media can do for you, so I'm lowkey thankful that it exists. <3
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coffee-noirne · 1 year
What a lovely surprise!
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He’s so silly😭
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coffee-noirne · 2 years
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HEYY my 2nd color tips pdf is now available ! ^o^ hope you enjoy!
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coffee-noirne · 2 years
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coffee-noirne · 2 years
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🌈 my little pony g3 animations 🌈
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coffee-noirne · 2 years
Here's some horace posts cause I'm out of my got dang mind
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coffee-noirne · 2 years
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I didn’t like my spine anyways. Anyways, enjoy the fruits of my cronched up spine, M O N A and Plaguey.
Every time I paint, it’s gotta be at 3 am, listening to incredibly unhinged music. The sanity is lost, but the picture is nice.
Sketch Below + Transparent V. Below:
Keep reading
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coffee-noirne · 2 years
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coffee-noirne · 2 years
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Some recent art stuff. I'm quite proud of these, especially my colouring.
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coffee-noirne · 2 years
Aurora is NOT the Hero of Sleeping Beauty...and That's Kinda the Point
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With the ever growing and changing feminist movement, in contemporary times Disney viewers have often questioned whether Disney Princesses, especially Walt's original three, are good enough role models for young girls. There have been countless Internet articles that are not in favor of the early Princesses, arguing that they are much too passive and rely solely on a man for their happily ever after. However, in more recent years, other certain feminists and Disney fans alike have come to analyze the original films more closely, and have often defended Cinderella and Snow White as emotionally strong young girls who managed to escape their abusers and remain kind in the face of adversity. But that still leaves one princess who still continues to be criticized by feminist critics. Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty is often stated by critics of the Disney Princess brand to be the worst one of all of them. With only 18 minutes of screentime in her own film, and only 18 spoken lines, Aurora can hardly be called a strong female protagonist that young girls can look up to. The thing is though, Aurora isn't, and was never meant to be, the protagonist at all.
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Let's take a minute to forget about the pop culture influence of the Disney Princess brand, and think about the Sleeping Beauty film at face value. People have often assumed Aurora is the protagonist because she is the title character, and is the most recognizable figure from the film due to her inclusion in the Disney Princess line and it's pop culture significance. But in the film itself, Aurora has only 18 minutes of screentime in an 80-minute long film. She has the least amount of spoken dialogue out of any Disney film "protagonist" aside from the mute Dumbo. And as the title suggests, she is asleep for a good portion of the film, and is physically inccapable of moving the plot forward on her own. An argument can be made that the two proceeding Princesses, while having significantly less agency than contemporary heroines, still made choices in their respective films that moved the plot forward. Snow White chose to run away from the Evil Queen which led to her finding the Dwarfs' cottage. She chose to eat the poisoned apple which led to the film's climax. Cinderella chose to go against her stepfamily's wishes and attend the Prince's ball. And she chose to present her glass slipper to the Duke which ultimately led her to escape her abusers. The closest thing to a critical decision Aurora made in her film was asking Philip to meet her at her cottage, which led to his capture by Maleficent. But unlike the previous Princesses, Aurora had no knowledge of the main conflict, and she didn't make this choice knowing it would save her later on, because she didn't realize she was in any danger in the first place. So if none of the very little choices Aurora makes was in the intent of solving the film's conflict, can we really call her the protagonist? Instead, why don't we take a moment to discuss the real heroes of this story.
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Aurora's caretakers, Flora, Fauna, and Merrywhether have the most amount of screentime out of all other characters in the film. They are the ones who go through a character arc, the ones whose decisions move the plot forward, and the ones who ultimately resolve the story's conflict. They're main goal is to protect Aurora. After being cursed by the cruel and insanely powerful Mistress of Evil, the three good fairies were the ones who chose to take the baby away into hiding, and raised her as their own adoptive child. They created a safe space for the girl to grow up in, and raised her with the love and nurture of any good mother. They were not perfect parents, obviously, as they had kept Aurora's true identity a secret from her up until dropping the truth bomb on her sixteenth birthday, to which the girl cried in devastation upon learning her whole life up to that point had been a lie. Even then, the fairies had also failed to inform Aurora the reason why they lied to her and kept her from her biological parents all those years: to protect her from her curse. Aurora goes through the entirety of the film never realizing she had been cursed, or that she was in any danger. As soon as she was brought to the castle, the curse took effect and she was asleep until the final two minutes of the film. While this was a huge mistake on the fairies' part, they were able to atone for their mishap at the film's climax. They rescued Prince Philip, armed him with the weapons he needed to face Maleficent, and were with him during every part of the battle to ensure his safety as well as his victory. It's obvious upon watching the scene that Philip would've been powerless against Maleficent without the fairies' help. Because of their efforts, Philip was able to give the fated kiss that broke Aurora's curse.
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So while Aurora is not the heroine of the story, she is the driving force for the true protagonists to solve the conflict. Upon closer inspection, one could even classify Sleeping Beauty as a mother(s)-daughter movie. It is the fairies' motherly love for their adoptive child they'd raised for sixteen years is what drives them to make all the critical decisions that drive the plot forward. The fairies are flawed parents, and flawed characters, but it is abundantly clear in the narrative that they love Aurora and are willing to risk their very lives for her. So while Aurora herself has so little character, and only enough screentime to just give a glimpse of her personality, all the audience really needs to know about her is that she is dearly loved, and that her loved ones, be it her fairy family or her romantic interest, would do anything for her. For a more contemporary comparison, Aurora is to Sleeping Beauty, what Will Byers is to Stranger Things, and the fairies are Joyce Byers. Aurora is also comparable to Nemo in Finding Nemo, in which both are title characters, but the true protagonists of their respective films are their parent figures. Like Sleeping Beauty, Finding Nemo is a story about a parent going to great lengths to rescue their child, and the story revolves on the father-son relationship, just as Sleeping Beauty revolves around a mother-daughter relationship.
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One thing more critics ought to consider about Aurora's character, other than her not being the protagonist, is that she is also a child through the events of the whole film. She was a literal newborn baby when Maleficent cursed her. From the film's beginning she was robbed of her agency, but this is something that is out of her control and can't be blamed on Aurora as a character. She was never informed of her curse, or the reason why she was isolated for so long, she was never aware she had no choices or even that she was in any danger. This again, is no fault of her own. Aurora is a sixteen year old child who is placed in a situation she has no control over. It is unfair to place expectations on a teenager in these types of situations to get themselves out when it is just not possible. While Snow White and Cinderella were able to find ways to help them in adversity, Aurora was never given the chance to find a way to save herself. And honestly, to expect every young girl to be "strong" enough to face every situation on their own is not only unrealistic, but also an unhealthy ideal. So no, while Aurora may not be a "strong empowering female protagonist" that young girls can take influence from, Aurora can show young girls that there is still hope, even in hopeless situations where they have no control. She shows girls and women that in bleak cases, they can rely on their positive mother figures for help or reassurance. Even when things seem their hardest and there's nothing they can do, there can still be some way that things will work out. They just need to rely on the people who love them for help.
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It can be argued that Sleeping Beauty is a surprisingly progressive film for the 1950's. The film's protagonists are three same-sex parents who raise, protect, and care for their adoptive child even when facing a seemingly unstoppable evil force. On top of that, they are a group of middle-aged, nonconventionally attractive women, which is a rare type of protagonist in films even nowadays. Truly, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather deserve more credit than what they are given by critics and the general audiences. What makes the three fairlies and Aurora such admirable characters are the loving relationship they have that inspire so many young girls and their mothers for several generations now. So while Aurora may not have been created with the intention of introducing yet another "strong female character" for filmmakers to advertise to appease the public, there is still value to be had in her character, and the heroines who rescued her.
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